简介爱书的下克上 第二部漫画 ,从小就是个超级书痴的女大学生本须丽乃,在地震时被掉落的书所活埋,当她醒来时,发现自己竟转生到了陌生的异世界,变成名为梅茵的5岁小女孩,不但生在贫穷的士兵家,且体弱多病,但最让她难以接受的是,在身边完全找不到书籍以及书店、图书馆,书籍价格高昂只能为贵族所有,于是梅茵下定决心心“既然买不到书,那就自己动手做!”。目标是成为图书管理员,过上被书籍环绕的美好生活
内容简介:简介:《我本想离婚后称霸娱乐圈ABO》是由网络作家是春风呀倾情打造的一部豪门耽美小说,双男主是秦子衿孟阙。讲述的是秦子衿从未想过,维持一段没有感情的婚姻会这么绝望,两年来,无论他做什么 ,看到的都是孟阙厌恶的眼神,如今疼爱自己的父亲去世了,他突然清醒了过来,提出了离婚,可谁想那个男人居然不同意1w0-126520 >>
内容简介:每篇爽文里都有这样一个反派,不惹主角不舒服,被打脸无数次还要降智作死,最后沦为踏脚石悲惨收场。当满级快穿大佬穿成爽文反派,管你是气运之子还是逆天改命,他只管自己活个痛快。想踩他上位?那 就试试被踩死的下场!【苏爽苏爽苏爽!本文为《大佬拿了渣男剧本091快穿093》的续篇,同一个主角。两篇文前后衔接,但没看过也不影响】※我的预收文:《谢当年不娶之恩091快穿093》许多女子捧出一颗真心,准备做最幸福的新娘,却惨遭抛弃,悲戚收场。家世差、不漂亮、不温柔、没情趣……所有的一切都是他不爱你的理由。当林萱穿成这些伤心的女子,直接活成了所有人最羡慕的样子。她对渣男只有一句话要说——谢当年不娶之恩!——————我的快穿完结文:※《大佬拿了渣男剧本091快穿093》男主快穿·100万字·5万收藏·本文前传※《BOSS打脸手册091快穿093》男主快穿·200万字·7万收藏·大佬穿炮灰逆袭做BOSS※《作精女配觉醒了091快穿093》65万字·5万收藏·高智商1V1痛快打脸※《退休反派穿成炮灰女配091快穿093》158万字·8万收藏·女魔头穿炮灰逆风翻盘※《快穿之护短狂魔》90万字·3万收藏·超护短1V1联合双打※《头号炮灰091快穿093》380万字·近各位书友要是觉得《爽文反派罢工了快穿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w69337-80275 >>
内容简介:周海洋大学毕业后独自一人来到海边小城东海市打拼生活。通过自己努力,工作与生活渐入佳境。先买了房子,又入职当地龙头企业港城建筑集团内最好的业务部。感觉自己略有成绩的周海洋便开始浮躁起来, 在工作中偶遇叶梦辰,但是刚准备对喜欢的女孩展开追求,便遭遇工作滑铁卢。机缘巧合,让周海洋再次遇到叶梦辰,但是其浮躁的作风和其他原因,让初识周海洋的叶梦辰十分反感。1w0-49475 >>
内容简介: 勤习不废修金诀,功满终须礼玉宸。 道向玉毫传得秘,书从黄石授来真。 今朝瓢笠游方外,旧处烟霞失主人。 从此坦然云水客,木人花鸟度青春。 一名修道人,误入方外天地,通玄究微、 悟道求真。1w0-2994 >>
内容简介:她男友把鸡巴顶到芳芳的逼缝处,用手掰开她的阴唇,将鸡巴慢慢插入,芳芳只觉小逼里有硬棒棒的异物侵入,阴道被鸡巴的一点点撑开,感觉有点痛,却相当刺激。由于芳芳逼里淫水太多,所以鸡巴很顺利的 插进了一小段,这时他把芳芳按在床上,吻住芳芳的嘴,吮吸着芳芳的舌头,然后腰部用力向下一捅,鸡巴一下子插进了芳芳的逼洞深处,芳芳痛的喉咙里呜呜直叫,芳芳只觉逼里面疼痛的难受,当然学医的她明白这是女人必须的一步。她男友只觉得鸡巴被芳芳的小逼紧紧的包着,暖暖的热热的很是舒服,停了一会后开始慢慢抽插起来,鸡巴被阴道内壁摩擦着相当爽快,这样只痛的芳芳眼含泪水。1w8649-109378 >>
内容简介:[原名:一不小心撬了jin主的墙角]w原文名中有一词不能用,所以改啦柯赛维德失忆前,知道敌国有个恶名在外的Omega将军,看不爽又干不掉,是个棘手的存在。失忆后,柯赛维德流落敌国,正式 和这位奇葩将军打了照面。Omega将军:呀,这是哪里来的小可怜,需要帮助吗?柯赛维德:……这个人很可疑,不过没关系,可以先利用他,获取身份芯片。[不料,事后落入对方的推销陷阱,欠下巨额外债。]Omega将军:你想要的我这里全都有,没钱可以先赊账哦。[债主爸爸贴心友好,从不催债,时不时还来点意外小惊喜。]柯赛维德却知道天下没有免费的大餐。为化解一次小危机,Omega将军来到学院,近水楼台,蠢蠢欲动,终于暴露出真面目。他用老师身份将柯赛维德拐到小角落,厚颜无耻道——我单身,你未娶,不如我们……谈个恋爱?Alpha攻XOmega受攻貌美如花,武力值爆表,智商在线,情商感人。受人形百宝箱,武力值、智商、情商都高,切开是黑的。主攻,年下前期受宠攻,后期互宠偏攻(不管前期后期,受对攻都宠,不会追到手吃干抹净就甩手当大爷哒!)攻受皆无前任,也没对别人动过心。前期恋爱线,后期事业加爱情线这是两个强者惺惺相惜,一拍即合,决定搭伙一起过,越看对方越顺眼的故事。无狗血,无误会,两人认认真真恋爱,认认真真拼事业,最终成为彼此无法分割的一部分。1w0-78016 >>
内容简介:论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧是一节藕创作的经典的小说作品论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧小兵提供论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧最新章节全文免费阅读,论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧下载,论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧全文字更新 ,论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧无弹窗!请关注论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧吧,本站最新最快更新论绿茶的一千种钓鱼技巧的最新章节。1w0-83694 >>
内容简介:我真不想嫁入豪门啊是由咖啡奶冻所写的穿越架空类小说,本站提供我真不想嫁入豪门啊最新章节阅读我真不想嫁入豪门啊全文阅读我真不想嫁入豪门啊免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现我真不想嫁入豪门啊更 新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-75217 >>
内容简介:一次意外,萧正被大众眼中的冰山女boss倒追逼婚。并顺利成为号称女儿国的新奥公司一员,从此展开万花丛中过的精彩人生。冰山女神、暴龙霸王花、温柔女上司、俏皮学生妹——喂!我可是有妇之夫! 请你们放尊重点!温馨提示:本书爆笑、热血,偶有温馨,宜男宜女,宜猥琐宜正派,欢迎收看!读者群:369187565注意:小兵的书友提供的《女神的近身护卫》是肥茄子写作的一部好书,如果大家都喜欢女神的近身护卫最新章节内容,勿必支持下作者肥茄子购买正版图书收藏。感谢书友们的陪伴。1w0-28464 >>
内容简介:她,医界传奇意外穿越,成了永宁伯府嫡四姑娘,上天偏爱,附赠了逆天空间一枚!一场赐婚,被许给了心有所属的他。 心有所属又何妨,他尽管宠他的白月光,她带着后院众美搞事业,互不干涉,完美! 举国上下的小妾,羡慕定王府后院羡慕的眼睛都要绿了,只恨投错了胎嫁错了人,未遇到定王妃这样能把妾室宠上天的主母,嘤嘤嘤! 见群芳成天环绕着王妃都没人搭理他,定王殿下发懵:这些女人嫁的到底是本王还是王妃?1w0-3415 >>
It's the social season, and 17 year old Emma heads to London, with her family's hope of finding a rich husband weighing heavily on her shoulders. One night, a mysterious man approaches her. A refined handsome face, curly black hair and deep blue eyes... Emma falls in love at first sight and shares with him her first kiss. 12 years later and now a widow, Emma visits the Earl of Greyston to discuss the marriage of her stepdaughter. It is the Earl's younger brother who is betrothed to her stepdaughter, but the Earl never shows himself. While staying there, Emma spots the man she kissed all those years ago in a portrait on the wall...!
