




拥有财富、名声、权力,这世界上的一切的男人 “海贼王”哥...










简介【每周三周日更新】惨遭渣男蒙骗的万年备胎少女,深夜无意发现能看透人心的总裁竟然是妖怪?!每当和总裁做羞羞的事情时,脑海里的记忆碎片就会慢慢拼凑!为什么总裁唯一看不穿心思的人是她?梦中的神秘美人鱼又是谁?原来事情的真相是... ...


















内容简介:一夜之间,全球人类穿越到了未知的世界。这里,百兽纵横、危机四伏,到处都充满了未知的危险。原有的社会制度被打破,新的生存法则在诞生。全民求生,从发展部落开始。渐渐的,苏城发现自己的部落人 有亿点点强!当别人还在为了生存而努力的时候,苏城已经满级了。“什么?我还在省吃俭用,大佬已经开烤肉派对了?”“刚刚建好小木屋,大佬已经躺在庄园里了……”1w0-84104 >>


内容简介:拒绝黄赌毒的大好直男一头钻进了恐怖游戏中,谁劝也不听。穿进了游戏不说,结果还TM为了一个buff折了腰。冷静分析帝小少爷受(颜元)x骚包技术帝回形针攻(沈桉容)双智商在线,年龄差为6, 受17没成年。没成年。没成年。1w0-94368 >>


内容简介:是谁让卯之花烈赞叹不已?是谁让碎峰咬牙切齿?又是谁达成对所有护庭十三队的女队长,席官达成表白宣言?山本元柳斋:“给我抓住那个使风的臭小子!”“使风的臭小子不认识,疾风剑豪的话,我很熟。 ”白石强势路过,遇事不要慌,只需E往无前。1w0-96966 >>




内容简介:穿越到似女儿国的国家,当今国主为女帝,这个国家注定由女子继承皇位。他很慌。宫斗剧上演时,没有一个皇子能活下来。就在这时收到聊天群的邀请。四皇子:“大家好,我是萌新,请多多指教。”希罗娜 :“我是训练家。”布尔玛:“我是天才科学家。”灰原哀:“我正在研究长生不死的变小药。”纲手:“有人要玩骰子吗。”小精灵世界的希罗娜,龙珠世界的布尔玛,柯南世界的灰原哀,火影世界的纲手。本书又名【来自诸天万界的美女各位书友要是觉得《我的聊天群都是美女》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w4535-61488 >>


内容简介:九月的一天,一个从天而降的美少女出现在贺天然的生命中。她说,她是重生者,她要改变男孩的未来。蝴蝶扇翅,心头风起。于是乎,一场场不知是相遇,还是重逢的故事开始上演。又名《现充竟是我自己》 、《这不是我想要的恋爱》书友群:3402966141w33329-72145 >>


内容简介:《都市秒杀福袋十个亿》简介:“意思就是,节目组早就把正确的答案给了杨洋了呗(开局签到十八年)。”“诶!这么说的话,这个可能性还挺大的,毕竟,人家杨总课时节目组的投资人呢!”“啊这这不太 可能吧,你们没看到导演那个惊讶的表情吗?甚至在公布答案的时候,都有些结巴了,很明显,杨总的答案出乎他们的意料啊!”“我也是感觉这假不了,毕竟这可是实时直播,没能进行后期剪辑跟不拍,所以,假不了!”杨洋的表现,让逛中门一时间再次沸腾了起来(开局签到十八年)。如此电钻的问题,都能答对,真的假的?如果是的,不是剧本,也没有提前告知答案,那杨洋就真的牛逼了!“接下来,是第二个问题,请问现在所有跳广场舞的有多少位大爷在最后集合的时候,跑错了方向?”导演可是相当地坏,问题问到一半,居然故意停顿了一下(开局签到十八年)。。1w22773-68126 >>


内容简介:才五岁的粉团子被村里人说成是丧门星,逼得她献祭河神才能保住全村的命。啥?敢动我妹妹!溺水没气儿的沈大哥顿时复活,手握七十二家商铺,“谁敢碰六六,我送他去和阎王叙旧!”人称傻子沈二哥,拿 着刚研究的最新植株,“全村都吃饱就不封建迷信了,六六不怕。”被乡亲误认为战死沙场的沈三哥戎装归来,“想要打六六的主意,先问问我背后大刀同不同意。”病秧子沈四哥,轻松拿下进士,“功名在身,六六便是官家的人,劝你1w0-63916 >>


内容简介:本文女扮男装,双强爽文,欢迎跳坑!“他”,曾是慕家最耀眼的天才,人人艳羡,不可追赶。“他”,也是慕家最耻辱的存在,筋脉尽毁,沦为废人!从云端跌落尘埃,被家族驱逐,受尽欺凌!殊不知凤凰涅 槃,浴火重生!一朝觉醒,天地震荡!翻手为云,覆手为雨,凝元力,炼神体,契神兽,汇星辰之力,掌天下乾坤!慕家三少,绝世风姿,更是引得无数人疯狂追逐!当站在最高的位置,众人仰望,方知——“他”,竟是她!他,背景神秘,实力莫测,清绝卓然,骄傲至极,却唯独对那一人,放不下,舍不得。千万人追随他,而他,只追随那一人!那颗绝世明珠,唯我——捧于掌中!绽放万千光华!片段一:慕三少笑眯眯:“云少主,不好意思,这一次,本少又抢在你前面了,这神兽丹…”云翊波澜不惊:“归你。”慕三少笑意更浓:“云少主真是好气魄。那咱们一同找到的这元神液…“云翊凤眸微垂:“归你。“慕三少笑的合不拢嘴:“云少主当真豪杰!虽说这上古神诀乃是你先找到,但本少也出力…”云翊眸色深深:“归你。““凡是你想要的,只要我有,便都归你。”慕三少笑容一滞。“不过…“不待慕三少反1w0-4992 >>


