简介本来想当个祸国殃民的美貌妖孽,蛊惑皇帝、祸乱朝政,覆灭民不聊生的王朝,却不想危机时刻,皇帝貌似不是个色胚草包,是巧合还是另有阴谋?! 艳姝:皇上快点死翘翘吧!我好回天庭过神仙生活! 皇上:朕要太平盛世,还要你做我的皇后! 每周六更新~不要错过哟~
内容简介:我靠海岛空间称霸末世!我靠海岛空间称霸末世!小说阅读穿越重生小说我靠海岛空间称霸末世!由作家雾中迷鹿创作【号入v,v章评论有红包掉落,全订有抽奖,感谢支持v】冒险海岛是一款集海岛生存、 出海冒险、萌宠、基建为一体的种田类游戏。休闲与冒险元素的别样融合,加上可以全服联机的人性化设置,简直让玩过的玩家欲罢不能。开局一间茅草屋,萌宠全靠捕捉,出海冒险就去砍树造船,是兄弟就一起来冒险海岛!正式公测后,除了入坑的游戏爱好者,本来不屑一顾的无数路人、风景党也纷纷在试玩后表示真香。但这所有的快乐都与沈初颜无关,因为她只是一个平平无奇的古地球末日求生者。地球历2101年1月1日,来自高等文明的末日选拔系统席卷了全球。生命数据化后,所有地球居民被迫参与这场长达四年的生死淘汰赛。无止境的屠杀、可怕的异形巨兽、令人无法呼吸的死亡墙壁、来自地底的邪恶窥探每一年,选拔赛系统都将更新资料片,愈来愈困难的求生环境令无数遭受了这场无妄之灾的地球居民陷入绝境。生者,将拥有无上的异世界能力与前往高等文明的机会;而死者,能带走的或许只有世人的留念与不舍。末日选拔赛开始后的第三年,求生者沈初颜生命值归零,被系统宣判死亡。但神奇的却是,她并未丧失意识,而是重返至末日前夕。没有落地成盒的沈初颜带着诸多求生经验,再次踏上这场征途——面前是难以角逐的死亡之路,身后是无法退却的穷途。好在,重生归来的沈初颜点亮了幸运buff,她发现自己随身携带的玉佩里竟然还隐藏着一个海岛空间!海岛空间内有着丰富的资源:用于充饥的蔬果,可以提升实力的晶石。在空间的辅助下,沈初颜步步领先,实力渐长。而之后的发展则更让人瞠目结舌,这个海岛居然还能联机?食用指南1苏爽文,男主背景板2主世界末日剧情与海岛空间剧情各占一半篇幅【文案发表于2020年7月,修改于2020年11月,已截图】》》》完结文《我在欢乐游戏里赚生活费全息》,戳专栏可见0v0》》》下本要开的同类型预收《我靠抽卡异能称霸迷雾幻境!》求收藏鸭!QAQ本小说网提供雾中迷鹿著作的我靠海岛空间称霸末世!最新章节,我靠海岛空间称霸末世!全文免费阅读,我靠海岛空间称霸末世!无弹窗清爽阅读体验!小兵提供我靠海岛空间称霸末世!最新章节我靠海岛空间称霸末世!最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-80847 >>
内容简介:八荒动,风云乱,天俊出。乾坤转,阴阳逆,苍穹暗。一剑,移山潜岳星辰变。一枪,天穿地陷日月慌。万古极尊,唯我称皇。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《万古极皇》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微 博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84144 >>
内容简介: 穿越成了《西游记后传》里的无天,表面稳如老狗,内心慌的不行。 刚刚才对如来佛主说了,你是自己走还是我送你走。 如来佛主金身在前,佛光万丈,似乎要动手诛魔,是该认个怂自动 消失,还是继续装下去?1w0-861 >>
内容简介:霍氏集团总裁的老婆死了后,有人发现他从良了,不再沾花惹草,诚诚恳恳的带着儿子过日子。直到有一天,他新聘请的家庭医生上了门。霍总端着那张传说中已经从良的脸,目光就跟刀子似的。家庭医生落荒 而逃。两个月后,家庭医生成功上位。“霍太太,你是怎么让霍总打开心扉的?走出对亡妻的思念呢?”“呵呵,很简单,娶一还送二了!”新娘忿忿然又拉出了两个新郎高配的缩小版!!前妻再嫁我一次最新章节地址:1w4599-102576 >>
内容简介:早9点日更中推推c衍耽新文综穿进同人文后我翻车了by少孺子国三毕业后,被奇迹的世代分崩离析虐到自闭的黑子哲也,终于发现自己技能点点的不是一般的歪。他的全部加点,似乎都点在了“杀手”这一 栏。于是意外回到十几年前,身体不再成长的黑子哲也为了求生,不得不一头扎入港口afia的怀抱。并且成功苟到了干部位置,苟过了咒术界的追杀,苟过了首领换代,苟过了龙头战争,苟过了iic事件,苟到了自己穿越前的时代。再次回到国中毕业那年的港口afia元老级干部黑子君,突然向首领打报告请长假,理由是“想提高一下港口afia平均学历所以要去念高中感受一下校园生活”。森鸥外???森鸥外黑子君,你忘了之前任务卧底咒术高专结果是什么了吗?黑子哲也被整个咒术界追杀,但这次我是认真的,首领。主受,c港口afia唯一良心,看我无敌拉郎配」∠虽然很对不起奇迹的各位,但是这只黑子真的不会掺合篮球了,他下场就是虐菜大概会有这种场景黑子青峰君,真的很抱歉,但是我现在认同你的观念,果然能打败我的只有我自己。青峰……???!!各位书友要是觉得《港口Mafia黑子君》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-34101 >>
内容简介:科学家的我,竟是空军王牌榜首穿越新世界的秦逍,机缘巧合之下进入了飞行学院,同时也是一线研发人员,不想星盟大搞威胁论,连续发布了科学榜和空军王牌榜。科学榜榜首:秦逍,生涯成果:打造了第三 代航1w47345-71910 >>
内容简介: (主角开武力挂了,乌江落水,获得霸王之勇,第一章就有提示。)拎着一把杀猪刀的刘成,看看那两个躺在地上不会动弹的人,再看看门口处出现的,牵着驴子打酒归来的、名字叫做吕伯奢的老者,一时 间整个人都懵掉了,自己…貌似…做了一件非常牛逼的事情……刚刚来到东汉末年,睁开眼不到三十秒,就将曹孟德给杀了,接下来该怎么办?!在线等,真的很着急!!!(有四百多万字完本原始种田文《我是一个原始人》,书友们书荒了可以去看看。)1w0-3424 >>
内容简介:崔恒穿越了,系统告诉他这里是一个高级仙侠世界。仙王纵横,凶兽遍地,大能们一言不合就会打爆星系,毁灭世界,吓得他瑟瑟发抖。还好系统为了保护他,提供了三百年的新手保护期,只要在保护区内,就 不会受到任何伤害。于是,崔恒开始了三百年的修仙之路。这三百年里,陆续有人误入这里。有的出身卑微,做过和尚,做过乞丐,却有平定天下,拯救万民的大志。有的出身不凡,曾是绝世天才,却突遭厄运,资质大降,饱受冷眼。有的贵为公主,却只想找回自己的哥哥,不为成仙,只为在红尘中等他归来。有的体弱多病,却梦想着闯荡天下,锄强扶弱,成为一代侠女。……崔恒本着结交善缘的心态,给了他们亿点点帮助。三百年后,系统的新手保护期结束,崔恒也终于金丹大成,怀着颤抖的心走了出去。却发现这里居然只是一个武侠世界!1w0-29481 >>
