








类别悬疑 热血 冒险 日漫


简介【每周四更新】在没有遇到柯明轩之前,边老大酷炫狂霸拽,走路带风。纵然没有柯明轩,想必他也会继续活得开心快乐。 可惜偏偏遇到柯明轩,让他遭遇了人生中最大的皮肉之痛。续集《论一个厨子的撸猫修养》同步更新(改编自长佩文学网《秋以为期》,原著桃千岁)







从事GAY风俗业的mochigi 性取向就是人生



类别热血 玄幻 恋爱 魔法












内容简介:来到战火纷飞的年,带着自己的三神器成为李云龙手下的一个特殊士兵,高飞展开了从一个大学生一步步走向枪王的历程,面对所有敌人高飞只想大喊一句“谁敢露头?!!”飞卢郑重提醒本故事纯属虚构,如 有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-75532 >>


内容简介:五十年前,山西煤矿塌方,现神秘地宫,吸引大批盗墓贼,无一生还。官方科考队进入,九死一生,取出神秘古盒,传闻古盒内为一颗巨大蛇眼。后科考队幸存者,全员失踪。五十年后,创业失败被高利贷追杀 的我,遇到与我一模一样的男人于越。于越被误杀,我成为了他。名车、豪宅、美艳温柔的妻子,他有着我想要的一切,我享受成为于越的日子。但随着时间的推移,我发现隐藏于他完美人生下的秘密,杀不死的妻子,神秘的朋友圈,别墅地下室会动的干尸,以及筹备已久的尸体盛宴……1w0-86553 >>




内容简介:【生存无限流】夏夕完成末日任务后,以为日子可以安稳下来,才发现一切只是个开始。当她听到“恭喜玩家完成初始试炼选拔,接下来即将开始真正的生存游戏”的时候,她表示很想竖个中指。特喵的玩儿她 呢。此后,深夜城堡里神出鬼没的无头人;咖啡厅的密室逃脱;茂密森林里的猎杀行动;真人版狼人杀……无数个危险的生存游戏接踵而至。夏大佬夕一边骂骂咧咧一边开启氪金买道具的挥金如土之路,有钱就是任性,能用钱解决的问题对她来说就不是问题。在生存游戏里做任务的夏夕,闲来无事顺便撩一撩帅气的小哥哥。小哥哥看着凶巴巴,还容易炸毛,耐不住好看,长在了她的审美点上。夏夕表示,不争气的泪水从嘴角流了出来。系统:喂喂,能不能尊重一下这些生存游戏,能不能有点危机感!这可不是让你来谈恋爱的!【高智商戏精氪金大佬(女)vs强武力凶悍傲娇保镖(男)】如果您喜欢氪金大佬的生存游戏,别忘记分享给朋友作者:莫小球所写的《氪金大佬的生存游戏》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-85191 >>


内容简介:宠着她的清冷小夫郎(女尊)推一推我基友明月挽棠的女尊文《我与夫郎共白首》喜欢的小天使可以去看看呀女尊迟关暮穿越了,带着AI智能医疗包穿越了!机缘巧合之下,她来到了女尊世界。家里一贫如1 w0-70514 >>


内容简介:“滴——憎恨收集系统绑定完毕!”嗯?这是个什么东西?要我收集憎恨?我可是木叶白牙的弟弟,妥妥的正派人物啊!啥?木叶有人要害我?那我不陪你们玩了!只要能变强,当个反派又怎么了?且看我如何 拳打辉夜,脚踢联军,将这忍界搅个天翻地覆!我——才是真正的大反派!(爽文,非穿越)1w0-27251 >>


内容简介:穿越后的钟文被一个小萝莉捡回了只有女弟子的飘花宫;这个世界最顶尖的功法、灵技、知识统统来自上古;于是,研究看不懂的上古文字,成了时代的潮流、身份地位的象征;偶然的一次机会,翻开一本由上 古神文写成的书;他…1w3243-124437 >>


内容简介:一场阴谋,继母想要偷梁换柱,让她替继妹出嫁。但房间里的男人究竟是谁?五年后携萌宝归来,开启复仇计划,白莲绿茶她一手一个!却遇上了一个极为难缠的男人……男人眉眼和她的一双宝贝极为相似,战 少勾唇邪魅一笑:“既然连孩子都偷偷生了,那就做我的女人,想要什么唾手可得。”黎末笙:“谁比谁厉害,还说不定呢!”直到萌宝们将她的各种证书马甲摆出来,战少咬牙切齿:“女人,你究竟还瞒了我多少事情?!1w16169-28092 >>


内容简介:盛传,飞扬跋扈不可一世的长宁侯老夫人开始给长子议亲了,她生了六个儿子,都是妈宝男,以长子为最。众夫人无不等着看侯夫人被拒绝,心灰意冷的模样,连太后都不看好,暗设赌局,赌侯夫人为娶长媳会 吃几次闭门羹……众夫人将压箱底的银票翻出来压赌,准备大干一场,谁知府里闺女,吵着闹着要给侯夫人当儿媳生孙女去!「戳一戳」收养作者君专栏:电1w0-80532 >>


