内容简介: 她是帝国第一神(兽)医,一朝穿越,竟成了家徒四壁的小农女。 上有弱不禁风的娘亲,下有嗷嗷待哺的幼弟,更要命的是,她还被渣男退了亲—— NND!老虎不发威,当她是HelloKit ty啊?! 虐渣男,斗极品,治愈病弱阿娘,养大瘦小阿弟。 开荒田,种白地,坐拥良田万顷,自此走上人生巅峰。 小日子越过越惬意时,传闻中令人闻风丧胆的活阎王竟然逼上门来,扬言要娶她? 虽然她喜欢美男没错,可听说这王爷…… “王爷,咱俩不熟!”某女一脸认真地说。 “呵呵。”某王爷意味深长地勾了勾唇角,从身后刷刷刷地拎出三个肉嘟嘟的小奶包,“叫娘。” 某女风中凌乱…… (古风暖文,先苦后甜,欢迎跳坑O(∩_∩)O~) 男主九朝,朝代的朝。1w0-3774 >>
内容简介:离婚前——阮星晚在周辞深眼里就是一个心思歹毒,为达目的不折手段的女人。离婚后——周辞深冷静道:“如果你反悔了,我可以考虑再给你一次机会。”阮星晚:“?”“谢谢,不需要。”各位书友要是觉 得《阮星晚周辞深》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-4971 >>
内容简介:免费提供作者茶与非鱼的经典小说:《我们扯证了gl娱乐圈》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说双料视后秋碧海自杀了。然后重生成跑龙套,并且机缘巧合和一个颜值完美一百 婚的小花演员参加了一档类似于婚后节目的真人秀,咳咳,顺带谈谈恋爱什么的——这是节目的要求,节目的!要求!但是……假戏真做,好像也没什么不好的。号入v,笔芯阅读指南:1重生受X小花演员攻,主受,1v1,HE,甜文2婚后节目要后后后后后面去了。QQ群:682888718,入群甩订阅,笔芯推荐文区《重生之闺蜜gl》我的1w0-71543 >>
内容简介:高中生林成被害身亡,意外成为僵尸,僵尸会道术,神佛挡不住!一只能修炼道术的僵尸,游走在正义与邪恶之间。收法师当小弟,让厉鬼捏腿,千年狐妖暖床,跟万年尸王做兄弟,就连阎王也俯首称臣!猎僵 人:“天啊,这只僵尸又来了,快,快躲起来!”法师:“我的天,这只僵尸居然会使用五雷术,还比我用的好!还会撒豆成兵!”千年狐妖:“僵尸王大大,今晚轮到人家给您暖床了吧?”万年尸王:“兄弟,听说你最近又去龙虎山和茅山玩了,改天带上我吧。”阎王:“大哥,您想谁死?尽管说!”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《茅山终极僵尸王》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80873 >>
内容简介:慕浅霍靳西小说《婚期365天》,作者:淡月新凉,提供慕浅霍靳西小说阅读。婚期365天小说主要讲述了:慕浅十岁那年被带到了霍家,她是孤苦无依的霍家养女,所以只能小心翼翼的藏着自己的心思。 从她爱上霍靳西的那一刻起,她的情绪,她的心跳,就再也没有为任何一个男人跳动过。1w6346-4286 >>
内容简介:欢迎大家进我的书友群,660907385)五位绝世老者,教会秦墨一身本领。秦墨重回都市,开局一个人,一条狗。炼丹、修仙、做饭……我秦墨全都会!少年英雄,自间荒归来。誓要做这天地霸主,誓 要活个出人头地!华夏,因我秦墨归来;而震颤连连!1w84781-108588 >>
内容简介:天相奇观,五星连珠,这么重要的日子,萧七竟然被戴了绿帽子。意外的手机一响:七仙女邀请痞仙加入仙宫红包群。“咦,我捡了个七星葫芦丹。”“我靠,手气最佳,三十万功德币,赶紧闪。”“财神爷, 跟我拜把子吧。”“织女妹子,叫声痞子哥,你的仙籍,哥早晚给你要来。”这是情场失意,人生得意么?航大四大花旦,我萧七来了……1w0-27828 >>
内容简介:大家都以为上一本书有骨科,所以我就写了个真骨科,应该还是有区别的,默默给谢睿平反。情节很简单,以肉戏为主,故事也不会很长。骨科就不要要求什么三观了,作者随便瞎写。1V1,双处,尽量轻松 甜宠,没有第三者,也不会虐。不会每天更新,但保证会完结。1w0-120752 >>
内容简介:叶辰是所有人都瞧不起的上门女婿,但没有人知道他的真实身份却是顶尖家族的大少爷,那些瞧不起他的人,终究要跪在他的面前,诚惶诚恐的叫他一声爷!各位书友要是觉得《璀璨人生叶云辰》还不错的话请 不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w3463-26666 >>
