



欧巴, 你不会爱上我吧







类别都市 恋爱 总裁


类别都市 恋爱 少女

赐给夏天的星星Stars in summe

她们想要接近对方的心情 改变了在生活边缘游荡的女孩 等到她有勇气踏出灰暗角落的时刻 就是迎接漫天星辰的时分 而往后 她的生活也会如名字般 赐予像夏天一般的自由



枫的恋爱大作战 -媚药篇-



简介男主母亲柳舒知道宋琳琳喜欢男主很多年,得知男主拒绝宋琳琳后,鼓励宋琳琳再接再厉,不要轻易放弃,并安排媒体大肆报道男主相亲,随时可能订婚的新闻。 女主苏糖因被男主所救对他心生好感,后以身相许抱上男主大腿才一个月,看见男主可能订婚的报道,在助理蒙甜甜的各种“恶意揣测”下,决定色诱男主,稳固关系。。。。












内容简介:青麻鬼手陈黄皮全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《青麻鬼手陈黄皮》陈黄皮著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读青麻鬼手陈黄皮全文内容。1w2465-626 98 >>


内容简介:纠正崩坏小说世界是暮颜的工作,有一天,暮颜从清水组调入肉文组执行任务,从此打开了新世界的大门快穿肉文,甜宠1v1cp组:新手世界:现代种马后宫文,女主之一重生,勾引男配养成忠犬的故事。 娇媚标致小青梅vs深情英竹马男任务组:1、女主重生,与韬光养晦王爷谋反复仇文。美丽懦弱和亲公主vs韬光养晦腹黑王爷2、末世玛丽苏宠文。拥有特殊异能的豪门女配vs神秘英俊的黑化反派丧尸皇3、娱乐圈艳星逆袭励志宠文。美艳羞涩不拍吻戏的小透明vs国民男神业界神话4、abo星际耽美宠文。伪装beta的血统纯正野生omega女战士vs血统返祖的强悍霸道alha执行官5、草根女神校园逆袭宠文。高贵冷艳校花妹妹vs三观崩坏男神哥哥6、平民女俘获高干子弟np宠文。甜美可爱小军医vs闷骚腹黑男军官7、庶女嫡妃古言宠文。绝世美女王爷小妾vs残疾冷酷黑化世子8、夺舍女修np肉文。修为尽废的清冷仙子vs修习上古神诀的嗜血魔尊目前大纲有三十多组cp,正文打算写十五组左右。先放这几组,之后的cp组会陆续放出。更新中,cp组会酌情增减,或微调顺序。如没有特殊情况,文文会日更。注意:年前事情比较多,而且有时候登不上(比如今天一直没能登上网站),所以更新可能会有些不稳定,但是不会坑不会坑不会坑重要的事情说三遍!注意:本文恢复日更啦!更新521w0-81184 >>


内容简介:  转生开局就是亲王世子,俗称小王爷大康国朝安稳,四海清平,商业发达,皇帝大伯又是出了名的宽厚待人我以为我已经站在了人生的巅峰,可以一直飞,一直爽,不断飞,不断爽……结果现实却和我开了 个天大的玩笑世间最残忍的一幕,就这么展现在了我的面前……我本想当一条与世无争的快乐咸鱼,可你们为什么偏偏不让我如愿呢?……已完本万订精品800万字《美梦时代》、700万字《重生之最强人生》,以及300万字《我什么都懂》,十年更新从未中断,欢迎老爷们赏脸观赏。1w0-2721 >>


内容简介: 江家陷入一场阴谋中,江家被一场大火焚烧,唐楚楚冒死把江辰从大火中拉出来。 十年后,江辰荣耀归来,报恩也报仇。 报唐楚楚救命之恩。 报江家灭族之仇。 江辰出现在唐楚楚身前:从此 后,有我在,你就有全世界。1w0-4595 >>


