
































内容简介:【重生爽文超甜高级宠】一场阴谋,她成了他的合法妻子,羡煞旁人的厉太太。世人皆传他危险薄情,高冷禁欲。婚后,才发现他是名副其实的妻控,视妻如命,一宠成瘾。“先生,太太心情不好,要砸车发泄 。”“高价收购兰城所有车辆!”“先生,太太想要天上的星星。”“立刻派人上天!”“先生,太太想和当红小鲜肉环游世界。”“呵,全面封杀!”当晚,某男按住试图逃跑的她,危险一笑:“1w0-98940 >>


内容简介:恶魔少爷杠上拽丫头全文阅读全本在线免费阅读(无弹窗广告),开学第一天,童黎夏就被一对双胞胎美男玩弄于鼓掌之中,哪个是哥哥?哪个是弟弟?到底是谁害的她被狗追?一波未平一波1w20274- 78972 >>


内容简介:人们听到他的名字就瑟瑟发抖,还有幸成为地球上最后一个活人的大球上倒数第二个死掉的小弟重生了。他重生之后要干啥?是统治世界还是毁灭世界?对这些都没兴趣,他只想死。忠心小弟为了让自家一心求 死的老大活下去,无所不用其极,将老大伺候的舒舒服服的,然后无奈地发现……注意事项:1、双重生,实一点都不小的小弟攻,攻宠受。2、、这是一篇末世文。4、标题里的“作”和“死”可以分开看。5、本文不黑暗,ampgtBOSS作死指南是原作者决绝精心创作的都市小说大作,笔趣阁同步更新BOSS作死指南最新章节,书友所发表的BOSS作死指南评论,并不代表笔趣阁赞同或者支持BOSS作死指南书友的观点。决绝的其他作品:重临巅峰(未来)、媳妇儿很暴力、穿越之复仇、原配逆袭指南(快穿)、恩有重报(重生)、我不爱你了、未来之全身是宝您要是觉得《BOSS作死指南》还不错的话,请点击顶部的分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈吧!1w0-3604 >>


内容简介:  百年前,乌坦城来了一位不速之客。他苟活于世,碌碌无为,默默无闻,形同空气。直至今日,他推开屋门,腾空而起,俯视大地:“管你斗者还是斗帝,是时候让你们叫我楚老板了!”……武魂殿内,比 比东眉头紧皱,一手紧握权杖,一手狠狠拍打着桌子,喝道:“短短数日,打造如此庞大的一个商业帝国,他究竟怎么做到的!”圣魂村中,一名青年吐掉口中小草,会心一笑:“有种经商模式叫发展下线。”……岁月长河之上,一戴着鬼脸面具的女子质问青年:“哥哥何在!”青年指了指襁褓中的婴儿,笑而不语。…… 八戒携新书归来,望诸君加以支持!1w0-1971 >>


内容简介:  驾驭玉簪子,拼图+1。驾驭绣花鞋,拼图+2。驾驭红盖头,拼图+3。驾驭大红裳,拼图+4。拼图完整,获得嫁衣套装,复苏不死新娘。这是一个在诡异世界不断拼图,对抗诡异,挣扎求生的故事。 魑魅魍魉,怪异丛生。每一起怪异事件,都是一块拼图。完整的拼图,代表着无敌的力量!……老月已经完本《法师奥义》《永恒武道》《长生种》《旧日主宰》皆是精品,老月出品,必属精品!1w0-2451 >>


内容简介:温今歌穿越了,作为一个反派,作为男主的师尊,作为玄云宗一霸,她应该成为男主脚下最闪亮的那颗绊脚石,然后被对她恨之入骨的男主斩杀。可是,当温今歌要致男主于死地时,男主晋级了;她亲自刺杀男 主,男主的剑法又顿悟了;她不信邪,当着男主的面杀掌门师兄,结果,误杀了魔族;她学乖了,当着其他弟子的面放火烧山,结果,烧伤不少冒出来的魔修……她真的,只是想做个反派啊!1w0-34759 >>






内容简介:秦先生,娇妻失忆超凶猛是阮佳创作的经典的小说作品秦先生,娇妻失忆超凶猛小兵提供秦先生,娇妻失忆超凶猛最新章节全文免费阅读,秦先生,娇妻失忆超凶猛下载,秦先生,娇妻失忆超凶猛全文字更新, 秦先生,娇妻失忆超凶猛无弹窗!请关注秦先生,娇妻失忆超凶猛吧,本站最新最快更新秦先生,娇妻失忆超凶猛的最新章节。1w0-78505 >>


内容简介:星际时代:秦肆是整个星际光芒万丈的存在,少年战神,不败神话。谁提到秦长官不都得竖起大拇指,由衷夸一句:牛逼!明栀是个例外,提到秦肆,她只想哭。身为学院第一废柴,明栀和他本来八杆子打不到 关系,谁能想到去了趟地球,她混吃等死的安稳日子就结束了。地球浩劫:秦肆在星际不可一世,回到地球却成了手无缚鸡之力的战五渣。带着任务而来的明栀日常:虐他,保护他,继续虐他!少女明艳快乐,少年眉眼阴沉,暗暗地想:“迟早让你哭。”两年后的末日浩劫果然降临,饶是明栀早就知道必定的结局还是不可抑制地哇哇大哭。可是,在走向灭亡的最后一刻,少年选择抱住她。告诉她,别哭。明栀哭得更大声:“我在地球没待够,我不想回星际被你虐。”秦肆:???作者:糯米桶所写的《退婚后,指挥官的白月光只想摆烂》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-110524 >>


