





周先生 绑嫁犯法



























内容简介:女神的绝世神医无弹窗最新章节由网友提供,《女神的绝世神医》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市言情小说,小兵免费提供女神的绝世神医最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读。1w0- 99658 >>


内容简介:简芷颜是京城权势滔天的简将军的孙女,她仗势欺人,纵横跋扈,娇蛮狠毒的小三名声远扬京城内外。她爷爷气得吐血,为守住简家的声誉,随便就找了个人将她嫁了。她气急败坏,而在见到那个俊美如神祗, 浑身贵气的充斥着上位者气息,据说‘出身贫寒’的男人时,她懵了。男人深不可测的眼眸瞥了她一眼,“嫁我,委屈你了?”她想哭:“不,不委屈……”很快的她也发现这个男人不仅仅有一张祸国殃民的脸,手腕过人的他还以迅雷不及掩耳之势成为了在商场上叱咤风云的新贵,惹得无数大人物和名门淑女趋之若鹜。于是,不断有女人跑来戳着她鼻子骂她,”你这种恶毒的女人,凭什么嫁给他?!你配得上他吗?”“……”她哭笑不得,很想说这个男人是她爷爷随便给她找的。可现在看来,这随便还真的是够不随便的啊!!1w2358-29319 >>


内容简介:贺嘉音在和朋友一起玩跑团游戏的途中穿越了,成为拉法米大学的一名文学史教授西列斯诺埃尔。与此同时,拉法米城中正因为一名叛教者的越狱而闹得沸沸扬扬等等,这不是他玩的跑团游戏的故事内容吗但他 是1w0-84059 >>


内容简介:风光无限的医药生物学三料博士后被个医闹一刀毙了命,落落魄魄穿越成了淮王府弃妃。丈夫不疼,小姑子不爱,还有绿茶等级十八级的白莲前女友。身怀绝世医术,救人被误会,不救人等着砍头,日子从未这 么憋屈过!“咱俩三观不对、八字不合,勉强在一起不会幸福!”“女人,是你使诈逼迫本王娶的你,现在主意一变又要和离,有那么便宜的事吗?”1w16216-25896 >>


内容简介:娇媚小死囚X冷面狗王爷,接挡《春心撩人(外室)》《世子的宠妾逃跑了》。【男主篇】萧景澄初见余嫣时,她跪在雪地里受刑,被人扯烂的囚衣里露出的冰肌玉骨,以及那一点红梅胎记,勾起了他前世的记 忆。再见余嫣时她被三皇子喂了药,揪着自己的衣袖哀哀凄凄求他帮忙。向来心硬如铁的萧景澄被那娇媚的声音激起了个不能言说的念头。再后来这念头日生夜长,总在夜深人静时如疯长的藤曼将他紧紧缠住。最后,余嫣成了他的外室。初时,他只当自己迷恋于她的姿色,以及前世那点子暧昧的情愫。没成想哪一日他那千娇百媚的小外室竟是起了外心,不告而别。到那时萧景澄方知自己对她是怎样的欲罢不能。他疯了似的找了她几年,直至某日见到她身边带着个与自己儿时一模一样的幼童。萧景澄冷笑,他的小外室,出息了啊。【女主篇】余嫣起初依附于郕王,只是为了活命。为了逃离那个不见天日的牢笼,洗涮自己与父亲的冤屈,她不得已委身于那个传闻中如虎狼一般阴狠的男人,成了他的屋里人。后来冤屈昭雪,而郕王也即将迎娶正妃,余嫣自认懂事乖巧,连夜收拾包袱带着腹中孩子人间蒸发。不成想这一走竟是惹了那位祖宗的逆鳞。接挡文《春心撩人(外室)》青觅自小与太子订亲,本要嫁入东宫,却在大婚前一日方知太子身边早已养了一位心尖美人儿。于是她求着皇后退了这门亲事,岂料家中突遭横祸。祖父暴毙父亲革职,一夕之间满门荣华尽散。世人皆是一副看好戏的态度,尤其是从前嫉恨她被选为太子妃的那些人,都想看看娇养着长大的娇娇女没入贱籍充入教坊司会是个什么样子。谁都不曾想到,圣上那位面若冠玉心如硬铁的幺弟肃亲王,有朝一日会成为青觅的裙下臣。肃亲王徐承卿惊才绝艳目若朗星,偏就生了一副生人勿近的矜贵性子,满京城的高门贵女都对他求而不得。却不想那一日见她试穿火红嫁衣的惊鸿一瞥,竟令他有了铭心镂骨之感。于是他乘人之危,于是他乘人之危,在那肌肤赛雪青丝如瀑的女子跪在自己面前时,与她做了一笔交易。他保她性命,而她须得拿身体作为筹码。徐承卿从未想过,自己有朝一日竟也会为了个女子变成禽兽。时光荏苒,某年杏花微雨时节,新帝搂着他的皇后耳鬓厮磨温柔缱绻赏花时,惊落多少人的双眼。这,这还是那个倨傲冷漠从不拿正眼打量女人的肃亲王吗?这分明就是颗中了情蛊的痴情种子。接档文《世子的宠妾逃跑了》前世阿离父母双亡,无奈投靠亲戚寄居于侯府苟活。偏她生得杏眼桃腮眼含春水,纤腰嫩嗓美得勾人心魄。侯府里群狼环伺,唯有世子裴存永远冷着一张脸,一副高不可攀的矜贵模样。阿离当他厌恶自己,日日躲着他走,却被人算计送到了裴存的床上成了他的宠妾。只是裴存心中并无她,那次欢愉后便再未进过她的房,以至于她流产失血而亡都无人照看。 >>






