





















类别冒险 魔法










内容简介:因为漫画里的内容和新发现的汉帝王墓完全相同,秦风受邀参加直播考古。然而让专家、教授、直播间观众震惊的是“秦风,你连尸蟞、雷击木都知道,你还说你是个漫画家”“你对汉帝王墓如数家珍,你还说 你是个漫画家”“坦白从宽,抗拒从严,赶紧摊牌吧,你就是个盗墓贼”对此,秦风表示:“我就是个画漫画的啊!”1w0-83372 >>




内容简介:面对手捧鸩酒的李儒,刘辩的眼中充满了不甘,他想活,可是董卓却担心十八路诸侯会打着迎立弘农王的旗号发兵勤王。于是,李儒在刘辩万般不情愿的情况下,强行喂他喝下鸩酒。就在刘辩濒死之际,他满脸 愤恨的说道:如果人生可以重来,我一定要将命运之匙牢牢地掌握在自己的手里。刘辩话音刚落:他的脑海中忽然闪过一副画面,画面正中赫然写着六个字:皇帝养成计划。1w0-92958 >>




内容简介:太古后,天地动。生界烽烟浓。铁骨铮铮,问天下谁是英雄。一切皆蝼蚁,不过眨眼间本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我真的很猛》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-3670 5 >>


内容简介:小兵提供颜蔓蔓大神最新作品《团宠萌宝一岁半》最新章节全文免费阅读,团宠萌宝一岁半TXT下载,团宠萌宝一岁半全文字更新,团宠萌宝一岁半无弹窗!请关注狂人小说网团宠萌宝一岁半吧,本站最新最 快更新团宠萌宝一岁半的最新章节。1w0-96471 >>


内容简介:简介:又娇又软又甜小结巴受x前期阴鸷冷酷后期追妻宠妻大佬攻林画眠攥着拳头,眼眶红红,“我不是,小结巴,我只是,讲话慢……”江寒揉着怀里人细软的腰,“嗯,眠眠讲话又慢又好听。”林画眠揪了 揪身上的短裙,趴在男人身上带着哭腔,“不,不想穿,小裙子……”江寒按住他的手,在他耳边低低的笑,“眠眠敢被别人发现是男孩子,可是会被扔进海里喂鱼的。”于是,林画眠只能白天在江先生的岛上做苦力,晚上穿着小裙子去江先生的床上做苦力。结果做着做着,小结巴的肚子就变得圆滚滚了。“吃,吃胖了,要,要减肥……”“眠眠不是胖了,是怀了小宝宝了。”是个甜文!(大概微博一只风风风了1w0-34225 >>


内容简介:一吻成瘾简介:原书名《一夜缠情:女人,要定你!》在充满了暧昧,浪漫气息的伦敦,那一夜,她做了一次大胆热辣的女人。【成年了吗?】他玩味的眼神审读着她,不沾染未成年,这是他的底线。原本以为 一辈子不会再有交集的两个人,在她回国后,他们再一次相遇:她耍手段,玩阴谋,肆无忌惮的惹怒他,不知收敛,最后,才知道自己惹不起他。【一千万,这些钱,够玩你一次吧!】他步步紧逼着她,熟悉的味道,熟悉的温度,熟悉的心跳,一切都在不停的勾出伦敦一夜的回忆。她是他玩过的女人,可这一辈子,他想玩的女人却只有她一个……【推荐纳兰的火热连载文《前妻,许你一世宠》,亲们请多多支持!】《一吻成瘾》是纳兰海映精心创作的青春都市小说,小兵实时更新一吻成瘾最新章节无弹窗广告版,书友所发表的一吻成瘾评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持一吻成瘾读者的观点。关键词:一吻成瘾最新章节纳兰海映一吻成瘾无弹窗一吻成瘾全文阅读1w0-80521 >>


内容简介:小兵提供亿万蜜婚:神秘墨少甜娇妻全文阅读全本txt免费下载(无弹窗广告),亿万蜜婚:神秘墨少甜娇妻电子书适合手机平板阅读,本站支持网盘、微盘高速免费下载。(本文已完结,推荐作者新书,高 冷霍少宠上心!欢迎入坑)她被丢进民政局扯证后就跑?事后却查无此人?OMG她嫁的是人还是1w20274-69233 >>


内容简介:“天能给你的东西,我都能给你。天不能给的,我也能给。想不想,和我做个交易?”既有是非恩怨,爱恨纠葛,也有一句“快刀斩乱麻”。合则来,不合则散。不喜欢了、不爱了、想分手了、想离了?我没喜 欢过你、我是骗你的、你只是个替身、我们不合适?简单,那就江湖不见。王座之下,是风花雪月,还是枯骨遍地?风花雪月,又何及王座之上?日入V,谢谢小天使们的支持!扫雷提示:1、无脑爽文。文中一切人物的三观,都不代表作者三观。2、有的世界有CP,有的没有。目测男主得精分切片。雷者勿入。3、各种天雷都有,不一一列举,有雷点的,不管雷点大小都请慎入。被雷可以刷负逃生,但谢绝人参攻击。碰到人参攻击会暴躁。1w0-76127 >>


