25岁的澄川春人,被自己的弟弟包养——?! 被包养的家里蹲春人(はると),正在为了死缠烂打求着女人替自己付房租。 交涉举步维艰之时,亲弟弟·朝日(あさひ)突然出现……! 一直在家人面前扮演着“完美兄长”形象、对于自己落魄的现状只字不提的春日费尽心思地想要掩饰这一切。 然而,在弟弟强行要求下被迫一起回到住处之后,朝日的生活暴露无遗……!? 令人焦急不已的交错之爱就此开幕! 而他们各自心中的那份“情
简介《古惑仔漫画》是一部香港江湖漫画,作者为牛佬。讲述陈浩南的起起跌跌, 古惑仔由一个四九(社团的最底层会员),三年内升为红棍(1993 年 8 月 25 日继任“洪兴社” 铜锣湾区话事人, 及后在 2007 年成为 “洪兴社” 的龙头 (社团的最高话事人)的故事。 故事着重表达“兄弟之情”和““江湖之义”的点点滴滴。 由于《古惑仔漫画》的成功,牛佬的出版社相继出版了同类型的江湖黑帮漫画如《洪兴仔》、《东英仔》、《龙盘虎踞砵兰街》、《江湖大家族》、《古惑女》、《红灯区》 等,而这些漫画中的角色更与《古惑仔》一书中的漫画角色互通,有些角色更成为日后 《古惑仔》一书中的重要人物。 此举令《古惑仔》一书中的漫画世界更为真实和广大。 《古惑仔》漫画曾被改编为一系列的电影,为香港著名的黑帮电影。系列本传的导演皆 是刘伟强。从第一集《古惑仔之人在江湖》在香港上映便大受欢迎,故此仍然持续拍许 多续集,整体气势也是一时无两,甚至部分角色的一生也相继被拍成电影。这一系列电 影让观众大致了解三合会的大概面貌,主演本系列的演员们从此走出演艺圈,但是随之 而来的社会舆论,也时常批判本片过度将黑道人物英雄化。本片亦再度掀起一股黑帮电 影的风潮,其他电影制作公司纷纷朝此方向涉猎,因而出现许多其他类型和系列的黑帮 电影。 为了推广及配合当时上映的《古惑仔之人在江湖》电影,牛佬的出版社曾受权台湾的东 立出版社有限公司出版一系列的《古惑仔》漫画,并于台版改名为《人在江湖》,逢每 月的十五号出版, 定价新台币 130 元一册, 每期约有一百多页, 即香港版的四期书内容。 《人在江湖》的内容亦由香港地道的广东口语化翻译成台湾黑道式的白话文。
简介入侵研究所的异能者,引发超能力器官的争夺之战!复活苏醒的未知生物竟是翩翩少年?颓废保镖与实验体的禁忌之恋,又会有怎样的结局?谜团的真相一点点浮出水面…人类的真正灾难才刚刚开始! 《无妄之灾》倾力开坑!希望大家多多支持!每周二周六双更!欢迎月票打赏!作品粉丝QQ群 34588178 欢迎大家加入!每周不定期B站直播 房间号4739048 欢迎小伙伴来围观~
简介最新话熟肉已经上市,每月22号左右更新! o(*≧▽≦)ツ 就如同人会腐朽一样,国家总有一天也会走向毁灭,就连千年繁荣的帝都,也不过只是个腐败的人间地狱,披着人皮的魑魅魍魉,嚣张跋扈的四处横行!天若无能制裁邪恶,我等将会于黑暗之中给予消逝!我等全员,职业杀手团!
内容简介:死亡游戏开局获得SSS奖励简介:王啸一觉醒来,发现被选入死亡游戏!开局玩家就被爆头,血肉飞溅!危急时刻,觉醒金手指!从此各种关卡各种浪,宝物福利拿到手软!王啸:关关SSS级,我也想看看 其他英文字母!比利娃娃:什么通关方法我也不清楚,你们还是问王啸吧。玩家:拜见欧皇他老祖!直播间观众:我们不是来看直播的,我们是来学仙术的!1w0-29680 >>
内容简介:“女人,招惹一次,负责到底!”一场意外,白汐汐沦为男人半年的女人。终于半年之期已到,白汐汐狂嗨庆祝:“我自由了!盛先生,再也不见!”某盛先生看着视频,怒火中烧。这女人不仅弄乱了他的身, 还乱了他的心,想就这么一走了之?没门!当夜,盛先生强势降临,踹门而入:“小鲜妻,以后天天见。”世人皆知,盛时年薄情冷血,手段残忍,却不知他也有过不去的情劫——白汐汐。1w0-67344 >>
内容简介: 三皇子李正是接受过社会主义教育的人,觉得当不当皇帝都无所谓。但是他未过门的皇妃似乎要当女帝! 等等,她要谋反!某一天,当秦临君将要谋反成功时,李正带着王翦、吕布、李广、李斯、郭嘉、 徐世绩…出现在她面前说道:“皇妃,何故谋反!”1w0-2096 >>
内容简介:【文案】本文原名《一品捕快》女主篇一次意外,刑警秦禛胎穿到大庆朝,成了将军府二房嫡女。因为沉默和古怪,她在府里备受冷落,乃至于被长房长姐轻而易举地换了婚事。直到她的亲兄长被卷入一场凶杀 案中,方一战成名,从此摘得“京城心机贵女”桂冠。男主篇六扇门是大庆最神秘的衙门,主管江湖事物、暗杀,以及大庆要案重案。门主景缃之乃是皇帝亲兄弟,1w0-103839 >>
内容简介:本书又名:《我就是喜欢往死里较真》《你可真刑啊!》《张三直呼内行!》陈风是一名网络主播。某一天,他发现自己的网络被蹭了,于是就改了wifi密码。可没想到,邻居大妈居然找上门,并且以孩子 要上网课为由,不仅要求他把wifi密码改回来,而且还让自己把wifi放在离她家近一点的地方。如果不答应,她还剪我网线?……账号被盗号狗盗1w0-105143 >>
内容简介:窝囊废物的上门女婿叶飞,无意中得到太极经和生死石的传承,自此开始了不一样的人生,他医术救美,武道杀敌,不仅横扫他人的轻视和嘲笑,赢得娇妻的芳心,更是站到了这世界的巅峰,睥睨天下。各位书 友要是觉得《无双王婿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w1340-25806 >>
内容简介:殡仪馆追悼厅中尸体为何不见踪影?突然光临江城的少年姓甚名谁?江大校园美景背后的血污如何涤净?焦土、弃尸、神秘人偶,江边死者跪拜朝圣……一切真相逃不过明明慧眼,乐文小说网法网恢恢终将罪恶 收入囊中!各位书友要是觉得《重生笔记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77656 >>
内容简介:女尊世界的宫斗小炮灰顾融,在马赛克式血腥死亡后,带着系统重生了,扭转命运的同时还要装备女主光环,在各个小说世界穿越以搜集物品。系统名为女(寻)主(物)系(启)统事,但是宿主对系统的应用 方式,似乎有哪里怪怪的……本文正确打开方式:论‘女主’吊打男主的三百六十五种方法路人女主养成法本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《拐个女配做女主》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76354 >>
Jae is a Korean student who came to Europe to study art. Things aren't going her way, but she's determined to make it. One night, her friend Melissa brings a drunk guy to her apartment and asks if he can stay there for the night. Jae doesn't like it, but agrees. That night she has a dream that the drunk guy drinks her blood...which, of course, turns out NOT to be a dream. Jae is surprisingly unafraid of the vampire, Michael, and starts to paint his portrait. The two strike an unusual deal: if Jae allows the vampire to feed on her, he will pose for her. His beauty and alluring preternatural energy could be exactly what Jae needs to finally succeed as a painter. Creator's Info So-young Lee made her manga debut in 1994. Her best-known works includeModel, God of Death, and Check. A painter, she gets her inspiration from nature, especially flowers.
