


















简介【《漫画会》授权】因为一场车祸,黑雨变成了孤儿,但是事故似有隐情,而他也会常常被噩梦惊醒。看似平凡的生活因为帮助被不良少年骚扰夏晴后,发生的一个意外彻底的改变了,等待他的将是怎样的世界……《漫画会》每月1号上市!更多资讯请关注漫画会微博:@漫画会 。漫画会官方QQ群等着你216676634。














内容简介:一个拥有了太阳力量的生命,穿越到了漫威世界的故事。神话中的太阳是掌控时序交替,万物生长的伟大存在,是一切黑暗邪祟的克制者,是光明和火焰的掌控者。而现实里的太阳,是恒星的一员。宇宙里最伟 大的天体。更是磁力引力交汇的终极存在。当这些力量集中到一个人身上,会发生什么。——原名漫威之太阳神驾临漫威太阳神是原作者红海大提督精心创作的科幻小说大作,笔趣阁同步更新漫威太阳神最新章节,书友所发表的漫威太阳神评论,并不代表笔趣阁赞同或者支持漫威太阳神书友的观点。红海大提督的其他作品:太阳神的荣耀您要是觉得《漫威太阳神》还不错的话,请点击顶部的分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈吧!1w0-79866 >>


内容简介:上辈子黎舟为财而死,意外重生回到了1995年。那是一个充满商机和欲望的年代,他站在重新选择人生的岔路口,回档重来,这次他想尝试不同的人生。活在当下,顺水行舟。黎家有两位少爷,大少爷虽是 领养的但理智冷1w0-67395 >>


内容简介:小时候,明沉和刑幽一同被选入儿童音乐世界赛,钢琴与小提琴的合奏惊艳全场。青梅竹马Cp粉明剪暗嗑等着两人长大,18岁开始年年盼官宣。可惜随着长大正主再未在公众前合体,这个曾经热极一时的国 民cp成为时代眼泪。粉丝以为此生无望准备爬墙,突然爆出两人即将参加同档综艺。粉丝:!!!见面就好见面就好!重新认识麻麻也同意!久别重逢从生疏到熟悉什么的最好嗑了!节目上,眼神开车、各位书友要是觉得《这对cp我从小磕到大》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77172 >>






内容简介:开局获得签到系统,签完到就被高冷校花表白!!!签到各种奖励,名牌跑车,亿万豪宅,妙手神医,无敌武术,厨艺大神,歌坛天王,书画名家,琴艺超绝,以及高冷校花女友。李青:这就人生巅峰了?果然 有钱人的生活就是如此朴实无华且低调!我只想安静的签个到,求求你们别再让我装逼了!各位书友要是觉得《开局签到校花女友》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-95632 >>


内容简介:  1943年,正值抗战接近尾声之时,国、共、日三方的角力日趋激烈,看似表面平静的背后,实则云谲波诡,杀机四伏……1w0-53


内容简介:晚九点日更【预收《虫族之宠坏》,文案放下面啦,求个收藏呀】浑浑噩噩千年的楚尧终是躲不过穿进小说世界打补丁的命运:听说任务简单,可是不做就死。楚尧觉得问题不大,不就是苟一苟么,他在行。结 果上来就捞着一个美貌多金的男朋友,他是不介意吃软饭的,但是楚尧不能让他的心肝宝贝没有安全感。“我获得荣光,本就为了你。”在总裁文里实力派影帝x多金总裁楚尧见色起意,主动端起软饭的碗,让多金总裁无路可走。在替身文里原富二代炮灰受变攻x惨兮兮替身冰山美人黑化受“给过你机会了,宝贝。做替身也情愿?”楚尧漫不经心,对着眼前身子发抖的冰山美人轻挑问道。“我愿意。”心中时刻萦绕着将你据为己有的想法,饮鸩止渴也在所不惜。在权谋文里驸马皇后攻x伪小公主后皇帝受“小公主,你跑什么?”楚尧拦腰一抱拥人入怀,笑问道。怀中帝王眼尾绯红嗓音发颤,色内厉荏叱骂他:“混账!”1、互宠!小甜饼!2、萌雷见文案,应该挺明显的,我太好这一口了!3、我是一只自割腿肉的咕咕精4、预收:《虫族之宠坏》号外号外!元帅家的完美雄虫娶那个毁容少将了!!!有名有姓的家族都对这个决定嗤之以鼻。匿名论坛A:谁不知道是因为元帅不行了,要留住点底牌保护雄子,才给两人定了亲。匿名论坛B:呵,这也就是找了个保镖,不然谁会看上那个丑八怪啊。……就连苏御自己都觉得是这样,面对完美雄子宋安阳的时候,头都抬不起来,只把炽热的目光盯住他的双脚。想着只要雄子愿意,他愿意匍匐在地上亲吻他。宋安阳无奈极了,打小儿守到大的媳妇儿不仅他一觉醒来毁了容,连性格都卑微起来!不行,我要把他宠坏!可爱的基友友的文文《那些种田打脸的日子[快穿]》by漫天星子《小酒精[快穿]》by漫天星子文案:懵里懵懂小酒精受VS偏执深情美强惨攻肖酒是个酒精,不是消毒酒精,而是字面意思,酒成的小妖精。不料刚成精,就天降一系统把他给绑定了,积分要攒满才能回家。而积分需要帮助冤死的人,为他们改变悲惨命运才能获得。为了回家,肖酒吭哧吭哧努力干活攒积分。他不知道悲惨命运到底多悲惨,所以得知任务目标原本的命运线后——肖酒:QAQ,他好可怜系统:没错,所以你要帮助他,保护他,努力改变他原本的命运。肖酒:我会的!(握拳)不久之后——任务目标:酒酒,让我抱抱好不好肖酒(小迟疑):好…好的吧任务目标:酒酒,让我亲亲好不好肖酒(脸红红):好…好的呢任务目标:酒酒,留下来,不要走好不好肖酒(晕乎乎):好…好的呀系统:总感觉哪里怪怪的,哪里不对……懵里懵懂小酒精受VS偏执深情美强惨攻大概会有的世界(后面的顺序不一定,想到再加):第一个世界,惨死校霸的小啤酒第二个世界,战死王爷的小烈酒第三个世界,横 >>


