
































内容简介:起点女生网二组B班签约作品慎入!《越姬》一不小心已被我写得春意绵绵,春光荡漾,春暖花了,哎。简介:这是春秋,这里有最原始最浪漫的人性,也有最激烈最血腥的争斗。在这里,美貌位卑者,无论男 女都是礼品。在这里,才学剑术可令王侯低头。这是乱世,这里有最灿烂的,罂粟般的风华,也有罂粟般的血和毒。一切,只取决你够不够强大!她来到这里,成了被未婚夫劫杀的越女。为了摆脱身为礼物的命运,她绞尽脑汁,准备凭借智慧和剑术求取从容人生。ampamp林家成超级群:,敲门砖:请写出任何一本林家成小说中男主名字。林家成VIP读者群:,进群得提供VIP截图,欢迎各位真心喜欢林家成的朋友进入,让我们成为一家人吧。1w0-4828 >>


内容简介:情报世家的怪胎美少年穿越至异界,从魔王的身份开始生活在这个世界学着做一个正常人太不容易了,但还是要面带微笑正常人已经很不容易了,怎么又慢慢过渡到伪娘去了呢……面带微笑(哭)本站提示:各 位书友要是觉得《来到异界当魔王》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75281 >>


内容简介:简介:主角:穆棠照。穆氏代代出妖女,祸国殃民。大臣们认为,太子李阶生来孤高持节,绝不会像老皇帝一样,被妖女蛊惑。至于对那个美貌婢女的特别关注,那一定是太子仁爱亲民。穆棠照哭哭唧唧:“殿 下,婢子姓穆,是您口中那个妖妃的侄女儿。”李阶还能怎么办,宠着呗。孤高自傲皇太子X娇怯柔弱小孤女阅读指南:1,重生文,1V12,女主绝世大美人,玛丽苏警告!3,第一章前世看起来苦哈哈,其实没有苦大仇深啦4,本文不女尊女强,标签和分类应该是方便编编排榜的关系1w0-109202 >>


内容简介:官路红途从未想过当官的石更,因为一次就医而改变命运轨迹,踏入了官场。他的政治生涯始于女人,最终身居高位也得力于女人,在他升迁的背后,有一串女人的影子。可是在波诡云谲,尔1w0-7741 0 >>


内容简介:他是行走在暗夜中的龙,他爱憎分明。龙有逆鳞,触之即死。他为了替亲人复仇,杀死了倭国的地下势力大佬。他重情重义,为了不给队友带来麻烦,所以选择退出佣兵世界。他为国家,除暴安良,铲除社会毒 瘤。他为了昔日恩情,接受了美女贴身保镖的艰巨任务。泡最漂亮的马子,喝1w0-88441 >>


内容简介:一吻成瘾简介:原书名《一夜缠情:女人,要定你!》在充满了暧昧,浪漫气息的伦敦,那一夜,她做了一次大胆热辣的女人。【成年了吗?】他玩味的眼神审读着她,不沾染未成年,这是他的底线。原本以为 一辈子不会再有交集的两个人,在她回国后,他们再一次相遇:她耍手段,玩阴谋,肆无忌惮的惹怒他,不知收敛,最后,才知道自己惹不起他。【一千万,这些钱,够玩你一次吧!】他步步紧逼着她,熟悉的味道,熟悉的温度,熟悉的心跳,一切都在不停的勾出伦敦一夜的回忆。她是他玩过的女人,可这一辈子,他想玩的女人却只有她一个……【推荐纳兰的火热连载文《前妻,许你一世宠》,亲们请多多支持!】《一吻成瘾》是纳兰海映精心创作的青春都市小说,小兵实时更新一吻成瘾最新章节无弹窗广告版,书友所发表的一吻成瘾评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持一吻成瘾读者的观点。关键词:一吻成瘾最新章节纳兰海映一吻成瘾无弹窗一吻成瘾全文阅读1w0-80521 >>




内容简介:前世,顾惜死活粘着未婚夫,可未婚夫宁愿要她的闺蜜也不要她。然而,对于那个霸道强势的男人,她却唯恐避之不及,怨他,恼他,恨他。明明男人权势滔天,但她依旧硬着骨头和他作对。重生后,她决定首 先抱紧男人的大腿,毕竟有靠山,谁不要?但怎么回事……她要找新欢,九叔不让。她要进军娱乐圈收割成片男票,九叔直接封了娱乐圈。嘤嘤……九叔,你到底要干嘛?男人黑着脸,环着女人的身子,冷冷说道:“我要你!”1w0-2644 >>


内容简介:  神州烽火,诸侯纷起!  武将争锋,谋士扬名!  苍茫乱世,谁可为皇!  北魏东吴,牧明为尊!  锦绣河山,舍我其谁!  ——牧氏龙图。  ————————————————————   本书群(514260688)拾字营,喜欢的书友,可以来转悠一下!1w0-1962 >>


内容简介:人人都说,s大校草傅时寒,高冷矜贵,稳重自持,与女生说话从来不会超过三句只有霍烟知道,当年傅时寒是怎样搂着她,在自家门口的梧桐树下,贪婪地撕咬着她的唇,霍烟上气不接下气,低低哀求那几声 ,傅时寒的心脏都炸了。先天不足憨态可掬皮皮虾女主vs高冷矜贵占有欲强腹黑大魔王其实冷酷大魔王也有不为人知的小温柔霍烟五岁才开口讲话,即便长大了,也有些憨态笨拙,走路很慢1w0-65502 >>


