

神医弃女 老版

类别恋爱 古风











Bloody Girl



















内容简介:【【创世历史2018流派征文之盛唐华章】参赛作品】一场梦,让他回到1000多年的晚唐时期,成为了唐僖宗他弟、唐朝倒数第二个皇帝唐昭宗身上,看他如何扭转大唐困局,治宦官干政,平朝堂之乱, 除藩镇之祸,重现大唐王朝的盛世!李晔看着远去的长安城,发出了怒吼,“给我20年,我将还天下一个盛世大唐!”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生之大唐中兴》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65698 >>


内容简介:(正文180万字,已完结)新书《嫡女策:至尊毒后》求支持!“本王给你的,你只需接受。安分守己,本王不会亏待你。别自作聪明兴风作浪,小心尸骨无存!”他星眸冷湛,嗓音凉薄。“是,王爷!”她 眉目低垂,温顺恭谦。她所求,本就是一世安稳、与世无争,还多了一座大大的靠山庇护,简直就是运气好到爆,为毛要起别的心思?他们的嫁与娶,与情爱无关,各取所需罢了!只是后来,这个强势、骄傲、冷峻而又霸道的男人缠着她1w0-65468 >>


内容简介:大主宰(牧尘、洛璃、萧炎、林动)大千世界,位面交汇,万族林立,群雄荟萃,一位位来自下位面的天之至尊,在这无尽世界,演绎着令人向往的传奇,追求着那主宰之路。无尽火域,炎帝执掌,万火焚苍穹 。武境之1w680-108107 >>


内容简介:深渊恶魔:等级低微的人类,受死吧!江铭:给我分解!化作我的材料吧!敌人:我的武器呢?江铭:呵呵,都化成材料在我背包里面了。竞技之王‘不动铭皇’,在一场比赛遭人黑手,双手被废,神级的操作 无法使用,输了所有身家,被踢出公会,流浪到贫民区。一次意外获得《神州》虚拟游戏的顶级终端,进入游戏抽到了一个隐藏职业分解师,凭借着这个可以分解任何物品化为材料的职业,再次让他傲视神州!各位书友要是觉得《网游之神级分解师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27457 >>


内容简介:本文将于号入V,请小天使多多支持!预收文求收藏:《孩子他爸失忆了》所有人都知道喻疏是某大型娱乐公司的总裁,生的好看气质冷艳,只要是个流量小生就想和她炒绯闻。所有人也知道温雁北是位演技一 流的好演员,气质温润待人有礼,只要是个年轻演员就会尊称一声“温老师”。而“德艺双馨”的温老师最喜欢的事情就是在家看玛丽苏神剧,一边给正在开会的喻疏发消息:“你已经五分钟没回我消息,你是不是不爱我了。”喻疏:……小剧场:喻疏:今天拍戏还顺利吗?温雁北:哼唧!喻疏:有没有人在你面前耍大牌欺负你?我给你撑腰。温雁北:哼唧!喻疏:我们一起去吃饭吧,那家的点心做的可好吃了。温雁北:哼唧!喻疏:……那我走了。温雁北:你敢!女友力Max的娱乐圈女大佬X在外温润贵公子在家小作精的演技帝注意:1女宠男2每晚八点准时更新3书名很雷,本文更雷4全文无脑甜推荐基友文:幻言文:《穿成大佬假妹妹》然后当了女总裁和大神写手耽美文:《大兄弟,你的头掉了》——悲催作者传到自己笔下的恐怖小说里,和主角一起解密逃生!完结的娱乐圈甜文,可以宰了~《靠败家征服娱乐圈》还有基友的预收文推荐哦~《帝女[快穿]》1w0-97995 >>


