






简介一枚老实巴交的大二男生,竟被人活生生变做了36D的金发美女?到底是谁下的毒手?还会有更倒霉的事情在等着他/她吗?一切尽在本期 走进科学!4群群号 334546964


























内容简介:大唐之绿帽发放者全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《大唐之绿帽发放者》公子許著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读大唐之绿帽发放者全文内容。1w592-6 5676 >>


内容简介:K市某洗浴中心的包房里,一个身材娇小、乳房巨砾的赤裸女姟,正俯身玩弄着一根软趴趴的鸡巴,鸡巴虽是没有勃起,但看得出尺寸不小,褐色的阴茎刚好够女姟的手掌一握,鲜红的龟头像个乒乓球,正随着 一紧一松的挤压而变得忽大忽小。如果勃起后不知道还能变大多少?鸡巴的主人是一个中等身材,30来岁的男子,正懒洋洋地躺在床上闭眼假寐,任由女姟玩弄。1w0-109582 >>


内容简介:“这个世界不是真实存在的。真正的现实是不可知论的,而平日的生活只是一层薄壳。”黑暗如是说道。在行走过一个又一个光怪陆离的世界之后,秋玹再一次,亲手触碰到了黑暗。秋玹:你敢直视我吗,崽种 ?黑暗:……无限流。升级流。1v11w0-25904 >>


内容简介:灵复后的超凡时代。普通中六学生的明蓁,收到父亲送予的礼物,在生日当天梦醒后发现拥有了梦中生物能力。开始了一次次被人以为是隐藏大佬,乃至巨佬的事件。一开始。她:“我真不是大佬!”众人:“ 知道了,您是巨佬!”瑟瑟发抖。后来。她:“好吧,我是巨佬”就这样成为了最强女帝,人称‘觉皇’!当吾醒来,天地色变——我不是中二,我是中六!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《吾靠作梦当女帝》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-33209 >>


内容简介:【【2018仙侠流派征文第一弹(强者重生流)】参赛作品】一代妖孽,重生都市,弥补遗憾!那些对我好的人,定要你们辉煌一世。那些我错过的人,定要你们灿若夏花!那些背叛我的,侮辱我的人,定要 你们,苟延残喘,生不如死!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《都市重生之妖孽仙尊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79036 >>


内容简介:辛火火很倒霉,一不小心捡回来俩吃白饭的,还严重挑食。长得帅有毛线用!脸能刷卡吗?能手机pay吗?何况还招惹了一个阴险系,顺带着那一长串阿飘。腹黑爱财女逗各位书友要是觉得《我的手机能见鬼 》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68393 >>


内容简介:  汉灵帝西园租官,要不要租?租!当然租!因为只要恰好租到灵帝驾崩前的最后一个任期,就等于直接租房租成了房东!租官租成了诸侯!所以,匡扶汉室怎么能只靠埋头苦战呢?立功与买官并举、才是最 效率的王道。不过,在做这一切之前,李俗首先得对正直的主公进行一番战略忽悠才行。1w0-1738 >>




内容简介:空间之彪悍农家女小说导读:苏苏回到铺子,屋顶上的捡漏的已经做了大半,那些个打扫的妇人正围着甄可爱、甄漂亮、甄美丽、甄能干说话,无非全是夸奖,苏苏迈步走了进去。“大姐!”苏苏点头,朝后院 走去,看着干干净净的院子,苏苏很满意,拉了凳子坐下,看着那十个妇人,“你们想来这里做工,我有一个要求!”“小姐请将!”“以后别喊我小姐,喊我东家!”“是,东家!”苏苏微微点头,“嗯!”对这些大婶大妈,苏苏并不在意,毕竟她们只是打杂的,不过对后1w0-27331 >>


内容简介:主角重生洪荒,开局就遇到盘古身化万物。觉醒神级选择系统,选择就变强!“选择一:夺舍太清老子,奖励混沌至宝混沌珠,盘古精血九滴!”“选择二:夺舍玉清元始天尊,奖励至尊功法《九转混沌决》, 盘古精血九滴!”“选择三:夺舍上清通天,奖励至尊剑典《斩天剑典》,盘古精血九滴!”开局就夺舍太清老子!在龙汉量劫之中崛起,纵横巫妖量劫,主宰封神,霍乱西游!超脱天地大道!……不一样的老子,不一样的三清,不一样的洪荒,同样的精彩!【简介无力!请看正文!】1w0-78400 >>


内容简介:  天眼,地眼,不如人眼。  社区民警,扎根基层,依靠群众之眼屡破奇案。  朝阳群众表示:别犯事,否则你就完蛋了!  PS:新书《韩四当官》上传,求支持!1w0-3942


内容简介:(古穿今)张晓禾为一个乡下丫头,毕生的梦想就是去北京读大学看奥运会。然而她不仅高考落榜,还失足掉进了河里。醒来以后,她发现这个世界突然快进了20年。这个世界对于她来说,尽是问号。包括但 不限于:镜子里这个大美人是谁?萧伊寒又是谁?她居然要帮这个叫萧伊寒的大美人混娱乐圈?拜托,她连这时代的日子都过不明白,怎么能当明星呢?什么?在这个时代居然种田就能红?张晓禾满意地挥着锄头,种田啊,这事儿她1w0-27831 >>

Free Soul

After a heated argument with her mother, Keito runs away from home without knowing where to go. When she helps an old woman to carry her bags home, the woman offers to put her up in one of her rooms. Keito accepts and starts to pick up the pieces of her life. When she's not drawing her own comic, which features a black jazz singer named Angie, the young woman works at a record shop. That's where she meets and falls in love with Niki, an attractive trumpeter in a funk band. They sleep with each other. Unfortunately for Keito, Niki then explains that she's not interested in a serious relationship, but Keito is not willing to give up that easily...

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After being told that his dad passed away, Souichirou comes back to the house which used to be his home 8 years ago. There, he finds out about the existence of his two older brothers - Masato, the eldest, and Kaname, the middle child. In order to receive rights to the house, Souichirou has to live together with them, and despite the chaos and arguments, it's fine by Souichirou if it means he can get the house. But one day, he accidentally sees Masato kissing Kaname...

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Dr. Scudder's Tales for Little Readers, About the Heathen

Dr. Scudder's Tales for Little Readers, About the Heathen summary: Dr. Scudder's Tales for Little Readers, About the Heathen summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dr. Scudder's Tales for Little Readers, About the Heathen. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Deathlands - Amazon Gate

Deathlands - Amazon Gate summary: Deathlands - Amazon Gate summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Deathlands - Amazon Gate. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dark Moon Era

Dark Moon Era summary: Dark Moon Era summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dark Moon Era. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Nooks And Corners Of Pembrokeshire

Nooks And Corners Of Pembrokeshire summary: Nooks And Corners Of Pembrokeshire summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Nooks And Corners Of Pembrokeshire. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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