内容简介:狂妃难驯,王爷你要乖最新章节由网友提供,《狂妃难驯,王爷你要乖》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市小说,小兵免费提供狂妃难驯,王爷你要乖最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读。 1w0-81241 >>


内容简介:〔免费玄幻,最热爽文〕少年陆鸣,血脉被夺,沦为废人,受尽屈辱。幸得至尊神殿,重生无上血脉,从此脚踏天才,一路逆袭,踏上热血辉煌之路。噬无尽生灵,融诸天血脉,跨千山万水,闯九天十地,败尽 天下英豪,修战龙真诀,成就万道龙皇。群号:5702747701w883-4726 >>






内容简介:【1v1,冷血狂傲暴君x沙雕自救冷宫妃,有甜有虐,HE】敌国修罗摄政王宁亦亲自带兵入侵大梁皇宫,阖宫上下一律斩杀,唯独留下一位冷宫弃妃——秦晚。不仅世人不解,就连秦晚自己也不明白,为何 整个大梁皇宫独独只有她一人活命。因为她也是刚刚穿越到这个世界而来,完全两眼一抹黑,啥也不知道。————宁亦:她人呢?宫人:那位娘娘正1w0-88934 >>


When Kaya runs into trouble one day, it’s not a knight in shining armor, but her stuffed animals that come to her rescue. It may sound crazy, but Kaya isn’t pretending: she loves her stuffed animals so much, they come to life and turn into people! Plushies come in all different shapes and sizes, and so do their hearts—whereas some are nice, there are others who are not so kind.

Omamorishimasu, Dokomademo

Akira arrives in Tokyo from the countryside to start a new job but instead discovers that not only has his company disappeared but also his housing. Unemployed and homeless before he's even started life in the big city, life's looking pretty grim but maybe someone's looking out for him after all because who should text him at that moment but his childhood friend Chihiro. Providing a home, cooking meals, and even pocket money - just why is Chihiro doing so much for someone he hasn't seen since he was 10? Why does he consider Akira to be his best friend? And just who are those serious looking guys in suits? There just may be more excitement in the big city than Akira's ever dreamed possible.

K - Countdown

K - Countdown summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of K - Countdown. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Cherry Na Teacher

From Attractive Fascinante: Kotani found his pace all messed up when the new biology teacher, Fujishima Masato, appeared. Fujishima confessed and Kotani felt scared. Fujishima’s perseverance won and Kotani accepted him. Kotani’s ex-student came back and behaved oddly towards Kotani. When Fujishima couldn’t find both of them, he thought Kotani might have been kidnapped. Was he able to save Kotani in time?

Wild Animals at Home

Wild Animals at Home summary: Wild Animals at Home summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wild Animals at Home. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sweet Adorable Wife, Please Kiss Slower!

