
































内容简介:宫锁春意浓宫锁春意浓小说阅读游戏竞技小说宫锁春意浓由作家枸杞黑乌龙创作【本文又名《她靠黑化母仪天下》《教会徒弟馋死师傅》《所有人都逼皇后开大》】【零点入v,万字更新和红包包抽奖都有哦】 静嘉身为安国公府嫡长女,被继母磋磨了十年。一朝弟弟救驾有功,太后下旨让她进宫陪伴,小兵提供宫锁春意浓最新章节宫锁春意浓最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-82069 >>




内容简介:修炼一途,在于一个逆字!所谓逆天而行,不外如是!人可杀,天亦可逆!那么,比天更为强大的呢?能逆么?或者说,敢逆么!一切尽在本书之中……—————————————推荐老乡兼好友大作:《一 念成尊》推荐好友大作:《九天霸神》推荐好友大作:《异世之菜刀至尊》本书绝不会太监,烂尾。书友群:300462113本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《异世玄修》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84511 >>


内容简介:“大家好,这里是乔亚带来的海贼王世界直播,看直播你能学到主播为大家带来的海军六式,品尝山治的美食和娜美小姐亲手种的橘子。”【主播主播,看你的直播能变得和娜美一样漂亮吗?乔巴一样可爱,索 隆一样帅气吗?】“这个……并不能,除非你原来就有这些优点。”【……取关】“等等!你还能拥有路飞的智商,听到布鲁克的魂之丧曲,如果你愿意,还能染成索隆的发色,以及主播亲手酿的美酒。”【不要不要,尤其是最后一个,什么鬼!】1w0-72798 >>




内容简介:西晋末年,八王之乱方息,五胡乱华将起,中华五千年历史上最黑暗的年代即将到来。一个年轻人穿越到了这个时代,他会展开怎样波澜壮阔的人生?去家日已远,安知存与亡?我欲竟此曲,此曲悲且长!读者 群:29828643276951219欢迎光临1w0-2191 >>


内容简介:  苏家行医几十代,代代相传  到了苏老爷子这一代却没落了,儿子孙子孙女不是那块料。  现如今他愁啊,愁的头发都白了,这不,这会儿又在逼着儿子们生娃娃呢。  突然有一天,苏家最小的孙女 忽然不呆不傻了  还聪明的紧,教啥会啥!  苏老爷子这下不愁了,见人就炫耀。  苏暖表示:我一个活了二十几年的人能不聪明吗?  苏老大苏老二表示:谢谢侄女  至于是谢啥呢?  当然是谢以后终于没人逼着他们生娃娃了呀!1w0-2938 >>


内容简介:别家总裁高冷有钱,她家总裁变态有病。跟她在一起后,以为他只是有些污黄,没想到还有“变态并发症”,现在还话痨自言自语了。总裁说:“我们生个孩子吧……我怀孕了。”“你……怀孕?”“你经常不 理我,我替你讲好了。”“……”食用指南:①高冷孤僻女主(半娱乐圈人士)②污黄明骚男主(腹黑心机总裁)③双处,男女主互为初恋现言有病系列预收文《脱下绿帽的男人》文案简介:被绿男主的第二春。爱是一道绿光,越爱越闪耀,他终于放下执念脱下绿帽。她却说:“乖,戴正,都歪了,制服诱惑怎么能少了绿军帽?”高冷正经男(转业军人总裁)VS欢脱女流氓(猫奴宠物医生)本文完结立马开文!戳戳进入我的专栏指路基友文文(强推!!!):《女神她只想睡我》只想要娃,却顺便收了个娃爸亦千锦《踩着黑料当影后》黑料越多,洗白以后就越红《他曾经逆光而来》清冷沉默的维和队长vs性感冷眼的女翻译官《老师!你的数学题超纲了!》老师!这道题太难了!我不会做!《影帝请轻拿轻放》嘴贱影帝与他的小怪力,打脸可真疼《影后,你家喵又疯了系统》小喵喵,你是我的了1w0-80386 >>


内容简介:“我要花钱,我要败家!”苦逼少年意外获得了败家子系统,从此这句话就成了他的口头禅。任务大败家,48小时内败家一亿,任务奖励1属性,250积分,任务失败惩罚未知。看着“败家子系统”界面的 任务,宁涛颇为无奈的摊了摊手“不是我要败家啊,而是我不得不败…本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《超级败家子》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76123 >>


内容简介:主角陈冬是一名低危抑郁症患者,逻辑推理能力极强的高智商天才。(灵感来源美剧《越狱》男主)他精通心理学,可通过他人的微表情与身体动作,推断出对方的心理思想状况。一场精心策划的事件,让陈冬 的天赋彻底苏醒过来,旋即开启了一段惊险刺激的逆袭之旅。他协助警方破案无数,众多行业专家崇拜之,被誉为殿堂级大师人物!各位书友要是觉得《天才心理学家》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-26747 >>


