





C6H10O 求救信号

简介 匿名网文小说家姜滉因为不得不搬家偶遇了一个不讨喜的室友萧笑,合租的两人从一开始的相互看不顺眼到后来的相互理解,并发现这个不讨喜的室友竟是自己苦苦找寻多年的“小豆子”?!






















类别玄幻 恋爱 古风 少女 其他




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:武侠:开局表白祝玉妍】苏世锋穿越到一个高武的世界中。此界由无数的影视,小说,电影中的武侠人物所组成的一个奇异世界。武道可超凡入圣!世界纷乱各种势力犬牙交错,大 打出手,伐山灭派不知凡几!幸好苏世峰觉醒天骄系统,其中功能之一,葬兵。可收取诸人之兵,获取敌人之武学。“谢逊,屠龙刀在你手中!”“周芷若,倚天剑打打杀杀,我来替你保管。”“宋缺,水仙刀给我,我与你一战。”可没等苏世峰发展起来,系统就下发了第一个任务,让苏世锋难以抉择。截胡石之轩,表白阴后祝玉妍奖励,吞天灭地七大限。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢武侠:开局表白祝玉妍,别忘记分享给朋友作者:老张上天所写的《武侠:开局表白祝玉妍》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83200 >>


内容简介:免费提供作者天淡的经典小说:《为了世界和平》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说这是某个从主神空间奋斗出来掉到世界主神梅林手中的被任命让世界和平而雷得外焦里嫩的魔 王养成史。姓名:(穿到梅林空间,由梅林特别命名。根据血统,取义神圣的君王。)性别:男(女穿男,黑暗精灵王血统决定。)血统:黑暗精灵王(世界唯一性)姓名:LordVoldemort性别:显而易见血统:巫师,Slytherin后裔。本文女穿男,吐槽系,人物崩坏剧情崩坏,喜欢雷的可以潜水1w0-72867 >>

网络用语狗子是什么意思 二狗子是什么意思原意

内容简介:网络用语狗子是什么意思网络上经常有人开玩笑地称呼自己的朋友为“狗子”或者“二狗子”,看起来有点贬低人、骂人的意思。也不像是普通话的用法,所以网络用语狗子是什么意思呢。1w9646-71 603 >>


内容简介:【日常文娱】娱乐频道记者终于抢到了最前面的采访位,赶忙开口道:“请问高先生!是什么样的理想支撑您一路走到文娱界的巅峰?”高爽微笑着看了眼身边挽着自己胳膊的何晓玲,转头对记者说道:“其实 吧,我这人没啥理想,从最开始就只是想和我家何姨过点老婆孩子热炕头的小日子!”本书又名:《我与何姨的日常》、《谈个恋爱顺便攀上文娱巅峰》、《何姨你揍死我吧》……1w0-105082 >>


内容简介:  唐宁穿越修真世界,开局连抽十个系统。“叮!开启影视世界系统……”“叮!开启剑宗养成系统……” “叮!开启末世商城系统……” “叮!开启千倍经验系统……” “叮!开启每日礼包系统…… ” “叮!开启穿越直播系统……” ……从此诸天行走,成就万界强者。1w0-3396 >>


内容简介:废柴血脉终于觉醒,星辰历练偶遇极天大盗,为夺星耀之石无意冲破万天法阵,来到神冥大陆,成为大陆神秘组织的神探代号奕星,与其他两大组织对抗邪恶之魂。夺回星耀之石,改变空间,终归星耀苍穹。为 救女主我意千林万海,只为与你再次相遇。为救苍生,我意逆天改命,只为万古不朽。1w0-90078 >>


内容简介:【萌宝马甲甜宠爽文】秦家女儿自体弱多病,四年后,传言她要被接回来,秦家的儿子们纷纷表态。:我没有。二哥:多了个玩具呢。三哥:别烦我!其他哥哥:那是谁,不认识!欢迎会上,一群人等着看秦乐 乐的好戏,结果他们看到令人震惊的一幕。那个不苟言笑的秦家长子居然让奶娃娃坐在他肩膀上!那个总是欺负人的秦家二子居然忙前忙后的投喂。据说脾气暴躁的三子被踹了一脚都不生气。看好戏:世界变了还是我们变了?1w8994-25393 >>


