














类别恋爱 总裁 虐心
























内容简介:闻栖的老婆出轨了,据对方口述,小三长的那叫一个娇妩动人,美艳绝伦,身段还勾人的很。玩弄她的感情还想跟小三恩爱?想都别想!她当晚就要去会会这个第三者,堵人家门口放言:“要多少钱才跟我?开 个价。”刚洗完澡出来的路晚安,眸眼皆是风情:“嗯哼?”本来准备狠狠羞辱小贱人的闻大小姐,春风一度后,猛地发现对方娇弱无比,身子骨根本经不起折腾。端茶倒水换衣服擦汗,一件不落,她全伺候上了,心里直呼:造孽啊!次日,闻栖随父母去赴世交叔叔的寿宴,听说他们家那体弱多病的女儿也回国了。当她看到盛装出席,脖子上的粉扑了好几层都遮不住吻痕的某小贱人时,吓得够呛!闻父闻母拉着拼命往后躲的闻栖,带到路晚安跟前,笑的一脸慈祥:“小时候你们俩感情可好了,小栖跟条小尾巴一样,睡觉都要黏着你呢……”路晚安揉揉眼前这张通红的脸,丝毫不意外:“乖,叫姐姐”【文里私设成年即可结婚,女主十八岁结婚,现在文里二十四岁,跟女二有六岁年龄差。】1w0-28499 >>


内容简介:一次偶然的救人而得到上古大神无的传承造就了孤儿龙无名的一生看着龙无名是怎样的带着自己兄弟们在凡间、修真界、仙界、神界掀起腥风血雨。创造出一个又一个的奇迹,最后成就了一代天尊。读者们走过 路过,千万别错过。请大家多多的支持。咖啡在此声明,本书绝对不会太监的,请各位放心的收藏。各位书友要是觉得《九转金身决》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《九转金身决》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-4885 >>


内容简介:  吞噬星空世界里,罗峰骄傲地说:“我夏师兄是最强的!人类史上第一妖孽!”雪鹰领主世界里,东伯雪鹰激动地说:“夏大哥,你是我从小的偶像!我要加入云雾城!”……这是一个穿越者的故事!夏至 带着太上道传承,来到吞噬星空世界,宇宙亿万族群终将要因他而为之震颤!这里有神灵对战,法则感悟!这里有万族争锋,真意对决!太虚洪荒,宇宙万界,太上道的传说要永恒流传!Ps:40章起飞,59章渐入佳境,万千书友都说越往后越好看,作者菌也在进步中!(吞噬星空主世界,雪鹰领主辅世界!)(轻微无限流,无系统!)每日更新有保证,从无断更,绝不太监,请放心入坑!让最爱吞噬星空的我们,喜爱雪鹰的书友们,有本完结的同好小说!1w0-1713 >>


内容简介:九阳九阴和嫁衣明玉孰强孰弱?天外飞仙与夺命十五剑何为剑技极峰?天魔大法能否抵挡大叔二叔的合纵连横之术?是天刀的「舍刀之外,再无他物」更胜一筹,还是「唯能极於情,故能极於剑」的覆雨剑青出 于蓝?这个魔改异乱的神州大陆,究竟谁才能主宰沉浮,问鼎九五,横击天下,成为一代武林神话。1w0-90544 >>




内容简介:  江舟被一卷鬼神图录带到大稷,用手机里的半集西游记,将一个凶残的妖女忽悠瘸了,以灵台方寸山,斜月三星洞传人的身份,开始走上了一条通天路……妖魔乱世,红尘有仙。古箓一卷,造化自得。敕赏 诛鬼,封灵请神。白骨梳妆图,金人迎亲图,白骨老佛极乐夜宴图,山鬼相思图,钟馗醉酒嚼鬼图,伏魔大帝斩妖图……百日化龙草,太乙五烟罗,金刚掌……急急如律令,齐天大圣现真身! (幼苗稚嫩,急需灌溉。书荒可移步两百万字精品老书《诸天普渡》)1w0-2782 >>


内容简介:罗信是一个文质彬彬(无耻腹黑)、温柔儒雅(龌龊阴险)、怯弱胆小(无法无天)的人。被仨熊孩子尿醒,发现自己回到大唐贞观年间,虽然家徒四壁,却有一个娇柔温顺的小娘子等着他。且看罗信如何刚正 不阿(溜须拍马)、锄强扶弱(仗势欺人)、指点江山(拳打门阀,脚踩权贵),坐马车住豪宅,三妻四妾随我来……1w0-4184 >>


内容简介:本文不包括外篇及书评是的,拉克丝克莱茵,也许本来,我就是你。我们是如此的相似。但是,庄周梦蝶蝶梦庄周。只因为有了另一份记忆,我们的选择,便如此不同……而在这命运的潮流中,既然选择了一个 方向前进,便再不能回头。1w0-83668 >>


内容简介:职业玩家重回十年之前。穿越到公测之前的《大江湖》游戏中,成为了一个开测即被推的新手村BOSS!在这个多朝代融合的大武侠网游世界。有纯阳真仙吕洞宾破碎虚空,白日飞升;有武当祖师张三丰功参 造化,返璞归真;有真武宗师张梦白一朝得道天下惊!有葵花传人现世,神针夺命鬼见愁。有九天君幕后掌天下,天下第一奇男子方乾,南屏天子峰约战剑圣拓跋。有落雁峰七星战十恶。有六分半堂和金风细雨楼摩擦不断,诸葛神侯肩扛北宋只手挽天倾。乱世之下,顾雁枫不止要活下去。他还要活得精彩!(本书又名《终极BOSS养成计划》,《武侠世界求生指南》,《大江湖最强幕后黑手》,《从江湖喽啰到魔道巨擘》,《谢邀,人在江湖,已是天下第一》……)本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《从NPC到魔教教主》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65480 >>

