内容简介:专栏求收藏每段荡气回肠轰轰烈烈的爱情背后,都有炮灰无数。每次轮回都穿成炮灰的沈望舒:……我选择虐主专业金手指,炮灰的虐渣指南,爽文9月29日入V,届时三更O∩∩O渣翅膀儿其它完结文,据 说都是宠文1w0-88035 >>
内容简介:江一白死了,又活了。睁开眼,坑崽属性的老祖宗给了她一个身体,和一个沉重的债务。告诉她三个要点。第一,在这个世界上她的名字叫钱薇微,肤白貌美大长腿,最重要的是有钱有钱有钱。第二,她喜欢上 了自己好闺蜜的男人,为了男人不惜诡计百出,把闺蜜往死里玩。第三,闺蜜是她债主,债主,债主。这就是被自家老祖宗坑了要不停还债,结果还完一债又一债的妹子,最终雄起把无数人给埋坑里了的故事。暂定各位书友要是觉得《快穿之每天都在作死的路上狂奔》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97447 >>
内容简介:都市。路边摊上。大妈:“小伙子,你这番茄多少钱?”庄康:“一百块钱一斤!”大妈:“小伙子,你这是在抢劫!”庄康:“全球独一无二美味番茄,一百块一斤,童叟无欺!”异世界:领主庄园内。小女 仆:“领主大人,这是什么东西?”康领主:“这是巧克力,好吃吗?”小女仆:“嗯,好吃,很甜!”康领主:“甜就好,跟着老爷我,以后每天都能吃到这么甜的巧克力,对了,这是老爷刚设计好的女仆装,你现在穿上去试一试……”(这是一个新世纪五好青年穿梭于都市与奇幻世界,通过不断搬运两界物资发家致富的故事。)1w0-110976 >>
内容简介:十年经验的游戏设计师,穿越到平行世界。依靠着自己的游戏设计经验和专业水平,用一个个经典的游戏拯救着这个世界的玩家。他是游戏研发领域的传奇,一个真正的游戏设计大师。他叫卫清。(本文无系统 ,偏写实风格)1w0-31185 >>
内容简介:学渣如他,在走投无路之际前去天桥要饭,不想却被骗去做了人体实验; 死里逃生,命运发生前所未有的惊人改变,学习妹子金钱统统不在话下。 且看他如何玩转都市,达到人生的巅峰境界!1w0- 2891 >>
内容简介:带着一百九十级大魔导师记忆的林末回到了十二年前游戏刚开始公测的时候。就像一只蝴蝶轻掠过命运的湖面,它留下的涟漪只是掀起一阵青萍还是引起风云的开端?命运逐渐偏移的轨迹又是否如他所愿?待续 ……1w0-74464 >>
内容简介:《勇者学院的吊车尾咸鱼》“我追求的是平静的生活。”罗伦这么对第一名的叶鹰说到。“支撑我的是平静生活带来的安心感,而不是在拯救多元世界带来的荣耀,或者考试成绩评优。”“所以你想说什么?” “我一点也不想当什么勇者啊!”只是个试图把苦大仇深的故事变得轻松欢乐一点的坑罢了。1w0-84160 >>
内容简介:笔趣阁提供扶松大神最新作品《重生后我和自己谈恋爱番外》最新章节全文免费阅读,重生后我和自己谈恋爱番外TXT下载,重生后我和自己谈恋爱番外全文字更新,重生后我和自己谈恋爱番外无弹窗!请关 注重生后我和自己谈恋爱番外吧,本站最新最快更新重生后我和自己谈恋爱番外的最新章节。1w0-27129 >>
内容简介:“崩坏你夺走了我的爱人,我的挚友,我的家园,我的一切!今日,我要让你百倍偿还!”绝望的少年将崩坏意志击杀,彻底吞噬。“我来陪你们了我的女武神们”化身崩坏的他,挥枪刺向自己的核心。但是, 他和他的女武神们,并没有死去。第一武魂,崩坏,开!第二武魂,空白之键,开!“我等名为天命,为这个美好的世界而战!”不定期更新1w0-106004 >>
内容简介:【打滚求收藏,晚上9点更新】封黎死后才知道自己是一本渣贱文中的反派炮灰,被渣男当成白月光的替身,最后不得好死。然后,他穿越了。帝国高级钢琴师、奥斯卡影帝、皇家御用画家、星际最强者完成十 八个世界的逆袭任务后他又穿回来了。酒吧里,他被泼酒水被众人嘲笑为乞丐,渣男却护着白月光扇他耳光让他滚。封黎呵呵一笑。这一次,他要贯彻恶毒反派之名!踹渣男、打脸白莲花、抢男人、走上人生巅峰!等等,怎么一上来就把渣攻那白月光都搞不定的男神给睡了?这位大他十四岁的禁欲系老男人大概是八辈子没开过荤,挽起袖子对他进行全方位无死角的“关爱”。从那以后,这位傅叔叔开始每天压着他做做作业,按头教育思想品德,好好学习天天向上。情人节,傅君和带着封黎去了酒店。傅君和:小家伙,被子下有惊喜。封黎:哟,叔叔,没想到你喜欢这种……《五年高考三年模拟》!?傅君和:小朋友就要有小朋友的亚子。封黎:???别的情侣在419,而他们在做卷子。封黎:不是,做卷子没什么,但一边做一边被做就过分了吧!?论如何把一个不良叛逆少年改造成社会主义接班人————————狼系诱受x老干部禁欲攻明骚x闷骚组合爽文,沙雕甜PS:内有渣攻追妻火葬场情节当然了,追不上————————排雷:1、现代架空,同性可婚背景,先睡后爱2、攻32岁,受18岁3、没啥逻辑4、没啥文笔5、爽就完事1w0-33916 >>
内容简介:同是惊才艳艳的天才,凭什么主角就能越阶挑战?凭什么我再天赋异禀,再刻苦修行,依旧逃不过受主角光环镇压的命运?就因为你叫主角?别扯淡了,有个金手指就很了不起各位书友要是觉得《我在万界当反 派》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-38580 >>
内容简介:【小说网独家签约小说:红衣女鬼敲门索命,开门我兴奋了】出大事了!我叫慕雪儿,我的世界恐怖复苏了。我是夏城校花,安幕集团千金,肤白腿长……咳咳这不重要。我掌握了一张榜单,包括厉鬼榜,驭鬼 榜,技能榜,兵器榜等等。这一天厉鬼榜突然刷新了,榜一出现了一尊鬼王,叫做嫁衣新娘!这是塌天大祸,绝世凶厉,现阶段大明国,甚至整个蓝星都不一定有人能挡住她!……我叫林君,穿越过来没多久,独身一人。半夜却遭到厉鬼新娘敲门索命。打开门,我身后一大家子都兴奋了!这姑娘长得眉清目秀,文文静静的,还有些害羞……就是实力差了点,才鬼王级。姑娘,你知不知道,有种道术叫做拘灵遣将?小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-105838 >>
From MegKF: This manhwa is a parody of a Korean novel called Sarangbang (Korean room) Guest and My Mother, a story that most Koreans have read. It's a classic piece about a widow and her child. The widow rents a room in her house to a man, but soon after, the man and the widow have feelings for each other. The key thing here is that the story is told through the eyes of the six year-old child. In this parody, the widow is a 'game-junkie' who runs a game room. One day a very handsome man collapses in the game room.
Watanuki Kimihiro is a high school student plagued by yokai and ayakashi – spirits with a strong attraction to him. The spirits are invisible to others and encounters with them are extremely troublesome. When he stumbles into a shop that grants wishes, however, events in his life promise to become more unusual. The shop is owned by Yuuko Ichihara – a mysterious and beautiful (sometimes playful) witch of many names and esoteric renown. For a price, she offers to grant Watanuki's wish to be rid of the spirits. The price, according to Yuuko, must