











章鱼PIECE ~我推的孩子是链锯人~

章鱼PIECE ~我推的孩子是链锯人~ 漫画 , 孔明老师(◆2sRGUbBO9j2n)解禁之前写过的原作后的首个长篇作品。以《海贼王》四十岁世代出海的时间点为背景开展故事。


散散浮冰,乡愁隐隐漫画 ,诹访子的故乡之思


















内容简介:……男保姆十八岁,叫冬生。他读高二一班,和丁莼隔着三个班还是四个班来着。黑婶说这孩子苦,小妹你照顾着他点。丁莼穷得只剩下钱了:“行啊,我出钱,他照顾我。”桀骜不羁女主vs贤惠纯情男主, 慎入。各位书友要是觉得《买来的男保姆》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-98739 >>


内容简介:八百年前,明帝之子张若尘,被他的未婚妻池瑶公主杀死,一代天骄,就此陨落。八百年后,张若尘重新活了过来,却发现曾经杀死他的未婚妻,已经统一昆仑界,开辟出第一中央帝国,号称“池瑶女皇”。池 瑶女皇——统御天下,威临八方;青春永驻,不死不灭。张若尘站在诸皇祠堂外,望着池瑶女皇的神像,心中燃烧起熊熊的仇恨烈焰,“待我重修十三年,敢叫女皇下黄泉”。1w61-4790 >>








内容简介:《快穿之卖得一手好队友》为作者喵崽要吃草创作,作品快穿之卖得一手好队友章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供喵崽要吃草精心编写原创快穿之卖得一手好队友及无弹窗快穿之卖得一手好队友全文免费阅读、 TXT下载。简介关于快穿之卖得一手好队友:金手指部金进金金部长紧闭办公室门暗搓搓的清点自己剧增的家当,看着小数点前那一串让人眼花的零,满足的表示,果然这样来钱最快最爽了!感谢为了真爱出手阔绰的各界气运大壕们,感谢牺牲自我以身饲男主的小伙伴们!文也可以叫做部长你把员工们嫁完啦!部门职员空缺中嫁人狂魔金部长!请注意:一个世界一对夫夫,非一个主角快穿么么哒目前定下的有:伪高冷真逗比师傅√温文尔雅大舅子√爱装嫩卖萌偷袭美女胸部小宠物、高智商低情商军师、阴郁别扭戒指残魂、严肃古板毫无情趣神刀器魂、真高冷性冷淡特殊智能机甲通知:本文将于明日,天三更奉上【一万二】,倒过的小妖精记得别重复购买了,希望大家能支持另:严厉拒绝各种形式的盗文搬文,实在忍不住也请亲爱的至少相隔两章,给写手一个活路。【且以后来的小妖精们也不方便,爷建了个群,里面资源共享已经上传。群号:卿本佳人457333385敲门砖笔名或任意人物名字【日一更,收每涨一百加更,评每涨五十加更,承诺稿中欢迎跳坑么么么真诚滴感谢飞鱼图铺美攻的封面,很喜欢1w0-83612 >>


内容简介:《绝世邪神之纵横异界》是纯情犀利哥精心创作的玄幻魔法,ABC小说网实时更新绝世邪神之纵横异界最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的绝世邪神之纵横异界评论,并不代表ABC小说网赞同或者 支持绝世邪神之纵横异界读者的观点。各位书友要是觉得《绝世邪神之纵横异界》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w9364-25809 >>


内容简介:『本站唯一一本,真实世界动物刺客书籍』『老作者信誉可依』简介:江洛然因一次意外,获得了一只可升级、可变形的蚂蚁。没想到,这只小小的蚂蚁,竟然成为了所有人的梦魇。收取赏金,击杀恶人!无数 恶徒离奇死去,但业…1w0-87642 >>


内容简介:阴差阳错,没有名姓的乡野童养媳一夜成了高门嫡女,告别简衣陋食的日子,开始锦屋绣榻、优哉游哉的贵女生涯。在别人看来,父亲是朱门世家,未婚夫是皇家贵子,就连俊美的表哥也是未来的首辅重臣,此 生本应无憾。可惜她每日晨起总有三问:银子攒够了吗?婚事退了吗?我……可以下岗了吗?1w0-2498 >>