First story. The student is a 17 year-old girl named FUJIWARA Kayo. She loves games. She is always playing her handheld (It looks a lot like a PSP) in class. One day, her teacher, a handsome, but kind of mean-looking guy named HAIBARA-sensei, catches her playing it in class, yells at her, and confiscates it. Grr, stupid Haibara-sensei, always ruining her fun! Kayo can’t stand him, and doesn’t understand why he is so popular with all the other girls at school. Ah, but Kayo is in for a surprise! The second story. It’s about a shy girl named ICHII Ekko who has a great imagination and a talent for drawing. Every day at school she fills her lined notebook with drawings, complete manga stories, about the people around her. She can turn any minor interaction into a silly shoujo manga plot, complete with sparkles and flowers, and a heroine that looks just like herself. Her notebook is her secret, and it would be horribly embarrassing if anyone found out about it... Story 3. High school girl Naomi is excited to learn there is a new boy transferring into their class. Until this year, her school was a girl’s school, and even though it’s now co-ed, biys are scarce. So a new boy at school is big news! Unfortunately for Nao, the transfer student isn’t exactly a nice guy. His name is Katsuyuki-kun, and he’s tall and scary looking. He has an aura around him that just screams ‘do not touch! go away!’ He is like a feral cat or some other wild animal. But in spite of this, Nao doesn’t give in. She can tell something isn’t right. Will she be able to make friends with him? Story 4 is about a guy and girl who are already a couple. Rinako really likes Shun, but he doesn’t seem to want to take their relationship seriously. Even though he know it makes her mad, he is always going out with other girls. When Rinako confronts him angrily, he apologizes, but that doesn’t stop him from doing the same thing over again. In fact, he is always playing tricks on her and doing little things to boter her. But will she still take him back when he goes a step too far? Finally, the last story is a brief and funny tale of friendship, jealousy, and romance, with a bit of basketball thrown in.
On January 3rd, 2097, a collision with a celestial object basically destroyed human civilization. Seventy years later, human survivors are still living in space, unable to return to their home planet. Some humans, called 'Divers' are able to project an avatar to the earth in order to salvage information from earth-based computer networks. Suzuro is a 14-year-old freelance diver of incredible skill, but only a C-rank due to age restrictions. She