简介【每周日更新】不爱运动的林声在家长的强求下加入了击剑社,想不到第一天就被教练的女儿张星洛狠狠地教训了一顿,在与张星洛的相处中林声渐渐意识到了她是一名实力强劲备受大家尊敬的击剑手,但是在一次比赛中,张星洛输给了强劲的对手肖何!原以为肖何无人能敌之时,林声竟从肖何手中拿下一剑,并誓立要打败肖何!为此林声决心踏上击剑之道!(编/绘 西狗)
他们,用杀戮谱写正义,他们,用黑暗维护光明,他们,是曾立于Earth 50顶点的权力战队,当铅灰色的天空隔断思念,荒芜的大地瘟疫蔓延,那是未能阻止的末日,看不到希望的未来,当一切重新始,当他们再次相遇,当末日的号角复又响起。这一次,他们是否能贯彻信念。这一次,他们是否能冲破阴霾。为了守护[]护 ,幻作暴风,为了信念,化身修罗。这一次,所求所在所爱,所有一切的一切,他们,能否守护到[]
25岁的澄川春人,被自己的弟弟包养——?! 被包养的家里蹲春人(はると),正在为了死缠烂打求着女人替自己付房租。 交涉举步维艰之时,亲弟弟·朝日(あさひ)突然出现……! 一直在家人面前扮演着“完美兄长”形象、对于自己落魄的现状只字不提的春日费尽心思地想要掩饰这一切。 然而,在弟弟强行要求下被迫一起回到住处之后,朝日的生活暴露无遗……!? 令人焦急不已的交错之爱就此开幕! 而他们各自心中的那份“情
内容简介:「历史爽文」熬了个夜,李宽回到了大唐,成为李世民的二儿子楚王李宽。他曾是长安城四害之首,是李世民口中的孽子。他是世家的眼中钉,又是勋贵的最佳合作伙伴。他是商人眼中的财神爷,也是匠人眼中 的救世主。他是农业发展的助推剂,是科学技术的奠基者。他是番邦属国的噩梦,是大唐开疆拓土的功臣。……且看李宽在“全才系统”的助力下,带着大唐提前走上了遇神杀神,遇鬼杀鬼,殖民全球的道路……书友群:1060667501w863-26608 >>
内容简介: 孟家那又傻又丑的大小姐为了个男人跳江了。得知她没死,众人嫌弃:祸害遗千年,她又要作了。她是作,但只作一人。“老公,我腿软,要抱抱。”“老公,我嘴痛,要亲亲。”傻千金不丑了!还被称为 “女神”。傻千金不傻了!瞧她那不择手段,锋芒毕露的嘴脸。等等,傻千金挽着的那男人是谁?她竟然移情别恋了!“呵呵,那男人除了有张好皮囊,就是个吃软饭的。”“娶了孟家千金,能少奋斗十几年。”“什么样的锅配什么样的盖。”不对,那男人不是全球首富吗?……婚后第一年——“老公,你长得好好看啊。Mua!”沐太太撒娇发嗲。“你站住,别过来!”沐先生招架不住这样的热情。婚后第二年——沐先生委屈:“老婆,看看我。”沐太太不耐烦的挥手:“你有什么好看的?别挡着我看小鲜肉。”“你当初可不是这么说的。”“所以说见多识广是有多么的重要。”“……”1w0-3493 >>
内容简介: 皇孙刘诏选妻,提笔一挥,圈下顾玖的名字,坚定地说道:“我要娶她!” 皇上下旨赐婚。 众人纷纷上门恭喜顾玖,果然是走了狗屎运,才能嫁给皇孙。 面对大家的祝福,顾玖面上笑嘻嘻,心 里MMP。 顾玖这辈子最幸运的事情,是病逝后居然中大奖,穿越到古代,开启第二次生命。 而她这辈子最倒霉的事情,是遇到了皇孙刘诏。 传闻皇孙刘诏风度翩翩,温文尔雅,待人谦逊有礼。 顾玖:呵呵! 世人眼瞎。那个男人明明是个腹黑,狡诈,阴险,狼子野心,头生反骨的大反派。电视剧里一路嚣张狂虐男主女主,到大结局才会被编剧写死,还能引来无数粉丝心疼的那种人。 传闻顾家二姑娘顾玖是个温柔贤惠的病娇。 刘诏:什么温柔贤惠还病娇,都是假的。那个女人明明是个傲娇,自私,脾气大,爱记仇的小吃货。1w0-2692 >>
内容简介:小兵提供碧绿茶大神最新作品《这个世子有点妖》最新章节列表,这个世子有点妖全文阅读,这个世子有点妖无弹窗,请关注这个世子有点妖吧,本站最新最快更新这个世子有点妖的最新章节。1w0-805 39 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:综武:李秀宁求娶,签到锦衣卫】木元穿越到了综合武侠世界。获得了一个签到系统。第一次签到获得了一千锦衣卫。一个月签到一次,别人练武,他却想争霸天下。醒掌天下权, 醉卧美人膝。李阀:木元麾下,悍将如云,精锐军队,天下无人可与之争锋者。隋帝杨广:这个逆贼的精锐骑兵覆灭了我大隋骁果卫,可恨。绾绾:我是魔女,但对他,我可以比任何人都温柔善良。师妃暄:我是佛门圣女,看到他,我心乱了。祝玉妍:小贼,你还要不要阴癸派了?李秀宁:请木公子履行与秀宁的婚约。大元赵敏:木贼不光灭了大元,还俘虏了我的心。东方不败:日月同天,他是我的烈阳。黄蓉:我们这样会对不起靖哥哥的。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-82516 >>
内容简介:穿越打算躺平的纣王次子殷洪。无意中心声却被人偷听了,而偷听的正是一代著名昏君——纣王。结果原本正儿八经的封神大战,不知不觉中全歪了笔趣阁各位书友要是觉得《我的心声被昏君老爹偷听了》还不 错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80722 >>
内容简介:身怀茅山道术的小伙在医院太平间当守尸人,想知道太平间尸体为何会弹跳起来吗?村妇产出死婴,死婴尸首无缘无故失踪;聚阴收财穴,能给后人蓬荜生辉,财源滚滚;埃及木乃伊被诅咒醒来……五毒邪物祸 害人间,正邪巅峰较量。还有更多无尽的精彩故事,带你进入扑朔迷离的捉鬼旅程,你准备好了吗?————————感谢腾讯文学书评团提供书评支持1w0-95410 >>
内容简介:微信公众号:傻小四口群:302201940欢迎来扯蛋聊天!……‘星云i9智能工厂’系统里,只有你想不到的东西,没有它制造不了的,只要你有钱,它可以让你统治世界。从创建第一家‘简陋级’工 厂开始,直到一艘庞大商业帝国的雏形出现,而这只不过是刚刚起航。横跨不同的行业,不同的种族,不同的世界,只有最原始的贸易,制造与贩卖。把手中的资源,换成所需要的物品,以及财富,用商业划出规则,用金钱绑定一切。都市爽文,黑科技在手,天下我有。新书,喜欢的请投票,收藏,打赏!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《超级制造商》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w64595-73347 >>
内容简介:顾芯生了一场病,病好之后,发现全家人都变了。烂赌差点卖了妻女,酗酒了要打人的爹爹说他以后不赌了,他要重拾课本,参加科举,给她们母女三人幸福生活。手脚勤快,做事利落,但只敢窝里横对她凶的 娘亲连火都不会烧了,还敢提着柴刀去跟收债的人对峙。绣活出色,对人冷漠,从不做饭的姐姐不再拿针,笑脸多了,还接过了厨房所有的活计。顾芯觉得自己在做梦,并且这梦还没醒,除了父母姐姐的变化,她在救了一条鱼放生之后,骂她的人必摔跤,打她坏主意的人必倒霉,她想吃啥的话,活物会主动送上门来,往她家门上撞头,不是活物她也能很巧合得得到。这一切是多么美好呀!当然,镇上周家那小公子不发神经就好了。周家小公子说,她爹娘会卖了她,以后她姐姐也会害了她,小公子要带她选走高飞,逃离魔窟。顾爹:哪来的小兔崽子,我堂堂九千岁,离万岁只差一千的人,会卖了宝贝幺女?顾娘:滚蛋臭小子,我一拥有偌大商业帝国的女强人,好不容易有个闺女,我舍得?顾姐姐:渣男主,别以为我不知道你书中有多么渣,会怎么伤害我家小芯芯,啊呸!周家小公子:wДw,怎么跟上辈子不一样?不过,不管一不一样,今生我都不会错过芯芯了。顾芯:你问过我意见没?1w0-81908 >>
