内容简介:程鑫是个高富帅,按说是个万人迷,却是个老师摇头学生害怕的问题学生,说起来就让人头疼。陈昕学习好颜值高,按说是个男神,却是个胆小怯弱毫无存在感的小结巴,提起来让人扼腕。众人皆言:上帝是公 平的,没有人是十全十美的!两个格格不入的人,因为名字的缘分,而产生了交集。这是关于两个孩子共同成长的故事。学霸被学渣杠上的故事。本文又名《心心相印》。1w0-3402 >>
内容简介:《红楼之嗣子》是顾盼盈盈精心创作的网游小说,小兵实时更新红楼之嗣子最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的红楼之嗣子评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持红楼之嗣子读者的观点。1w0-8113 9 >>
内容简介:简介:《求求你别对我这么上头!》作者:三三娘【完结】文案:年上差10岁,日更6000,追妻火葬场已开始圈内人都知道,骆明翰渣得道貌岸然,明明只谈半年,却会营造出深情款款的模样,而对方一 旦真的爱上他,他就会立刻弃之如敝履。骆明翰第一次在宴会外见到缪存时,就被他勾了魂,对方清冷漂亮,看着脆弱又乖。他千方百1w0-92691 >>
内容简介:穿越到一战前的德国,似乎还是个贵族家庭。在这片拥有魔法的世界,卡尔作为一个穿越者,充满了期待。“世界是残酷的,你家人死了。”刚想在异世界崭露头角的卡尔麻木了,龙傲天式的生活还未开启,就 已家破人亡。还有个更坏的消息,远方亲戚要来抢遗产了……对于这些糟糕的设定,卡尔决定开溜!收拾好行囊,卡尔看着这片生活过的村子,是时候走了。士官学院,军队以及未来的魔法战场,我来了!1w0-89181 >>
内容简介:某日,生存游戏忽然降临,全球恐慌。被迫卷入游戏的某咸鱼社畜,看着手里透明的和平女神卡牌,陷入了久久的沉思。众路人:大佬就是大佬,求带飞!某NPC:创世主大人为什么会在这里?难道大人又有 新的指示?某主神紧盯着bug一样的某咸鱼,唇角勾起。阻碍游戏进程的人,全都得死!奈何某咸鱼不但杀不死,还不断的推翻生存游戏的筛选规则,致力于教主神做人。某主神:哼,看来1w0-65245 >>
内容简介:(人美心野骄纵大小姐x斯文禁欲金融巨鳄老狐狸)南歌最近一直想换掉自己的兰博基尼,但凑来凑去就差几万块。在她的软磨硬泡下,哥哥给她找了份使命感十足的好差事——银河护胃队,简称送外卖。第一 天上岗,她一路身残志坚,把外卖送到了住在富人区的金融大佬沈晏清手里。——沈晏清,淮城商界神话,为人低调鲜少在媒体前露面。合作过的人都说他是批着温柔皮的清冷谪仙。看似温润有礼面面俱到,实际上本人绝情的很,一直以来没人能走进他的心。一次意外,沈晏清遇到一个颇有好感的小姑娘,本以为很难再见,直到某个雪天他点了个外卖,门打开,熟悉的身影站在门口:“沈先生晚上好,我是irelyn餐厅的外卖员,这是您的餐。祝您用餐愉快!”那晚,南歌捧着外卖,眼睛和鼻尖被风吹得红红的,像是只闯入猎人陷阱毫无防备的小兔子。沈晏清以为南歌是个勤工俭学的小可怜,从那之后,便一直点外卖叫她来送,照顾她的工作。直到有一天他的车坏了临时要出门——来送外卖并听到他有急事的南歌:“我有车啊,我送你过去!”沈晏清还在犹豫该怎么拒绝她那四面漏风的小电驴时,结果转头就看到她掏出车钥匙轻轻一按。不远处,一辆价值三百万的兰博基尼车灯一闪:“愣着干嘛,上车呀!”“……”(一句话简介:我开着兰博基尼送外卖体验生活,霸总自我攻略后爱我爱到无法自拔 ̄▽ ̄)阅读指南:1男主受邀只在女主学校开过一次讲座,不是师生关系。2女主没有刻意隐瞒身份,没有装穷,是男主误会。3男主不是见色起意,两人先前见过三次。各位书友要是觉得《我开兰博基尼送外卖》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-112122 >>
