简介院草庄秋明遭遇直男癌女友程京! 程京:我们在一起后毕业就要结婚; 程京:后天我妈要见你; 程京:我三十岁前事业有成你在家奶孩子; 程京:出门穿的保守点别随便招惹人…… 庄秋明:麻麻,我女朋友总抢我台词怎么办??? QQ群:一群:812656413 二群:948660476 三群:958570571 四群:236032997
简介异次元魔王入侵地球,遭遇最大天敌——人类沈夏! 沈夏表示:谁特么能告诉自己,那只带触手的黑团子究竟是什么鬼玩意!? ———— 魔王:愚蠢的地球人,能被我看上是你的福气! 沈夏:滚!
内容简介:在年代文里当神童崽崽在娱乐圈文当锦鲤崽崽在孤儿院文当团宠大佬崽崽在真人秀文当天才崽崽在豪门文里当小祖宗崽崽在古代文当神仙小崽崽在萌宠文里当白虎小崽崽在末世文里的小丧尸崽崽!在星际文里面 当天才导演小崽崽这就是大佬沈青澜在每个世界当崽崽的逆袭故事写的顺序会打乱,每个都会写,轻松治愈文,比较放飞自我。这个预收原本是超级男神,可今年想写一些开心的,就改成了崽1w0-94815 >>
内容简介: 一个两千年后的灵魂,穿越到了公元前260年赵孝成王丹的身上。 为了摆脱将来沦为秦始皇一统天下垫脚石的命运,赵丹决定还是把这个统一天下的担子放在自己肩膀上好了。 但在那之前,赵丹 得应对一个迫在眉睫的问题。 此时此刻正是秦赵长平之战的最紧要关头,所以赵括换廉颇,到底换不换? 本书QQ交流群:672482759。1w0-3871 >>
内容简介:梁绿珠穿越了,穿越成了一个还没圆房就被退货的农家弃妇。 想揩油,滚!要卖她,打!绿茶婊带着前夫上门挑衅,一起揍! 种地,卖药,撕极品,弃妇也妖娆。 等等,这无赖怎么就缠着自己不放了?对 不起,姐只爱钱! 某男:黄金的轿撵,错层式的王府······爷,爱你如命。1w0-4211 >>
内容简介: 穿越平行宇宙,发现这个世界有轮回殿堂,所有人都可进入其中,进行一个个科幻星际、武侠神话,魔法巫术的奇妙世界穿越,探索这些未知的奇妙世界,从而获得力量和诸多神奇道具。只是,秦陌玉却愕 然发现,这些所谓的神奇世界,不就是自己前世的那些影视剧吗?1w0-1797 >>
内容简介:内容简介:穿越异世界,林辉获得一个鬼屋系统当上了老板。“顾客就是上帝,你们才是我的老板!”“哎哎哎,美女,别动那个人偶,它会跑的。”“还有你,小胖墩,别去掰那朵花,里面住着一个天使姐姐 。”“我打赌,我的恐怖屋绝对吓不死人,童叟无欺,若是假的,我当场直播吃辣椒!”……十分钟后,恐怖屋中尖叫声,哭喊声响作一团。“都说了我恐怖屋吓不死人,但是吓晕应该没问题吧。”林辉抓着手里的电话,目光凝重万分。“今晚又要去给鬼大爷办事,我哪是老板啊,分明就是跑腿的!”1w0-79351 >>
内容简介:禁区简介:她是江家的掌上明珠。虽是养女,金尊玉贵养了十年,鱼目也成了珍珠。可只有她自己知道这幅皮肉下蠢蠢欲动的欲望。她是江家小少爷默认的未婚妻。是一言一行皆妥帖懂礼的大家闺秀。但关了灯 后,却在黑暗中觊觎着自己的大哥。她想各位书友要是觉得《禁区》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!您要是觉得《禁区》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博微信里的朋友推荐哦!h31w0-77382 >>
内容简介:季尧“今天被我咬了唇,今后你就是我的人。林微尘,我希望你能记住这种疼,以后想起它来…也能想起我…”林微尘爱了季尧七年,从十八岁到二十五岁。一年热恋、两年深爱、两年平淡…他没想到,自己也 会有累的一天。林微尘想,七年之痒,他与季尧,终究是熬不过了。当初那个咬他一口后却依然能腆着脸对他笑得一脸灿烂说着“我喜欢你”的青年,已经不在了…林微尘“季1w0-72410 >>
内容简介:她是放逐于黑暗世界的妖精,妖媚勾魂,无心无情,无所谓正邪,只想随心所欲的活着,可是上天终究看不得她这么惬意,让她葬身火海,尸骨无存。再次睁眼,她是尧月国唯一的公主,不过却是个白痴加花痴 ,纨绔不化,刁蛮跋扈,痴恋尧月第一公子,用尽手段让他臣服在自己的裙下,却在新婚之夜被人暗算死于非命。皇族之人视她为耻辱,天下之人不屑嘲讽,却没人知道那具身体早已换了灵魂。黑暗中她勾起妖冶的红唇,媚惑如斯:“如此才有趣啊!”一手敛财、一手兵器,当天下大乱,她惊艳出世,列国之上,唯我独尊,从此,谁还敢小看她半分?衣袂飘香,那倾城一撇,又夺了谁的心魂?她只想肆意的重活一世,却不想在不经意间成就了无数人的惊鸿,无需渲染,便已倾绝天下!他,才华盖世,清冷绝傲,一袭青灰色长衫给他穿出了清风明月的气质,一身淡雅从容,不染纤尘,可终究因为那如妖如月的女子失了心魂,从天际跌落地狱,堕仙成魔!他,红衣妖艳,嗜血无情,如一朵开在黄泉路上的地狱红莲,勾魂妖冶,三千荼蘼染绯月,倾尽人间修罗色,明明是那么无情的人,是谁让他滴了红颜泪落在心口点绛了朱砂?他,随心肆意,无拘无束,一身白衣游走江湖,杀伐果断,快意恩仇,可长剑斩尽天下人,终究遇上了那人,最后宁愿将剑刺入自己心窝也不愿伤那人分毫!他,身怀仇恨,外面沉寂淡雅,内心却早已噬恨成魔,暗黑、死寂、腐朽,忽然有一日,那方黑暗的天际摄入一道烈焰,灼伤了他的眼,也灼伤了他的心,是为仇恨死,还是为那点光热而生?他,淡雅如风,无心无情,手中素弦拨弄,如仙乐可醉红尘梦人,也可如地狱冥音杀人无形;可琴音能控,那人心呢?1w0-84779 >>
内容简介:预收黑化后我满级归来、贵女与恶犬求收本文文案明尊夙虞是天下第一刀客,当年她持刀斩下前任妖君头颅,逼妖族和谈,救景朝百姓于水火之中,成为无数人心头白月光。不久,夙虞离开白玉京寻求修为突破 ,十1w0-70793 >>