内容简介:〖无虐甜宠文,双洁,群号:361973590〗女神医穿成了个臭名昭著的古代泼妇,打老公,拧孩子,整天在村里惹是生非,还时不时为了个背叛过她的渣男寻死觅活……重生一回,可得好好过日子!家 徒四壁,样貌丑陋,…1w0-98241 >>


内容简介:王珞穿越了,穿成国公的孙女,即使她爹只关心原配夫人留下的长姐、她娘是典型的欺压继女无脑继母,王珞还是非常满足,还有什么比能重活一世且衣食无忧更让人满意的事吗?只是她投胎的时代不大好,是 夏朝历史上最后一个辉煌期,再有十几年就要陷入军阀割据的乱世,而这段乱世持续了几十年才会结束……提问:如果即将会面对军阀割据、易子而食《权臣的掌珠》小说推荐:征服异界从游戏开始、我在大佬身边吃很饱、权臣的掌珠、攻略那个渣快穿、无论魏晋、穿成反派的心尖宠、女主当爹那些年、消除你的执念快穿、娇娘春闺、完美转世以后、反派有话说重生、妾无良、此生长、反派他过分美丽穿书、望春山、恶毒女配翻身后、重来也无用(双重生)、穿成虐哭大佬的白月光快穿、宫阙有贪欢、穿成反派后我沉迷种田(快穿)1w0-95524 >>


内容简介:  不死帝国消失的一千年后,当年的种菜小骷髅依旧在耕种着他的农场,直到召唤通道重新开启。“你们饿吗?我种了一千年的菜,存了亿点点食物。”“这些农田都抛荒了吗?我能种东西吗?”“公主的城 市在山上不能种菜?那不去了。”“他们要收我的税还不让我种菜?消灭他们!”1w0-2755 >>


内容简介:穿越洪荒,根脚顶级,外加金手指。陈平以为自己这一辈子,必定是脚踏天道,力证最强的存在。但这一路上,似乎有了一些偏差——女娲:他和他老婆,又去打架了!实不相瞒,我想一起。羲和:俺也一样。 常羲:俺也一样。西王母:俺也一样。听到这几个女人的话,一1w0-99578 >>


内容简介:即将从三流大学毕业的林寒浑浑噩噩混了三年,啥也没学会,在他人生渺茫黯淡的时候却被完美男人系统给砸中。完美男人啥都会,完美男人必须要符合各种职业各种性格美女的审美,从此他的人生充满了各种 的香艳诱惑校花快来,说好的单独补习呢?空姐别走,你衣服还没换上!警花,诶诶诶!别别别动手,床要塌了!啊,美女总裁来了,我是老司机,快上车!1w70967-82776 >>

Fated To Love You

A manhua based on the Taiwanese drama of the same name: A really unfashionable working class girl, Chen Xin Yi, desires to tie down her handsome boyfriend to be with her. Due to certain reasons, her boyfriend gets her to go on a love cruise and she started to ponder how to lose her virginity and tie down her boyfriend. Xin Yi ended up taking cold medicine which made her drowsy and caused her to go into Ji Cun Xi's room. Cun Xi is the sole male heir to his family's company and has been in love with his girlfriend, Anna, for a long time. He planned to propose to Anna on the boat, but she didn't turn up. An island owner added drugs into Cun Xi's drink, and Cun Xi became disoriented and returned to his room. Xin Yi and Cun Xi end up having a one night stand. Xin Yi later finds out that she's pregnant, and Cun Xi's grandmother forces them to get married. Will a couple forced to marry for the sake of their unborn child find love with each other?