内容简介:【《化血真经》觉醒低级灵智。】【《化血真经》解锁个性:将进酒。】【《龙象般若经》与《因果转业诀》志趣相投,解锁羁绊:净化。】【《百八烦恼拜》解锁个性:求败。】【《无间印法》解锁高级形态 :小黑屋。】【《玲珑心机》被关进小黑屋,反省出个性:奕道。】我有一镜。左书‘通灵’。右书‘解语’。中间写着通天大道!1w0-82435 >>


内容简介:许静怡喜欢贺宗席,喜欢到明知他喜欢的人是她姐姐,仍是义无反顾地嫁给了他。却被他认为是她故意抢了她姐姐的东西。这也难怪,因为一开始要和他结婚的人就是她姐姐。婚后两年,用他的冷漠绝情,彻底 浇灭她的感情。“现在就离婚,我不介意把位置让给她!”“好!明天民政局不见不散!”第二天贺宗席却车祸失忆,好巧不巧,刚好失去了关于她姐姐的所有记忆。失忆的贺宗席看着许静怡:“听说你要离婚?”“……是你外面有人了?”我贺宗席正直清白从一而终绝不可能背叛婚姻本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《离婚那天老公车祸失忆了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77101 >>



Yokubou Strawberry

+ Story 1: The heroine is a girl named Mio. Today is her 16th birthday, and to celebrate, her friends are taking her to get her body painted. A handsome guy wanted to paint her, has a small crush and he even kisses her because Mio has the prettiest body he has seen? She can’t quite believe it when, the next day, he appears at her school in his red sports car, ready to pick her up for a date! + Story 2: A 3rd year high school student Rena is tall and beautiful, and very self-confident. She has had many boyfriends and is popular. And she can take care of herself. However, one night while on the train, an old man gropes her behind. Rena punishes him, but before she can do much, she is ‘rescued’ by a handsome guy who claims she is his girlfriend. Although Rena doesn’t think she really needed the help, but the guy is very cute, and has a sort of charisma. + Story 3: A cute guy, Takatsu-kun, inviting a girl, Nozomi, over to his house while his parents are out of town. This invitation catches Nozomi by surprise, and she doesn’t know what to do. All of her classmates are surprised too. Nozomi just recently started going out with Takatsu. What he seems to imply by her visit to his house seems awfully sudden to her, after that what will happen?

Usagi To Ookami No Shinshikyoutei

1-5. Togawa Ryouji is the new sales employee of a Toy Company. He and Kairou Reiji came into the company at the same time. They are just like water and oil and can never get along with each other. The management wanted them to cooperate to do sales out in the streets. Kairou always annoyed Togawa with his words during work. But when Togawa saw the nude back of Kairou in the changing room, he actually had a nosebleed!? 6. Sakura Ice Beauty Fushijiro-sensei is known as a cool beauty, but playful sensei Takatou always manages to get under his skin. With Fushijiro's feelings for the older man tied up in a past incident that Takatou doesn't seem to remember, will he ever be able to sort them out? 7. Serious Love Date is considered tight-lipped and is often given the tougher jobs as an enforcer in the Senwa clan. But when he's told to guard a beautiful young boy who seems determined to seduce him, Date may have met the job he couldn't handle. 8. The Aroma of Temptation Researcher Yura's failing miserably at his pheromone project, and letting down sweet, supportive Mikimoto from marketing. Maybe Yura just needs some inspiring animal attraction... 9. Extra In this twisted Little Red Riding Hood, exactly who's going to be eaten up?

21St Century Boys

Growing older is pretty rough and Kenji is finding out just how hard it can be as life starts wearing down on him. On top of trying to make ends meet running a convenience store he has to care for the niece that his missing sister left in his care. Memories of youth make it easier, until those memories come back to haunt him. Continuation of Urasawa Naoki's masterpiece, 20th Century Boys. -- Wikipedia


Vash the Stampede is a gunman on the run with a 60 billion double dollar bounty on his head which has made it difficult for him to go anywhere without being chased and shot at. Because of the bounty, every town he ever visit ends up being destroyed because of his pursuers, and miracliously, no one ever gets killed. Meryl and Milly are two insurance agents that have been sent to find Vash the Stampede and keep him under surveillance so no more damage is caused. Meryl, who leads the pair, can't believe that the man they have met can possibly be the legendary gunman. This spikey haired, gangly, and blonde young man is extremely friendly, a pacifist, hates blood and suicide, absolutely loves donuts, and is a dork and a crybaby...there is no way he could he be Vash the Stampede, a notorious outlaw. However, there's more to Vash than just smiles and dounuts.

The Sportsman

The Sportsman summary: The Sportsman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Sportsman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

School Choice or Best Systems

School Choice or Best Systems summary: School Choice or Best Systems summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of School Choice or Best Systems. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist

Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist summary: Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Oregon, Washington and Alaska; Sights and Scenes for the Tourist. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Long You Jianghu

Long You Jianghu summary: Takes place in Datong, like the author’s other works.

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