


















类别治愈 奇幻














内容简介:唐佐穿越了。穿越到斗罗大陆的世界。成为唐三的哥哥(非亲哥,但两人不知道)他长着和宇智波佐助一模一样的帅气脸庞。武魂觉醒仪式上,他觉醒了写轮眼,和……十拳剑。唐佐不鸣则已,一鸣惊人当他开 启第三武魂与系统后,整片大陆开启了他的无敌时代。ps本文单女主宁荣荣,书友群799204164ps本文起点首发1w0-7320 >>




内容简介:颜云被渣男抛弃病死他乡,临死前看到自己瞧不起的丈夫身居高位,挽着她当初看不起的苗小凤,风光无限的出现在电视上。而当初自己厌烦抛弃的亲儿子濡慕的叫那个她看不起的女人妈,想到自己被苗小凤挑 唆着跟人私奔,一口鲜血喷了出来彻底咽了气。老天有眼,她重生了,重生在了她还没酿成大错的时候,这一世她发誓要成为贤妻良母,好好疼爱儿子守护丈夫,到达人生巅峰!但可惜,俞冉不是这本励志年代文里的女主,而是倒霉的穿成了这本重生年代悔过文男女主对照组那个给自己丈夫戴了三顶绿帽子的悲催男配的炮灰童养媳!女主事业有成,男主一路高升,就连女主的娃都是别人家的孩子。而俞冉,被男配不喜,婆家厌恶,儿子猫嫌狗憎!女主幸福美满,漂亮的令人炫目。而俞冉,逐渐熬成了黄脸婆,丑的让人震惊!最后女主儿女双全,活成了全国人民羡慕的模样,俞冉则一尸两命,死后还被人谩骂。而现在,俞冉就成了这个对照组的倒霉炮灰!她韬光养晦,携手比男主还要光风霁月的科研之父,牵着漂亮的像个小神童的孩子,一路美到让人窒息,更是获得了世界医学最高奖!颜云:“……”不是说是个炮灰童养媳吗?为何活的比她这个重生的还像天选之女?她怀疑自己重生错了,但是没有证据。1w0-107449 >>


内容简介:罗信是一个文质彬彬(无耻腹黑)、温柔儒雅(龌龊阴险)、怯弱胆小(无法无天)的人。被仨熊孩子尿醒,发现自己回到大唐贞观年间,虽然家徒四壁,却有一个娇柔温顺的小娘子等着他。且看罗信如何刚正 不阿(溜须拍马)、锄强扶弱(仗势欺人)、指点江山(拳打门阀,脚踩权贵),坐马车住豪宅,三妻四妾随我来……1w0-4184 >>




内容简介:宁天穿越到平行世界的龙国,这里的历史有着极大的断层。为了探寻那段缺失的历史,一款黑科技产品,灵魂全息影像头盔随之问世。带上灵魂全息影像头盔的人,都能够通过头盔将画面投放出来。“我的前世 竟然是一位将军?”“我的前世竟然是一位富商?”然而当宁天带上灵魂全息影像头盔后,画面却是一个比一个震撼。。“以铜为鉴可以正衣冠以人为鉴可以明得1w0-65166 >>


内容简介:从前的世界:道士们:摘星拿月、搬山填海、一人可以灭一国。僧人们:外家金丹、法天象地、一人可以降群魔。武夫们:躲在角落瑟瑟发抖。如今的世界:道士们:同上。僧人们:同上。成为武夫的王安:头 顶苍天,脚扎黄泉,教苍生低眉,令群魔俯首。一人灭所有。肉身破飞剑,拳掌灭神通!1w0-83613 >>


内容简介:《本书全文免费阅读!》苏玉穿越异世。开局签到上古重瞳!七天签到便可无敌!原本,苏玉想待在神天宗内安稳地度过这七天,但是,自己的七个绝世师姐,一个比一个暖心,迷人啊……知冷知热的大师姐, 痴痴呆呆的二师姐,韵味十足的三师姐,勾人心魂的四师姐,心狠手辣的五师姐,佛系天慧的六师姐,古灵精怪的七师姐以及心机的师父广月仙子……一曲《登高》让文道圣人下跪;一击必杀绝世剑神;弹指灭杀魔界至尊;这是,苏玉的无敌人生!1w0-73402 >>


