简介某日,被女神露娜,拜托运营异世界迷宫的鸟野和也。不情愿的做了迷宫运营者的和也,首先去锻炼哥布林和史莱姆。 2日后,剑士和魔术师,原本是王女,如今是奴隶等人组成的队伍,潜入迷宫。和也和哥布林们一同迎击! 但……建造露天澡堂、教育精灵少女们之类,迷宫主人今天也大忙!
内容简介:上一世,云卿暗恋了段南川十年,对方却连她的名字都不知。后来云卿家道中落,彼时,对方已经成了数一数二的精英权贵,竟提出要圈养她。请看书小说网怀着十年的小私心,云卿答应了。半年后,她为救段 南川而死,到死也没有等到一句喜欢。再醒来,云卿回到了十六岁,高一。暗恋太苦,她不想再尝试,于是收起所有心思,避开段南川,将这段无果的恋情扼杀在摇篮,全心全意挽回家族公司,改写人生。不听,不看。他走南,自己便向北。久而久之,人人都说,云卿和段南川不对付。可越是有意避开,却越是容易遇到。走廊,校园,酒吧……少年却一把将她从舞池中抓出来,红着眼睛呵斥:“你要是再敢来这种地方,我打断你的腿!”云卿湿了眼眶。少年却被吓得手足无措,笨拙地拍着她的背。“别哭,我吓唬你呢。”各位书友要是觉得《偏执狂暗恋我十年》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67086 >>
内容简介: 遍及整个世界的二战已经进入尾声,大英帝国的衰落却才刚刚开始,美苏憧憬着未来的光辉岁月,知道破落贵族已经不是自己的阻碍。“我并不同意他们的想法,可先拆了英属印度也并不全是坏事。”1w 0-1801 >>
内容简介:我一生没有跌宕起伏的故事,只有你是我千回百折的峡谷1陆西陵做甩手掌柜,资助过一个失学的小姑娘。四年后小姑娘考上了大学,请求他帮忙赞助车费,进城读书。陆西陵将此事随手丢给助理,转头便忘到 脑后,任其自生自灭。一个月后,他才恍然记起这茬,良心发现地前去探望。花园里的小姑娘闻声转头,手里还拿着一把刚摘下来的生菜——他闲置预备拿来种玫瑰的花园,居然被改造成了菜地。2陆西陵厌烦一切麻烦事,恋爱在他1w0-98139 >>
内容简介:如愿成为那人的续弦,她尽心教养子女,照管后宅;哪知丈夫成就大业后,骂她为毒妇,并妻妾位置互换。重生后,吃一堑长一智,她再不敢肖想她人丈夫。最终嫁给恶毒阴险的他。他道:你太过良善,怎斗得 过那些毒妇们。所以后宅无一姬妾。果是小恶见大恶,方显出自己的良善来。————————-重生女VS穿越重生女,其实就是恶毒女配男配大翻身的故事!各位书友要是觉得《毒妇从良记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81123 >>
内容简介: 千古华夏,多少人杰埋骨?老子西出函谷关,一卷道德经古今共尊。孔圣乘车游六国,半部论语治天下。千古奇人鬼谷子,百家称祖。杀神白起,煌煌杀机六国畏惧。霸王项羽,力拔山兮气盖世。封狼居胥 ,世无王庭,壮哉霍去病。远古妖庭,十二祖巫,洪荒大神纷出,席卷天下。……“千古人杰、万古神魔,都早已转世在这方世界?”“我可以征召转世人杰、神魔效力?”李子良愣了愣,左手拿着九齿钉耙梳头,右手拿着金箍棒剔牙,狐疑道:“你说的都是真的?”我叫李子良,心地善良的良。……已有完本1.5万高订作品《异界召唤之千古群雄》,欢迎品鉴。聚贤馆:9435239181w0-104 >>
内容简介:大乾十年,天下靖平,诗书盛行,通商发达。虽然外表看似光鲜亮丽,但却难掩其腐朽的内在。帝王世家,皇权争斗,阳谋阴谋,杀机四起!官府荒淫,蒙混倾轧,迂腐暴敛,昏天黑地!名门望族,淫邪荒诞, 绣榻野史,丑陋不堪!敌国虎视,烽烟欲起,群雄逐鹿,波云诡谲!而在此时,风云变幻的温陵城中,一个卖包子的街边小贩,阴差阳错入赘商贾之家,开始偷偷过着他那与娇妻斗嘴、潇洒风流、悠闲自在的逍遥人生……书友群:814590240【注:架空幻想,悦己悦人,混口饭吃,切勿较真。】梦未眠鼎力大作,必看历史小说。1w0-109516 >>
内容简介:三年前,遭家族遗弃,女友背叛,无奈流落山村,却意外获得神秘传承,医术高绝,武道登顶!三年后,强势归来,掌权,掌财,掌命! 那些曾经看不起我的人,通通跪在我的脚下……狂少一怒,染血千里, 这便是他的狂!他的傲!他的天下!1w0-2302 >>
内容简介:妙妙有个大将军爹,声名赫赫,战无不胜,所向披靡。这是她娘临死前说的。她也没见过她爹。他们都说她爹是个游手好闲的混子,在她出生前就死了。她跟舅舅一家生活,住最小最破的屋子,干最脏最累的活 。有一天,她被舅舅从小破屋里赶出去,和家里大黄狗一起住。村口来了一队兵马,为首之人骑着高头大马,战甲闪着寒光,威风凛凛。她的大将军爹1w4455-71886 >>
内容简介:因相恋四年的女友提出分手,肖洛夜里驾车狂飙,结果出了车祸,却因祸得福,意外融合来自宇宙千亿光年外的高科技系统,从此,整个世界都开始暴走……(注:不要管系统,这是一本爽文!!!)1w0- 28639 >>
内容简介: 在“葫芦印记”的帮助下,谢玉从异界现代社会穿梭来到“地球”,进入一个个“奇怪”的世界,获得了自我提升。目前经历世界“如来神掌”、“神雕”、“天龙”、“大唐双龙传”、“风云二”、“头 文字D”、“盗墓笔记”、“抗日”……。1w0-3410 >>