内容简介:苏小蔷经历了前世种种背叛,一觉醒来居然穿越未来世界,不信、不信也得认命。被女配欺负还被打脸?某队长勾唇含笑,“不能这么没出息,必须双倍反击。”某女尬笑,摸摸头,“打不过还有我。”甜宠文 系列首发,走到1w0-97081 >>




内容简介:元旦开个抽奖活动,感谢各位小天使的支持,爱你们原题目为《舔到最后全部都有》,因和谐要求,现改名为《下一个更乖》陆西烛是个舔狗,上舔高冷男神,下舔傲娇小狼狗,只要长得好看,他都喜欢!陆西 烛的座右铭就是:汪汪,我想给每个帅气哥哥一个温暖的家然而就在他快要舔成功的时候,却意外遭遇车祸身亡,被“贝戈受系统”强行绑定,只有完成全部任务才能重获新生。“贝戈受系统”是什么样?就是必须把渣攻虐我千万遍,我待渣攻如初恋,绝对不能OOC!可是每次绑定的宿主,最后都因为无法适应角色,而导致任务失败。这次系统瞄准了陆西烛,检测到他身上的“舔狗”特质约等于贝戈受,便利用复活的条件与他签署了绑定协议。第一个世界:霸总的白月光替身脸俊、腿长、腰有劲儿的霸总扔给陆西烛一张卡,神色冰冷:这是给你的报酬,别痴心妄想自己不该得到的东西。陆西烛双手捧住黑卡,激动地眼泪汪汪:以前都是我给别人花钱,没想到有一天会让男神给我花钱!继续舔!在游乐园门口苦苦等待霸总三个小时,却只等来被白月光截走的霸总的一条短信:有事,来不了,自己回去。陆西烛有些沮丧,转头就跟新舔上的温柔精英男发去信息:哥哥,睡没睡呀?第二个世界:仙尊的炉鼎俊绝五峰仙山的仙尊在双修之后,让人给陆西烛送去了灵丹妙药,却不曾有一句问候。处于贤者时间的陆西烛迷蒙地盯着帐顶:爽,白白占人便宜,还能有好东西拿,这种好事请再来无数遍。跟在仙尊身边见识越来越广的陆西烛留着口水盯着各色美男:哥哥们,要不要来双修啊第三个世界:出轨男的生育工具(ABO)结婚五年,丈夫却爱上了他弟弟,非要同他离婚。弟弟身体不好却一直想要一个可爱的孩子,前夫便把注意打到了他的肚子上。陆西烛一边享受着前夫虚假的温柔,一边筹谋着:不是想要个孩子吗?那不是你的应该也没关系吧他看着浑身荷尔蒙爆棚的前夫大哥和年纪稍微大了点却懂得疼人的单身前夫父亲:不知道前夫是想当叔叔还是想要当哥哥呢?——————预收文分割线《我凶狠恶毒但身娇体软》,求收藏林璧原本也是一个集万千宠爱于一身的OMEGA,却在二十岁那年突然身患基因病,终日只能坐在轮椅上忍受病痛的折磨。绝望之下,他决绝地选择亲手结束了自己的生命,却没想到再睁开眼竟穿越到了另一个世界。系统告诉他,他要扮演的是恶毒反派,不仅要欺负男主,还要欺负男主的竹马竹马、蓝颜知己、朱砂痣……兢兢业业地充当男主的磨刀石,同时又必须保护好男主的安全,决不能让他损命。直到男主成神,就将在这个世界获得一个全新的、无病无痛的身体。天上掉馅饼的事儿林璧怎么可能错过,他半点没有犹豫地接下了这个任务。然而他没想到的是,男主竟然因为他的穿越获得了新技能——读心。(林 >>