内容简介:【穿书逃荒流放反派甜宠空间种田】裴姝儿穿书了,穿到了臭名昭著的世子妃身上,而且还在流放的路上。她的丈夫世子爷是未来的美强惨残疾反派,现在正伤重昏迷,她是导致反派黑化的根源。开局她丈夫就 想掐死她!一大家子老的老,小的小,伤的伤,不得已扛起了养家糊口的重担。她左手千亿空间物资可活人命,右手银针医术救死扶伤。开商铺,促贸易,搞科技,建城市,将蛮荒之地建造成守卫边境第一城,只一人便稳稳守住边疆,成为人人敬仰的裴姑娘。裴姝儿治好反派腿疾后,他靠着战功成为大将军,后又开辟疆土成了那至高无上的帝王。裴姝儿还完原身的债,自觉两不相欠,依照协议掏出和离书。结果想掐死她的反派将她拥入怀中。“我的心都在你身上,你还想去哪?”1w0-79991 >>


内容简介:【一】楚千淼上学时一个冲动给任炎写过情书,但被他给拒绝了。后来工作中两个人重逢。楚千淼:要不,我想再试试。任炎:不,你不想。后来她就真的再也不想这个事,毕竟天下帅爷们那么多。可是这个任 炎他怎么回事?嘴上说不要身体却整天围着她转是几个意思?【二】一开始楚千淼对任炎心里窜着小火苗,她对他特别友爱客气。后来……【此处省略八百字爱恨情仇】后来,小火苗灭了。再一起做项目的时候,楚千淼也不忍着了,经常……怼他。有次任炎气得把楚千淼直接堵在办公位上。他两手插着裤子口袋,用下巴点着她,问:你现在变得很不服我是吗?再这么七个不服八个不忿的我可收拾你了。楚千淼不以为意:我身上带三千个水,你才带两个火,我能灭了你身上的火一千五百次不嫌多。任炎蓦地低头凑近她,声音沉下去,带一丝哑:那我身上的火,你打算怎么灭?1w0-4029 >>




内容简介:预收文《异界代购》本文文案:古代,凉京。一群武者在健身房里挥汗如雨,致力成为让人羡慕的大肌霸。旁边的冷饮店,小孩子排着长队,举着手上的铜板,“冰淇淋圣代,谢谢。”动漫城中,少年们脱去繁 文缛节的长袍,抗着三米大剑高喊,“二次元少年永不为奴!”大剧院的舞台上,正上演“唐伯虎抢梁山伯”的狗血舞台剧。莫少珩有时候也在想,这《我在古代搞现代化建设》小说推荐:穿到古代当名士、如意事、渭北春天树、庭中落之恶毒女配要洗白、卦妃天下、玉貌绮年、孤王寡女、以嫡为贵、桀骜肥妃之杀手王妃不好惹、首辅夫人黑化日常、头号炮灰快穿、重生成女主的恶毒皇姐、娘娘的满满求生欲(快穿)、首辅娇娘、重生之贵女难求、娇媚、嫡嫁千金、催妆、败絮藏金玉、农门丑妻1w0-27742 >>


内容简介:被看光,被威胁,被亲密接触,被……夏晚怎么也没想到,自己会和青城传说中各种成谜的禁欲男神霍清随扯上关系,更没想到他们的关系竟会是……我对你这样的未成年不感兴趣。哦,正好,我对你这种一把 年纪的老男人也不感兴趣!唔……你干嘛!做点夫妻该做的事。霍清随对夏晚从来只怀揣一个目的:宠她,宠一辈子。微信公众号:陌上迟归,欢迎来撩来勾搭1w0-108777 >>


内容简介:【日更,早9点更新】南烟穿成虐文女主,剧情开篇被逼嫁阴郁残疾大佬。大佬的婚前合约条理清晰协议结婚,为期两年。婚内高定衣服鞋子包包通通为她承包,婚后分得现金几个亿,豪华房产若干,外加大佬 公司的1股权。而1w0-74412 >>