be of equal value and so, as payment, he temporarily becomes Yuuko's part-time employee – a maid to be precise! Watanuki's job also seems to consist of small errands dealing with the supernatural including the household chores. His love interest Himawari Kunogi, and 'rival' Doumeki Shizuka, occasionally join him in his work as per Yuuko's request. The three become increasingly close despite Watanuki's annoyance with Doumeki. Yuuko constantly refers to 'hitsuzen', meaning inevitability, destiny, or fate, as being the driving force in the world. She states that there is no such thing as coincidence, and that every single action and decision is inevitable, because without them, other related events in the future could not happen.
From DGT: When Asano Arisu was little she was badly bullied by the local boys, now a high school student she's famous for her vehement hatred of men and boards an all girls school. When stunning Fujimi Kira enters and becomes her dorm-mate, proclaiming that she also hates men, Arisu thinks that it must be a fated meeting. However, they both have secrets that they need to keep from the Dorm Head, strict Kamitani-Sensei: Arisu keeping a pet ferret in the dorm, and Kira the fact that she's actually a BOY--much to Arisu's horror. It appears that he's at the school to uncover the mystery of his older half-sister's supposed suicide 2 years before. Will Arisu be able to cope with having to share a room with a boy, let alone help him with his investigations? And just how dangerous will it be to solve the mystery?
Every year the flowers bloom. Mysterious Cherry Blossoms blooming all over a crescent shaped island. That island is the island of Hatsune... The main character who goes to Kazami Academy, Asakura Junichi, has the power to see the dreams of other people in his sleep. He was also taught magic by an old lady that allows him to create sweets. One day, Junichi seems to have seen someone`s dream again while he was sleeping. Inside that dream, a girl who was a childhood friend of his appeared. But, he was woken up by his sister Asakura Nemu, forcing him to come back to his regular life. Nemu doesn`t actually have any blood relation to Junichi but their bond is deeper than other real brothers and sisters. So deep that it gives the illusion that they`re lovers. It was another peaceful normal day waking up early in the morning and going to Kazami Academy. Together with childhood friend Amakase Miharu, the academy idol Shirakawa Kotori, the two sisters Mizukoshi Moe and Mako who prefer eating nabe on the school roof for lunch. Going through their day as usual, their childhood friend, Yoshino Sakura, who they thought had moved to America suddenly appears. It was a surprise for Junichi and Nemu. Sakura tells them, 'I came to fulfill the promise we made when we were children...'
King's Blades - The Jaguar Knights summary: King's Blades - The Jaguar Knights summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of King's Blades - The Jaguar Knights. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Cybill Disobedience summary: Cybill Disobedience summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Cybill Disobedience. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Early English Meals and Manners summary: Early English Meals and Manners summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Early English Meals and Manners. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Window-Gazer summary: The Window-Gazer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Window-Gazer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.