
































内容简介:【在线等,挺急的!】跟关系暧昧的女神学姐,入住超豪华酒店,进门后,学姐穿【爆闪高跟鞋丝滑旗袍露S型傲人曲线】这时惊现一道选择题:A直接表白。完成奖励:力量值10。B帮她拍,拍出高级感。 完成奖励:好感值10。s她姿势摆的不够,跳个害羞舞。完成奖励:直男值1。D直接无视,我来酒店是想好好休息的,对学姐可没什么兴趣。完成奖励:自制力10。当然选C啊,跳个害羞舞更有情调,还能欣赏女神迷人身材。总之,这恋爱谈的不科学!本书又名《这学姐也太撩了!》、《跟女神的超撩恋爱生活》人设:高冷闷骚夹子音女神x霸道坏痞反制型男主。被评开局非常上头,美人细节描述高手,情感真挚,欢迎观看。1w0-95689 >>




内容简介:风光无限的医药生物学三料博士后被个医闹一刀毙了命,落落魄魄穿越成了淮王府弃妃。丈夫不疼,小姑子不爱,还有绿茶等级十八级的白莲前女友。身怀绝世医术,救人被误会,不救人等着砍头,日子从未这 么憋屈过!“咱俩三观不对、八字不合,勉强在一起不会幸福!”“女人,是你使诈逼迫本王娶的你,现在主意一变又要和离,有那么便宜的事吗?”1w16216-25896 >>


内容简介:简介:【暴力美学】【不圣母】【角色扮演】【群号:752974385】书又名:《开局扮演神父的我,在惊悚世界杀疯了!》《什么惊悚游戏?这明明是神父的屠宰场!》扮演暴力神父安德森:死人也敢 在我的面前行走!偏离世间唯一的理法,我将送你们回到地狱!扮演大慈大悲肖自在:我并不好杀,只是有点残忍。生我者不可,因为双亲都以故去;我生者未知,因此不敢有后;余者,无不可!…………观众:“卧槽!疯了吧!整个副本的鬼都快被他杀完了!”“林北,被黑暗所畏惧的神父!”“他在狂笑,那些鬼又要遭殃乐文小说网各位书友要是觉得《我在惊悚世界扮演杀生神父》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75006 >>


内容简介:清丽小白花×温柔男医生容颜初见秦医生时就被他shen上淡如止水的君子气质所xi引。彼时她还只是一个被生活所迫,混迹会所的陪酒小姐。秦爷,请喝酒。她乖巧地坐在他shen边,只想讨他欢心多 赚点卖酒钱。后来她被人欺负,斯文儒雅的秦医生为救她大打出手,沾染了血腥。谢谢你她感激不已,想给他dao谢,却不知dao怎么谢着谢着,就谢到了床上去再后来别人对她说,秦先生人很好,你跟着他就不用再每天都为钱发愁了。她卑微地想过攀附他,逃离地狱,但却发现,秦医生人确实不错,就是在床上有点变态某片段:呜呜呜你怎么可以这样?你强jian1w0-95039 >>


内容简介:一次意外,楚枫穿越到斗罗大陆,成为了小舞哥哥,绑定成神辅助系统!斗罗位面,败唐三,收服比比东!斗破位面,毁萧炎,夺机缘!楚枫表示,自己才是最大的反派!ps本文后续会开放更多位面,敬请期 待!另外,本文略微腹黑,唐三粉,萧炎粉劝退。1w0-99844 >>


内容简介:颜凉修仙不成,反被天雷劈成一只毛团子。狐狸精没了男人精气就会死,可她师门清正,怎会谋害性命?她决定替被渣男欺负的弱女子报仇续命,妖法蛊惑任她报复,可刚开业不久就要关门大吉。为什么所谓‘ 不能人道’的报仇对象是她最怕的大师兄?险些被啪死的小狐狸又被二师兄一脸嫌弃地捡了回去,写作疗伤读作圈养。从此她家云游四方的谪仙师傅丶管理局千年一遇的修仙天才,甚至多年未见的亲哥哥都追着这只狐狸精主动贡献精气!被围在一群男人中间的颜凉瑟瑟发抖,抱紧自己的猫主子不放手,可谁想这只猫半夜也爬上床来了!颜凉:我都缩成狐狸毛团了为什么还要追我?我的毛都要被摸秃了╥ω╥现代NP,甜宠,撸毛团,伪修仙真日常。男主全C。努力日更,珍珠和收藏每逢百加更。请多多留言爱护MUA本咸鱼的催更群:735514712(请督促咸鱼好好码字本咸鱼的微博号:(欢迎勾搭OWO本鱼在追的现代NP甜宠文:Aoiiii的《原来你们都想上我》↑给葵葵小可爱递膝盖各位书友要是觉得《她是一团小狐狸(NPH)》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!她是一团小狐狸(NPH)最新章节她是一团小狐狸(NPH)全文阅读她是一团小狐狸(NPH)全集txt下载她是一团小狐狸(NPH)无弹窗小说她是一团小狐狸(NPH)52001w0-95654 >>