A cyber-punkish collection of stories revolving around the theme of the 'DOLL.' 1. Keep Those Condoms Away From Our Kids The tale of boys and girls who have lost their sexual desire. Mihara Mitsukazu's debut work. 2. The Iron Maiden The tale of the strain a girl experiences from having grown up in a home without love. 3. The Sunflower Quality Of An Integrated Circuit Vanilla is a robot made by the SG Company. She's loaded with all the latest functions and completely subserviant to humans. And you even have the separate option of upgrading her to a lover robot. One Vanilla is a maidroid in the home of an elderly master and his younger wife. The atmosphere in the house is cold and stiff because the wife is having an affair with a younger man. The lonely master comes to look upon Vanilla as his own dear child. He suggests that when the sunflowers bloom, they go outside together to watch them. 'Is that a command, sir?' asks Vanilla. 'It is not a command,' he replies. 'It is a promise.' And so forms the piercing and painful integrated circuit--the alternating current of intercourse--between a lonely old man and the emotionless Vanilla. 4. The Other Side of the Rose Wire What was the thing a girl like an angel endlessly carried? 5. Fish Out of Water A girl who lost her memories when she was dragged into a llake with her suicidal mother... awakens from her dream. 6. Mister Mineral Inside the body of a cute girl who's just like a doll... are internal organs, and blood, and... 7. Alive The sad tale of a human and a clone who pass right by each other.
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Christmas Tales And Christmas Verse summary: Christmas Tales And Christmas Verse summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Christmas Tales And Christmas Verse. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Lake of the Sky summary: The Lake of the Sky summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Lake of the Sky. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Geology summary: Geology summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Geology. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Mitchell Healy Family: Callie Healy summary: Mitchell Healy Family: Callie Healy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mitchell Healy Family: Callie Healy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.