内容简介:《重生之出魔入佛》小说简介:天魔绝我,我便入佛。我作佛时,万魔哭嚎。是一个,重生遭遇穿越的故事又是一个,三人重生的故事再文的主角,是被穿越的是穿越成后文以,这就是一个真和尚的故事。嗯, 谢谢结巴图铺的银砸君,谢谢你帮忙制作的封面。修为境界划分:炼气、筑基、金丹、元婴、化神、合体、渡劫、飞升另公告:和编编商量过之后,这文会在1月25号即下周一入V,当日万字更新,谢谢各位亲支持。重生之出魔入佛是原作者柳明暗精心创作的都市小说大作,小兵同步更新重生之出魔入佛最新章节,书友所发表的重生之出魔入佛评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持重生之出魔入佛书友的观点。柳明暗的其他作品:主角重生复仇记、当修仙混入网游关键词:重生之出魔入佛最新章节、重生之出魔入佛无弹窗、重生之出魔入佛txt下载您要是觉得《重生之出魔入佛》还不错,请点击顶部分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈来支持柳明暗吧!1w0-75444 >>


内容简介:前世,程珞窈被白眼狼的弟弟妹妹背叛,当作免费的供应机,aaaaaa吃她的,用她的,不知感恩,贪得无厌,嫌弃她没本事。aaaaaa原男主,虚情假意,算计利用,只为夺取她的气运1w0-11 7939 >>


内容简介:慕瓷爱过一个人。后来,她如愿以偿成了他的女朋友。再后来,她被他下药送到沈如归身边,用来交换他的心尖宠。那晚,慕瓷差点死在沈如归床上,天际泛白,耳边隐约还能听到男人恶魔般的轻笑。“小可怜 ,又落我手里了呢。”1V1,暗恋梗,剧情为主肉为辅簡體版高H現代女性向1w5831-3115 >>


内容简介:女鬼,休要放肆!本大师在此,还不乖乖俯身翘臀!咳咳……俯就擒!本大师棒槌执于手,夜壶别腰间,十殿阎罗,听我号令;天下鬼邪,莫敢不从!哎哟……!阎王爷您别拿靴子扔我,我就装个逼哇……1w 0-34271 >>


内容简介:池疏是个兼职侦探,他没有18岁之前的记忆,身世成谜。一天,他收到一份遗产馈赠,赠予人是他的叔叔。为探究身世,他依约前往地址中的别墅,怎知迎接他的却是凶杀现场。与此同时,他的脑中多了一份 记忆,另一个“池疏”的完整记忆。别墅中有几个奇怪的人,自称“恐怖游戏玩家”。那么池疏自认,是个NPC,一个敬业的恐怖游戏NPC。1w0-69591 >>


内容简介:秦措爱过一个叫白纤纤的女人。她纯真,善良,乖巧……都是假象。真实的她自私且虚伪,接近他,只为他首富家族继承人的身份。他一再纵容,终究失望,于是决裂。不久,管家慌张寻他,原来今年财富榜首 的…1w0-74238 >>




内容简介:“走过路过千万不要错过啦!”“绝对没有空的!”“嘿要不要来开个罐子啊?保证能开出好东西!”莫然在火影的世界开了一家专卖罐子的店,每一个罐子都有可能开出神奇的宝物!“老板,你不是说绝对能 开出好东西吗?我都开了100个罐子了,怎么全都是废品?”“你才开了100个算什么,我都开了1000个罐子了!才得到了一个冰遁的血继限界!”“都闭嘴吧,你们那已经算不错了,我开了10000个罐子,也只是得了一双万花筒写轮眼而已!”想要变强吗?那就氪金吧,多开点罐子,恢复药剂,体验卡,复活币,血继限界,秘术都能够开出来哦!1w0-61954 >>


A shape-shifter wolf who was once a human, but became a semi-immortal when his lover betrayed and murdered him; adopted an orphaned boy, who is now a young man. They travel together, exorcising evil spirits and demons. Trouble follows and finds them often, but they always manage to come out on the other side, pretty much intact.

Alice Kara Mahou

Alice Asahina is a high school student interested in the Tarot, reading the future and fortune, and so on. One day there is a rain of meteors and a strange rabbit falls while she was watching the rain. The rabbit tells that the shooting stars are the precious jewels of his queen and can enter into the hearts of people, causing strange effects on its victims. Alice will be devoted to achieving these stars in the form of Alice in Wonderland.