内容简介:苏舞做了个梦,梦见自己成了一个小婴儿,还梦到老天爷说她是他最疼的崽儿。然后,苏舞就醒了!她,真的成了一个小婴儿,刚出生的!“又是个赔钱货!”“真是晦气,赶紧,丢出去吧,养不起!”“娘, 不能啊!”“这是我闺女,不能丢啊!”“老四,不是娘狠心。你媳妇儿都已经生了四个赔钱货了,这是第五个!”“咱家是真的养不起了啊!”“娘,我的闺女,我自己养!”“好,好,你翅膀硬了,娘的话不管用了是吧?”“行,你要自己养,那就自己养!”“老头子,分家,把老四一家子分出去,现在就分!”被胡乱包裹在一块破布里的苏舞听着外面嘈杂的话语声,发出了响亮的哭声。好吧,她只是想问问老天爷,这就是你最疼的崽儿的待遇?各位书友要是觉得《穿越农家团宠福气包》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75279 >>



Tatakae! Ryouzanpaku Shijou Saikyou No Deshi

Tatakae! Ryouzanpaku Shijou Saikyou no Deshi, relates the story of a peaceful yet weak boy, who one day, after being beaten up really bad by some of his school comrades, decides that being bullied around isn't an option anymore. Seeking revenge on his bullies, the young boy, Shirahama Kenichi, decides to join a fighting dojo. But what he doesn't know is that the dojo he wants to join is actually a place of gathering for those who have mastered different types of fighting styles. Thus begins his journey.. This is the original version that History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi is based on.

Kaizoku To Ningyo

From Aerandria Scans: During the time when the world is full of barren lands and big ships sail out to the vast oceans, a very rare type of sub-human--mermaid--was born. Normally, they have white hair, but only in water does the color change. Among the aristocrats, they are traded for large sums of money. Hisui is a merman with scarlet hair, and he's kept by a lord. However, as he's stolen away by the pirate Ikuta and gains freedom, they start their journey together!

Nostalgia (Itou Ito)

Mom's warmness. The sunset I watched with my friends. The summer we played in the pond. That day I left everything and abandoned town.


Yuu Iwabuchi has strict parent. She done everything they've asked of her including going to their preferred high school and giving up manga and cosplay. Iwabuchi meets a carefree young man named Yano who helps her rediscover her true self.

Seventh Imperial

Seventh Imperial 'Brother', Obediently Lie Down summary: Just as she sacrificed everything to get her hands on her refined and dignified master, she f.u.c.king transmigrated! Chen Qingmei, the a.s.sa.s.sins’ world’s devil, the medicinal world’s genius; Huangfu Changan, the laughingstock of the Yelang Dynasty and the worthless crown prince, known to be so fat his figure made a perfect circle! Your mother! To be reborn as this kind of trash, Chen Qingmei practically went insane! She vowed that she would definitely slim down until she was like lightning, illuminating the eyes of all those people’s dog eyes! However, no matter how beautiful she became, she was still a “transvest.i.te!”

Evolution and Ethics, and Other Essays

Evolution and Ethics, and Other Essays summary: Evolution and Ethics, and Other Essays summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Evolution and Ethics, and Other Essays. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Suppressed Power

The Suppressed Power summary: A poem on the truth of society. I am not targeting anyone so please don 't take it to heart.

Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World summary: Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World is composed of a series of chapters where a man awakens in an unfamiliar place. He quickly notices that his life is not as it should be, and his main mission is to change the behavior and try to rebuild broken things. However, his body does not function normally, so he encounters different problems on his way. That can be truly challenging but very rewarding at the same time because he has a chance to fulfill life while discovering the real purpose of existence. At first, the man starts re-developing his family, and he also personally grows together with that effort. That’s a very good chance for the entire place where he found himself at the beginning of the book. The family has better chances to make something valuable and significant on the land, while the single man is quite limited in different aspects of life. His mission slowly becomes an epic journey and a very interesting story. The new place, however, seems strange to him so he struggles a lot to adapt to the new environment.
To overcome various problems with his body, he is taking different types of drugs on a regular basis. The drugs provide some benefits because he can operate with his body better while on the treatment. However, such medication also has negative sides, so the situation is not ideal at all. The man still has one supernatural power despite all the problems he faces in the new places.
He is capable to enter another world, which is, in fact, a farming simulation game. It does not seem useful at first. However, he can find normal food in that strange world. And it can be used elsewhere, even in the regular world. That still does not seem like a big deal, but he is stuck in an unfamiliar place, and the food is of precious value to him. He can survive without problems thanks to that supernatural ability because he always has enough food to eat well. That’s why this cheat is so valuable to him. He also finds out about other happenings in strange places.

There are other inhabitants near him, and their communities are full of different intrigues, businesses, fights, farming and other events. The man has the possibility to slowly discovers the new places, but various problems are inevitable in his case. He will also have a chance to get involved in those happenings of other inhabitants, and you can find out many other details if you decide to read this novel. Like many other online books on this website, Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World is constantly growing and the updates arrive almost on a daily basis. So there is always something new even for the most faithful readers. So if you are a fan of such mixed genres, you should not miss the opportunity to read this great book.

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