






类别都市 恋爱 霸总
















类别热血 校园 运动 日漫






简介云天空同名小说改编。王子流落民间十年,受尽凄苦。随着一重重慧眼天赋觉醒,希罗招募了诸多的强力伙伴,凭借着强大的圣灵兽,一路励志、搞笑的与敌人展开了战斗。一战之下,希罗才知道,当年的事情并没有那么简单。更大的黑幕,才刚刚露出一丝端倪!每周四更新。邮箱[email protected]




内容简介:清丽小白花×温柔男医生容颜初见秦医生时就被他shen上淡如止水的君子气质所xi引。彼时她还只是一个被生活所迫,混迹会所的陪酒小姐。秦爷,请喝酒。她乖巧地坐在他shen边,只想讨他欢心多 赚点卖酒钱。后来她被人欺负,斯文儒雅的秦医生为救她大打出手,沾染了血腥。谢谢你她感激不已,想给他dao谢,却不知dao怎么谢着谢着,就谢到了床上去再后来别人对她说,秦先生人很好,你跟着他就不用再每天都为钱发愁了。她卑微地想过攀附他,逃离地狱,但却发现,秦医生人确实不错,就是在床上有点变态某片段:呜呜呜你怎么可以这样?你强jian1w0-95039 >>


内容简介:武朝末年,岁月峥嵘,天下纷乱,金辽相抗,局势动荡,百年屈辱,终于望见结束的第一缕曙光,天祚帝、完颜阿骨打、吴乞买,成吉思汗铁木真、札木合、赤老温、木华黎、博尔忽、博尔术、秦桧、岳飞、李 纲、种师道、唐恪、吴敏、耿南仲、张邦昌,忠臣与奸臣的较量,英雄与枭雄的博弈,胡虏南下,百万铁骑叩雁门,江山沦陷,生灵涂炭,一个国家与1w382-30442 >>






内容简介:三年前,她最好的朋友被人轮奸致死!她看见他一蹶不振,于是爬上他的床,大肆宣扬后逼他娶她!他对她厌恶至极,她却不顾一切,飞蛾扑火。她以为总有一天她会将他这款玄铁捂热!但是却在命运的齿轮下 低了头,一场大病,夺走她的生命,她与他之间,再无瓜葛。三年后,一名酷似她的女人在他面前出现,他只看了她一眼便知道,她不是她!分享书籍《烈火燃情》作者:莫时烟1w0-84836 >>


内容简介:秦守降临怪兽电影世界,激活异常生物合成系统,踏上真正的打怪升级之路。【海鬣蜥】【超大体型】【原子反应炉】【人形调整】61【哥斯拉】叮!哥斯拉相似度百分之十,奖励智力开发。【黑猩猩】【超 大体型】【智力开发】61【金刚】叮!金刚相似度百分之五十,奖励金刚变身卡x1。【牛头】【鹿角】【鳄嘴】【蛇身】……【反重力装置】61【神龙】叮!神龙相似度百分之十,奖励高压电能装置。【龙首x3】【暴龙身躯】【雷龙巨翼】【高压电能装置】61【基多拉】叮!基多拉相似度百分之三十,奖励空间穿梭装置。【空间穿梭装置】【天牛】【人形调整】【超大体型】61【海帕杰顿】叮!海帕杰顿相似度百分之十,奖励光能转化器…………三百年前,怪兽之王哥斯拉与金刚世纪大战,基多拉再次唤醒全部泰坦巨兽,乱战之后,泰坦巨兽销声匿迹。两百年前,异星先驱打开空间之门,驱使怪兽入侵地球,人类研制出对抗怪兽的机甲,毁去空间之门后,机甲退役。一百年前,侏罗纪主题公园成为无主之地,泰坦巨兽苏醒,外星生物入侵,先驱卷土重来,地心辐射暴增,生物开始变异,地球沦为战场。新世纪120年……各位书友要是觉得《论怪兽的合成公式》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w65478-65485 >>




内容简介:海鲜大厨莫名其妙穿到了古代,说是出身贵族家大业大,家里最值钱的也就一头灰毛驴……苏誉无奈望天,为了养家糊口,只能重操旧业出去卖鱼,可皇家选妃不分男女,作为一个贵族破落户还必须得参加…… 论题:论表演杀鱼技能会不会被选中进宫皇帝陛下甩甩尾巴:“喵呜!”1w0-33299 >>


内容简介:穿越到了异界的郑鸣,随身戴着一副英雄牌,只要有足够的声望值,就可以召唤出这些英雄牌中的英雄:借助这些英雄的力量,你可以横刀立马,你可以飞檐走壁,你可以打出天外飞仙,同样也可以让你魔临天 地!当然,御剑九天上,斩魔天地间也不是梦想,就是化身太古金乌,焚天煮海,也不是没有可能……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《随身英雄杀》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61817 >>


内容简介:言淼一直以为,自己之于宋遇宁,是亲姐姐一样的存在。没承想,宋遇宁对她,早已心怀不轨。宋遇宁我可以亲眼看着你和别的男人在一起,只要他们能给你幸福。可他们都没做到。宋遇宁我1w0-1082 12 >>


内容简介:【斯文败类大总裁vs表里不一小妖精、先婚后爱、1v1、从无动于衷到非你不可】结婚后,沈嘉礼远赴海外开拓市场,顾明鸢留在国内花天酒地,成了互不干扰的塑料夫妻。两年后,沈嘉礼敢回国就抓到顾 明鸢在酒吧和网红小鲜肉贴身热舞。沈嘉礼:头顶青天大草原??顾明鸢:我不是,我没有,你不要乱说。晚上,沈嘉礼将顾明鸢抱在怀里。“有没有,我检查一下就知道了。”顾明鸢:……沈嘉礼:还敢吗?1w88491-88498 >>


