简介在拥有超越人类,超自然能力的贵族中,依然属于特别存在的莱,从漫长的睡梦中醒来之后,在自己曾经的侍从佛兰肯斯坦的帮助下,开始了平凡的校园生活。但是,学校里认识的朋友们却因为不明身份的存在而受到威胁,为了守护住人类,莱愤然决定与那些不明的恶势力开始战斗。 吸血鬼中的王者,暗黑系动漫迷强推!《大贵族》同名动画每周三晚上11点 LINE TV华丽更新。
内容简介: 简介1:永夜将尽,远古的诸神已于长久的沉眠中逐渐苏醒;魔力的狂潮再一次涌动,欢迎来到超凡者的纪元。身处这崭新时代的漩涡当中,你是选择逃避现实,摆脱宿命,还是选择正面迎战,执剑前行? 简介2:对于有些人来说,无聊可笑的概念,对于有些人来说,是生而为人的责任,是处身立世的信仰,是值得拿自己的生命去捍卫的荣誉。身赴千难,甘死如饴。这本书讲述的,是一位英雄应该获得的一切。………………欢迎加入企鹅群咸鱼书友群,群号码:3728792221w0-1729 >>
内容简介:小师母小师母小说阅读耽美百合小说小师母由作家孟中得意创作传言中,乔乐乔一共追过两次江曜。第一次,小乔在费尽心机死皮赖脸拿下江曜后,没多久就把他给甩了。分手理由也很理直气壮谁登上珠峰后还 在上面住着,那不得被冻死?你以为我傻?有几千人登顶珠峰,江曜却只有乔乐小兵提供小师母最新章节小师母最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-81741 >>
内容简介:白伊暖遭遇横祸醒来后成她竹马家的超级团宠,竹马更是将她宠上天。传言厉家全员“恶”人,去了厉家之后白伊暖气得拍桌,谣言!都是谣言!厉家少爷各个都是美男,而且各有姿色,称霸不同领域,霸气又 有风度,最重要的是对她实在太宠了。称霸商界厉家二少,“谁给你们胆子跟我们家暖暖争家产!”人气极高的厉家四少,“我们家的暖暖必须当主角,你们谁有意见?”武术界的厉家六少,“谁敢欺负暖暖,谁就要做好跟圣武队作对的准备!”智商极高的厉家八少,“敢造暖暖的谣?不怕被我查出来就试试!”学识担当厉家十少,“暖暖没学识?那你们当我文盲算了。”厉家少爷们强势团宠,各个当家都争着宠他们家唯一的女萌宝。更有隐藏身份陪她一起长大的竹马强势相护。因为她小时候说过一句讨厌豪门的人。他就改了姓住在她的隔壁做个普通人。从小陪着她长大,护着她长大,宠着她长大。厉庭桀隐藏了十几年,一直以为自己已经够会隐藏。直到某天,他才知道原来他从小宠到大的小娇妻才是最会隐藏的人。【全能超会宠竹马总裁VS超萌聪明可爱小娇妻】【甜到停不下来的小甜饼】【超级甜宠】【男主超会宠】如果您喜欢重生成反派家族的团宠,别忘记分享给朋友作者:福星小妖精所写的《重生成反派家族的团宠》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83870 >>
内容简介:意外得到了动漫作弊器的张志军,生活也发生了翻天覆地的变化。可以自由穿梭在每个漫画世界中,参与进剧情,完成任务,得到每个宅男都想要拥有的女神。回到现实后仍然拥有动漫里面的技能,海军六式, 分身术,舞空术……轻松称霸都市。海贼王,火影,死神,我来了……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《无限动漫作弊器》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67071 >>
内容简介:接档文一《七十年代之苟住》接档文二《七零之炮灰女配》接档文三《在年代文中快穿》文案在最下方,以下为本文文案本文于入V,当天掉落万字更,请多多支持出了车祸的张敏没想到自己居然有穿越的机会 ,醒过来的她看着两个黑黑瘦瘦的小孩子,一个尚在襁褓之中痛哭失声的孩子。面对四面漏风的墙,只能无奈的负起了养家的重任,只是这两个孩子的名字是不是有些太熟悉啦,再一询问,李子村,李敏涛,李敏翰,还有那个小名叫嘉宝的孩子。这不就是《重生之军嫂》中大反派角色吗,而自己就是那个虐待了反派,在反派得势了之后,被反派狠狠的报复,最终凄惨潦倒的死在一个寒冷的夜里的蛇蝎心肠的后娘。呵呵哒!生活不易,猫猫叹气呀!接档文一《七十年代之苟住》作为一个手无缚鸡之力的弱鸡,吴敏拼尽全力的在末世生存了一段时间,但最终还是丧生在了丧尸潮中。因此在发现自己转世重生了,变成了一个小婴儿之后,她是开怀的。哪怕需要节衣缩食,但比起秩序混乱,人心中的恶魔都被放出来的末世也好了许多。可没过多久她就发现了不对,自己的亲姐姐叫做吴柔,四叔生的小堂姐叫做吴倩,自己的奶奶偏爱四叔,作为不上不下的老二的亲生父亲,跟头老黄牛一样。这不是《重生之麻辣军嫂》里头的人物吗,而她就是上一世吴柔私奔了,换亲嫁过去,享受了荣华富贵,在重生之后被吴柔记恨的心机深沉的妹妹。看着自己的姐姐充满恶意的瞧着尚在襁褓之中自己,原本黑红黑红的小脸也变得白皙细嫩,很好!自己的姐姐已经重生了。再听着自己隔房的小堂姐偶然间抱着自己时嘀咕的“原女主”,“系统兑换”等词汇,很好!自己的小堂姐被穿越了,看样子还有一个了不得的金手指。小堂姐想拉拢自己作为马前卒,亲姐姐试图打压自己,一个有兑换系统,一个有灵泉空间,吴敏只能安安静静的苟着,看两者是如何的你争我夺。最终,觅得良缘!接档文二《七零之炮灰女配》在年代文里,什么样的人最惨呢?那一定是受到当家人的重视,生为长子深受倚重的大伯,因为他们将会有一个任劳任怨的二弟和懦弱的二弟妹,没有生下男丁的他们底气不足一定是像老黄牛一样的埋头苦干。这个时候穿越女或重生女就要出来了,她们带着愚孝的爹,包子的妈,打脸极品,斗偏心爷奶,最终的分家发大财,让极品家人后悔的不行!其次,他们将会有一个深受大家长喜爱的幼弟,幼弟一定好吃懒做,名声极不好,同样也娶了一个偷奸耍滑的媳妇,在书中一家都是被打脸的炮灰。但不要紧,这个时候穿越女或重生女就会出现,两个懒散了小半辈子的人名声会一点一点的变好,经过一系列阴差阳错的事情,最终功成名就,让所有人刮目相看!不巧,自己有个重生了的堂姐,手握灵泉空间,磨刀霍霍的准备让一家人脱离苦海,还有个手握剧本, >>
Oneshot from Dekiru Otoko ga Suki Nanda! Jiyunja’s relationship with his teacher had been going on smoothly. There was only one unpleasant thing, Kizaki always said no to his intention to stay over, more less living together. Jiyunja felt confused, because Kizaki had said that he was serious about him. What infuriated him more was how smooth Kizaki always managed to avoid the question ‘why’, either by sweet-talking him, or drag him into love-making. One day, Jiyunja realized the amount of different kinds of shampoos in Kizaki’s bathroom, and suspected him for cheating on him with various women. Again, Kizaki tried to avoid the question and lure him into sex, but this time, Jiyunja felt too upset and ran away. Finally, the older man gave up and complied to his request, saying that Jiyunja would find out in the morning about the reason why he had been refusing to spend the night together.
