简介明星有粉丝就有黑粉。作为资深粉丝,我秦朗的爱豆苏凡被抢了风头,对方还是娱乐圈有各种不良新闻的“腹黑小人”徐逸琨,这怎能忍!于是我化身徐逸琨的黑粉,黑他,给他拆台,誓不罢休!然而我却偶然“招安”到了徐逸琨的粉丝后援会,只得向爱豆苏凡求援。苏凡让我成为了男团选秀节目的造型设计师,有机会和他们,还有更多参赛的帅哥密切接触,每天生活在梦幻之中。不对啊,我是黑粉,你们都忘了吗?QQ群号:648798508 每周六更新!
内容简介:如果杀人不是为了装逼,那将毫无意义;如果活着不是为了装逼,那还不如死了。杀,就杀他个尸横遍野,装,就装他个巅峰不败!——新书《一剑独尊》已发布,欢迎大家去阅读, 在纵横直接搜索《一剑独尊》便可。微信公众号:直接搜:青鸾峰上。青鸾读者群:5717838241w0-1016 >>
内容简介:穿越大战皇族僵尸的千鹤道长唯一幸存的弟子,原本以为能够跟着四目道长修炼的林东,拿着功法便开始修炼。【嘀《基础气感》嫌弃宿主没有修炼资质,拒绝修炼!】林东:????【嘀《九影剑法》被宿主 悲痛心情影响,奋发图强,每日挥剑十万次,突破至大成境界】【嘀《铁布衫》因为宿主没有提供药浴,心生不满,拒绝修炼!】林东:一个小小铁布衫,竟然也敢对自己不满,待我把你废掉,重新换一门强大的功法。【嘀《铁布衫1w0-61736 >>
内容简介:秦牧之穿越玄幻世界,开局得罪城主,被灭灵根,毁肉身。 却意外激活系统,重塑至尊灵根! 从此在凡尔赛这条道路上越走越长! “好羡慕你们突破还可以服用丹药,我还没来得及吃就突破了。” “不 会吧?真的有人连天阶功法都没有?” “你们修炼遇到瓶颈了?真羡慕,呼吸就能变强的我完全没办法控制自己。” “我真的没什么天赋啊,只是普普通通的至尊灵根而已!”1w0-3162 >>
内容简介:修改了,重写,下午更新17点731留日更,每天上午10点或12点又名:《大殷王宫中的艳事》文案:重生后的婉婉知道自己是被家族遗弃的那个;也知道自己嫁的这个夫君终会对她不闻不问,将她关在 别院至死。于是她将所有的赌注都压在了那个奴隶身上,那个深沉冷傲,手段阴狠的大燕皇帝。夜色柔媚迷人,她靠近他的耳边,丹唇轻扬,喃喃娇声,“现在,我们有秘密了呢。”排雷:1女主重生,1v1,双c2男主强,女主不强,男主负责搞定一切,女主就负责搞定男主。3背景架空,一切剧情为了苏、爽、甜和恋爱服务。其实这也是一个勇敢坚强的小姑娘,向往自由的励志故事。4和谐看文,这家不行去别家,不要杠。微博玥玥是只懒猫各位书友要是觉得《君侧红颜(重生)》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83468 >>
内容简介: 【阅读需知:非亲姐,你懂的】“我二姐是丞相之女,可出入朝堂!”“我三姐是青云门首座,侠肝义胆!”“我四姐是昆仑镜大弟子,武艺高强!”“我五姐是惊鸿铁骑将军,统兵千万!”“我六姐是周 家布坊掌舵人,富可敌国!““我七姐是江陵第一才女,琴棋书画样样精通!”“我大姐?”“算了,不提也罢,那可是个山贼王!”……荆哲:近日见张家小姐不错…大姐:不允!二姐:官职没我大三姐:人没我漂亮四姐:武功没我高五姐:打仗没我强六姐:钱财没我多七姐:才艺不如我荆哲当时就哭了…亲爱的姐姐,你们要是再这么宠我的话,我真的会单身一辈子的!又名:《钢铁直男和七个小姐姐》普1群:951456238(已满)普2群:609355782(速进)进群找管理可进全订群1w0-1748 >>
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:综武:李秀宁求娶,签到锦衣卫】木元穿越到了综合武侠世界。获得了一个签到系统。第一次签到获得了一千锦衣卫。一个月签到一次,别人练武,他却想争霸天下。醒掌天下权, 醉卧美人膝。李阀:木元麾下,悍将如云,精锐军队,天下无人可与之争锋者。隋帝杨广:这个逆贼的精锐骑兵覆灭了我大隋骁果卫,可恨。绾绾:我是魔女,但对他,我可以比任何人都温柔善良。师妃暄:我是佛门圣女,看到他,我心乱了。祝玉妍:小贼,你还要不要阴癸派了?李秀宁:请木公子履行与秀宁的婚约。大元赵敏:木贼不光灭了大元,还俘虏了我的心。东方不败:日月同天,他是我的烈阳。黄蓉:我们这样会对不起靖哥哥的。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-82516 >>
内容简介:内容如题,俊美强受,N攻!部分涉及强制,调教,监禁,SM等!情乃迷瘴,爱是枷锁,欲海行舟,困兽之挣。武者纵横,智者插翼,步步为营,胜者成王。(上面的营可等同于YIN,淫)注意:耽美男男 文,大肉炖,请慎入!走肾走心,基本每几段后都有羞羞的高H章节,也可以跳过看!文章有人物情节!脑洞奇大!古风,架空!一些人物名字背景设定借用自己其他作品,别太计较。文章又名步步为营(淫)步步围鹰BY漫漫黄沙QQ651435253漫漫的炖肉群感谢后雨画的尚家的护卫奴的封面!1w0-28317 >>
内容简介:免费提供作者大叽叽女孩的经典小说:《民国名流渣受》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说顾葭没想过自己有一天会开始操心钱的问题。他是顾家的小三爷,是遗老的孙子,是大 商人顾无忌的哥哥,可偏生穷的连锅都揭不开,更不要说让他还喜欢玩,在外头挥金如土,是个清高贵气的摩登青年,如今没了钱,他怎么维持这些体面?顾葭思来想去,抹不开面找弟弟要钱,好在他还有不少有钱的朋友……然而朋友们对他虽然予取予求,可却似乎不是出自友情,而是另有用心……那感情好,不用还钱了!这是一个爱面子爱玩的漂亮渣受到处抱大腿1w0-77719 >>
内容简介:【十年联盟】【日更过万】【专业文】陈歌回到S7赛季,觉醒联盟治愈系统,只要吸收职业选手负面情绪,就可以让他们获得灵魂上的治愈!开局便是IG对阵WE的生死局,即将被WE让二追三。可陈歌刚 把IG抬进世界赛,就被IG管理层针对落井下石。鱼死网破,今晚就走,明凯阿布亲自发博,力挺陈歌。看着IG的招牌,陈牧立下誓言:“两月之期,誓要IG悔不当初。”1w0-64524 >>
内容简介:穿越成修真世界的一个杂役,还是废材资质,修犊子的仙?脑袋中的一声炸响后,叶白突然逆天了!!他的资质属性,直接变成了无穷大。从此什么功法都可以推演至最高境界,炼制的丹药不仅生死人肉白骨更 能永驻容颜,无数美人仙子苦苦相求只为一颗可以付出一1w32517-82245 >>
内容简介:秦安安本是集团千金小姐,却因为公司濒临倒闭,成了无人问津的落魄少女。后妈的出现,给秦安安本就落魄的生活雪上加霜;被后妈逼迫着嫁给身有残疾的大人物傅时霆。抛开他本人的不谈,这桩婚事确实是 他们秦家占了很大便宜,然而这样的男人,谁会将自己的姑娘嫁过去守活寡。1w84181-117967 >>
The Hanzo Academy is not just a regular school. It holds a top secret class for ninja training reserved just for the elite. Only two girls made the cut this year, Ikaruga, a quiet but gifted brunette, and Katsuragi, a passionate and skilled blonde. Their personalities could not be more polar opposite and sparks fly even on the first day of class. Ikaruga, being a little bit ahead of the curve, outscores Katsuragi on every assignment. With tensions running high, how will these two ninja students work together when the time comes?