1) The Superior Made of Honey The handsome hope of the Sales Divison, Ichijyou, discovers that his superior, Supervisor Kirihara, has a body which is too erotic. Since Kirihara hasn't had sex for the last 10 years, he is agonized by a body reacting to the slightest touch. 'This is my first time with such an erotic body... Amazing... It's like the whole body's an erogenous zone.” While Ichijyou is being caught up by the innocent reactions of his supervisor, he is already drowning in that lusty body?! (from Blissful Sin) 2) The Secret Love Potion For You High school student Itsuki has been despondent since his lover Kouji broke up with him. Classmate and chemistry whiz Kamiya Yuuichirou is determined to help Itsuki by developing a love potion! But is Kouji really worth all the effort? 3) Hunting of the Butler Young president Tsukasa is always sexually harassing his butlers, and so they always quit. So when charming and surprisingly innocent new hire Mijima Shinichi takes the job Tsukasa decides to take his time seducing the young man. But the task is proving to be difficult... 4) Limit of Endurance Continuation of Hunting of the Butler. 5) Love Started From the Sea Drifter Riku relies on men to support him, but has trouble being faithful, which is why his latest boyfriend has kicked him out. Wandering the streets he meets handsome foreigner Gilbert who wants Riku to be his wife for his week-long visit. Unfortunately, Gilbert isn't as easy to manipulate as Riku thought. Has the young hustler finally met his match? 6) He Who Loves Horror Films Tamura would do almost anything to spend time with his friend and secret crush, Ono. Even go to see the horror movies Ono loves so much. Too bad Tamura is such a scaredy cat. Tamura must try survive the film long enough to enjoy the time with his beloved. 7) If the Lid Was Opened A continuation of A Superior Made of Honey.
Rules series timeline: 1) Please (ch5) -- Hydra dj - Kiss -- Hydra dj - Kiss After 2) Hydra dj - Skies 3) Hydra 1+2+3+4 (ch1-4) 4) Hydra 3+4+5+6 (ch5-6) -- Hydra dj - Blue Film First (after Hydra ch8) -- Hydra dj - Heavenly (between Hydra ch9 and ch10-11) -- Hydra dj - The Days Before -- Rules dj - Real Thing -- Rules dj - Hello Again 5) Lovers and Souls 6) Rules dj - Fragile 7) Vanity ** 8) Dreamers High ** 13) Rules (volumes 1 & 2) 14) Rules dj - If Winter Comes, Can Spring Be Far Behind? 15) Rules (v3) 16) Rules dj - Song Birds 17) Another Day on the Planet (booklet) 18) Rules dj - Double Trouble 19) Rules dj - Overload 20) Rules: 2nd Season ** doujinshi also the ones in ( -- ) are doujinshi's
The Trade Union Woman summary: The Trade Union Woman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Trade Union Woman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Hints on the Use and Handling of Firearms Generally, and the Revolver in Particular summary: Hints on the Use and Handling of Firearms Generally, and the Revolver in Particular summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hints on the Use and Handling of Firearms Generally, and the Revolver in Particular. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Life's Handicap summary: Life's Handicap summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Life's Handicap. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Trinity: Omniverse Traveling Cat summary: When power far above you decide that they want to wrench the canon, by bringing you in the game, sometimes the wisest thing to do it just to tag along and just try to make this encounter end the most rapidly possible. who knows, maybe something great will come out of it? After all, what could be worst than being taken out without your consent out of your world, only to be thrown in the darkness...