Gwisin Byeolgok

From: Easy Going Scans When Ah-ryoung was only a baby, her mother made a pact with a demon named Nachal, who would claim Ah-ryoung's body once she turns 15. She has inherited her mother's considerable spiritual powers but that “gift” that allows her to see ghosts even from an early age, has made her an outcast for the other kids. She has finally turned 15 and it’s now time for the demon to claim her body... but then an accident happens...

Mukuro Chandelier

From MangaHelpers: In response to a decrease in population, human corpses have become a major resource for society's labor pool. Necromancers are needed to animate corpses for various jobs. These corpses work reliably unless they encounter human love, at which point they go berserk and attack. Zen is the necromancer of his city, and he spends his time animating corpses and dealing with the messy aftermath of those cases of 'necrophilia.' Zen has a strange assistant, who keeps his face covered and never speaks in public. This assistant is Yomai, a ghoul that Zen took under his wing. Zen allows Yomai to feed from his own flesh, but he has strictly forbidden the ghoul from revealing himself to, speaking to, or eating other humans. Yomai doesn't want to anger his benefactor, but he is not completely satisfied living under all of Zen's restrictions. There's plenty of violence, death, and surprises ahead for the necromancer and his ghoul! [tethysdust]


Atlantis summary: Heart of the Dragon (Atlantis #1) Grace Carlyle 's world was about to change . . . Deep in the jungle on the trail of her missing brother, Grace never expected to find a secret world populated by mythological monsters -- nor guarded by a sword-wielding being whose beauty put mortal men to shame. Darius en Kragin belongs to a race of shape-shifting warriors sworn to guard Atlantis and kill all travelers who stray within its boundaries. Yet when Grace stumbles into his realm, he finds himself tempted to betray his centuries-old vow. Now their forbidden love will either bring their worlds together -- or tear them both apart.

The Chevalier d'Auriac

The Chevalier d'Auriac summary: The Chevalier d'Auriac summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Chevalier d'Auriac. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven summary: Defiance of natural order of a single young Dragon soul.
The main character was the number one player in the previous VRMMO’s, with his superhuman arrogance (which would make even the worst young master blush), charisma and strength he will give a new VR game a try, to once again become the best!
But all doesn’t go as expected, as because of a bug in the game he goes into the game world without his starting cla.s.s….
And this begins his journey towards reaching the peak of the game?
or will it totally go the other way?

The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Sabre

The Heaven Sword and the Dragon Sabre summary: The Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre was first serialized by Jin Yong in newspapers from 6 July 1961 to 2 September 1963.
The book is the third of the Condor Trilogy. The story has undergone two revisions. The second edition was released in 1979 and and the third edition was published in 2005.
Set in the late Yuan dynasty, the story revolves around a pair of priceless and extremely powerful weapons, the Heaven Reliant Sword (倚天劍) and Dragon Slaying Saber (屠龍刀), which are coveted by many martial artists in the jianghu. Either or both of them are thought to allow their wielder to rule the wulin (martial artists’ community), according to a widely circulated mantra which goes, “Honoured by the wulin, the precious Saber slays the Dragon. It commands the world. Who dares to disobey? If the Heaven Reliant does not appear, who can challenge it?” (武林至尊,寶刀屠龍,號令天下,莫敢不從!倚天不出,誰與爭鋒?). The origins of this mantra are not known at the beginning of the story.
The protagonist, Zhang Wuji, is of mixed heritage: His father, Zhang Cuishan, is an apprentice of Zhang Sanfeng, the highly revered leader of the Wudang Sect; his mother, Yin Susu, is the daughter of Yin Tianzheng, the chief of the “unorthodox” Heavenly Eagle Cult. He spent his childhood on a reclusive northern island, where he was born, with only his parents and his G.o.dfather, Xie Xun, to keep him company. When he is about 10 years old, he returns to the Chinese mainland with his parents. They soon find themselves the target of several martial artists, who try to force them to reveal the whereabouts of Xie Xun and the Dragon Slaying Saber. His parents refuse and commit suicide. At the same time, Zhang Wuji is wounded by the Xuanming Elders, but he survives after seeking medical treatment from Hu Qingniu, an eccentric physician.

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