内容简介:本文又名《咒术最强的大航海叛逆生涯》《天龙人800年还没灭看来是我来晚了》作为咒术界天花板的复制品,被本体一个领域怼到了异世界。开局一个木板,一片大海。作者:看到了没,这就是你未来征战 的天下!莱特·琉恩(五条花游):给我留个木板真是谢谢您了啊。下面我们采访一下和琉恩接触过的一众幸运儿(受害者)们:某天龙人:谢邀,人在icu,肋骨都断了。某大将:想当初鹤中将给我忠告我没有好好听,现在就是后悔,非常后悔。某元帅:让他救我儿子,没想到最后儿子都给她了。某四皇:还是左手剑用的顺手啊。某四皇(2):我那么多个儿子,就没一个她看上的吗?某王子:咦?琉恩桑是多么温柔可爱的女士啊。众人:只有你会这么想!在这里,你能看到暴打天龙人,硬刚五老星,手锤火烈鸟(bushi)等众多想干但没机会干的事情。cp未定,但不是买股文,我们的目标不是睡遍伟大航路,而是打倒天龙人,拯救全世界(bushi)!走剧情,恋爱能谈就谈,谈不了就顺其自然。开局天花板。女主第一章就改名,莱特·琉恩是穿越后身体的名字。本文时间线为主线故事开始前十年,剧情基本靠脑补,打脸就打脸。努力不ooc,具体能做到什么程度看我能力。——前方预收————《当柯学撞上魔幻主义》cp:某打四份工的神秘男人人类范畴内,我最爱的是你。文案一我是个高中生侦探,现在变成了小学生住在青梅竹马的家里。最近,我感觉我的世界变得有些奇怪。起因是一个案件。有人在我的面前死而复生了!正当我无比震惊的时候,我又注意到了另一件不可思议的事情。某个在现场的不知名女人,她的手机屏幕居然是叔叔徒弟的照片。这到底是怎么一回事!?文案二我本是霓虹公安,目前在某黑衣组织当卧底。为了保护女朋友的人身安全,我准备向她提出分手。我佑酱,接下来我要出一个非常危险的任务,或许有很长时间不能和你见面了,我们分手吧。言峰佑好吧。我本以为一切都非常顺利,却没想到让我无比震惊的事情发生了。文案三我叫言峰佑,是个漫画家正当我埋头苦干准备拿下最新一届的xx赏的时候,我的编辑突然找我谈话了。编辑言峰桑,这样的作品是拿不到奖项的。我所,所以?编辑外出取材去吧!为了画出更好的漫画,我痛定思痛决定和我可爱的男朋友分手。然而没想到的是,他居然先对我提出了分手。理由是要出危险的任务。为了探知是什么任务让我可爱的男朋友不得不和我分手,我行动了。1w0-82371 >>
内容简介:洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!小说阅读其他类型类型小说洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!由作家洛星宇原煜创作【全文完结撒花欢迎给个五星好评! !下本《非典型叛逆》打滚求收藏!文案在最下】欢乐沙雕受(洛星宇)x心机美人攻(原煜)洛星宇见到原煜的第一眼,就对他一见钟情了。一次意外,他看到原煜躲在厕所角落,往腺体上扎针,零生理常识的他以为那是抑制剂:“你是omega?”原煜:“……嗯。”洛星宇当场表白,开始了漫漫追妻(?)旅。作为一只强壮的beta,他开启护妻模式,横扫一切障碍,做原煜身后的巨人!某一天,他突小兵提供洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!最新章节洛星宇原煜这么漂亮居然是Alpha!最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-69361 >>
What if you were to meet your childhood friend again after ten years of separation? This was exactly the case for Mitsuya, a recently transferred company executive who found out that the person living three doors down from his new apartment was none other than Noboru, his older brother's best friend... and his first love. As a young and brash middle schooler, Mitsuya had forcefully kissed Noboru and drove him away. Deeply regretting his action, he kept a tight lid on his feelings. But now, being with Noboru again is bringing all those heated memories back, as if they were never gone to begin with. 'Merry Checker' is adapted from this manga.
