
























简介【每周五更新】随主出征,战死沙场,白英从一只战虎重生变为病秧子美人,还嫁给了主人,从此猛虎变萌虎。 “过来,你不是一天天往我身上爬吗?跑什么!”当着满堂朝臣的面,将军大人冲白英招招手。 “明明是你不让我往你身上爬的……”白英一边嘟囔,一边乖乖爬将军大腿上坐好。 满堂朝臣面面相觑,这是,被将军大人撒狗粮了。








内容简介:  原书名《最强装逼打脸系统》!  最强反套路,我TM反手就是一个套路,横扫修仙界无敌手,就问一声还有谁?  装逼如风,常伴吾身!  长路漫漫,装逼相伴!  生死看淡,不服就干!  “ 年轻人,当年我开始套路的时候,你们还在穿开裆裤!”  徐缺踏上了一条套路之路,每天不是在套路,就是正在去套路的路上!1w0-2505 >>


内容简介:陆星辰获得了史上最邪恶的大反派系统。一切针对他的痛恨、憎恶、鄙视等负面情绪都能产生恶意值。恶意值能够在商城兑换各种妖兵、法宝、丹药、符箓、道具同时系统还发布了一系列与行凶作恶挂钩的任务 完成任务可获得大量恶意值和奖励。有了无恶不作的系统陆星辰成为了烈火宗史上最年轻的长老。同时也是个臭名昭著的大反派!他的罪行几天几夜也列数不过来!打造奢华庄园豢养珍稀异兽。笼络凶悍的披甲家臣肆意妄为。强行入股四海商会致使会长一病不起。威胁烈火宗周边的势力和小国打击施压。1w0-127358 >>


内容简介:五位绝世老者,教会秦墨一身本领。秦墨重回都市,开局一个人,一条狗。炼丹、修仙、做饭……我秦墨全都会!俏皮校花,冰冷总裁,火辣警花,我秦墨全都要!誓要做这天地霸主,誓要活个出人头地!华夏 ,因我秦墨归来;而震颤连连!各位书友要是觉得《男主秦墨女主逍遥张医生》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27074 >>




内容简介:  驾驭玉簪子,拼图+1。驾驭绣花鞋,拼图+2。驾驭红盖头,拼图+3。驾驭大红裳,拼图+4。拼图完整,获得嫁衣套装,复苏不死新娘。这是一个在诡异世界不断拼图,对抗诡异,挣扎求生的故事。 魑魅魍魉,怪异丛生。每一起怪异事件,都是一块拼图。完整的拼图,代表着无敌的力量!……老月已经完本《法师奥义》《永恒武道》《长生种》《旧日主宰》皆是精品,老月出品,必属精品!1w0-2451 >>


内容简介:侯府嫡女顾沅,生的瑰姿艳逸,媚骨天成,有长安第一美人之称。她有宠她的家人、亲密的好友,还有一桩青梅竹马的好姻缘。不曾想竹马下聘当日,一道圣旨直达侯府——那个传闻中乖戾冷僻的太子,要娶她 为妻。大婚当晚,顾沅心头恐惧,泪盈于睫。男人敛起眸中的病态痴迷,将她圈在怀中,温声细语,极尽温柔,“沅沅,别怕。”红帐落下,满室旖旎。长安众人皆知,太子对太子妃一往情深,万般宠爱。相处之下,顾沅也发现太子不像传言中的狠绝冷漠,或许可以尝试去爱他。1w44061-73307 >>


内容简介:  神开启了诸天大逃杀游戏,随机被选中的人将会被送入战场,迎接来自诸天世界的杀戮者:半兽人,吸血鬼,外星入侵者,奥创机器人……或者被杀死。或者活下来,得到来自诸天世界的能力、武器、血脉 以及黑科技。宿醉昏睡的叶垂,一觉醒来就发现自己来到了一个奇怪的地方,咦?地下有一把刀子,他刚捡起来转过身,就只听噗嗤一声,一个隐身的家伙撞到了他的刀子上——戴着魔戒的咕噜?恭喜你,你获得传奇物品,魔戒。叶垂:“???”……简单来说,这是一个开了隐身挂的老阴逼参加诸天大逃杀的故事……1w0-3711 >>


内容简介:陌西染莫名被闪婚了!闪婚前,与男人约法三章,各自安好,互不干涉。闪婚后,他却处处掐断她的烂桃花。他将她宠上天,帮她虐白莲,训绿茶,她却偷偷攒起私房钱,找小情郎!某日,周公子将小娇妻再次 ‘缉拿’——“老公,我错了。”“晚了,哄不好。”小娇妻:“给你抱抱举高高?”周先生:“不如三年生两宝。”1w0-62360 >>


内容简介:【穿越万界,免费精品!】捡到一个戒指,从而开启穿越万界之旅。身为超级至尊VIP用户,杨宇带着满级属性和逆天金手指穿越万界,纵横西游记,漫游斗罗大陆,征战斗破苍穹,踏入遮天、完美世界,后 续,还有更多世界等待我去装逼!并且,每个世界都有一个未婚妻在等着他……欢迎加入粉丝群最强老公团,群聊号码:664700941!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《万界最强老公》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81590 >>