People live and then they die, but what matters is how they lived. It first starts around 1932 'she' a girl with bunny ears and a tail; encounter an old man named Jain; they lived together for a short time but they found a little bit of happiness by being together.; Time may pass but 'They' continue to live even to the current present day and beyond. But what are they the beings called 'EaRth' ?
From Manga Updates There is a disease of the mind that eventually shuts down all bodily functions. One woman effected with this disease has been ordered to be euthanized. Dr. Arlem fights for what he believes to be a way to cure her.
From MyPersonal-scan-: A remake and reimagining of the original series by Hara Tetsuo (Hokuto no Ken, Hana no Keiji) which ran from 1988-1989, with new art by Yoshihara Motoki. Cyber Blue: The Lost Children follows the story of Blue, a descendant of colonists from Terra who settled the distant world of Tinos in the 22nd Century. The brutal environment of Tinos forces humanity to rely on an artificial life support system implanted in the chest called the Biomatrix, in order to survive. In the 25th Century, Tinos is ruled by a Planetary Government bent on eradicating The Lost, dissidents who refuse to submit to its autocratic rule and are hunted down by its military for extermination. Through total control of Biomatrix production and issuing them to only those who submit to its authority, the Planetary Government enforces its will in an effort to finish off the Lost and their descendants, the Lost Children once and for all. Set in the dystopia of Junk City, Blue encounters Fats, a powerful robotic Artificial Intelligence, and the story of their meeting will change both man and machine, the fate of the Lost Children, and the course of human evolution forever.
Perry Rhodan - Sgt Robot summary: Perry Rhodan - Sgt Robot summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Perry Rhodan - Sgt Robot. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Shattered Hearts: Relentless summary: Shattered Hearts: Relentless summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Shattered Hearts: Relentless. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Wealthy Family's Warm Wedding summary: “If I really want a woman now, I hope it is you!” In the doctor’s office, Dr. Fu, who has always been proud and reserved, restrain his breathing and giving an invitation to the patient in front of him. “Although you are very handsome,…” “I can be responsible for you afterward!” Facing the patient’s embarra.s.sment, Dr. Fu suggests a very responsible suggestion. Life is not easy, she is careful at every step, attacking those who frame her. He helped her everywhere and cherish her to the extreme. It is said that Dr. Fu is not powerful and impotent. Who would know that he is powerful and skilled in bed. One night, he pressed the beauty under his body. “Doctor Fu, how can I thank you for helping me?” He caressed her small waist and made a low-key announcement. “The dowry should be prepared!” Dr. Fu said: Happy to meet you in my lifetime! Miss Gu said: In my lifetime, please treat me kindly!
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