Bitter - Nakechau Koi Monogatari

Story 1: N Island is a small island where all the kids know each other, and they're excited to meet the new transfer student from Tokyo. Fifth grader Kanta doesn't want it to be a girl, because his classmate Kyo is the only icky girl the island needs. In a way that makes Kyo happy -- because she's always known she wants to live out her life on the island as Kanta's wife someday. But the transfer student, Ritsuka, is a girl, and a shy one with a mother who's shunned by the island. So Kyo makes it her mission of good faith to assimilate Ritsuka, but then Kanta starts acting more interested in Ritsuka than in Kyo... When the main cloud splits into a butterfly cloud, which girl will be the one to separate from the rest...? Story 2: Racing Queen, by IZUMI Kaneyoshi When it comes to being a racing queen (it's like being a cheerleader for Nascar), you're either a bitch or a lost puppy. Ei learns this lesson the hard way from Akane, the reigning racing queen of the famous Meitoh Team, when Ei joins the team to put herself through college. It's only by doing harm to others that you succeed, and once you've succeeded, everyone wants to do harm to you. Ei's dream was to be the top racing queen, but once she gets there, it turns into her worst nightmare... Story 3: English Garden, by SAKURAKOUJI Kanoko Hayato is moving to England in one month, so he approaches Fumio and tells her to date him -- almost like a command. He's dominating, stubborn, and selfish, and Fumio really can't say no. But Hayato isn't without his charm; he has a talent for making things grow, and he designed a gorgeous English garden. Now he wants to spend his last month in Japan building a garden with Fumio. As the garden grows and changes, so do its gardeners... and as time becomes strained, so do their emotions... Story 4: Pure White Anniversary, by AYASE Riu: Just by selecting her, and saying her name, she became the class´ representative, and after time, trusted by teachers and students. That always maked her excited about working hard and being better. But, not all is white, not all is pure, when she was in trouble, A guy suddenly appears to help! Who is this guy? Why is he helping her? And, why does Sakura feels scared whenever she is with him? Well... we sure want to know. Story 5: The Coffee Shop that Ends Unrequited Love, by ADACHI Keiko This story is about a gilr called Rui. She's always too late on dates. But when she met Shiyouta she fell in love with him an want to be not late anymore... Story 6: Great Waiters?, by WASHIO Mie At 175 cm, Eisei (real name Haruyo) never thought she would ever find a boyfriend because of her height and her rather tomboyish looks and demeanour. Under her friends' recommendation, however, a visit to the renowned 'Hot Cafe' caused her to fall for a charming waiter named Kono... who promptly dragged her to fill the vacancy -- as a male waiter?! Having a chance to get closer to him is one thing, but has Kono also accidentally mistaken her for a boy?! How is Eisei supposed to express her feeling for him now? With a cafe filled with handsome waiters and the pretty girls who swoon over them, this 'pretty boy' has work cut out for her!

Rinne No Lagrange - Akatsuki No Memoria

From MangaHelpers: This manga is related to the anime, 'Rinne no Lagrange', although it has a different storyline. On the planet of De Metorio, Izo is a student in the royal pilot training facility, together with his few classmates, Kirius, Arei, and Sanu. One day, they get a new student teacher who happens to be De Metorio royalty, Princess Yurikano. She runs things a lot differently than Izo and the others are used to, but there's more to this princess than meets the eye. Will Yurikano be able to get Izo and the others to accept her training, and will she be able to survive the enemies that are gathering against her? [tethysdust]

Othello (Tsukamoto Youichi)

There are dangerous monsters called D's, lurking in the shadows of the world. A D mimics its victim's form exactly, allowing it to kill its victim and take its place. Kei, a normal high school kid, learns of these creatures when one of them targets his childhood friend Hinata. In his effort to protect Hinata, Kei finds himself being dragged into the affairs of Othello, an organization formed to bring about the extinction of these creatures. (from mangahelpers)

The United States Since the Civil War

The United States Since the Civil War summary: The United States Since the Civil War summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The United States Since the Civil War. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Breaking Brent

Breaking Brent summary: Breaking Brent summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Breaking Brent. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Navaho Houses, pages 469-518

Navaho Houses, pages 469-518 summary: Navaho Houses, pages 469-518 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Navaho Houses, pages 469-518. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

One Hundred Stories

One Hundred Stories summary: today i will tell you a tale
which, as it happens, is called
it is about a drunk girl
so there’s this guy anzen
he’s really into psychology
and so are all his buddies
except most of those buddies are also dudes
truth be told there are not many girls in this club
but there is this one girl in the club named mitsuko
and naturally the guys treat her like royalty
even though they don’t think she looks that great
—-Change this description if you have better description—-

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