内容简介:“老实躺好,麻醉师马上就要来了,别耽误我们下班!”女医生不满意地说。穗子坐起来,以最快速的速度把裤衩套上。“我不做手术了,这孩子我要留下。”现在是初冬,东北已经上冻了。1w125338 -127601 >>
Note: This is the Asamiya version of the manga. A schoolgirl gains self-confidence, new friends, and a cache of chic outfits when she becomes the computer-programming magical girl, Corrector Yui. She must stop the rogue A.I. Gurossa (Artificial Intelligence computer program) and his hench-programs from taking control of the global computer network. In this future, all human activity is supported by computers, so it's possible to control the world using the network. Important note: There are two versions of the Corrector Yui manga series. This is the original one that was written and drawn by Kia Asamiya and published by Shogakkukan in Japan and does not have a release date in the States yet. The Corrector Yui manga that Tokyopop is publishing is done by shojo artist Keiko Okamoto and is a manga adaptation of the anime series. Source: Manga-Updates
Kotohara Sui was touched by the National Music Competition performances; and this prompted her to apply to study at the school which Sou Tsukasa attends. Though the school’s orchestra club rejected her application, after much recommendation from Tsukasa, she was admitted into the brass band… Will they be able to beat the Orchestra Club…?! Includes two other stories
Morning Kiss Summary Correction by Backlash67: Morning Kiss (Ch 1): The Tachibana family, are a family of brothers that run a newspaper agency. Yasutaka is the oldest brother who’s about pleasure first and business second. With the parents not around anymore, the oldest bother Yasutaka is in charge of running the agency. Kei who is one of the younger brothers is the responsible one. He often runs into his rival from another newspaper agency, Taira. Despite them being rivals, Taira seems to have a deeper interest in Kei than meets the eye and it seems that Kei feels the same too. Can these two get pass their rivalry and start a loving relationship? Together in the Morning (Ch 2): The oldest son, Yasutaka is invited into the home of a young master, Tooru after he saves Tooru for a second time. Tooru’s feelings for Yasutaka starts to bloosom; however, Yasutaka doesn’t seem to have any romantic interest in Tooru at all. After a third rescue, Yasutaka decides that leaving Tooru alone isn’t a good idea. But with Tooru’s growing desire for Yasutaka becoming obvious will Yasutaka still be able to remain indifferent? (Takes place years before ch 1). Ch 3: This chapter focuses on the middle brother, Yukihiro and his internal conflict with his emotions in accepting the fact that both his older and younger brother are gay. While he wrestles with his feelings he meets and becomes an art model for