













Here U Are




(C103) 某日放课后









传说中的网恋奔现? 但怎么也没想到的是,对方本体竟然是人气偶像?! 上辈子是拯救了银河系吗?


类别玄幻 恋爱 古风 少女 其他




内容简介:①【本文狗血。本文双渣。本文不洁。】②【本文HE。】【本文不入V。】③【基本日更,不更请假。每晚24:00更新。】——这是一本讲‘低俗’的书,谈不上高雅,也谈不上文学性。“他在我的笔记 本上画了一个「马斯洛需求层次金字塔」顶层是‘自我成就’最底层是‘呼吸、食物、性、住房、健康’他在‘性’上划了个叉:「我们的制度非常聪明,管住人最基本的需求。于是我们满脑子就剩下这些,其他什么都不想了。」”——《走出中东》有时,性比一切都危险。CP:魏北x沈南逸男星(受)x文学作家(攻)沈南逸:我只忠实描写人类欲念。魏北:拍点成人电影还犯法吗。沈南逸:为你点播一首《血腥爱情故事》。魏北:那我就给您唱《烂泥》吧。——别舍下我纵是这种烂泥。——能亲近你纵被你踩在脚下也矜贵。至于虐不虐,见仁见智。1w0-84269 >>


内容简介:福威,福威,何为福威?有威才能有福!剑法为何名曰辟邪?剑名辟邪,自当“百邪辟易”除人间“恶鬼”。那什么又是江湖?有人的地方就会有恩怨,有恩怨就会有江湖。人就是江湖!是非曲直,公道人心何 在?公道不在人心,是非在乎实力。可否全身而退?即入江湖,自当以生死为疆!(纯江湖,纯侠义,不诸天,穿书无系统)1w0-114859 >>


内容简介:  【正文已完结,番外更新ing,强推自己新书《快穿成大佬的心尖宠》,超甜师徒联手虐渣渣!】【1V1甜宠虐渣爽文,伪兄妹】  彤素每个界面都穿成了大BOSS的养妹、继妹、师妹……只想抱 紧哥哥大腿,完成虐渣任务,获得重生复仇的机会。然而,那个大BOSS,怎么看她的眼神不太对?  某人淡淡抬眸:“我不缺妹妹,只缺个媳妇儿。”彤素:!!!  女主归来,渣男贱女们,做好被虐的准备了吗?1w0-4278 >>


内容简介:侯府嫡女顾沅,生的瑰姿艳逸,媚骨天成,有长安第一美人之称。她有宠她的家人、亲密的好友,还有一桩青梅竹马的好姻缘。不曾想竹马下聘当日,一道圣旨直达侯府——那个传闻中乖戾冷僻的太子,要娶她 为妻。大婚当晚,顾沅心头恐惧,泪盈于睫。男人敛起眸中的病态痴迷,将她圈在怀中,温声细语,极尽温柔,“沅沅,别怕。”红帐落下,满室旖旎。长安众人皆知,太子对太子妃一往情深,万般宠爱。相处之下,顾沅也发现太子不像传言中的狠绝冷漠,或许可以尝试去爱他。1w44061-73307 >>




内容简介:穿越斗气大陆纳兰家族,成为了纳兰嫣然的哥哥,以绝世之姿,从斗气大陆为起点,万界称雄。至于萧炎……李辰风:好好跟着哥哥混,将来和我老妹儿一起帮哥哥管理好斗气大陆就行了……经历世界:斗破、 风云、天行九歌、诛仙、斗罗、盘龙、西游等。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《从斗破开始君临万界》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70271 >>


内容简介:“花小意”平民小丫头,因为从小喜欢安羽希的关系,决定考入威廉音乐学院去找他,但是因为身份等级的不同,在贵族王子小姐中求生存,简直就是在水深火热中沉浮啊。为什么会这么倒霉,在这所贵族学院 里总是撞在恶魔的枪口上。上帝,你一定要可怜可怜她,快赐给她一位英勇无畏又俊美无比的骑士吧,最好纯洁得像天使一样。什么?MYGOY!为什么恶魔与骑士长得是一模一样的?眼看光了?拼命地揉一揉。呜呜…是真的一模一样的孪生兄弟,到底哪一个才是她心中最爱的骑士呢?骑着白马的,不一定是王子,也不一定是唐僧,哇哇哇,还有可能是恶魔!嘿嘿,当然啦,骑着白马的,也许还是带着洁白羽翼的天使。1w0-84762 >>


内容简介:别问tr系统能做什么。要问你想做什么?别问有没有tr系统不能做的。要问你有多少东西不知道?别问tr是什么。要问你听说过泰拉瑞亚吗?一个从泰拉瑞亚世界开始的屠神灭世之旅……三观未必端正… …听说还有点虐……1w0-81415 >>


内容简介:  沈辉脑袋不小心被砸了下,结果被砸开了某个神秘部位,开启了第六感。1w0-1290


内容简介:  李乘风穿越了,遇到逍遥子,成为了逍遥派的小师弟,本以为抱上金大腿,可以随便浪,却发现这个世界和他想象的有点不一样。嵩山少林,有千丈佛陀金光万丈。峨眉金顶,有飘渺剑仙御剑乘风。昆仑山 下,有魔道巨枭拳碎虚空。这个世界好危险,好在李乘风激活了系统,签到就能变强。从二师兄无崖子身上签到《北冥神功》,天下武功,无不为我所用。从大师姐巫行云身上签到《八荒六合唯我独尊功》,天上地下,唯我独尊。从师父逍遥子身上签到《逍遥游》,鲲鹏法相,遨游天地!这下子,好像可以随便浪了……1w0-3273 >>