Midway through the Twenty-first century, an integrated global computer network manages much of the world’s affairs. A proposed major software upgrade—an artificial intelligence—will give the system an unprecedented degree of independent decision-making power, but serious questions are raised in regard to how much control can safely be given to a non-human intelligence. In order to more fully assess the system, a new space-station habitat—a world in miniature—is developed for deployment of the fully operational system, named Spartacus. This mini-world can then be “attacked” in a series of escalating tests to assess the system’s responses and capabilities. If Spartacus gets out of hand, the system can be shut down and the station destroyed . . . unless Spartacus decides to take matters into its own hands and take the fight to Earth. • Adapted from James P. Hogan’s classic science-fiction novel by the award-winning Yukinobu Hoshino, The Two Faces of Tomorrow is hardcore science-fiction manga at its best.
From Saviour Scanlations: Michell is a monk in the city of Maridolsi. As he goes about his daily life, he encounters many interested people as well as intriguing mysteries. Murder, rape... Michell must face the darker side of man to solve these secrets surrounding him.
From Psycho Pandas: A short 8 page story about a commanding officer and a disobedient fighter pilot's concerns regarding death in combat.
Aiyoku no Eustia summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Aiyoku no Eustia. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Tombs of Atuan summary: The Tombs of Atuan summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Tombs of Atuan. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Winter Love summary: Winter Love summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Winter Love. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Merchantmen-at-arms : the British merchants' service in the war summary: Merchantmen-at-arms : the British merchants' service in the war summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Merchantmen-at-arms : the British merchants' service in the war. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Silent Reading summary: Childhood, upbringing, family background, social relations, traumatic experiences… We keep retrospecting and seeking out the motives of criminals, exploring the subtlest emotions driving them. It’s not to put ourselves in their shoes and sympathize, or even, forgive them; it’s not to find some reasons to exculpate their crimes; it’s not to kneel down before the so-called “complexity of human nature”; nor to introspect social conflicts, much less to alienate ourselves into monsters. We just want to have a fair trial – for ourselves and those who still have hope for the world. Specializing in dealing with various kinds of disobeying seme vs. cowardly and dissolute descendant of rich family uke A seme thug specialized in dealing with various kinds of disobedience vs. a cowardly and dissolute uke descended of a rich family