内容简介:重生归来!手握蜀山剑宗系统!且看青稚少年,如何在浩瀚大千玄妙世界之中;建立万界第一宗门;蜀山剑锋之上白影孤立锁妖万塔之中群魔哀戚随手掷下一柄长剑,白眉身似鸿雪飘下:“从今而后,天下之大 ,不过蜀山之地!”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《蜀山剑宗系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81087 >>




内容简介:上辈子她累死累活点满技能,就为了报仇雪恨。这辈子,有那个宠她爱她的元奕挡在身前,她只想做一个柔弱到不能自理的小娇妻。瞧着被自己宠的越来越娇柔的妻子,元奕就恨不得再宠上两分,让她离不开自 己。“总裁,夫人去外面投资了。”“把公司收购了,换批操盘手陪她玩儿。”转头苏末就接到电话,“总裁,您老公要收购我们公司!”“股份转给他,别暴露我身份!”躺在元奕的怀里,苏末笑得格外明媚,她家男人还真是个绝世小可爱呀~1w71304-96205 >>


内容简介:明杳患有严重的失眠症,上一世,她失眠而死。重活一次,一觉醒来,身边多了个英俊多金的老公。——传闻中杀伐决断、喜怒无常的暴君顾四爷。“签字,离婚!”男人将一纸离婚协议甩到她身上。明杳二话 不说,签了离婚协议。但不到一晚,她就后悔了。她发现,这一世,她还是患有严重的失眠症。药石无医,能让她入眠的,是她那位老公身上如冷杉般清冽干净的气息。传闻她那位老公不近女色,于是她扮演各种角色,只为能留在他身边。人人都说顾太太爱惨了顾四爷,每天被虐千百遍,依旧待四爷如初恋。直到有一天,明杳终于研究出治她失眠症的药物。宴会上,她笑容明艳的挽着天王巨星,反手将一纸离婚协议扔到顾四爷身上。“顾先生,字已签,从此以后,我们男婚女嫁,各不相干!”顾四爷当场撕了顾太太的离婚协议。他将她抵至墙角,眉眼如锋,“想离可以,先将你偷我的东西还回来!”“我偷你什么了?”“心!”……人人都嘲讽明杳是个不学无术,水性扬花,空有其貌的花瓶。众人都在等着她被顾四爷扫地出门。有媒体大胆曝出,明杳背着顾四爷跟国际第一黑客约会。第一黑客,“谁特么造谣,那是我师父!”没多久,又有媒体曝出明杳和奢侈品大牌设计师进出同家酒店。大牌设计师,“我老板。”看着三天两头约会不同男人的女人,顾四爷怒了。他咬住女人的唇,向全天下宣告,“顾太太是我的,谁敢再乱传绯闻?!”【冷酷深情只对女主温柔的暴君男主VS拥有多重马甲慵懒佛性只想不再失眠多活几天的冷艳女王】1w34600-80303 >>


内容简介:九天十地,万世独尊!仙神为奴,妖魔为仆!弹指天地覆,出刀神鬼哭!十万年前,无敌世间的修罗大帝李牧神为追求永生不死之境而陨落,十万年后,他重生归来,修无上玄功,觉醒修罗至尊体,屠仙灭神, 永生不灭,铸就无上神话!各位书友要是觉得《太古神尊李牧神》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71829 >>