This volume contains 4 separate but delightful short stories: 1) Bónd(z) - It isn’t unheard of to sleep with your friends after having too much to drink. However, when that friend happens to be a guy as well and you both happen to have girlfriends, things can get a little complicated. From the author of Our Everlasting, Loveholic and In the Walnut, comes a compilation of passion, obsession and love. 2) Situation - Yuu and Akira, two childhood best friends who deeply love one another and want to get married when they grow up. However, their teacher told them it was impossible and wrong for them to be together. Despite that, Akira grows up to accept his sexuality. You-chan, however, cannot stop hearing his teacher's words each time he thinks about Akira. Will they get their happy ending? 3) Kitan Garden (Fairy Garden) - Prince Fiona of the Roses Kingdom awakens each year at the season in which the Maiden Blush roses blossom. And his main motivation for waking up each year is to look at the smiling face of Daichi, a human whose garden Prince Fiona lives in. However, the prince's disappointment lies in the fact that he can never meet him face to face. But, with the help of a witch who wants to grant Fiona one request as his birthday present, he is finally able to stand next to Daichi till the end of the rose blooming season. 4) Sakura - Ayatsuji Yuichi, a poor salaryman, was ordered by the chairman of the company to live together with his grandchild for 1 month in order to let him experience the poor way of life. As unusual as the command was, Ayatsuji accepted and Asahina Ren, the future heir of the company, moved in with him. Ren, a 17 year old from a very rich family, has never done any house chores! So, Ayatsuji sets out to teach Ren how to cook, and clean and buy a train ticket (!!!) and in the process, the two fall in love with each other. However, as an heir to a prestigious family, Ren fears that he will be forced to stay away from Ayatsuji. (from Kawaisa)

The Castle

A young girl has recurring nightmares about a castle and a woman who tries to kill her. She is sent to stay with relatives in the for a change of scenery. En route she glimpses a mysterious but vaguely familiar castle surrounded by fog on the other side of the lake. What dark secrets does the castle possess and who was that woman in her nightmares?


The Damned Devil's Army are rampaging around the world and the only person who can stop them is the Earth Warrior.

Tokage Ouji

Princess Canary is to go to an omiai with Prince Heath, a prince from another kingdom known for his flirting with women, drinking and gambling. She agrees but only to have the chance to preach to him about the way he rules his kingdom. Prince Heath is completely opposed to the idea and instead of going, gives his pet lizard a potion to turn him into an exact duplicate so that he may replace him. But when the lizard and Princess Canary meet, she is surprised to find herself falling in love with the prince thinking the rumours may not be true at all. What will happen when she discovers that the prince she’s falling in love with is actually a lizard? And what about the lizard, himself? what is his true form that he had forgotten? the prince's long lost missing brother? -- Aerandria Scans

Artist and Public

Artist and Public summary: Artist and Public summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Artist and Public. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The King of the Golden River or the Black Brothers

The King of the Golden River or the Black Brothers summary: The King of the Golden River or the Black Brothers summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The King of the Golden River or the Black Brothers. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Story of Crisco

The Story of Crisco summary: The Story of Crisco summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Story of Crisco. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ms. Doctor Divine

Ms. Doctor Divine summary: Gu Chaoyan is the eldest daughter of the Gu Family, yet the least favorite one. She is mostly despised and belittled by everyone around, only because she isn 't pretty.
Left alone in her shabby Qiong Pavilion, she survives hard with her only friend, the maid, Qing, and expects to marry Prince Lu Jiming whom she adores deeply. However, the Prince betrays her and even drives her into jumping into a lake to kill her.
Fortunately, Gu Chaoyan survives and gets reborn, with the soul of an agent from the 21st century. From that moment on, Gu Chaoyan becomes someone totally different. She is no longer weak, clinging or naïve. She uses her knowledge through medicine and makes herself pretty and slender. She also strikes back at those who bullied and looked down on her. Moreorover, she successfully attracts Lord Huai, the beloved child of the King and Queen.

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