Yomo-sensei. Are the feelings Yukihiro are struggling with only because of his denial to accept his brothers’ gay relationships or are they something more personal? Ch 4: Taichi Kusonoha is a student whose mom is away on a long business-trip leaving him and his dad alone. Taichi’s uncle, Kyouya Ooike, comes over very weekend to be the “housekeeper” for Taichi and his dad. Despite the obvious blood bonds, Taichi and Kyouya became lovers. Throw into the mix, Tachi’s dad, Shougo who used to have a sexual relationship with Kyouya and is still vying for Kyouya’s affections against Taichi and you have one dysfunctional family! [Side Story] Ch 5: Atsumu and Kayama Kazuha are friends and both students preparing to go to university. Kayama tutors Atsumu while also constantly flirting and trying to woo Atsumu. Atsumu always brushes off Kayama advances and tries to deny his desire to also be with Kayama. Will Kayama continue to pursue the defiant Atsumu or give up on him? Or will Atsumu finally cast aside his worries and finally submit to Kayama? [Side Story]
From Minna-scan: This is a story about a Kuu, who is thinking about her prince all the time, she has dreams of him all the time, of him telling her to come with her. One day, as she goes back to school, she meets with someone who looks like him, exactly. Not before long the story gets complicated with mechas and stuff, what will be of Kuu?
Konyaku haki? Yoroshī. Naraba, fukushūda summary:
A normal setting. Annulment of an engagement. I am going to…..
Cheat, reincarnation, villainous lady elements were scattered around…
Starting From Fooling the Elderly into Registering for a Cultivation Training Class summary:
Qin Chuan arrived in a parallel world and got bound to a system.
System: 'Host, please guide the entire nation into cultivation.'
Qin Chuan was shocked.
What era are we in? Who still believes in cultivation!
However, to complete his mission, he set up a cultivation training cla.s.s as an attempt to get people to cultivate, and in the process of doing so, got sent to the mental hospital multiple times.
He was ready to give up after all the setbacks, until he encountered a group of elderlymen and women.
A 93-year-old man of the Weapon Forging specialization was forging gear at home when he was coincidentally discovered by his great-granddaughter who was livestreaming.
During his birthday banquet, a 100-year-old man of the Combat specialization flew on a sword while in high spirits.
An 80-year-old lady of the Alchemy specialization was mistaken as her college-attending granddaughter's sister while she was visiting her.
Doctor Who_ Infinite Requiem summary: Doctor Who_ Infinite Requiem summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Doctor Who_ Infinite Requiem. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Reason Why summary: The Reason Why summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Reason Why. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.