Kimi To Kemono Na Yume O Miru

From Midnight Scans: A girl is raising a beast in her hearth?! A beast-like girl x diligent guy! The aim of the game is to escape completely! At first glance, Izumida Riko looks like a neat girl, and she’s known as the 'Credit Union's Madonna'. However, she's the repulsive beast girl who heads a robbery group. Aiming at Riko is a guy whom she met during her morning run. Is their meeting really by chance, or because of 'duty'?! Also included here are: Kimi no Kawaii Doku Ouji (Your Cute Poison Prince) / Musesouna Aporo (Inconstant Apollo) / Kimi to Kemono na Yume wo Miru (Watching the Beastly Dream with You) / Motto Ranbou ni Aishite mo, Ii yo (It's Okay to be More Violent in Love) / Migite no Bonno Atashi no Kodou (Right Hand's Lust, My Palpitation) ----- #1: Watashi no Kawaii Doku Ouji/ My Cute Poison Prince Every year the two rivaling companies Ryuuou Comercial Affairs and Royal Tiger Products host a golf competition to see who is best. And every year Ayaka Suzuki, business director of Ryuuou, takes this opportunity to catch herself a new lover. Since all the men Ayaka tried before turned out to be insufficient for her passionate love, she is doubly happy to spot Yuuri Yamada, a new face among the Royal Tiger employees, and she doesn’t hesitate to seduce him… but could it be that Yuuri himself follows some hidden agenda by joining this golf competition?!?! … #2: Musessou na Apollo/ Inconsistent Apollo Unable to forget her past memories Mizuki thinks sex is nothing but a boring and painful thing she never wants to experience again. But when Mizuki surprises her classmate and well known womanizer Ruka Hirasawa making out with another girl in their college’s painting classroom, her thoughts change slowly. Seeing this passionate scene Mizuki can’t help but wonder how it would be to be embraced by Ruka… but what’s that? Ruka himself suddenly approaches Mizuki wanting to make this fantasy a reality!!?!? #3: Kimi to Kemono na Yume Wo Miiu/ Watching the Beastly Dream with You Beautiful, hardworking and overall stunning Riko Izumida doesn’t get called “Madonna of the credit union” for nothing. But behind that mask of a well-mannered bank employee Riko is not as tame as you may think, especially when it comes to catching herself the perfect guy. So when the one guy she’s been eyeing for some time now just so happens to rob her bank, Riko doesn’t hesitate to chase after him… and things start to take unexpected turns. #4: Motto Ranbou ni Aishitemo, ii yo/ I Don’t Mind If You Love Me Roughly In order to attract guys, Hinako always follows her mother’s words, and so far Hinako always got what she wanted by playing the hard-to-get. But then suddenly a rival appears at her college who immediately catches the attention of all the boys, including Katsuragi, Hinako’s secret crush. Devastated by the instant defeat Hinako turns to Shuu, who claims he would help her to get back Katsuraki’s attention, if she only does whatever he tells her to… but does Shuu really intent to help her, Hinako can’t be sure… #5: Migite no Bonnou, Atashi no Kodou/ The Right Hand’s Passion, My Palpitation Hiyama Touko, like any other high school girl has a secret crush but being the shy girl she is, Touko can’t do anything but watch the cool Kuga-kun from afar. So when her friend Natsumi catches Touko, once again staring at Kuga-kun after he helped her out in class, she decides to give Touko some courage through hypnosis. At first Touko doesn’t believe it would work, but then she suddenly loses control over her right hand and now Touko can’t stop groping poor Kuga-kun…. What the heck is going on?? And how will Touko manage to get back to normal again?!?!?

Haitoku Ga Matte Iru

Yurino's beloved is in financial trouble, so she decides to help him out by being a prostitute. However, the first guy she says 'wanna have some fun with me for 500 bucks?' to happens to be a famous popular music composer, Yukio, with one of his singers, Karin, with him. The book consists of a collection of dangerous and sad love stories.

Pochi No Shiawase

From Attractive Fascinante : Our cute Pochi [popular nickname for dogs in Japan] is always following our Math senpai around. For so many years, will he finally get an answer for his unrequited love?

Ano Ko No Ie

Ano Ko no Ie summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ano Ko no Ie. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Adagio. summary: Adagio. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Adagio.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ai Shika Iranee yo

Ai Shika Iranee yo summary: High school senior, Junya Sawa, gets a new cla.s.smate when Uzuki Kobayakawa, the heir to notorious crime syndicate, transfers to his school. The other students in Junya’s cla.s.s all keep their distance, giving Uzuki a wide berth, however Junya soon becomes good friends with him. Gradually, the two become attracted to one another, but Uzuki’s educational “advisor” admonishes him, telling Uzuki that the world he must live in has no room for Junya, and the two are separated. Then, 8 years later, still holding that wound that never healed, the adult Junya reunites with Uzuki…

Express Lane Meals

Express Lane Meals summary: Express Lane Meals summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Express Lane Meals. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson

The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson summary: The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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