内容简介:订阅率达到要求,仍出现无法购买或防盗章的情况,请在a个人中心清除缓存试试哦。本文只在晋江文学网发表,请各位大可爱们,给小的一点点鼓励哦您每次在正版前的订阅以及留言都是对作者的肯定感谢有 你1w0-111529 >>




内容简介:李牧阳意外车祸,带着未来智脑重生到青云大陆成为了白云宗‘夏木堂’当代大师兄!当极品丹药,令人如饥似渴,梦寐以求时,李牧阳看着大堆快要吃吐的神级丹药,愁眉苦脸!当 高阶武器,让人求之不得,朝思暮想时,李牧阳正在为选择哪把超阶武器送给师弟而发愁!李牧阳:刚出炉的神器送给师妹当礼物,师妹应该会很高兴吧?1w0-3188 >>


On August 10 of 2019, humanity received a signal, which was verified for its integrity by hundreds of scientists, from an alien life form containing one message: let us meet on Mars on July 7, 2035. Thus began the creation of a space agency representing Earth as a whole named ST&RS. From there, things progressed quickly with man re-landing on the moon in 2022 and constructing many space stations orbiting Earth and the moon. The Space Academy was created to train the upcoming generation of ST&RS. The same August 10th that Earth received the message, Shirafune Maho spoke his first words and it was “Mars.” Since then, Maho has been an astronomy freak who has nothing but the universe on his mind. He decides he is going to apply for the Space Academy along with his childhood friend, Hoshihara Meguru, and recent transfer and super smart classmate, Amachi Wataru. The trio begins their almost impossible journey of being accepted into the school where only 1% of the applicants are allowed into the academy.

Kiraboshi Dial

From Attractive Fascinante: Toba Yousuke sensei went to Town Alp to start afresh. He got lost and met a queer guy, Suga Kazuhiro, who went to pick him up. The folks in the town were extremely friendly, except for Kazuhiro. Because his room in the clinic collasped, Toba had to stay in Kazuhiro’s huge house for a while. What were the reasons behind Kazuhiro’s personality? What happened to Toba that made him to come to this town? With hidden pasts, both of them slowly found their ways into each other’s heart.

Ouji To Yamori

They're not just ordinary butlers! Of course they look after their Master and those around them, as well as do house chores, act as escorts, companions, and advisers… anything you ask! These people that go beyond the calling of a regular butler are called “Yamori”, protectors of the home. Toto, a Yamori in training, is currently studying at various noble houses, but the trouble never seems to stop! Through his job as a Yamori, Toto gets to see first hand the political, racial, and class tensions throughout his homeland of Mertole as he becomes involved with a scandal concerning the royal family.

Oujisama Game

A series of interconnected romantic comedy one-shots involving a Royal Family with 7+ sons in line for the throne and the men they fall in love with. The series also occasionally chronicles the romances of other palace employees and secondary characters. 1) Prince vs Slave - The youngest (7th) prince Shuki, gets hugged by new slave, Fuanron, that seems to know young prince. Shuki starts to bully the slave till their roles get reversed and he even takes place of the prince's teacher, Riiren. Who is Fuanron in reality? 2) Prince vs Assassin - 1st prince, Ryuuen, gets attacked by Seiran, but he defeats him and makes a deal: the assassin can try to kill him all the time, but if he fails, then he must spend the night in the prince's embrace; and so starts Seiran's life as an official consort. 3) Right-handed Priest vs Left-handed Priest - Rei has been in love with Ryuuen (the 1st prince) for years and now he has finally become the minister of the right. He thinks he can get closer to the 1st prince, but there is an obstacle, the minster of the left, Rai, that says that he is in love with Ryuuen too. 4) Mercenary vs Prince (vs The 4th Gun-Warrior?!) - 6th prince, Kagetsu, fell in love in Jin, who helped him with his wounded feet. Now he escapes from the castle everyday to tell Jin that he loves him, but the mercenary doesn't believe him. Suzaku always comes to drag Kagetsu back to the castle, but what are his real motives? 5) Scramble Showdown (?) - Short comics (one page for each) with pairing: Jin x Ryuuen x Seiran, Rai x Seiran, Kagetsu x Fuanron x Shuki, Rei x Shuki (x Rai x Fuanron), Suzaku x Riiren x Tailor. This story of 2nd prince is also featured in the manga, Ousama Game. 王子様★ゲーム

The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML

The Transmigration Routine of Always Being Captured by ML summary: One morning, after being bound to the system, MC started his routine of always being captured/ attacked by the ML.
It doesn’t matter if he transmigrated into the ML’s little brother (TN: Here I think brother disciple) or master or opponent, but in the end he is still forcibly taken by the ML.
After transmigrating to many worlds:
MC: Come out system!!! The heck?! Why do these MLs not love their female G.o.ddesses, but insist on doing it with me! Aaaaahh!!!
System: …. __(:3」∠)_ Don’t ask me, I also don’t know.

The Tudor Secret

The Tudor Secret summary: The Tudor Secret summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Tudor Secret. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


IN ANOTHER WORLD WITH SMARTPHONE AND SYSTEM summary: IN ANOTHER WORLD WITH SMARTPHONE AND SYSTEM summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of IN ANOTHER WORLD WITH SMARTPHONE AND SYSTEM. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Select Speeches of Daniel Webster, 1817-1845

Select Speeches of Daniel Webster, 1817-1845 summary: Select Speeches of Daniel Webster, 1817-1845 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Select Speeches of Daniel Webster, 1817-1845. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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