Ikusa No Ko summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Ikusa No Ko. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Toono-kun’s life has gone out of control, all due to a strange accident that he can’t explain. There was a flash out in the school yard where his younger sister Yayoi was doing track and field, and a number of people were injured, including Yayoi. Yayoi was lucky and got out of the hospital the next day – only she doesn’t act like herself anymore. What Toono has discovered is that his little sister is gone, and has been replaced by a soldier named Luca from 31 years in the future – and he alone knows it!
Takafumi Ten is called to a mahjong club one night to play again Ikawa Hiroyuki, a young mahjong player. Having just robbed Ten's friends blind at mahjong, Ten arrives to take back his winnings.. Ten's mahjong style becomes more apparent as the game progresses...amateurish! Ten cheats in the last round, using a move called the Tsubame Gaeshi, and winning with a Tenhou hand. Hiroyuki is angered once Ten admits he cheated after the game. Will he come to understand Ten's 'Way of Tenhou', where Ten willingly cheats and gets beat up in response for his friends? Will Ten unlock his true mahjong potential or cheat forever?
Marley and me summary: Marley and me summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Marley and me. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Captain Fracasse summary: Captain Fracasse summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Captain Fracasse. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Dragon-Marked War God summary:
Dragon Marked War G.o.d is a very popular, and highly rated online novel with exciting and interesting content. The story is combined with different genres such as action, adventure, comedy, fantasy, martial arts, and romance among others. Su Yue Xi is the author of this book, and it is published on NovelOnlineFull. So if you are interested, you can find it there. The story is most suitable for readers who prefer long stories because there are almost two thousand chapters available as part of this novel, and the new updates are on their way as well. So if you are a fan of a story that never ends, this is the right solution for your entertainment.
This story contains one great character with extraordinary abilities and power. He is so powerful that he can make real miracles. He is even capable to create new worlds, so his power can be of tremendous benefit for millions. However, he can also be dangerous at moments, especially when enemies appear. This powerful figure was the greatest saint in the past life, so he inherited many of his powers from that period. However, he was born again at the beginning of the story, and he is ready to start and develop new adventures.
It is almost impossible to compete against this guy because he is virtually unbeatable. With effectiveness of 100%, he is a real nightmare for every opponent in this story. The saint speed is also unquestioned, so others are unable to oppose him even when it comes to that aspect of the martial arts.
This former saint has preserved the enormous experience fro the past life. And it now enables him to use all kind of fighting techniques and eliminates virtually any enemies out there. You can find truly good fighters in this story. The action is the main genre, however, no one of these great masters possesses the skills and experience from the past life. That’s why the former saint is much better than any of them. And he was very powerful in the past life, he was not just a regular guy so that matters too.
But he is not the satin anyone as well, and he is named Jiang Chen in this new life. Jiang has dressed appropriately to a man of his abilities and supernatural powers. There are different features of his cloths, and he has a handsome figure and long black hair. It is totally clear that he is a very strong individual even at first sight. You do not have to know about his past, but you can conclude that by his appearance only.
Jiang has a big love for his friends and family, however, he is merciless to his opponents. That’s why many are willing to avoid any type of confrontation with him. Jiang is calm in every situation, no matter how dangerous that can be. He can handle it without any problems. Despite his kind nature, he can also manipulate with others to take different advantages if necessary.
All in all, the story hides different twist and turns, so you can enjoy various events. And that’s the best thing a reader can get from a novel of this kind.
Their Silver Wedding Journey summary: Their Silver Wedding Journey summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Their Silver Wedding Journey. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.