内容简介:  你们要相信我,我真是来打努尔哈赤的——跟他老婆那事完全是个意外。  1w0-433



Dad Asked Me To Choose One Of Ten Goddesses To Marry

Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry: As the leader of the “Dead Night” team with the most outstanding record in China’s Secret Army – “Dead Doctor” Feng Lin was asked by his father to choose one of the ten goddesses who had already engaged in marriage.Feng Lin, who had no intention of doing so, had to come one by one to break off the marriage.During the process, Liu Nian, the traitor of “Dead Night”, appeared. In order to get revenge…

Sekai Wa Kimi No Te No Naka

A collection of one-shot yaoi stories 1)The World in Your Hand- Natsuo Kanda's not sure who started the rumors about him being gay, but everyone at his office seems to be talking about it. His only consolation is the escort service he hires every month, and the night of pleasure that follows. This month is different, since his escort is newcomer Masachika. Despite being huge, the childish and puppy-like Chika is exactly what Natsuo needs, and even though it's a business relationship he finds himself growing more attached to the younger man... 2)Our New Year's Event- Actor Keita Otoo has managed to get New Year's Eve off, and plans to spend the night making love to his super cool boyfriend Ryouhei Nemuro. Keita's been so busy lately, they've barely had time to see each other. But with a night of wine and romance planned, what could possibly go wrong? 3)Gaka to Gakyou- Writer Aiji Hirakawa has trouble interacting with others, and so only has one friend, Takafumi Shibata, the son of very wealthy parents. While Aiji struggles, Shibata lives a relaxed life, something that annoys Aiji, even as he tries to suppress his feelings. But when he loses his temper and snaps at Shibata, the drunken Shibata pushes him down and...! 4)My Feelings 5)Beautiful Days

Loooser Loser Loser Loser Sensei

Souichi Kirisaki, who teaches at a private middle school, has a problem. Three of his students, Senka Yutugami, Yuki Kitsuregawa, and Momoka Watarase, make fun of him. Souichi wants to be friends with them, but they look down on him and tease him every day. Soichi is troubled, but the truth is that all three of them love Souichi, they just can't be honest with him, plus Momoka is a stalker... A sassy and cute romcom between a teacher and three middle school students!

Maoyuu 4-Koma: You're Horrible, Maou-Sama!

Maoyuu 4-Koma: You're Horrible, Maou-sama! summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Maoyuu 4-Koma: You're Horrible, Maou-sama!. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Honor Edgeworth; Or, Ottawa's Present Tense

Honor Edgeworth; Or, Ottawa's Present Tense summary: Honor Edgeworth; Or, Ottawa's Present Tense summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Honor Edgeworth; Or, Ottawa's Present Tense. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Under A Blood Red Sky

Under A Blood Red Sky summary: Under A Blood Red Sky summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Under A Blood Red Sky. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka summary: Isekai Nonbiri Nouka is a quite new but pretty interesting novel written by Kinosuke Naito. The book is currently published in an online version on NovelOnlineFull, so you can find it on that website. The story is recently updated, and new chapters are also about to arrive soon. So the readers can definitely expect a continuation of the story. The writing of this novel is in the ongoing phase, and that's important to mention.
The end is not yet near, and no one knows how Isekai Nonbiri Nouka story finishes. You can, however, find all the important details regarding this book on the appropriate website's page.
The story is a mixture of a number of different genres such as action, adventure, comedy, and romance. As a combination, it is an interesting one, so the readers have an opportunity to enjoy reading. There are various twists and turns which provide a necessary excitement during reading, so the readers can get familiar with the content quite easily.
The story has a very high rating on the website, which is close to the perfect five stars. That's because of the satisfaction of the previous readers who have left mostly positive votes on the story. It is a good testimony for all others who have an interest in such content. The public is more than satisfied with the content, so you can also have a great reading experience, thanks to Isekai Nonbiri Nouka novel.
The main plot in Isekai Nonbiri Nouka book follows a character who fights against a serious illness for years. Unfortunately, the disease wins at the end, and the patient dies. That seems like the finish of this story at its very beginning. Still, the lucky destiny does not betray the patient, and he gets a completely new life at the end of the past one. He is younger than before and the new life provides some interesting opportunities he could not achieve earlier when he fought against the illness. 
The main character has some nice business ideas he can implement thanks to the lucky destiny. He plans to begin a farming job by opening a ranch with different plants and animals. That leads to various challenges situation and some are very exciting. So the readers can enjoy reading while following the new life of this interesting character. 
You cannot expect too much of action within Isekai Nonbiri Nouka story that some shooting novels can provide. But it is very good for the delightful reading during restful evenings. If you like those types of books, you will definitely be more than satisfied with the content. It is very well written and the words flow excellent. 
That's one of the main reasons for a truly high rating of the story, so there is nothing that can prevent a convenient reading experience. The will for reading comes naturally with the story of this quality while the time pa.s.ses very fast during reading.

The Blue Flower

The Blue Flower summary: The Blue Flower summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Blue Flower. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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