
































内容简介:凌火火的家庭会议……凌天:“世界末日了,是我们三个人中的一个人造成的,这个人,不是我。”凌淼:“也不是我。”凌火火:“……”我哥是魔王,我弟要灭世,所以……世界末日了,和我真的没有关系 !1w0-58216 >>




内容简介:战死后她重生在了孤儿院陆小茶身上,这里是个和平的世界,有她从来没见过的美味食物,没有做不完的任务和杀戮,所有的一切在她的眼里都是那么可爱。当一辆辆豪车来到孤儿院的时候,她才知道自己这身 体原来不是孤儿,是豪门真千金啊。而且她还有一个超级牛逼的爸爸,美艳漂亮的妈妈和五个哥哥以及一个舅舅,就是家人们的名字怎么听起来这么耳熟呢?想起来了,她在末世的时候看的一本小说,自己的家人貌似……全1w103571-117092 >>


内容简介:其实应该是:《太子妃她有点懵》庶女金兰进宫探望入选秀女的妹妹,忽然被权势滔天的司礼监大太监掳走,接着又被闻讯赶来的皇太子救下。素未谋面的两个男人都对她情根深种,而她一头雾水,什么都不知 道,稀里糊涂进了宫,成为了东宫太子妃。十五岁的东宫储妃,十七岁的中宫皇后。史书记载,帝后同起同卧,朝夕与共,一如民间夫妻。终景宗一生,六宫虚设,未纳妃嫔。避雷:1太子没重生,小罗是真太监,穿越文,女主会穿越到太子小罗小时候。前几章可能看得迷糊,女主她也懵。2苏文,很苏。3有原型参考,结局走向不同。各位书友要是觉得《太子妃她有点怂》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27257 >>




内容简介:千木因做作业猝死,被天神传送到了二次元世界。醒来之后发现自己穿越到了火影世界,没有金手指,没有血继限界,看一介平民如何在残酷的世界中打出自己的名号。世界线,火影——刀剑——食戟之灵—— 鬼灭——四霸——darling——海贼……敬请期待。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《从火影开始的世界穿越》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61198 >>


内容简介:玉瑶惨死后,意外得知自己是话本里的人物,整个青徽仙宗都是小师弟屠康登顶的垫脚石。对屠康来说,全宗上下皆反派!玉瑶重生回来,还没来得及想对策挽救宗门,就发现师父和五位师兄也重生了。众人抱 头痛哭,建立起“屠康受害者联盟”,每天都在为弄死屠康而奋斗不停,在自救路上狂奔不歇。可惜,屠康身为男主气运加身,完全弄不死啊!而且,画风怎么越来越不对了?1w0-89810 >>


内容简介:某世中文网大神作家步云应好友白金作家夜莺邀请试玩一款网游《妖乱三界》游戏时不幸被串电打死穿越仙侠世界中的蜀山,并且成为蜀山掌门的亲传弟子兼所有师弟师妹的大师兄。本以为会过上悠闲的小日子 ,有事师弟做,有妖师弟降,有宝上交来,没事师妹捶捶腿,揉揉肩,吃个葡萄喝个小酒过上清闲惬意的修仙生活时,这个愿望破灭了。没想到天帝突然驾崩了,天条消失了,妖界蠢蠢欲动,漫天神佛都动了起来,他这个大师兄想坐也坐不住了,因为蜀山就靠近妖界啊!然后步云发现他这个大师兄很强,融合最强卡片转换系统,可转换漫天神佛、妖魔以及修士。“滴,融合并切换成功,转换目标,斗战胜佛孙悟空:呔,妖怪,吃俺老孙一棒。”“滴,融合并切换成功,转换目标,人灯合一且拥有三界大爱之人沉香:你们这些道貌岸然的神仙,我开天斧很久没开峰了。”“滴,融合并切换成功,转换目标,无天佛祖:如来,本座又回来了。”“滴,……”斩妖除魔正太平,我欲登天修长生。证仙位,登帝台,既然三界没有天帝,那我便是天帝,当镇压世间一切敌。PS本书又名《天帝驾崩了》、《最强卡片转换系统》。1w0-129332 >>