内容简介:穿越到玄幻版的战国东瀛,百鬼夜行,战乱不断。本以为我也能进入玄幻的领域,却没想到自己没有任何修炼天赋,武士、忍者、僧人、阴阳师一个也当不了。好不容易穿越一次,人生没追求和咸鱼还有什么区 别?哪怕是堕入妖道…1w0-72659 >>


内容简介:  文艺版晖晖星斗焕文章,身逐闲云别帝乡。一粒丹于方外炼,百篇诗向醉中狂。壶天自有长春境,海岛宁无不夜堂。踏破碧霄云外路,九重天上傲羲皇。梦断黄粮万事休,烟波不见蜃云楼。烹成铅汞三千日 ,跃出阴阳八百秋。剑挂斗南魁北下,气横天外月稍头。来时擭片无瑕鉴,高贴青霄未肯收。通俗版:一个现代人穿越到大商,此时天帝崩,圣人现世,凤鸣西岐,八百诸侯人心浮动。三教共推封神榜,而主角却不知不觉中上了大商战车,故事将从这里开始。1w0-4205 >>

After War Gundam X Re:master Edition

Fifteen years ago, those living in Outer Space went to war with people still on Earth. During the battles of the 7th Space War, it was found that certain human beings had mysterious arcane abilities, powers of the mind to control and forsee. These gifted people were called Newtypes. They were valuable to both sides of the war; the Earth Federation designed the Flash System which allowed a Newtype pilot to control a horde of unmanned MS, called Bit-Mobile Suits.This was an effective weapon, but sacrificed the lives of many Newtypes.Space fought back for principal, believing the effect of living in Space heightened every human ability and eventually created the prized power of a Newtype, who was not something to use as a tool for war. But in the end, mankind was its own downfall. During the final battle, the Space Revolution Army (SRA) crashed numerous colonies into the planet Earth, with a devastating effect.Millions died as a result of the colony drop. Those that were fortunate enough to find refuge in a Shelter were both blessed and cursed; they wouldn't see the sun again for four years. The rest that made it through had to endure and suffer with living on a ruined planet, plagued by an endless winter and an ever-changing, chaotic atmosphere. With that, the war had ended. For now. But everyone who continued to live on was possessed by that tragic war, and the word 'Newtype'...The year is After War 0015, and life on Earth is finally on its way to creating a more perfect world, except for the ruthless mercenaries who use mobile suits to make a living raiding; called Vultures, some of these people are merely chasing money, while others are running from the past. Enter 15 year old Garrod Ran, an orphan of the war. He is a lively and friendly boy who is trying to survive in the wake of the war, living off his daring-do's and knowledge of MS. Because of this, Garrod is hired to rescue a kidnapped girl from a Vulture ship, called the Freeden, and its stoic captain, Jamil Neate.But Garrod soon finds out that this job is entirely not what it seems; that the girl, Tiffa Adill, is actually a powerful Newtype, able to dream the future. And when Tiffa shows Garrod the Gundam X, Garrod can do nothing but bear witness to the suddenly changing times. He may learn that people's true intentions run far deeper, and that the Vultures and Captain Jamil Neate are their only hope for surviving the coming age, and the birth of the New Earth Federation.Must mankind repeat the tragic mistake of the past? (From MyAnimeList)

Smooth Over His Hurt Feelings

As the son of the huge enterprise, Toudou, Kazuki had always been starving for real affection and the sudden appearance of Chiharu Saijou redeemed him from that miserable life. Drowned in that intercourse, Kazuki felt that there was nothing for him to be afraid of. However, one day a suspicious document came saying that Chiharu had the plan to take over the whole group. Because of that document, Chiharu��™s unknown past was exposed. The series goes like this: 1. Happy Yarou Wedding 2. Utsukushiki Kemonotachi. 3. ...Virgin Love. 4. Toriko ni Natta Kemono 5. Junai no Seinen 6. Kemono wa Ai de, Iyasareru 7. Playboy Amour 8. Oboreru Kemono no Koibito. 9. Men's Love

Dragon Fist (Katayama Shuu)

Summary by SnoopyCool: Dragon Fist follows the exploits of a young dragon that is exiled from his clan after committing a terrible crime. This particular manga has been published one volume per year for the past 12 years, so the artistic style changes rather drastically as you read further on. It's a kind of chronicle of Katayama Shuu's growth as an artist (sorry, but I think mangas like that are pretty cool... you know, no need to read a new manga to see the new style, just keep reading the old one).

The Last Love Song On This Little Planet

The Last Love Song On This Little Planet summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Last Love Song On This Little Planet. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Campaign of Trenton 1776-77

The Campaign of Trenton 1776-77 summary: The Campaign of Trenton 1776-77 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Campaign of Trenton 1776-77. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Shadow - The White Skulls

The Shadow - The White Skulls summary: The Shadow - The White Skulls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Shadow - The White Skulls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Adventures of My Cousin Smooth

The Adventures of My Cousin Smooth summary: The Adventures of My Cousin Smooth summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of My Cousin Smooth. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sixth Column

Sixth Column summary: Sixth Column summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sixth Column. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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