works in a salvage ship with her pilot Ginga, who keeps the ship out of flying debris while she's connected to earth, and her assistant Shimugi. It's not only space debris colliding with the ship that could kill Suzuro while diving, there are also dangers waiting on earth that could kill her, just by interacting with her avatar. Suzuro must be certain that the cases she takes are worth the danger! [tethysdust]
Summary refers to the Ohzora Shuppan re-print, 2007: 1. Lovers and Souls Shinomiya is a beautiful college art student who lacks the morals common to most people. After agreeing to be a nude model for Matsuoka, a photography student, he also agrees to sleep with him for money even though he is straight. However, what started as a small taste of the forbidden soon spirals out of control when Shinomiya begins selling his body to other guys as a prostitute in a male brothel. Can Matsuoka save Shinomiya from himself? 2. Vanity After the events of Lovers and Souls, Tooru is still deeply heartbroken. Trying to find solace in Hikaru, Tooru challenges the terms of their friendship. But can he handle the consequences? 3. Sleeping Beauty Matsuoka sees Tooru for the first time. 4. A Moon in Name Only In their last year of high school, Akihiko Nozaki admits to his best friend Kai that he's gay. Kai is stunned but it doesn't change their friendship, but Kai's curiosity is aroused and he begins to see Nozaki differently. 5. The Name of that Sky Sequel to 'A Moon in Name Only', told more from Nozaki's point of view. Nozaki isn't sure whether to trust that his relationship with Kai will last, since he's even been dumped by gay men before. What's to keep a guy who wasn't even gay from breaking up with him?
Maajan Kurabu summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Maajan Kurabu. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson summary: The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Seekers Of Fire summary: The Seekers Of Fire summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Seekers Of Fire. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
An Account Of Timbuctoo And Housa Territories In The Interior Of Africa summary: An Account Of Timbuctoo And Housa Territories In The Interior Of Africa summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An Account Of Timbuctoo And Housa Territories In The Interior Of Africa. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Scribleriad and The Difference Between Verbal and Practical Virtue summary: The Scribleriad and The Difference Between Verbal and Practical Virtue summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Scribleriad and The Difference Between Verbal and Practical Virtue. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.