内容简介:  一夜醒来,世界变了,学习的目标变成了去异界战斗。  两个不同的灵魂融合在了新的世界,将如何面对未来。  杜幽:我没有系统,但我有两个职业。1w0-322


内容简介:九阳九阴和嫁衣明玉孰强孰弱?天外飞仙与夺命十五剑何为剑技极峰?天魔大法能否抵挡大叔二叔的合纵连横之术?是天刀的「舍刀之外,再无他物」更胜一筹,还是「唯能极於情,故能极於剑」的覆雨剑青出 于蓝?这个魔改异乱的神州大陆,究竟谁才能主宰沉浮,问鼎九五,横击天下,成为一代武林神话。1w0-90544 >>


内容简介:“我不是要你屈服,而是要你甘心情愿。”他微笑着对我缓缓开口,俊美无俦的脸上盈着抹浅笑。记得很久以前,在明溪绿水畔惊鸿初见,他的黑发散乱随风,唇角的薄笑如云曦流瑞的日华。红尘几番,人间百 转,待铅华褪尽,相逢应不识妾身。几点宫灯绰约,他端坐高宇,笑如狡狐,眸中点点寒光。翻手覆掌间,他恣意任性地拨弄着瑶琴筝柱,姿态柔美胜画。“你以为,这一世逃到天涯海角,我就再找不到你吗?”玉盏杯倾,弦断难续。我仰头,看漫天黄叶飞舞,乱过眼底。掬起淡薄的轻笑,回眸顾盼,走入红尘。金戈踏马,乱世豪雄四起。且看谁能主天下,过尽浮云几番,儿女情长,水远天高。河山万里,烦扰尘嚣,纵马驰骋,再不管身后苍茫天地,悠悠穷碧。醉眼问花花不语,春风望断是天涯。1w0-110033 >>


内容简介:攻宠受快穿,超甜!暂定世界:凤凰男和小可怜竹马(已完成)学渣和学霸(进行中)当红明星和过气演技派渣男皇帝和将军混混和纨绔小少爷末世小白脸和大佬星际矿场主和替嫁美人音乐人和天才歌手王爷和 影卫控制狂和学长总裁和他的白月光元帅和傻白甜皇子魔尊和正道魁首……阅读说明:爽文,1V1,攻受都不换,但换世界会失忆1w0-39904 >>

A Fairy Tale For You

A collection of three stories by the mangaka of 'Penguin Brothers'. (1) Maasa is a beautiful country girl with suprising strength and character. Wolf is an ambitious young soldier. Wolf instantly falls in love with Maasa's beauty, though their personalities always clash. Battles pulls them apart, though a surprise waits for Wolf after the war. (2) Lucy runs away from home to escape an unwanted marriage and future. With an unnamed mercenary she meets, Lucy grows and learns the meaning and value of true beauty. Returning to her past, she bravely creates a new future for herself. (3) The relationships of four students are challenged when one boy receives a confession. His new girlfriend tries to make him into the perfect boyfriend - and tells his female friend to 'stay away.' Each character grows, changes, and learns a little more about themselves, each other, and their feelings