内容简介:主受从快穿的一员,变成系统,秦微然表示自己十分的开心。但是,宿主是一个神经病该怎么破?秦微然:宿主,你干嘛!慕离:谈恋爱啊!PS本文耽美,文笔有限,不爱看不要留言不要告诉作者,谢谢。4 000日更!1w0-96458 >>


内容简介:当了5000年的时光龙,莫时终于成长为太古时光龙,穿越时空回到了高三那年春天。莫时对路明非说:“以后我罩着你。”从此路明非多了一个太古龙王邻家大哥。卡塞尔学院多了一个“最冷静的疯子”。 龙族的王座上多了一个“永恒时光之王”。路明非说他是“最可靠的大哥”、昂热称呼他为“最强屠龙兵器”、楚子航叫他“自律的强者”、凯撒说他是“天生的领袖”……一切故事都从那封神秘的录取通知书开始。1w0-88624 >>




内容简介:南溪村是北部偏远的一个小山村,因美女众多,盛产美女而闻名,李恒最期待的就是年后,村里众多男人外出打工,作为村里唯一男性,李恒偶尔种种田,养养鱼,在顺便和村里的美女们做做“小生意。”各位 书友要是觉得《乡村邪医》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-96273 >>

Soul Eater

Read Soul Eater Manga Soul Eater Manga is a Japanese manga series illustrated and written by Atsushi Okubo. Looking to create the latter a 'death scythe' and therefore fit for use by the school's headmaster Shinigami, the personification of departure, they need to gather the souls of 99 wicked people and one witch, in that sequence; otherwise, they're going to have to begin all over again. Soul Eater Manga is placed at Death Weapon Meister Academy --'DWMA' for short--situated in the fictional Death City in Nevada, United States. The institution is run as a training facility for the wielders of these weapons, named meisters, in addition to individuals together with the capacity to transform into weapons, also called Death, by Shinigami. Medusa and her cohorts assault DWMA together with the aim of restoring the first kishin who almost plunged the world into insanity before being secured beneath DWMA by Shinigami, Asura. Even with the combined efforts of Death the Kid, Black Star, and Maka, Asura, who leaves to spread mayhem all over the world following a short conflict with Shinigami is successfully revived by the group of Medusa. Nevertheless, Medusa befriend Maka and is apparently killed by meister and DWMA teacher Franken Stein in the act, while Crona surrenders to the DWMA and goes to register there. Characters in Soul Eater Manga As an outcome of Asura's distributing insanity, the older sister Arachne of Medusa comes out of hiding after 800 years. Arachne reforms her organization Arachnophobia, which poses itself as a critical danger to DWMA. Shinigami calls all over the world to assist in the struggle against Arachnophobia from in passing scythes. In now, Medusa forms truce, and reappears along with her soul within the body of a woman so they could annihilate the risk of Arachnophobia collectively. The DWMA pupils and brainwash Crona into rejoining her, possess Arachne's body, and the entourage of Medusa infiltrate the headquarters where Maka gets the better of Arachne, just for Medusa to betray DWMA of Arachnophobia. Meanwhile, Noah, an artificial concept created in the Book of Eibon's Tables of Contents captures Death the Kid. Following this, Maka eventually succeeds in turning Soul Eater into a passing scythe. Crona resurfaces in a city in Russia, destroying it and killing the departure scythe stationed there, eventually being chosen by madness after killing Medusa while DWMA hunts for Asura's location. Shinigami orders Maka to hunt down Crona, and she accidentally finds Asura's place on the moon, while hunting for Crona with her powers. An assault is launched by the DWMA on the moon to take Asura down, only to be repelled by his militaries that are Clown. Maka as well as the others find a way to choose the upper hand helped by the witches after Death the Kid successfully convinces them to set up a short-term alliance, but the situation gets a lot more chaotic using the hindrance of Crona, who consumes Asura's body before being overtaken by him. The manga was released as three different one and is published by Square Enix -shots serialized in one Gangan Wing and two Gangan Powered special versions in 2003. Yen Press has licensed for distribution in North America the manga. A manga series that runs alongside the primary collection, named Soul Eater Not!, started serialization on January 12, 2011 in Monthly Shonen Gangan.   Principal Characters in Soul Eater manga Maka Albam Maka Albarn is among the primary protagonists of Soul Eater Manga. She's a young but committed pupil who takes another prodigious meister, after her mom. Nevertheless, her relationship with her dad Spirit is strained due to his continuous flirtations with girls, leading her parents. Therefore, Maka is obsessed with turning her weapon partner, Soul Eater, into a passing scythe which will surpass her dad.[ch. 0a] She collaborates well with Soul in conflict, but occasionally gets frustrated at him when he does something silly. When in risk, yet, Maka does everything she can to keep Soul out of harm's way.[ch. 4] Soul Eater Soul Evans,nicknamed Soul Eater, is the partner of Maka Albarn as well as a devil scythe, as well as the principal male protagonist. His weapon form includes a reddish- and-black blade. + Skip Beat manga + Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Manga

