内容简介:因为在一场远足中遭遇泥石流,当场领了盒饭的陈泽转生到了一人之下的世界之中,并觉醒了抽奖系统,为了能够回到原本的世界,也为了摆脱死亡的结局,且看陈泽如何从一人之下开始,闯荡诸天、长生久视 !1w0-79331 >>
内容简介:总有偏执人士暗恋我总有偏执人士暗恋我小说阅读其它类型小说总有偏执人士暗恋我由作家欢喜你创作这大概就是一篇:女主温柔穿书了,穿成了一本贵族校园打脸宠文,里的女炮灰N号。本着想要好好活下去 的心理,默默把自己活的透明,可奈何她长得实在太美。梦想与现实背道而驰。(万人迷向,不分男女。)大规模暗恋女主,尾随跟踪小黑屋。清冷原男主,高冷霸总未婚夫,温润教授,科研男神。观看需谨慎!女主长得特特特好看。此文万人迷玛丽苏向。作者喜欢,所以就写了。买股文,结局1对1。预收文,下本开它《我脚踩9条船》同玛丽苏万人迷,买股文。穿成平行时空的自己,发现她就是个人渣!脚踩9条船,备胎一箩筐。只走钱不走心,不走肾!并且马上就要翻车了,是真的翻车。然后进了医院,成功住进了ICU。护士小姐打开了她的手机,并且叫来了她的众多男朋友,以及就在她身侧为他诊治的高冷禁欲医生男友,手机通讯录排行老三。妈呀妈呀,这是什么要命的剧情!!!!!法官,顶流明星(2),精英总裁,律师,高干子弟,金融教授,新领域科学家。没有你想不到,就没有人渣自己捞不到的钱。这个傻叉,我要杀了她!!!!!!本小说网提供欢喜你著作的总有偏执人士暗恋我最新章节,总有偏执人士暗恋我全文免费阅读,总有偏执人士暗恋我无弹窗清爽阅读体验!小兵提供总有偏执人士暗恋我最新章节总有偏执人士暗恋我最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w57956-82494 >>
内容简介:轩辕大宝(大宝传奇)无弹窗最新章节由网友提供,《轩辕大宝(大宝传奇)》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的玄幻奇幻,小兵免费提供轩辕大宝(大宝传奇)最新清爽干净的文字章节在线 阅读。1w6971-82837 >>
内容简介:慕雪依是24世纪的冷血杀手,杀伐果断,薄凉无情,一朝穿越,竟然成了女尊国的摄政王。权位中周旋自如,权与位要不要只在她一念之间,她玩转江湖与朝廷,成为江湖邪殿之主,却不小心惹下一堆桃花, 且看她如何笑傲天下!1w37366-55083 >>
内容简介:小兵提供不听周南大神最新作品《神明家的龙崽崽》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,神明家的龙崽崽小说txt下载,神明家的龙崽崽小说笔趣阁,神明家的龙崽崽无弹窗!本站最新最快更新神明家的龙崽崽小说 最新章节。1w0-77851 >>
内容简介:上辈子,江叶遭垃圾公司雪藏,蹉跎数十年青春一无所获。再次醒来时,江叶发现自己竟然重生回了十八岁。还是手里拿着笔,正要签合同的那一刻。面前的星探还在哄骗她:签吧小姑娘,我们一定会把你捧红 的。江叶:……呵。把笔一扔,拜拜了您叻!!江叶转头,就去报名了那年大火的女团选秀。有上辈子的经验在。一切在她面前仿佛都开了easy模式。先靠舞台出圈,暴风吸粉。再立美强惨人设,获怜爱无数。最终断层C位出道,一路走得格外顺畅。1w0-4577 >>
内容简介:内容介绍:乔锦娘方及笄父母双亡。为了继承酒楼不得不“招赘”一夫婿。谁知那长得和谪仙似的夫君是个白眼狼,抢走了她的孩儿,留下一纸休书。乔锦娘成了临安城里的笑话,眼看着叔伯要将爹娘心血抢夺 ,知府儿子要纳她为妾。长安城之中却来了一辆侯府的马车,穿着锦袍的嬷嬷走到她跟前喊大小姐。乔锦娘方知自己是安远侯府的嫡出大小姐,当年侯夫人生她的时候路遇劫匪,因着身边小妾妒忌,换了她和厨娘的女儿。被休生过孩子的商户厨娘入京,人人都等着看这位真千金的笑话。暗中估摸着这位真千金何时被侯府抛弃。可是她们都没有想到的是,乔锦娘凭借一手厨艺在长安内开酒楼连陛下都夸赞,在侯府被宠成了娇娇。长安城里的长舌妇又酸不溜叽地道:“女子在家里被娇宠又如何,年过十八已生过孩子,哪还能嫁人?”侯府也为乔锦娘找了不少夫婿,明明商量好的姻缘却屡次不顺。侯夫人以泪洗面,假千金说要把夫婿让给乔锦娘。乔锦娘拿着擀面杖,踢开了东宫大门:“你既然已经休了我,为何还要对我的婚事动手。”某太子:“孤怎会让皇孙的娘亲嫁与他人!”……入赘是太子失忆的时候。休书是有误会的。追妻是会火葬场的。真假千金不撕逼,女主回长安侯被宠上天。各位书友要是觉得《被休后我成了侯府真千金》还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!各位书友要是觉得《被休后我成了侯府真千金》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29313 >>
内容简介:《一步登天》为作者天赐鱼创作,泡书吧为你第一时间提供天赐鱼精心编写原创一步登天及无弹窗一步登天全文免费阅读、TXT下载。br各位书友要是觉得《一步登天》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和 微博里的朋友推荐哦!一步登天最新章节一步登天无弹窗一步登天全文阅读作者:天赐鱼所写的《一步登天》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-33516 >>
内容简介:【女扮男装甜苏炸!】F班老大纪檬穿越了,还是落后的兽人远古时代?没关系,痞爷当道!撩人技术成魔,魅力无处可挡,丧(干)心(的)病(漂)狂(亮),白手起家,照样混的风起水涌!武动乾坤!当 兽人问起她是雌性还是雄性时,她向一旁红着脸害羞的小雌性抛了个媚眼,不假思索的道,当然是雄性!可当她雌性的身份被揭开时兽人们沸腾了,门槛踏破了,大佬们不淡定了,光果堵上门,嗓音压低,沉磁好听的要命,“小家伙,不准看这些杂碎一眼,我会全部处理的。”纪檬:“嘿嘿嘿要看也是看老婆大人老婆大人最美最可爱”ps:本文为宠,女主,纪檬,不透剧,谢绝任何形式转载改编,侵权必究!!支持正版,蟹蟹。O∩∩O1w0-96355 >>
内容简介: 渔民少年聂云意外融合了高等文明机械虫,开启了从小渔船到超级母舰的华丽蜕变之路! 聂云:“目之所及,尽是渔场!让我们开始征服星辰大海吧!” Q群:7028758321w0 -576 >>
Ever since he was a young kid, Sora Aoi had constantly traded words of 'I love you' with his captivating older sister Aki. As he comes of age, he finds it much more difficult to trade such comforts as they did in those times. Sora finds himself questioning his feelings for his sister, when Aki presents her feelings toward him to rise above a sister's love. Understanding their fondness for one another, they consummate their love-in secret. In a culture that will never comprehend, they must keep their love a secret from everyone else and their family they know. Nevertheless, Sora soon finds himself investigating many kinds of love with different types of girls he met that isn't accepted by society so questioning his feelings for his sister. Character Sora Aoi Sora is the protagonist of the story. His given name is created as ?? in kanji. He studies in exactly the same high school as