Ai No Kotoba O Uragaeshi

1. Before Saying that It is Love + On a Certain Sunday A kind uncle, Suda Masayoshi, met a middle school brat, Hasegawa Souma, when he moved into his new house. Because of Souma’s complicated background, Masayoshi decided to take Souma in and raised him. Two years later, the high-schooler Souma confessed his love to Masayoshi. A cute little puppy turned into a horny wolf, how would our dear Masayoshi handle Souma? 2. Don't Cry, My Little Lamb Continuation of chapter 1 with the grown-up Souma. 3. Reversal of Love Talk - Anri Story Long-time lovers Anri and Satoshi have hit a rough patch. Satoshi isn't as loving as he used to be and Anri seems to get needier every day. Will these two survive their troubles, or is it time to call it quits? 4. Reversal of Love Talk - Satoshi Story Continuation of chapter 3, except it is told from Satoshi's POV. 5. Anata wo Matsu no (I Will Wait for You) High-school student Kengo's pretty miserable when his girlfriend dumps him right before Christmas. Trying to keep his mind occupied by working at his family's bar, he finds himself thrown in with regular drinker Nishizawa whose kindness soothes Kengo. 6. Uncontrolled Puberty Shuuto's attempts to control his feelings for his older brother's friend Yukihiro are failing miserably. No matter what he tries, the high school student can't stop fantasizing about his long time crush. But Yukihiro has no intention of letting Shuuto avoid him forever... 7. Passion Recycle 8-page short story about a sexually molesting shop owner and the employee who puts up with it. 8. Honey 8-page short story about a student trying to hide his secret crush from his overly affectionate best friend.

Ake Nure Goyou Ni Furu Yuki Wa

From Attractive Fascinante: Ch. 1-3: Kazuma, a yakuza, got shot and was saved by the heir of a tea ceremony family, Shibata Yukihiro. Yukihiro, being the illegitimate son, never allowed himself to ask for anything. Kazuma was the only one that Yukihiro had wanted to protect even though the burden that Kazuma carried was too dangerous. What should they do? A very in-depth story revolving around the Japanese traditions and the underworld and how the gentle and delicate Yukihiro and a powerful Kazuma managed to influence each other to find their true self. Ch. 4 - At First Sight Liam Brink, a university student, has a bit of an usual hobby - 'observing Maddox,' Maddox being another university student. The two have never spoken to each other until one day when Liam is knocked down by another student and his glasses are broken. Ch. 5 - Cry for the Sun Ethan's father just passed away. During the funeral, Ethan is torn by feelings of hatred towards the man that was absent through much of his life, though he doesn't understand the root of these feelings. Suddenly, he notices a mysterious weeping man at the edge of the funeral service that he doesn't recognize, but deep in his heart he somehow knows him - how can this be? Ch.6 - Garance A continuation of Kazuma and Yukihiro's story.

Tsumibito No Kiss

1) The Welcoming Fire- when fuyuki goes to his grandma's house for the o-bon festival, he gets sick and has an illusion about a soilder named seita, who completely confuses him for someone named fuyuhiko- and confesses his love for him!!! who's fuyuhiko??? and why does seita make fuyuki feel so strange?!?! 2) The Sea Roar - The beautiful young son of a nobleman falls in love with his tutor who smells of his hometown near the ocean. To enchant the tutor he sings a love song and dances. When the nobleman hears the tutor is dismiss. The young lover runs to catch up with his tutors or risks losing him forever. 3) The Delicious Family Affair (WARNING: CONTAINS INCEST) 4) The Dragon Knight & The Prince 5) Sinner's Kiss Jan was thrown into jail as an offering to the “Blond Demon” Ruehl!! In the world of wardens and inmates, knight and prince, father and brothers, will the boy Jan find a home for his soul? Don’t miss this lustful, passionate love story between men. 6) Angel's Kiss

Rookie Rhymes, By The Men Of The 1st And 2nd Provisional Training Regiments, Plattsburg, New York

Rookie Rhymes, By The Men Of The 1st And 2nd Provisional Training Regiments, Plattsburg, New York summary: Rookie Rhymes, By The Men Of The 1st And 2nd Provisional Training Regiments, Plattsburg, New York summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rookie Rhymes, By The Men Of The 1st And 2nd Provisional Training Regiments, Plattsburg, New York. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Through the Looking Glass

Through the Looking Glass summary: Through the Looking Glass summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Through the Looking Glass. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Guardians Crown

The Guardians Crown summary: The Guardians Crown summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Guardians Crown. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Scouting with Daniel Boone

Scouting with Daniel Boone summary: Scouting with Daniel Boone summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Scouting with Daniel Boone. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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