内容简介:女巫薇拉帮助她的爱人脚踩渣爹,怒打敌人,干翻竞争者后,她以为的剧本是从此他们过着幸福快乐的生活。却万万没有料到,这正是她悲剧的开端。薇拉做了一场预言梦,看到两百年后,她曾经的丈夫被誉为 曙光,征服王,一统大陆的战神。而她的名号一样多,却没有那么响亮了。三日王后,这指的是在登基之时她这个“纠缠英雄王”不放的“恶毒女巫”威胁王要成为王后。王虚与委蛇让她当了三天王后,然后就把她撸了下来。投毒者,这指的是她暗害了王真正心爱的女人,高洁的牧师,让他们情人一生不成眷属。叛国的女巫,这指的是她被看似忠厚老实的狼人将军陷害叛国,然后被巴不得自己赶快消失掉的王打包丢出去送给大魔王红龙做祭品了。不过她侥幸没死,又得雅号,与龙交媾者。交媾个屁!薇拉心怀悲愤,她给红龙辛辛苦苦顺了几年鳞片,他睡得天昏地暗,最后暴怒之下把她烧了个半死。好不容易流窜离开之后,也是她蠢,想给老情人通风报信魔物入侵。即使他能一战,也可以免除平民的苦难。这毕竟是她守护过的国家。然后被高洁的牧师逮住打为奸细,在烈火中化为灰烬。不洁的灰烬王妃。她是塔阿修王人生中,唯一的污点。薇拉要气死了,她要是不洁,那操她操的上瘾的男人就是污秽!肮脏!她说的1w0-105702 >>

Renai Soukanzu

Compilation of short stories: 1) Pink Sweets Izumi is getting sexually harassed by his co-workers... How will his boss react? 2) Story of Bishounen Love Shizuka is straight, so how will the little bishounan Toki seduce him... 3) Cats & Aprons After a night of heavy drinking, Shino save a 'cat' from getting hit by a car and the 'cat' is grateful, very very grateful... 5) Strawberry on the Shortcake The beautiful and popular Momo likes to eat while he having sex, can he find someone that will Satisfy his appetite?

Medaka Box

The storyline follows Medaka Kurokami, a magnetic and appealing first year Hakoniwa Academy pupil who's elected Student Council President with 98% of the vote. She addresses these petitions in her improper way, and with all the help with her childhood buddy Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, institutes a suggestion box. On the span of the narrative, the student council leadership places are distributed by her to other pupils like Mogana Kikaijima and Kouki Akune. The Student Council learns that the academy chairman means to initiate a job to powerfully experimentation on routine pupils, the Flask Plan, called Normals, so that you can turn them into Abnormals, that's people with superhuman powers. The Student Council conflicts with other pupils which are involved using the job and infiltrates the secret laboratory of the school. Soon after, Misogi Kumagawa who wishes to replace the Student Council with one of his own of Medaka challenges to a championship the Student Council. From his powers, two pupils are unsealed after the defeat of Kumagawa and complete their transport to Hakoniwa Academy. The 2 tend to be more strong than Abnormals and are dubbed 'Not Equals'. Their leader, Anshin'in, threatens to restart the Flask Plan once Medaka grads, driving their successors to be trained by the Student Council. Nevertheless, the accurate strategy of Anshin'in would be to have the standing as Student Council President of Zenkichi usurp Medaka. Zenkichi succeeds and does so on the pretense of enhancing the student life. He convinces Medaka to permit the Flask Plan for those people who are not unwilling. Took over from her responsibilities as president of the Student Council, Medaka shortly becomes involved in a championship to determine her husband. Medaka becomes the winner, choosing to wed Zenkichi after they both grad and enters herself. Shortly after, the close pal Hansode Shiranui of Zenkichi leaves the school. Zenkichi and medaka find she's to end up being another host for Iihiko Shishime, a 5000-year old being. He is defeated by medaka and vanishes after quitting the moon from crashing towards the Earth, simply to reappear in time for the year end service. Following her return, assume her dad's position ahead of her family's company conglomerate, the Kurokami Group, only to later return as the new chairwoman and Medaka determines to leave the academy. Ten years after, Zenkichi, had worked his way up the Kurokami Group, becoming a high level worker before reuniting with her, with both swearing to never get split again.

Me Niwa Sayakani Mienedomo

At his classmate Mamoru Takayama's funeral, Mizuno runs into boy of the hour--Takayama! Takayama is apparently unable to rest in peace because he has a lingering attachment to this world. His unfinished business is to steal Mizuno's lips! Will ghost Takayama's wish be fulfilled!? Also featured in this volume is an epilogue of the story plus a bonus romance story entitled 'Gift.'

Misun Impossible

Top secret agent Im Misun! She's given an absurd mission to become an 'ordinary teacher.' Her unique lessons start now.

Irons In The Fire

Irons In The Fire summary: Irons In The Fire summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Irons In The Fire. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Mister Ostrich

My Mister Ostrich summary: Gu Mingxi and Pang Qian were next-door neighbors, cla.s.smates, and deskmates. From year-to-year, even when the cla.s.s seating was rearranged, they would still be deskmates. They grew up together like a pair of brother and sisters despite having different parents; if it was someone else, then their parents would probably have already arranged their wedding. However, Gu Mingxi was different.

Double Harness

Double Harness summary: Double Harness summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Double Harness. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Zicci: A Tale

Zicci: A Tale summary: Zicci: A Tale summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Zicci: A Tale. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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