内容简介:苏城华夏第一美男子,帅到老天都嫉妒,让他穿越到了斗罗世界,成为大陆上第一个觉醒了三生武魂的绝世天才。更是在开局就被菊斗罗给亲自送到了武魂殿教皇比比东的手上。然而不料,比比东竟然可以偷听 到他的心声……“苏城你要不还是好好考虑一下,做我的弟子吧!”【谁稀罕做你的弟子,要不是看在你未来实在是太可怜的份子上,我早就跑了,哪还会等到现在。】“苏城那你怎么样才可以做我的弟子呀!不管是什么条件,我都愿意答应!”【不管是什么都愿意吗?成为我老婆也愿意吗……】面对这个比比东有点懵逼了,同时也有点羞耻:“我说……苏城!你有话就不能直说吗?为什么要在心里偷偷说。”“……”1w0-70190 >>
内容简介:打游戏泡美女,开着外挂虐全服。faker:“中国的服务器太不严谨了,我要举报,这个EZ的技能会转弯!”五五开:“妈蛋,我要举报,不我要报警,提莫骑大龙了!”PDD:“刀妹大招刮全屏,我 从未见过如此无耻的刀妹,我要举报……”小苍、miss、堂姐众多女主播哭着喊着要双排。faker、五五开、PDD气得发抖各位书友要是觉得《英雄联盟之逆天外挂》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65690 >>
内容简介:本文设有防盗,不高,望周知。预收红楼穿成林黛玉她祖母洪荒我靠美貌平山海年代文六零年代五味生活仙侠路人甲女配修仙记仙侠基建我在仙侠游戏里当垆卖酒古言我成了穿宫斗文女配眼中钉张沅芷刚刚消化 了自己穿越的事实,就被人以孝期守孝时日过长为由退了婚。行没问题她也不稀罕有了未婚妻还和别人纠缠不清的情种。待到出孝后两年,听到自己新出炉的未婚夫为荣国府世子贾赦时候她一口茶喷了出来。s男主前期有些背景板,女主出嫁后戏份多了有系1w0-95886 >>
内容简介: 云峥打开了一扇门,就再也没有回头路,生活,就是这个样子,开了弓就没有回头箭,想回头已是百年身。 这是一本讲述为师之道的小说,说的是生存智慧,讲的是人间温情,道的是兄弟情义,表的是 温恭谦良,这里有最美的爱情,有最深刻的兄弟情义…… 或许,我很想把《清明上河图》徐徐的展开,给你一个不一样的大宋,不一样的人间百态……1w0-457 >>
内容简介:(又名斗罗主导权缺失——【我想说的】副CP戴家兄弟(微),比比东友好,结尾武魂殿国教,无战争剧情。平均周更,单次间隔周更加减两天。【我接受的】友善的评论或者言之有理的负分【我拒绝的】外 主观的负分和人身攻击【我期待的】专栏里第一棵树一定要长好嘛……不知道会遇到多少小天使1w0-99700 >>
Summary from Sherbet Lemon A girl who would die for romance, Bora, fell in love with a beautiful cheating dog-seller one day. She tries to find him with only the information of his school, but fails miserably. Just as she was about to give up, Bora gets an offer to be a substitute for a daughter of a rich, prestigious family who looks just like herself. Dumbstruck, Bora rejects the offer, but changes her mind drastically when she saw that the daughter goes to the same school as her prince. Bora attends to school with a thumping heart, but as it happens, life just never gets easy!
