
















独有个性的歌手X精致可爱的画家,从小认识,长大相认。小心翼翼地配合治疗。 喜欢一个人,不难过,但重要的是不要在这喜欢里面自我安慰,死要面子地说我怎么可能会爱上ta
















内容简介:【专栏连载文《爱豆今天掉马了吗重生》60br62以及预收文《偏执反派Beta好难当穿书》求关注】60br62——————60br62杜默穿进了一本ABO星际背景的霸总成长向爽文。60b r62他是书里极没存在感的工具人,唯一的剧情线就是打理冯异混乱的感情生活。60br6260br62身为炮灰的他身上有两条不能违背的规则:60br621不能改变剧情;60br622不能违背冯异。60br6260br62违背的后果:头疼。60br62因此面对这位冷酷残暴且薄情寡义的俊美Alpha,杜默每天都活得提心吊胆。他伏低做小、任劳任怨,做事勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业,只期望自己能平安活到剧情结束回到现实世界。60br6260br62后来,冯异公司年会,杜默以助理身份躲在后台。60br62原著这段他记得清楚,冯异信息素突然失衡,匆忙之下随手抓了个他看着顺眼的小明星就进了休息室,然后霸道又狂躁的Alpha信息充斥整个会场,以至于工作人员不得不提前清场……60br6260br62可是小明星为什么在休息室外面?60br62下一秒,他听见冯异压抑的低吼:“杜默!!!给老子进来!!!”60br62手握炮灰剧本的杜默:原著不是这炮灰Beta他装不下去了最新章节地址:1w0-86009 >>


内容简介:   李源穿越到了一人之下的世界里,自愿(被逼)成为一名小小盗墓贼。 扛着洛阳铲,行走在漫无目的的街。 人生追求朴实而无华——先定他一个小目标? 听说龙虎山有个墓……里头肯定有很多财宝 吧…… 老天师张之维:???【写到现在,发现一人同人文中,一个能打的都没有,我就是第一,可惜第一还是不出圈,太小众了,想哭~】1w0-1779 >>




内容简介:小兵的都市小说逍遥境(越来越H虐心np人兽唯美)最新章节更新速度一流,阅读环境舒适,是逍遥境(越来越H虐心np人兽唯美)爱好者阅读首选之站,逍遥境(越来越H虐心np人兽唯美)全文阅读一 定要来小兵网。1w94016-100694 >>


内容简介:简介:宋行止虽然只活了二十八岁,但是活的很痛快。她从小被当成男孩养,跟男人一样读书、练武。十八岁逃出家族,混三教九流,贩私盐,养私兵,招兵马买,把死对头全部搞死,成为一方之王。唯一的遗 憾就是没在死前把老师杨絮棠给睡了。重生后,看着温雅俊美如谪仙般的老师,她暗戳戳的想,这世要不要胆子大点,把前世的遗憾给弥补了呢?宋行止是想撩撩就跑的,谁想跑没跑成,被他拎了回来:“乖,为师抱抱你!”“……”成为东南四州的霸王后,宋行止呼风唤雨,不可一世。“老师,姚景一率十万军队来杀我……”宋行止咬牙切齿像只大狼狗。杨絮棠摸头顺毛:“别怕,他是率军来归顺的……”次日姚景一真的就归顺了。“爷,属下听说杨先生好男风,恋慕王爷多年……”“杨先生一生不婚不娶,跟随爷多年,看来对爷情深似海……”宋行止心跳如雷,老师好男风?她想染指老师多年,若老师知道她是女子,这可如何是好哪?备注:双重生,时间点不一样。男主前世后来做了皇帝。无广告无弹窗推荐地址:1w61436-106393 >>


内容简介:姚青梨穿成未婚生子,被赶出门的名门嫡女。全京城都等着看她笑话,想看她如何凄惨度日不料,她左手医术济天下,右手毒术退宿敌,凭实力玩转京城失节无人敢娶可眼前这群优质男是怎么回事?个个争着给 她娃当后爹这时,某权倾朝野的战神把她往墙角一堵“娃都给我生了,还想找别人”她咬牙冷笑“你个狗男人,我找你很久了这四十米大刀,准你跑三十九米”1w31366-93310 >>


内容简介:【一句话文案】古板直男大叔与穿越假萝莉间不得不说的故事。【正经版文案】现代大龄女青年江春,穿越成农女江春娘。想种田?大家庭可不是那么和睦的,村人可不是那么淳朴的!想从医?试可不是那么好 考的,病1w11280-84709 >>


内容简介:《斗罗之逢魔降临》作为一名魔王,管理时间的魔王,张吾能够做的,就只有不断前进。沃兹:庆贺吧!时间的王者诞生了,他是集所有骑士力量于一身,超越时空,通晓过去未来的假面骑士时王!张吾:喂! 沃兹,你没吃饭吗?大声点!沃兹:……1w0-79591 >>


内容简介:关于全家回到十七岁陪我考清华:【全家陪读是什么滋味?】【谢邀,正在经历,实不相瞒,我进入了一个奇怪的平行时空,我全家都变成了十七岁陪我一起参加高考,只有我考上清华才能离开这个平行时空, 可我全家都是学渣。】沈星晚敲下这行字的时候,学神徐嘉越给她递上一只可爱多,问:“沈……沈同学,吃可爱多吗?”沈爸爸一巴掌拍向徐嘉越的脑袋:“臭小子,好好学习!”沈爸爸严肃地和沈星晚说:“闺女啊,早恋是不允许的。”沈星晚说:“爸,爷爷奶奶午休时在操1w0-76152 >>