Nami, Aki and his sisters. Unlike his sisters, he's not bad at house work and cooking. As he falls unconscious by ingesting even somewhat sake, Sora has a reduced alcohol tolerance. As a result of questionably difficult relationships together with his sisters, along with his breeding with no father or any male figure in the family, Sora grew up with almost no maleness of all kinds. Nearly all of idiosyncrasies, conduct, and his bearings are those normally expected from a self-conscious girl. His effeminate look makes him an ideal prospect for crossdressing, which he finds himself participating in involuntarily because of the opinion of Runa and Nami's fetish which he loves it. He's quite timid and very much a pushover, and totally lacks the will to stand-up for himself against women, which further enables him to be made to crossdress and sexually approached. Really very much every woman around him is instantly privileged using the possibility to rape him, which some of them did or tried to undeterred by protests and his suffering. He's profoundly in love with Aki, and does not resist her the second-time she attempts to have intercourse with him, but he does issue himself at times because they've no future in a relationship, whether their incest taboo should be continued. Though with the latter two he was pushed he's also had sexual relationships with others, like Kana, Runa and Nami. After being raped if anything in regards to the sexual assault should actually be taken to to light by Nami, who subsequently threatened Sora with emasculation and departure, he became terrified of her, but promised that he will not despise her. They ultimately rekindle their connection when consensual intercourse was questioned for by Nami, and had since then became more near. With Aki, Sora completely accepts his connection in the last chapters, even defending it against their dad. When their dad takes away Aki, Sora is alone and desires to see her again. After Aki decides to disappear therefore that their love wouldn't hurts Sora, Sora is heart-broken and understands that Aki is really loved by him and needs to be with her. At their mom's grave, they fulfill in the last chapter.
When Yuuki first meets Akihisa she is less than impressed. Not only is he stalking her, but he also tries to seduce her knowing full well she's a high school student who already has a boyfriend. She can't stand him at all so why is she so drawn to him? On the surface Akihisa seems like the worst kind of man... Is he just toying with Yuuki or does he really care about her?
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The School and the World summary: The School and the World summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The School and the World. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Problems of Expansion summary: Problems of Expansion summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Problems of Expansion. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Age of Lazurite, Tower of Glass summary:
How was the foremost tower beneath the heavens built? What is the story between Emperor Yongle and the Tower of Gla.s.s? How will a Korean princess who’s overcome hardships and toil decide her future?
As the only historical novel of the Qidian Ladies’ Web, this novel will bring you into the glorious splendor of the Ming Empire!
Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation summary: Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Q. E. D., or New Light on the Doctrine of Creation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.