From Storm in Heaven:Taisho Mugen Kitan is a collection of 4 short stories, loosely based around historical/supernatural themes.Taisho Dream Stories – Yin & Yang: In the Taisho Era (1912-1926 CE), a young noble called Sakuya is traumatised by a recurring dream in which she is strangled by ivy. Is this a prophecy? Or a vision of the past? Driven to despair, the young girl turns for help to a brilliant Noh dancer who somehow shares an enigmatic connection to the spiritual world. Yet the unravelling of this mystery is more complicated than anyone could imagine, entwining vengeful spirits, lost love, tragic devotion, a silent guardian, and an unbreakable bond which may yet save Sakuya…at the price of the ultimate sacrifice.Taisho Dream Stories – The Killing Stone: This continues the story of Akira Hanawaka, an unusually gifted Noh dancer who crosses the barrier between the physical and spiritual realms. But what lies at the heart of his powers? And how is his world changed by an unexpected confrontation with his younger brother? Secrets are revealed when the demons of Akira's past ominously threaten another's future.Beloved Princess: A young exorcist at court during the Heian Era (794-1192 CE) is confronted with a series of bizarre incidents involving the occult. But nothing is as it seems, and a greater mystery remains to be solved: the tragic tale of Princess Hashi.Evil One: Sometime in the not too distant future, civilization has been decimated by a biological weapon known only as Evil One, stolen from the laboratory of a brilliant scientist and unleashed upon the world by an enigmatic group of terrorists. In this shattered world, a young prostitute called Agata struggles to survive. His life goes by unnoticed until one day, after a particularly brutal encounter, Agata is rescued by a mysterious stranger who appears to know more than anyone should about the dark secrets of Agata's past. Who is this man? What does he want? And, most importantly, what is Agata's connection to the Evil One?
Hiromu is a kid who is slow and bad in sports; despite that, he really wants to do sports. After a day full of failures trying to get to a sports club, he gets to the ping pong club. In the ping pong club he meets someone named Kawazue who is the ace, and he tells Hiromu he can’t join the club, because he probably failed every other club and is underestimating the ping pong club. A friend of Hiromu called Otome who wants Hiromu to get into a club merges in the middle of the conversation and has a match against Kawazue for Hiromu joining the club, but she loses. After that, and a lot of begging, Hiromu plays against Kawazue. If he loses, Otome becomes the ping pong club manager. He almost loses, but than he remembers he always gives up and it’s time to stop giving up. Then he shows wits when Kawazue was about to go, Kawazue got back to the game, just to fall for a smash counter Hiromu who never before played ping pong set up for him, and so he got a point… And entered the ping pong club. Summary by ThE WoRm.
From Shojo Manhwa Scans Eunca is a third year(high school) drama scenario wannabe. Because she takes more time going to movies, its no wonder she cuts school. When she accepts a part time job in Taeruk entertainment (with her friends support), she thought her life would be perfect. Instead, her first day on the job makes her life crazy! She never thought of having a part time job in Min JiEun's as a fiance...it just can't be happening! With only her strong personality, would she survive...and maybe fall in love?.
Regarding the Display of an Outrageous Skill Which Has Incredible Powers summary:
Dragged into another world — Mukouda Tsuyoshi.
Through the appraisal of our status, we can see that apart from mine, the other 3 people who were summoned had the job t.i.tle of [The Hero from a different world that finally came] while mine was [A person from a different world that was dragged here].
In this world, there exists the complete set of awesome skills such as the Holy Sword technique, Holy Spear technique and Holy Magic.
Despite that, I only have the unique skill called [Online Supermarket].
I who lacked combat skills was quickly regarded as trash.
Nevertheless, the king of the country that summoned us gave an excuse that was totally suspicious.
I often read light novels and comparing the light novels with the events that had occurred, I arrived at the conclusion that [This is no good. This is a hopeless type of cross world summoning story.]. Thus, on the very day that I was summoned, after convincing the king, I managed to escape the castle.
The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool 'Asley' summary: When he was young, he had failed at the Magic Academy and was looked down by others. However by chance, he discovered a mythological medicine, so he obtained an immortal body. In order to get revenge on the people who made fun of him, he began researching magic and magical artifacts different from the academy. After 5000 years of research, he has become an ancient magic user before he noticed. The people he was seeking revenge were long gone, losing his purpose, Asley went on a journey to see the world after 5000 years with his familiar Pochi. With an unexpected turn of events after helping many humans, he is now living at the magic academy. A 5000 year old man with a young appearance Asley, how will he live his second life’s youth?
Lives of the Poets summary: Lives of the Poets summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lives of the Poets. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Children's Literature summary: Children's Literature summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Children's Literature. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.