
































内容简介:《生存者末世》是作者词绪创作“我们的土地在今后将衰落,种种迹象表明土地将迅速走向灭亡——”程熠可在路上捡了一本书之后,莫名其妙绑定了一个系统,被拉进一个疯狂的游戏。当她陷入昏迷醒来的时 候,整个世界时间定格,世界上的每一样东西都被石化了,当然也包括一一人类。于是幸存下来的人,不得不自愿或非自愿地,经历一个个极端灾难世界。————目前待解封关卡:迷雾之城(已开通),冰雪大世界(已开通),灭世洪水(已开通),疯狂大地震(已开通),生物入侵(已开通)……恭喜各位玩家,欢迎进入【陷落世界】。温馨提示:①女主抽奖小金手。②主打灾难型末世无限流。③游戏实行积分制,可用于兑换各种物资。***【预收文《基建人生无限》戳作者专栏收藏】文案:柏溪意外进入一个名为“试维者选拔赛”的游戏中,在每个荒芜的星球都需要待满三个月的时间,并且必须完成开发者设置的任务——重建星球。柏溪怒而翻脸:“三个月就想我重建一个星球,笔趣阁首发生存者末世最新章节,全文免费无弹窗1w0-85949 >>


内容简介:你有远程?不好意思,我的大秦箭阵早就瞄准了你。你有骑兵?我的关宁铁骑可不是吃素的,我的大汉铁骑,蒙古铁骑可征战天下。你的将军厉害?不好意思,白起你去给他上一课。炎黄军魂系统,召唤华夏上 下所有超级兵团,诸天万界皆在我手!1w0-83157 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:全球器灵:只有我认识上古神器】【叮!您获得上古神剑越王剑,获得天赋卧薪尝胆!】【叮!您获得商太阳神鸟,获得技能金乌负日!】【叮!您获得青铜神树,获得技能春木风 灵!】【叮!您的青铜神树和太阳神鸟产生羁绊!】……五百年前,灵气复苏、凶兽肆虐!大半的人类丧命于凶兽之口,岌岌可危!幸得有驭灵师横空出世,扶大厦之将倾!五百年后,考古学家白稷穿越至这个世界。发现昔日的大国至宝,却被隐藏在尘土中。无人认识,无人问津!十大名剑,三星堆青铜器,司母戊鼎,九州鼎……白稷拾起越王剑,步步逆行,一剑开天!“这是我大夏历代先祖筚路蓝缕,攒下的基业!”“神器无数飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢全球器灵:只有我认识上古神器,别忘记分享给朋友作者:上古三千年所写的《全球器灵:只有我认识上古神器》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83660 >>




内容简介:  本来重活一次是一件让人高兴的事情,但是重生成熟悉世界龙套都算不上的小人物,没有家族,没有血脉,没有体质,没有功法,燕青山表示自己很慌。穿越异界,以属性异能,推衍算计机缘,成就无上斗 帝1w0-2723 >>


内容简介:  万般皆下品,唯有修仙高。  那年,阿呆五岁,母亲变卖了嫁妆,摆摊卖饼,供他修仙,没想到多年以后,这个青牛村的孩童,竟成了天下第一仙。1w0-3644


内容简介:  仙道缥缈,仙踪难觅。  李念凡以凡人之躯降临修仙世界,得知修仙无望后只想安稳度日。  却不知——  他收养的一条狗,因为看他写诗作画,成为一代妖王,镇压一方世界。  他屋后栽种的树 木,因为听他弹琴奏曲,成为世界之树,撑起天地桥梁。  他遇到的一个路人,因为受他随口点化,成为仙道圣人,引领一个时代。  回首时——  原来那位一直缠着他要字画的书生是仙界画圣,那位棋艺很烂的老头是仙界棋圣,那位每天晚上来听曲的美女是仙界第一圣女……1w0-1718 >>


内容简介:被誉为末日女杀神的沈茗死后再度醒来,成为了和平世界里一名十八线开开开外,声名狼藉的花瓶艺人沈姝茗。为了填饱肚子,沈茗表示无论什么活儿她都接了!于是,著名的花瓶美人开始霸屏全网。—综艺演 员们的竞技请她来参加,并给了天谴剧本。沈茗:哦,不就是给人做配表演出错嘛,简单。竞演直播当天,面若桃花,妩媚动人的沈茗表演了一出贵妃醉酒,不小心把实心木桌一拳打碎后。观众们:……!这这这还是侍儿扶起娇无力的杨贵妃?确定不是刚从梁山下来的哪位女壮士?—综艺一起去旅行请她来参加,并给了作精剧本。沈茗:哦,不就是装柔弱一点嘛,简单。可眼着如风拂柳般的花瓶美人一人扛俩行李箱,穿着高跟鞋压根不抖的上下楼梯四五趟,完事了在镜头面前面无表情娇嗔好累人的时候。观众们:……!你好歹喘个气流流汗啊。没看到隔壁阳光肌肉型的流量小生都开始抖腿了吗?—综艺悠闲生活请她来参加,并给了CP剧本。沈茗:哦,不就是跟陆影帝表个白嘛,简单。第一期播出,只见沈茗一个人扛起大斧头熟练的砍柴,烧火,一个人干翻三亩地,在大庭广众之下边啃着苞米,边面无表情的跟陆影帝说:我喜欢你。观众们:……?你但凡笑一笑,苞米啃的速度慢一点,我们特么就信了!被沈茗蹭了不知道多少热度的陆影帝眯着眼看了她许久,莞尔一笑:“那我们从今天开始交往吧。”综艺首播当日,收视爆表,全网瘫痪。众网友开盘下注这对CP什么时候解绑。可眼看着花瓶美人上野外生存类综艺带飞全员,演电影打戏流畅自然从不用替身,替受到欺负的女艺人仗义出手,拿到影后桂冠被那位当众求婚时。他们这才顿悟,这对CP锁死了啊。1w0-1409 >>