While attending a friends wedding,Yuzu meets a drunk pervert who just so happens to be the same popular delinquent who helped her out in her school days. Having not known his name or anything much about him at the time ( she was going to be moving soon), she had held a certain image of him in her mind. But as the years have gone by and changed, so have they both, and she can't help feeling disappointed at finally meeting him again. The delinquent, Naomi Senzaki, on the other hand, has feelings far from disappointment, as the two of them keep 'accidentally' meeting and he remembers little details about her previous years, and how she slapped him back then. But what's this? Yuzu already has a boyfriend? How will things develop for Naomi and Yuzu?
Haruya, a magazine article writer, is constantly frustrating his editors with his lack of inspiration. His calm, quite life is spent in a house away from the city. However, upon meeting a shy boy undressing on the beach, their lives become linked. An unusual relationship follows that will ultimately be beneficial for the both of them. This is in a series of four, that are sequels or direct spin-offs. The list is as follows: 1. Te wo Tsunaide, Sora wo 2. Amayakana Toge 3. Aisanai Otoko 4. Vanilla Star
Hatsune is a male prostitute living during the Shouwa era in Edo. Suzuro is one of Hatsune's regular, but he only wants to paint Hatsune and leaves after he does. Hatsune would talk about this family with Suzuro and revealed that his brother was his lover. As if by fate, Suzuro who began to realize his feelings for Hatsune, coincidentally met with Hatsune's brother...
Post Impressions summary: Post Impressions summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Post Impressions. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Leviathan of the Covenant summary:
You shall become king—
Ruling over all “serpents” in the world&h.e.l.lip;
Become the man who bears the brunt of dragonkind’s fear and hatred.
A modern era when humanity is threatened by attacks from giant dragons flying from beyond the sky.
Controlling “leviathans”—serpentine spiritual beings created through magic—humanity is locked in a protracted war of resistance against the dragons.
Fortunately, there exist witches known as “magi”—battle maidens of salvation who formed covenants with “serpents” in order to combat dragons.
Nicknamed Hal, the young man called Haruga Haruomi makes his living through facilitating the covenants of these girls.
At the (partially coercive) request of his childhood friend Asya, one of Europe’s top witches, Hal returns to Tokyo New Town after an absence of three years.
Accompanied by the beautiful Asya whose appearance rivaled a fairy’s, Hal is running all over the place to secure his base of operations and taking care of matters related to school transfer when the elite dragon Soth suddenly attacks—!?
Life has been breathed into a brand new myth between dragons and dragonslayers.
A grand opening to the “birth” of a top-cla.s.s battle epic!
Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances summary: Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mrs. Overtheway's Remembrances. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Angel of the Tenement summary: The Angel of the Tenement summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Angel of the Tenement. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.