Tsumi Koi

Compilation of short stories: - Tsumi Koi / Sinful Love “If you want me to stay quiet, then have an affair with me too” Yashiro witnessed her classmate Maki, who is extremely popular with the girls, with a girl who wasn’t his girlfriend. Tired of her uninspiring days Yashino suggested that she become Maki’s “lover”, but because of these circumstances she finds herself being charmed by him and she can’t stop herself from falling in love with him…!? - Until I Fall in Love About twin sisters, Tae is the older twin and Rie is the younger. One day, Rie begs Tae to switch places with her. Rie has a crush on a boy who sits next to Tae. Finally Tae agrees. In Rie's class, Tae is surprised to discover that Rie sits next to a cute guy, the one on the soccer team that she saw after school a few days ago. Then, Tae has a good time sitting with the boy. He's funny and nice. When he invites Tae to watch him play soccer, Tae agrees, but then she realizes that he invites her as Rie.. - Let's Meet in Dream! Fuzuki has been having some strange dreams recently. In them, she is at school, and she is talking to a cute young teacher. Fuzuki is in love with this teacher, and he knows it. They always hand out on the roof of the school, where he smokes a cigarette. Every night she has dreams about him, and they hold very real conversations. But the thing is, Fuzuki doesn’t know who this guy is! Why is Fuzuki dreaming about this guy? Does he dream about her? Will they ever be able to meet in person? - Tears of Goldfish It was a summer festival 5 years ago, and a young girl was kissed by a cute boy while fireworks exploded all around them. But one of their classmates saw them kissing and teased them. They were elementary school kids, so their accusations are rude and obnoxious. The girl, Iyo, was embarrassed and denied it before the boy, Tsujiai could say anything. Ever since that day, she and Tsujiai, haven’t spoken. Now they are once again placed in the same class after 5 years. Iyo feels awful and awkward. But it’s obvious he still hates her… - Love Spell Momoka and a friend are standing at their classroom window, checking out some cute senpai boys. Momoka prefers boys with shorter hair. Her friend says that Shibahara isn't Momoka's type. Shibahara is a boy in their class, and he has long hair that obscures his face. The next day, Momoka finds out that Shibahara arrives to class with a new, short, haircut! And wow, he is actually very cute! Momoka can’t believe this. Could he had overheard her conversation yesterday? Or is this a coincidence? Could he really have cut his hair for Momoka? Momoka suddenly finds herself very aware of Shibahara. Is she falling for him?


About a boy of thirteen years who always tries to be a hero and for various reasons are involved with monsters, ending in his death, but it revived with the help a little thing (one might say that is the predecessor of innocence) and now must fight the Count ancient.

Tentai Senshi Sanred

Tentai Senshi Sunred is a powerful, battle tested hero of many years. He has sold his super bike, which is seen in the opening credits. Now he smokes a lot, is effectively unemployed, and lives by the grace of his girlfriend, Kayoko Uchida. His arch enemies in the Evil Florsheim Army are still trying to take over the world. Under the direction of their local leader, Vamp, they help members of the community, run a cooking show, assist Kayoko Uchida whenever possible, and try to attack the ever powerful Sunred. All in all, a light parody of the Japanese hero genera.


From Sugar-Oasis: Chiba Tamao's family is bankrupt, and the Yakuza debt collectors are chasing him down attempting to collect. The last thing that he needs is a handsome guy named Kurotengu who wants to 'eat him'. He tries to escape this creepy situation, only to find out that the only way he can solve one of his problems is by becoming an idol singer--with Kuro! Welcome to the world of Paradistar, where creatures known as the 'mono no ke' live among us, beings that need to feed on beautiful human spirits to survive. Will be continued by Intercross From Intercross: Chiba Tamao's family is bankrupt, and the Yakuza debt collectors are chasing him down attempting to collect. The last thing that he needs is a handsome guy named Kurotengu who wants to 'eat him'. He tries to escape this creepy situation, only to find out that the only way he can solve one of his problems is by becoming an idol singer--with Kuro! Welcome to the world of Paradistar, where creatures known as the 'mono no ke' live among us, beings that need to feed on beautiful human spirits to survive.

Wait and Hope

Wait and Hope summary: Wait and Hope summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wait and Hope. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Desserts and Salads

Desserts and Salads summary: Desserts and Salads summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Desserts and Salads. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Studies in the Poetry of Italy, I. Roman

Studies in the Poetry of Italy, I. Roman summary: Studies in the Poetry of Italy, I. Roman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Studies in the Poetry of Italy, I. Roman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Carrie And Me: A Mother-Daughter Love Story

Carrie And Me: A Mother-Daughter Love Story summary: Carrie And Me: A Mother-Daughter Love Story summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Carrie And Me: A Mother-Daughter Love Story. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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