内容简介:“报告慕少,少夫人和王家太太吵架了。”慕少“天凉了,王氏该破产了。”“慕少,不好了,少夫人在周小姐打起来了。”慕少“还不带人过去帮忙?少夫人少根头发,让周家陪葬!”“慕少,少夫人带着野 种去见当红影帝了!”慕少拍桌而起34那是我的种!马上准备直升飞机,我亲自过去捉奸!34帝都最矜贵的慕家大少,娶了臭名昭著的宋家大小1w16954-26084 >>


内容简介:「机械科幻流,暴兵流」幻想照进平行时空,变形金刚,巨兽,奥特曼,精灵,丧尸,异形,仙人,终结者,诸神,机甲,仙秦,诡异,巨龙,幽灵,龙族,魔鬼,魔法师,虫族,星灵神族,超人,漫威,DC 等等无数幻想世界融入现实世界。以机械之名,向超凡力量开炮。搭载神力解析系统的神明终结者,向诸神发起冲锋。铺天盖地的终结者冲向虫族大军,异形大军,星灵神族。质子炮,中子炮,激光炮,歼星舰,行星要塞,二向波,水滴,1w0-29707 >>


内容简介:小兵提供无双恋姬大神最新作品《少妇系列小说》新书最新章节全文免费阅读,少妇系列小说txt下载,少妇系列小说小说,少妇系列小说无弹窗!本站最新最快更新少妇系列小说最新章节。1w0-301 83 >>

Ou-Sama No Tamago - Delicious Love & Cooking

From Entropy: A volume of one-shots from the author of Perfect Girl Evolution.

Watashi No + Okusuri

From Royal Alliance: Inori is an honor student in a witches' school. In order to pass her final exam to graduate, she has to make a 'love potion.' In order to make that 'love potion,' Inori lives in the same house with Aoi, in hopes to get him to fall in love with her (required for the 'love potion.') The only problem is they don't get along at all! So how will Inori get Aoi to love her when he's always picking on her?!

Tenjou No Kajitsu

Tomita Yuri has hated boys since she was little, seeing them as the devils who taunt and tease her. So when her all-girl school Kinka academy decides to merge with the Ginka academy for boys, her ‘heaven’ is once again threatened by the devils from hell = men. Not only that, but being a member of the student council, she now has to work alongside the male student council of Ginka academy. Will Yuri’s ‘heaven’ be overrun by the male devils from hell? (taken from Aerandria) Chapter 2 is another oneshot from Hikaru's point of view

Anata No Tonari Ni Suwarasete

From Tsuyu: When the chair he fell in love with at first sight was purchased by someone else, Azumi becomes terribly drunk one night and is nursed back to health by an unknown man... and wouldn't you know it, it's the person who owns the chair, Takamiya Shinjin. The adorable, puppy-like Azumi is charmed by the sexually attractive Shinjin, and Azumi's battle of love commences! Connected to Ren'ai sousa .

The Long Chance

The Long Chance summary: The Long Chance summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Long Chance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Uncle Tom's Cabin

Uncle Tom's Cabin summary: Uncle Tom's Cabin summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Uncle Tom's Cabin. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World

Bringing The Farm To Live In Another World summary: Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World is composed of a series of chapters where a man awakens in an unfamiliar place. He quickly notices that his life is not as it should be, and his main mission is to change the behavior and try to rebuild broken things. However, his body does not function normally, so he encounters different problems on his way. That can be truly challenging but very rewarding at the same time because he has a chance to fulfill life while discovering the real purpose of existence. At first, the man starts re-developing his family, and he also personally grows together with that effort. That’s a very good chance for the entire place where he found himself at the beginning of the book. The family has better chances to make something valuable and significant on the land, while the single man is quite limited in different aspects of life. His mission slowly becomes an epic journey and a very interesting story. The new place, however, seems strange to him so he struggles a lot to adapt to the new environment.
To overcome various problems with his body, he is taking different types of drugs on a regular basis. The drugs provide some benefits because he can operate with his body better while on the treatment. However, such medication also has negative sides, so the situation is not ideal at all. The man still has one supernatural power despite all the problems he faces in the new places.
He is capable to enter another world, which is, in fact, a farming simulation game. It does not seem useful at first. However, he can find normal food in that strange world. And it can be used elsewhere, even in the regular world. That still does not seem like a big deal, but he is stuck in an unfamiliar place, and the food is of precious value to him. He can survive without problems thanks to that supernatural ability because he always has enough food to eat well. That’s why this cheat is so valuable to him. He also finds out about other happenings in strange places.

There are other inhabitants near him, and their communities are full of different intrigues, businesses, fights, farming and other events. The man has the possibility to slowly discovers the new places, but various problems are inevitable in his case. He will also have a chance to get involved in those happenings of other inhabitants, and you can find out many other details if you decide to read this novel. Like many other online books on this website, Bringing the Farm to Live in Another World is constantly growing and the updates arrive almost on a daily basis. So there is always something new even for the most faithful readers. So if you are a fan of such mixed genres, you should not miss the opportunity to read this great book.

Your Money_ The Missing Manual

Your Money_ The Missing Manual summary: Your Money_ The Missing Manual summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Your Money_ The Missing Manual. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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