Junjou To Furachi

Collection of short stories about sweet schoolboy-romances, includes: 1) Junjou to Furachi Hiroto is shocked when his best friend Satoshi tells him he likes Nao-sempai. But he accepts his friend's choice, even though he can't tell Satoshi about his past with Nao... 2) The Pretender Katase is trying hard to pretend he's normal. He avoids Amero and tries to forget his feelings. But Amero is having none of it, and Katase gives in, granting Amero two weeks to see if this is the relationship he wants. Will Katase give into guilt, or will Amero's love win him over? (from BAA) 3) The Green that was Reflected in Your Eyes Popular student Takamiya brushes a caterpillar off mysterious rich student Sonoda's shoulder. Sonoda is so happy, he begins to buy Takamiya many expensive presents; he also never leaves Takamiya's side. Can Takamiya get Sonoda to stop buying him expensive gifts? Does Sonoda really want to give Takamiya more than just an iPod? (from AF) 4) Second Love Uenaga and Haruno were best friends throughout school, even wearing the same clothes. So why doesn't Haruno remember Uenaga at their school reunion? Is there a deep dark secret that should keep them apart? Do they have another chance for love? 5) I want to become your most important one Tomo always says, 'I like Yukihiro.' But Yukihiro can't take him seriously because Tomo's always smiling. Yukihiro's own feelings are a confused mess; does he like Tomo, or love him?

Kemono/jingai Bl

Kemono/Jingai BL summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Kemono/Jingai BL. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Suna No Tiara

Yuu Watase Masterpiece Collection Volume 4 Story 1: Suna no Tiara - On their way to Eden, princess Tiara and her subjects are attacked, and only the princess survives. Follow her in her quest for revenge. Story 2: Hatsuki Triangle: Hodaka Hatsuki takes on the personality and abilities of her old boyfriend everytime she touches a practice sword for the Kendo club. Kunie Kenshi is determined to make her normal once again. Story 3: 700 Nichi no Blue - Oikawa Masumi tells about her work on a painting titled 'Blue Magician' and the man who helped her.

I Reincarnated As The Universe

I Reincarnated As The Universe summary: I 've always wanted to be someone powerful...who wouldn 't? Fly around like superman, stand for justice, eradicate all evil. Like that you know? Or perhaps a cultivation genius? A higher lifeform? A G.o.d? But all those dreams went down the drain when Truck-kun chose to send me on my way. However, I got a second chance as the... *Chapters* They 'll be between 500-1000 words. So they 're short....

One Maid's Mischief

One Maid's Mischief summary: One Maid's Mischief summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of One Maid's Mischief. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Wilt In Nowhere

Wilt In Nowhere summary: Wilt In Nowhere summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wilt In Nowhere. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Zone Policeman 88

Zone Policeman 88 summary: Zone Policeman 88 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Zone Policeman 88. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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