内容简介:  李世民的嫡长子李牧,五岁遭人陷害,罹患癔症。李世民为了不影响皇位的争夺,狠心将李牧送出宫处理掉,并对外宣称李牧早夭,不记史册。而当时的皇帝李渊不忍,便让心腹大臣裴寂找到李牧,寄养在 了长安城附近的平安县城郊,一户姓秦的老兵家里。从此改名秦牧。直到有一天,已经是太上皇的李渊找到秦牧。从此,一发不可收…………经历了玄武门事变,李渊对天起誓:我,太上皇,绝不摊牌!直到秦牧:李老头,要不我们反了吧……1w0-2822 >>


内容简介:雷辰刚刚来到地球,突然就看到魔人布欧刚刚被孙悟空的元气弹给灭了,雷辰立马就吓出一声冷汗,因为此时的他才刚刚能够变身成超级赛亚人二。不为别的,只因破坏神比鲁斯要来地球了。……这是一个青年 重生在龙珠世界成为赛亚人,被混在一个原始星球生活四十多年才来到地球的故事。本书以龙珠世界为主,后期可能会加入其他世界。1w0-95939 >>



Estancia 2

Twice a month, a freight train carrying new migrants arrive in Sakia. According to a new civil rights law, ex-convicts are given the right to voluntarily erase their memory and live here. As a purification city, this civil rights law began to be expanded to more people. Many of us criminals now living in Sakia only knowing ourselves only as immigrants. But Estancia, they say we will be forgiven if we reach Estancia.

Sono Te Kara Tsutawaru

Two cousins who have always been together, but one is leaving for school, will they be able to stay connected? [by mica363]

Kabu No Isaki

Living in the boonies, one must give great consideration as to how they will get around when they turn 16. Isaki has just tuned 16 and his choice of transportation is his brother's Piper Cub. It might be old, but it flies well. One day he decides to fly over the 2,000m high Ogusa mountain range to see the city his older sister is always talking about. But for some reason his plane feels too heavy and is using fuel faster than planned. Will he make to the airport or crash in the bushes. And just what was making the plane feel so heavy? Originally a oneshot, but became a regular feature to Afternoon due to its popularity

Ezakike E Youkoso

To fulfill their life long dream, Ezakike Shuu's parents left for Africa, leaving him in charge of his younger brothers. However, growing up without parents' guidance, the Ezakike brothers are often ill-treated and looked down upon. In order to protect his brothers, Shuu devotes his life to raise them filled with happy memories. However, a fated meeting with his new homeroom teacher would turn his life upside down... From Baka-Updates: This series is on hiatus in origin country.

Baron Bruno

Baron Bruno summary: Baron Bruno summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Baron Bruno. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Follies of Love

The Follies of Love summary: The Follies of Love summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Follies of Love. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Heavenly Jewel Change

Heavenly Jewel Change summary: Heavenly Jewel Change is a compelling and attractive story written by Tang Jia San Shao. It is a mixture of several interesting genres such as Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, and Romance. There is something nice for different tastes within the words of this novel, so that should be a good motivation for many to check out this book. It is published in an online version, and you can find it on NovelOnlineFull. 
Heavenly Jewel Change is not overly long considering other books from this website. They can have several thousands of chapters and even more in some cases, while this novel currently has below 300 different chapters. It is maybe still no ideal for short story readers, however, you can simply handle it if you prefer long stories.
Many of the novels published on the website are really good, and this one belongs to the same category as well. It is very well-rated and the popularity is growing too. So the content is definitely good. 
Heavenly Jewel Change is a story of magic and power in a quite cruel world where all fight to gain more personal benefits. The skills can help them to reach their goals faster and without big problems. The magic, of course, plays an important role in such a world, however, the main character is a boy who needs to survive and develop in such an ugly word. He was born in a small village, but many expect his success in the recent future. 
However, things are not so easy at all, and the boy is forced to struggle in different ways. He is young and not yet skilled as older magicians, 
so he often ends up at the life's bottom. However, destiny will change for him when G.o.ds notice his efforts. They will pull him up again by giving him different powers. The boy becomes much stronger after G.o.d's intervention, and it opens new opportunities for him. 
Still, it is necessary to understand the danger did not disappear yet and the boy has to be cautious in order to avoid various traps and trick created by his enemies. 
One of those rivals is going to be extremely dangerous to the boy, so the battle is going to be unpredictable as well. The group is, however much stronger than an individual, and the boy will have a chance to join the army and fight together with other warriors. That can open various possibilities for him, and the boy can have a much better chance if they have companions next to his side. The readers, on the other hand, have an opportunity to follow the development of this exciting story by reading the content. It has a lot to offer, so you should not miss such an excellent chance, especially if you are a fan of online stories like this one. Heavenly Jewel Change is waiting for you, and only free time is necessary for a convenient reading experience. Everything else is less important when it comes to such an excellent action.
Read Heavenly Jewel Change light novel here

A Hind Let Loose

A Hind Let Loose summary: A Hind Let Loose summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Hind Let Loose. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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