Sweet Adorable Wife, Please Kiss Slower! summary: Lin Wanwan is a pitiful mentally-disabled girl. Not only does she suffer abuse from her stepmother, her stepmother even attempts to use her as a s.e.xual commodity to pleasure others. Eventually, the poor Wanwan dies from an overdose&h.e.l.lip; 
Perhaps a G.o.d or a devil had witnessed her tragic fate, but Wanwan gets a brand new chance at life—an external soul takes over her body and gains Wanwan’s memories. 
The resurrected Lin Xiao swears to seek revenge for Wanwan. 
Having witnessed Wanwan’s death and resurrection process, Tang Chen is intrigued by the changes she undergoes. When he tries to cheat Wanwan to gain possession of her, a knight descends from the sky and saves her. He allows her to seek his help thrice. 
Just who is this mysterious knight? 
The revived Wanwan demonstrates her astounding talent and intelligence. Not only does she leave her enemies helpless against her, but she also becomes a celebrity who sweeps through the entertainment industry. Who exactly is she? 
When Wanwan interacts more with the knight, she realizes that he is actually a devil&h.e.l.lip; 
“From this moment forth, every inch of your body is mine. Resistance is futile.” 
He had descended like Satan, wantonly occupying her body and mind&h.e.l.lip; 
It’s fine. Even if he’s the devil, he would still be trampled beneath her feet.

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine

Methods To Save The Villain Who Was Abandoned By The Heroine summary: You have many opportunities when it comes to reading novels these days. Many new writers create a great pool together with old and famous ones, so you have the possibility to choose the best for yourself. That's very useful, in fact, because not all the writers and books are the same.

Some are really good and interesting others might not be so well. Also, tastes are different, and not all the readers like the same genre. That's why you should check book reviews like this one before purchasing, and you will increase your chance to get what you want.

In the text below, you can find some basic details on the Methods to Save the Villain Who Was Abandoned by the Heroine novel. The book is quite interesting and hides different twist and turns which enable an exciting reading experience.

The story starts when a Korean woman reincarnates into a young girl whose life is in danger again. She is, in fact, in serious trouble and near to the death, however, her grandma and villain are there to save her life. They, fortunately, succeed in their intention, so the girl gets another chance to live a fulfilling life without any problems. He imagination is now very rich, so she imagines various things in different ways. For instance, the villain becomes her chief in her dreams, and he is more than good on the position. The girl receives a high regular salary that is always delivered as promised without any delays.

And the job is truly good for the girl because she has had previous working experience in similar positions. So it is all familiar to her, and she can work without obstacles. Unfortunately, not all the things are so ideal as her job. The Villain's fiance creates a dangerous plot that is potentially harmful to the workers including the girl. The fiance cheats on the villain with the Emperor and looks for the most suitable way to get rid of him. That's why she makes a plan to poison him.

Unfortunately, her evil activities are not only the danger for the villain, but the girl is also in the danger because others might start believing that she is the killer.

Also, another group close to the Emperor and fiance can harm her too. That would lead to a big problem, so the girl makes a plan to save the villain and stop the poisoning. In the end, she succeeds to stop the evil activities of that woman and rescues the life of the villain. However, the

girl comes in touch with the poison that transforms her into a little girl. Others notice her generous act including the n.o.ble family, so they decide to accept her as a part of their n.o.ble line.

These are main and basic events from the novel, however, you will definitely notice many more details, so do not wait. Take this book as soon as possible and enjoy the content.

The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise

The Mysterious Heiress: Researcher In Disguise summary: At long last, Fu Zhi, the mysterious heiress who had developed countless technologies was given two guardians by the country! Initially, the Lu Brothers shut her out when she joined the Lu Family. However, after spending some time with her, they began to warm up to her and took turns showing their brotherly love for her by throwing money at her.
Lu Yumo would say, “My sister just came from the countryside, so don’t scare her.”
Lu Yushen would say, “My sister is fragile, so don’t bully her.”
Lu Yubai would say, “My sister is not good at studying, so don’t laugh at her.”
Nevertheless, it soon became clear to them that the little girl from the countryside was not what they had imagined.
One day, a reporter took a photo of a professor carrying her purse and having a meal with her.
The professor said, “She is my teacher, and I’m her student.”
The crowd was surprised. “What?”
Another day, a different reporter snapped a photo of a business magnate serving her tea.
The business magnate said, “She is my boss, and I’m her employee.”
The crowd was shocked. “What?”
On a different day, a group of reporters spotted the biggest esports bigwig stepping down from his throne and helping her get rid of a sc.u.mbag.
The bigwig said, “Stop all this hara.s.sment and the rumors. She’s my sponsor.”
The netizens asked, “Just how many supporters do you have?
The country’s official portal responded, “We’re her strongest supporter.”

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