内容简介:关于影帝林纵横和影后州围到底有没有交往过,各界众说纷纭。众所周知,影帝的公司叫纵所州知。纵大家都知道了,影帝嘛。至于州……影后亲自下场否认:“不是我。”影帝微笑:“她都说不是了,你们还 来问我干什么?”如果你和我一样骄傲,如果你和我一样讨厌妥协,究竟谁会丢盔弃甲,原地投降。如果不是你,那就是我。微博:丧丧又浪浪《请你原地投降娱乐圈》小说推荐:小泪痣、听说我是啃妻族快穿、辣鸡室友总撩我、宠婚蜜爱:宁先生,宁太太又有了、快穿之横行霸道、快穿炮灰逆袭、穿书之女配的分手日常、初恋几分甜、栩栩若生、洁癖、爱殇gl、重生之拯救大佬计划、世界穿梭、恰似寒光遇骄阳、娘娘腔、炽野、反派大佬破产后、他的小仙女、八十年代嫁恶霸、念你在心1w74956-97940 >>


内容简介:本文将于4月10号周日倒V,倒v章节从3149章,看过的读者请勿重复购买哦,入V将三更奉上。谢谢大家一直以来的支持,往后新文也请继续支持。。。陆宁安穿越古代成了平凡的农家子家庭贫困、徭 役繁杂、极品亲人来源于生活的种种困难他依然面不改色家庭贫困?那就想方设法兴家立业徭役繁杂?看我读书科举免除徭役极品亲人?哼,别想沾我家的便宜万般皆下品,惟有读书高努力发展现代化建设,造福百姓不为升官发财,只为百姓安居一隅如果您喜欢穿回古代科举养家,别忘记分享给朋友作者:云深雾所写的《穿回古代科举养家》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-105078 >>


内容简介:“花小意”平民小丫头,因为从小喜欢安羽希的关系,决定考入威廉音乐学院去找他,但是因为身份等级的不同,在贵族王子小姐中求生存,简直就是在水深火热中沉浮啊。为什么会这么倒霉,在这所贵族学院 里总是撞在恶魔的枪口上。上帝,你一定要可怜可怜她,快赐给她一位英勇无畏又俊美无比的骑士吧,最好纯洁得像天使一样。什么?MYGOY!为什么恶魔与骑士长得是一模一样的?眼看光了?拼命地揉一揉。呜呜…是真的一模一样的孪生兄弟,到底哪一个才是她心中最爱的骑士呢?骑着白马的,不一定是王子,也不一定是唐僧,哇哇哇,还有可能是恶魔!嘿嘿,当然啦,骑着白马的,也许还是带着洁白羽翼的天使。1w0-84762 >>


内容简介:  无数次元世界出现,人类开始修炼。开启基因锁,打破人体桎梏,吸收异兽体内基因核,提取其中技能或是天赋。战士、法师、射手、刺客、辅助。“你是什么职业?”袁北抱着自制坑爹系统在一旁瑟瑟发 抖。“我辅助,一身硬控……”这是一位一身硬控的辅助在世界散播正能量的故事。…………书友群:3611010271w0-2023 >>

Mitsu No Tsumatta Joushi

1) The Superior Made of Honey The handsome hope of the Sales Divison, Ichijyou, discovers that his superior, Supervisor Kirihara, has a body which is too erotic. Since Kirihara hasn't had sex for the last 10 years, he is agonized by a body reacting to the slightest touch. 'This is my first time with such an erotic body... Amazing... It's like the whole body's an erogenous zone.” While Ichijyou is being caught up by the innocent reactions of his supervisor, he is already drowning in that lusty body?! (from Blissful Sin) 2) The Secret Love Potion For You High school student Itsuki has been despondent since his lover Kouji broke up with him. Classmate and chemistry whiz Kamiya Yuuichirou is determined to help Itsuki by developing a love potion! But is Kouji really worth all the effort? 3) Hunting of the Butler Young president Tsukasa is always sexually harassing his butlers, and so they always quit. So when charming and surprisingly innocent new hire Mijima Shinichi takes the job Tsukasa decides to take his time seducing the young man. But the task is proving to be difficult... 4) Limit of Endurance Continuation of Hunting of the Butler. 5) Love Started From the Sea Drifter Riku relies on men to support him, but has trouble being faithful, which is why his latest boyfriend has kicked him out. Wandering the streets he meets handsome foreigner Gilbert who wants Riku to be his wife for his week-long visit. Unfortunately, Gilbert isn't as easy to manipulate as Riku thought. Has the young hustler finally met his match? 6) He Who Loves Horror Films Tamura would do almost anything to spend time with his friend and secret crush, Ono. Even go to see the horror movies Ono loves so much. Too bad Tamura is such a scaredy cat. Tamura must try survive the film long enough to enjoy the time with his beloved. 7) If the Lid Was Opened A continuation of A Superior Made of Honey.