内容简介:凤九歌,一出生便家破人亡,被丢荒野幸而被神医所救,十五年后,得凤女者得天下的传言传遍天下,各方势力竞相争夺,而此时他们口中的主角,也是这一切传言的散播者,正笑看各方争夺。冷天傲,出生便 在冷宫,五岁入战场,二十岁边已经是天下敬仰的战王,他却无心高位,只有唯一的小九。1w0-99387 >>


内容简介:离婚后霸总追妻火葬场免费阅读全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《离婚后霸总追妻火葬场免费阅读》小叔叔著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读离婚后霸总追妻火 葬场免费阅读全文内容。1w14103-64922 >>


内容简介:你知道将一片叶子藏在哪里最不容易被发现吗?—森林里。那如果你有一片红色叶子,可眼前却是只有满是绿叶的森林呢?—红色这么亮眼,肯定一眼就会发现。很简单啊就把红色叶子染成绿色再放进去。在遇 到单家两兄弟之前,夏日星一直以为在这世上,只有非黑即白,非对即错。一人教她,爱自己是浪漫终身的开始;而另一个教她,俯首称臣,就能解决世上99的问题。男人问夏日星什么叫天落鸟?她从他胯间抬头,唇边还隐隐残留着星点水渍,声线清甜,带着软糯的奶音,“天落鸟是一种迷失在外,最终因为一些原因进了别人鸽舍的鸽子。”当初是什么1w0-121784 >>

Hayabusa - Sanada Dengekichou

From Shoujo-Sense: Sasuke Sarutobi is the commander of the Sanada army's elite force, Hayabusa. While Sasuke serves Yukimura with respect and love, within his squad he is known to be very strict and have an extreme S personality. As Sasuke twists their arms to make them stand up to it, Hayabusa members strive day after day to uphold their duty... Note: S = sadist

Mou I-Yo

From MangaHelpers: Kataoka (male) and Sato (female) have been friends since they were little. Kataoka has much better hearing than the average human, and he says Sato's voice is the most noisy of all. He has grown into a teenager able to hear everything from far around him--the good and bad. Now that the two of them are teenagers, Sato is affiliated with the school newspaper club, and Kataoka has mostly isolated himself. When the newspaper club decides to look into the truth behind some 'supernatural' rumors, Sato manages to convince Kataoka to lend the club his abilities. [tethysdust]

Superior Cross

The demon queen subdued enormous and powerful monsters and slaughtered over half of the world's population. Surviving members of the human race elected a hero to slay the demon queen, beseeching release from her oppressive rule. However, he questions his mission to eradicate the monsters: in his opinion, they too are conscious and alive, and so he anguishes over that fact. Sheila the Demon Queen became interested in him and joined his journey, hiding her identity and with the plan to kill him after she has gained his trust. Eventually, she realizes that she fell in love with the hero, and hence their journey begins... Continuation of the manga 'Superior'.

Mismarca Koukoku Monogatari

Mahiro is the prince of the Mismarca Kingdom, he won't study nor learn sword skills, he is a lazy prince who only plays until late night. His Imperial Bodyguard Pariel would always scold him for his behaviour. And towards that Mismarca Kingdom an elite squad from the Demonic Kingdom Granmarsenal is aproaching. The Leader of the squad is Lunas, a warrior princess, the third Princess of Granmarsenal. All of Mismarca's vassals voiced their will to fight and bring all-out war, although there is a man who said cowardly 'Why don't we have a talk with them?'. What kind of fate awaits the Mismarca Kingdom and its useless Prince, Mahiro?

Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (LN)

Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (LN) summary: Among the cla.s.s that was transported to another world, Nagumo Hajime is an ordinary male student who doesn’t have ambition nor aspiration in life, called “Incompetent” by his cla.s.smates.
The cla.s.s is summoned to become heroes and save a country from destruction, students of the cla.s.s are blessed with cheat specs and cool job cla.s.ses, but that’s not the case with Hajime, his job cla.s.s is a “Synergist” and his stats are very normal (mediocre). “Synergist,” to put it in another word is just the artisan cla.s.s.
Being the weakest, he then falls to the depth of the abyss when he and his cla.s.smates are exploring a dungeon. What did he find in the depth of the abyss and can he survive?

The Girls and I

The Girls and I summary: The Girls and I summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Girls and I. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Other Side of the Last Boss

The Other Side of the Last Boss summary: The short life of a 16-year old boy, who had a love of observation, ended after an accident, after which G.o.d appeared. The boy was a perfect candidate for a certain reincarnation, so he was asked if he wouldn’t mind doing so. The boy gave his consent, then reincarnated into another world. He reincarnated into the Evil G.o.d Ashtal. Just like in a game, once someone defeated the Last Boss, the Demon King, they would then be met with a bonus adversary, the overwhelmingly powerful Hidden Boss. He spent 1,000 years observing the world through his magic. Hey! Why hasn’t anyone made it here yet?! I’m supposed to be the Hidden Boss! Finally, Ashtal became bored out of his mind; and after a certain incident, he decided to attend school. Sometimes he has to beat down a demon that gets carried away with itself, and sometimes he has to become a bank president to counterattack a great nation that got carried away with itself. This is that kind of Evil G.o.d story.

Murder On A Summer's Day

Murder On A Summer's Day summary: Murder On A Summer's Day summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Murder On A Summer's Day. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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