内容简介:  妖神重生,谁与争锋。  这是一个妖灵的世界,人们猎杀妖兽,获取妖灵,将妖灵融入灵魂海中,就可以获得强大的力量。  因为一本时空妖灵之书,聂离回到了年少的时代……  ~~《妖神记》是 蜗牛精心雕琢的一部玄幻作品,将会是一部与众不同的玄幻故事,另外《妖神记》的漫画也在腾讯动漫同时发布,画风非常精美,请大家多多支持。~~1w0-348 >>


内容简介:云海缥缈,苍穹无限。芸芸众生,谁不心向往之?天道虚幻,无人得窥。万丈红尘,何人不欲长生?三生七世的怨侣,正道与魔教数千年的恩怨情仇。一个人,一柄古剑,他将如何面对整个世界……1w145 4-26892 >>

Top Wo Narae 2!

Adaptation of Top Wo Narae 2!/GunBuster 2 From here 'Top wo Nerae 2! Diebuster follows the story of Nono, a country girl who dreams of becoming a space pilot (or to be more precise, 'like Nonoriri,' the meaning of which is revealed as the series progresses) who, due to a chance encounter with an actual space pilot finds herself becoming part of the elite Fraternity. Made up of teenage pilots called Topless, and armed with quasi-humanoid weapons called Buster Machines, the Fraternity's mission is to protect the people of the Solar System from attack by swarms of uchuu kaijuu (literally, space monsters). The series revolves around Nono's quest to become like Nonoriri, her relationship with Lal'C Melk Mark, the first Topless she meets whom she immediately idolizes (to the point of 'ironically' calling her onee-sama, or big sister), and the hard work she believes she has to do to be 'worthy' of Lal'C's attention. It also explores her interactions with the rest of the Idols, her efforts to fit in and, ultimately, the truth to her forgotten past.' The manga covers about half of the OVA story. The 'extra story' chapters in Dragon Age are more comedic than the Dragon Age Pure chapters.

Koi No Mannaka

Ichinose Tsukasa, an elite student at a public school, can't help watching Matsubara Chitose, another student that is his complete opposite. When Matsubara confronts him, Ichinose is drawn into a physical relationship that becomes more than either boy expected.

One Shot Demon King

One Shot Demon King summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of One Shot Demon King. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mori Ni Shizumu Tsuki

Oneshot from Mori no Koe.

Tom Swift in the City of Gold

Tom Swift in the City of Gold summary: Tom Swift in the City of Gold summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Tom Swift in the City of Gold. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Reincarnation Of Third-rate Swordsman

Reincarnation Of Third-rate Swordsman summary: Reincarnation Of Third-rate Swordsman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Reincarnation Of Third-rate Swordsman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Surrender Series - Submit

Surrender Series - Submit summary: Surrender Series - Submit summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Surrender Series - Submit. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Kantai Collection – Kankore – Kankore RPG Replay – Negai wa Umi wo Koete

Kantai Collection – Kankore – Kankore RPG Replay – Negai wa Umi wo Koete summary: Welcome to the world of Kancolle RPG! This book tells a story about a novice admiral and his interesting kanmusu (ship girls). But, this book is a little different from a normal story. This book, tells a “Roleplaying” story.
“Roleplaying”, is a type of game that you play with other people where you read lines from the book as if you’re the one in the story. There are a lot of “Roleplaying” types and this book is specifically a “Table talk” RPG. Read it as if you’re playing kantai collection- Kancole- Kancolle RPG.
This Kancolle RPG is based on a browser game called Kantai Collection. The game itself puts the playerin control of girls that have the memories and powers of warships in the past. The player then must battle a mysterious threat called the “Abyssal Fleet” sighted all around the world. The difference between Kancolle RPG and the browser game, is that you’ll need to use dices, pieces, and follow the rules and scenarios stated by the Kancolle RPG rulebook. Obtaining ship girlsare different too; each player will only get one shipgirl. In table talk RPG, you can ease your mind, the rage, the salt that naturally comes while playing, by gathering friends who have the same hobby, and discuss while playing.
Sometimes you’ll need to face the enemy seriously. Sometimes, you can put yourself in the ship girls’ shoes, and act out their lines. Sometimes you’ll have to go back to yourself, and joke at other character’s line. You playing it happily with your friends are what “Roleplaying” is all about.
A Battleship girl who has just come back from another country, she is generous and having a big heart, Kongou.
A Heavy Cruiser princess with a lack of common sense, k.u.mano.
An eccentric Light Aircraft Carrier, Zuiho.
The serious and a.n.a.lytical Light Cruiser, Kiso.
These are the main girls who play a big part in this book. But, due to the haphazard nature of this game, you won’t be able to play their characters perfectly. Even if you try to, but deep inside, the girls you know are different. Nevertheless, we hope you would be able to enjoy that character gap.
And lastly, we’ll introduce another one of the main characters, Teitoku( the Admiral). He is a young and by-the-book admiral. This novice Admiral is often being played around by the 4 wild girls. He still thinks that “it shouldn’t be like that, it’s not like that”. This hard working Admiral is one of the view points we will be using in this book.
From now, for everyone whose thinking “I’d like to be an admiral in kancolle RPG!” please try it. It will be a good reference!

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