The storyline starts when a junior-high student, Moritaka Mashiro, forgets his laptop computer in course. His classmate, Akito Takagi, requests him to turn into a manga artist to his tales and notes Mashiro's drawings inside. Mashiro fall, mentioning from overworking his late manga artist uncle, who perished. Takagi incites Mashiro and Miho Azuki, the puppy love of Mashiro to fulfill, and tells her the two strategy to become manga artists. In reaction, Azuki unveils her plans to be a voice actress. Mashiro proposes when Azuki becomes a voice actress for the anime version of the manga that they need to both wed. The 2 then begin creating their manga, assured of having serialized in Weekly Sh?nen Jump, beneath the pen-name Muto Ashirogi. After distributing several one-pictures to Shueisha, Ashirogi start Detective Trap, with their first printed collection in Weekly Sh?nen Jump, which will be eventually canceled because of the decreasing popularity, for over-working on the manga after Mashiro is hospitalized. Their next set is the gag manga Run, Daihatsu Tanto!, that they they offer up on, understanding it'll unpopular. After being challenged by the editor in chief of Jump to generate a manga that is top-notch with their opponent's, Ashirogi develops their present set Perfect Crime Party. It's met with substantial popularity but is unfit for an anime show. When Eiji Nizuma, their opponent, submits a-one-shot for serialization, Ashirogi competes by distributing Reversi which replaces Perfect Crime Party while the latter is transferred to the fictional monthly journal, Hisshou Jump of Shueisha. After she passes a community audition after several battles involving the voice actress selection and the graphic-novel revenue, Reversi is selected as the main performer for an anime version with Miho. The collection finishes with Mashiro formally proposing in the spot they made their assurance, accompanied by by their very first kiss to Miho after executing their wishes.

Banana Wa Oyatsu Ni Irimasen

Collection of one-shots One day, I suddenly became a 'big brother' and everyday I am called out of my bed by a sweet and tender voice. The person who's been preparing my bentos and making me snacks is my adorable...little brother. That's right, he's much cuter than a real girl and he's actually my little brother! Despite of this grim fact, I still can't deny myself from falling for him... Living together seems like the ideal situation for love games, but it seems like I will have to put a stop to this?!


1) I'm Not Your Steppin' Stone Construction worker Sakai Kazuya is a 23-year-old man in love. Unfortunately, the object of his affection is the younger sister of Ezumi Masashi, an 18-year-old elite whose house he has been working on. In order to dissuade Kazuya, Masashi lies that his sister is only interested in high achieving men. Masashi offers to tutor Kazuya so he can pass his senior high school exams, but will Kazuya be able to afford his extortive price? 2) Tell Me You Love Me Masashi's classmate Saitou tries to get between him and Kazuya because he deems Kazuya as being an obstacle to Masashi's success. Extras) Break Time Saitou starts dreaming during class. A Day with the Stupid Couple I A Day with the Stupid Couple II 3) Lovely Kazuya insists on taking the exams despite the fact that he is no longer interested in Natsuko. He bans Masashi from seeing him till the exams are over but then Masashi sees Mogi Kousei pulling Kazuya's pants off?! (features Mogi Kousei from Kawaige) 4) Marshmallow Honeymoon It is summer and Masashi wants to go on a holiday with Kazuya but the latter has work lined up so he can afford the new air-conditioner.

Death Is Now My Neighbour

Death Is Now My Neighbour summary: Death Is Now My Neighbour summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Death Is Now My Neighbour. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

This Moment Of The Storm

This Moment Of The Storm summary: This Moment Of The Storm summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of This Moment Of The Storm. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Jeremy Fink And The Meaning Of Life

Jeremy Fink And The Meaning Of Life summary: Jeremy Fink And The Meaning Of Life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Jeremy Fink And The Meaning Of Life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Stone Age Husband Raising Journal

Stone Age Husband Raising Journal summary: Stone Age Husband Raising Journal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Stone Age Husband Raising Journal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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