Strike Witches: Tenkou No Otometachi

Set in a world similar to Earth in the mid twentieth century, Strike Witches tells the story of a fight to protect that world using a combination of magic and technology. The titular Strike Witches, a group of young women with high magical potential, have been gathered together from various nations in a task force to fight against the enigmatic Neuroi. This puzzling enemy force has appeared frequently and without warning in many areas across the world. The weapons of the Neuroi mostly take on forms similar to propeller aircraft but their most troubling tactic is the spreading of a corrosive miasma. Not only do normal humans have no defense against this miasma, but the remnants of the land affected by it are processed by the Neuroi into new weapons, crumbling huge sections of former nations into the sea. As the miasma seems to be unable to spread across large bodies of water, humanity has designated such areas as their main lines of defense. In order to bring out their potential for use in battle, each Witch equips a unique machine onto their legs: the Striker Unit. With the Striker Unit equipped, they gain the ability to fly and their tapped magical potential provides the strength to utilize weapons far too heavy and powerful for a normal man. Also created is a defensive field that can protect the Witches from the Neuroi's miasma as well as other physical weaponry, making them humanity's trump card in the war. The franchise's main media focuses on the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, spearheading the counterattack in war-torn Europe.

Sono Mama De

Tsuji and Aizawa have been friends for years—until one day, out of the blue, Aizawa kisses Tsuji and confesses that he’s in love with him. Tsuji wants to stay just friends, the way things have always been between them—after all, love can be messy, and things are just better keeping the status quo—but will they really be able to do so, or is it love-or-nothing between them?

Juusha To Oresama

[from Fantasy Shrine:] 1-4)Being the willful, extravagant 3rd prince, Philnaldo frequently graces the cover of tabloids with his scandalous affairs with women. This annoys his personal attendant, Ralph, to no end! Then Philnaldo propositioned him unexpectedly; in exchange for dropping all his women, Ralph would take their place… in his bed! A royal love story of a prince and his servant, where both refuse to face the true feelings of their hearts… but what happens when a crisis occurs!? 5) The Garden in the Past- Ichika is in elementary school when his father dies. His mother takes him to live with Yuu, a mysterious young man who has a connection to Ichika's father. As his mother becomes more unstable, Ichika grows more dependent on Yuu... 6)Darling 2002- Nishihara is odd-ball president of the puppet club, (yes, that's right, puppet club) and desperate to keep it from being shut down. What he needs is a new member but grabbing the person next to you isn't a good idea when you're standing by Moriya Koyo, the scariest guy in school. Moriya tells Nishihara off, but entranced by his beautiful voice, Nishihara becomes determined to win Moriya over to the puppet club! Stalking, badgering, and chasing, nothing is off limits for Nishihara.


Jinbe is a very subtle and soft tale by Adachi, and certainly it'a story that deals a theme a bit more conflicting than most of his other works. At first sight, Jinbe is the story of a young 17 years old girl, Miku Takanashi, who lives alone with her step father Jinpei Takanashi (nicknamed Jinbe or shark). Jinbe has been living with Miku since his marriage 4 years ago, and considers Miku a God's sent gift from his high school sweet heart late wife. While Jinpei does his best as an over protective and jealous father, we have that Miku holds feelings for Jinbe which are much stronger than the ones an adopted daughter is supposed to have. The main core of the story is to deal how the strong, tender and unrequited feelings of the young Miku put to test their step - father and step - daughter bonds, without jeopardizing any of the happiness that she feels by being close to him as a proper daughter.

History of the Johnstown Flood

History of the Johnstown Flood summary: History of the Johnstown Flood summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of History of the Johnstown Flood. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Materials and Methods of Fiction

Materials and Methods of Fiction summary: Materials and Methods of Fiction summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Materials and Methods of Fiction. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Best Actor's Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me!

The Best Actor's Courtship: Miss Scriptwriter, Please Love Me! summary: “Director Zhao, you are really have good taste this time. This script is really interesting. One can do everything at will when he crosses time and s.p.a.ce. Just like sitting in a time machine. The scriptwriter is really amazing, with a really great imagination!” “Actually, this script is a real adaptation.” “Hey? Director Zhao, what the h.e.l.l? You actually told me that the story is really true?” …… “Mr. Gong, behave yourself!”

Series Of Short Stories

Series Of Short Stories summary: A series of short stories that go per volume, I have a pa.s.sion for writing and I just want to let some ideas get out there.

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