内容简介:  简介?不存在的,书都是假的,简介当然也是假的啊!哈哈哈哈哈哈,假的,都是假的,什么修仙,什么小说,统统都是假的!不要碰朕!朕不要吃药,朕没疯!总有书友想害朕!哈哈哈哈,你们这些人都 想害朕,护驾!护驾!!!!VIP全订群的群号:229370094(新书《我真不是仙二代》隆重发布,全新旅程开启,亲们可以去看看啦!)1w0-596 >>


内容简介:《我的绝品教练全文阅读》简介:桃花运?还是桃花劫?有钱有闲的贵妇、青春靓丽的平面模特、气质脱俗的未来明星一个个主动投怀送抱。不曾想,却让他陷入一场光怪陆离的生死漩涡。他身份隐秘,本想平 淡生活,却不得不奋力应付谜底揭开,一切恍然大悟推荐一本朋友的书《玄破星辰》,小哥们写的不错,值得一看!。1w0-72968 >>

Wanko Number One

Just after being dumped by his girlfriend for being wishy-washy, our hero meets a high-school girl... with dog ears? Is she a dog? A human? She's wide open, rather naive, and with her around, it's just one crazy day after another. Romantic comedy author Hiroyuki Tamakoshi, author of 'Boys Be', brings us the unlikely love story of a hopeless office worker and the extraordinarily beautiful girl who lives with him. Take care of your doggy!


From A Willful Muse & Alice Dreams “Wanna book a room with me?” It was only meant to be some harmless teasing! Aoi’s never even had a first love but now a mysterious boy has accepted her joking offer seriously. From a misunderstanding, Aoi and the boy start a passionate relationship. It’s only physical, right? Or has Aoi unconsciously started to fall in love with him? Tengoku No Tsuki - At an all girls school, Yuuri is the idolized, boyish and tall, upperclassman. With rumors of the 'Perverted Hand' flying about the school, what will Yuuri do when her best friend is the next victim? (Chapter 3 continues Tengoku No Tsuki) Protecting Eien's secret and granting his happiness is Yuuri's main focus of her beloved. But how will Eien react to the Priest getting too close to Yuuri during the school play Vampire Lover - Saku Mikuriya's parents divorced and she was left to live with her headmistress grandmother. As she cried of how she was unwanted, a man with golden hair and golden eyes appeared before her. 'Then do you want to leave with me?' he offered, they made a promise when the flower blooms, he would come and take her away. 10 years have passed and the flower only buds, but what happens when a mysterious transfer student arrives and he looks exactly like the man she met 10 years ago? Nana is ordinary, plain, doesn't stand out, and totally in love with Shu Aiba, a model and her classmate. What happens when Shu picks her to be his 'girlfriend' for his 'Tropical Island Vacation with My Girlfriend' shoot?

Rakuen No Torikago

1) The Blue-Bird's Whererabouts 2) Breaking Apart The Blue Sky Continuation of the first story. 3) Missing Our Piece Still the contnuation to the first story. 4) If I Hold You 5) Demon-guided Angel Invasion

Baby Pink Kiss

[From ShoujoMagic]: This volume is a collection of short love stories. Story 1: Romantic Love Complex The rumors of Hitomi's sexual exploits are getting out of hand, and Hitomi's nerdy boyfriend, Gaku, of course has heard them all. With his parents' vacation house all to themselves during the holidays, he's determined to have Hitomi turn him into a real man. What he doesn't know is that Hitomi started the rumors herself because she was too afraid to admit that... (!!!) Story 2: Hold Me, Holy Knight Kana has broken up with her boyfriend just in time to make Christmas very lonely. That's when she meets Iikura, a handsome stranger who offers to be her boyfriend for the sake of the holiday. He's a little unorthodox, and shy in the one way that Kana expects a man to be aggressive. Charmed by Iikura's eccentricity, will Kana give both her body and heart to him before the holy night is over? Story 3: Totally Pure Heart It's Valentine's Day at Kurumi's school, and Kurumi made chocolate the night before with someone specific in mind. When it comes down to sink-or-swim, and Kurumi must present it or be stuck with her own hand-made chocolate heart... she sinks. Running from her embarrassment (and her persistent friends), she ends up alone in a room with Matsuura, one of the most popular boys in school who is also doing his best to evade Valentine's Day. Although he's weighed down with chocolate gifts, he's determined to steal Kurumi's pure chocolate heart... Story 4: Flower Couple The continuation of 'Totally Pure Heart.' Kurumi's friend Chisato is well-meaning when she suggests that confessing love for Matsuura or sleeping with him too often will make him grow tired of the relationship quickly. Kurumi is also well-meaning when she brings Chisato and asks Matsuura to invite a male friend for the 'camping trip for two' that Matsuura planned. Getting mixed signals from Kurumi and being scrutinized by Chisato, Matsuura is frustrated, and it's only a matter of time before someone cracks. Story 5: The Glass Shoe Doesn't Fit Mia and Ikurou have been friends since childhood, but lately Ikurou has taken an interest in the lovely Satoe. While Mia drops subtle hints that Ikurou fails to pick up, she gets to constantly hear how she's not quite as cute as Satoe. It becomes too much for Mia, and when another handsome and highly sexual student asks her to be his girlfriend, she has no good reason to refuse. When Ikurou learns of Mia's new male acquisition, the lovely Satoe suddenly seems less attractive to him, but his realization may have come too late...

Finger Lickin' Dead

Finger Lickin' Dead summary: Finger Lickin' Dead summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Finger Lickin' Dead. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Cradle In The Grave

The Cradle In The Grave summary: The Cradle In The Grave summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Cradle In The Grave. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Eternal Kiss

The Eternal Kiss summary: The Eternal Kiss summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Eternal Kiss. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln summary: Abraham Lincoln summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Abraham Lincoln. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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