From Perfect Illusions: With her brother's influence, China grew up to become very boyish. But she is a 15 year-old girl who dreams from her heart for a romantic relationship. Now that she's in high school, she meets a cute (kind of short) boy named Haruka, and a big bad boy named Shindou and... From Baka-Updates: Although she is a 15 year-old girl who dreams for a romantic relationship, China grew up to be very boyish. Now that she's in high school, she meets a cute (kind of short) boy named Haruka, and a big bad boy named Shindou and...
Two girls just started dating at the New Year Eve. They want to make up thair lost kissing time and decide to kiss for 6 hours and 5 minutes.
The best way to express oneself... created by the humanity is...Dance! Yoo Myung-in, who never stood out, now goes on stage! Webtoon found here: http://cartoon.media.daum.net/webtoon/view/famousman
The Confectioner's Tale summary: The Confectioner's Tale summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Confectioner's Tale. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Phenomeno summary:
“There are things that shouldn’t be seen.”
Often said my late grandmother, and that was quite true.
I was drawn to the occult from childhood, and upon entering university, I learned the truth of those words by stepping many times into the edges of the netherworld. Ghosts — beings which no one can decisively determine whether they exist or not. The story that begins here revolves around stories brought forth by them.
And this story, it can also be said to be the story of it and I.
As its eyes glimmer in front of strangeness, as it breathes out words with a bedazzled expression, it warped the world that I always believed in. It made me anxious of whether the ground I stood on would shake. I would want to look over my shoulder just by listening, and I grew to fear whether someone were peeking from the dark shadow of the door.
Maybe it was because the words it spoke included truths about the other side. It included truths that only applied to the scant, grotesque, waning, dead ones.
Now, after it has disappeared, do I finally know that.
As grandmother said, it was a world that I should not have seen. It was a story that was not for the living person.
However, I intend to speak of that.
I intend to speak about all of that.
Because if I don’t — it wouldn’t be able to rest in peace.
Because it, having lived on the edge of darkness, having struggled through the threshold of darkness, would not be able to live in peace.
Yes — I’ll say it once more.
From here on, is a story that shouldn’t be known.
One Hundred Stories summary:
today i will tell you a tale
which, as it happens, is called
it is about a drunk girl
so there’s this guy anzen
he’s really into psychology
and so are all his buddies
except most of those buddies are also dudes
truth be told there are not many girls in this club
but there is this one girl in the club named mitsuko
and naturally the guys treat her like royalty
even though they don’t think she looks that great
—-Change this description if you have better description—-
Zero Hour summary: Zero Hour summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Zero Hour. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.