












简介【每周五更新】程岸因为父亲欠巨债后失踪,从此家无宁日。 为了结束这种生活,不得不成为赌场的一员,获取挣大钱还债的机会,也因此和母亲的的关系非常恶劣。 但在一次跟赌场合作坑老千的赌局中,程岸被赌场出卖,随即被一个小丑虏获。 原来一个自称马戏团的组织网罗了一群走投无路的人,去进行一场残忍游戏。 游戏的胜利者可以摆脱身上危机,失败者将会失去自己的器官甚至生命, 为了救回母亲和还上巨债,程岸决定参加游戏。


















类别悬疑 校园 推理


内容简介:罗信是一个文质彬彬(无耻腹黑)、温柔儒雅(龌龊阴险)、怯弱胆小(无法无天)的人。被仨熊孩子尿醒,发现自己回到大唐贞观年间,虽然家徒四壁,却有一个娇柔温顺的小娘子等着他。且看罗信如何刚正 不阿(溜须拍马)、锄强扶弱(仗势欺人)、指点江山(拳打门阀,脚踩权贵),坐马车住豪宅,三妻四妾随我来……1w0-4184 >>


内容简介:  在自己出生那天,就赶上全球神祇复苏,人人都从普通人,变成神性生物...“叮,英雄无敌系统绑定。”“请宿主不要啰嗦,尽快选择势力,发展眷族,收集信仰,点燃神火,凝聚神格,成为神祇。” 书友群: 4508515131w0-3058 >>




内容简介:  本文又名《从第一眼开始沦陷》  方策西女扮男装转到渝庆八中,住到“八中第一混子”言鹤次家,才得知“八中学神”余笙也住这儿,还睡在她下铺!  一开始,她以为[扛把子次]不好处,没想到 ,学神才是那个让她脑细胞直线下降,多巴胺直线上升的——————  [外直内骚·八中惹不起·披着羊皮的隐藏大佬]  所以她想逃......  他就堵,嘴里的糖喂给她:“听说吃甜食心情好点。”  方策西:好**!  她想逃到学校去住校......  他圈着她:“想不想关系变特别?”  “不想!”  “我想!”他夺走了她的初吻。  后来......某军官将自己千金许配给万年单身的特种作战指挥官余笙,同样万年单身的军医院高级医师向来依突然发了条微博:@向笙,恭喜,中银行两座!附图B超检查单!  老同学群炸了!  副cp[卫柒VS言鹤次]  【伪高冷真甜妹VS伪校霸真学神】  他嚣张混痞,一眼沦陷。  她过分纯甜,举步维艰。  他说:“有什么不懂的尽管吻我!”  她回:“......大可不必!”  后来,他对她唯一的亲人说:“我遗憾啊,遗憾她前十七年,没有我。”1w0-3249 >>




内容简介:刘飞是北大的高材生,因为神秘的身世走上为官途,但宦海生涯,博大精深,危机四伏,始终以民为本的刘飞面对各路官场高手,谈笑风生,淡定自若,轻描淡写之间,各路腐败分子谈刘色变,实实在在的保证 了国家利益和老百姓的利益!1w4208-4677 >>


内容简介:【【2019云起华语文学征文大赛】参赛作品】主人公陈翔是个悲催的人,一直在夹缝中艰难生存,最终绝望跳楼,不料灵魂出窍,降生在春秋时期一个叫滑的小国的王子身上,悲催的是弱小的滑国在春秋那 个动乱的年代始终处于朝不保夕的境地,本想跳楼结束在现实中的噩梦,哪只又进入了另一个噩梦,陈翔彻底怒了,他决定要对可恶的老天开战,改变自己悲催的命运。作者:轻狂书生·陈所写的《回到滑国当王子》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-30295 >>


内容简介:作者群:184301733古墓少年终于踏足都市,迎接他的,是一个绚丽缤纷的花花世界。一次次的扮猪吃虎,惊掉你们的下巴;一次次的以弱胜强,灭了你们的气焰;一次次的危难出手,俘获一众芳心; 一次次的巅峰鏖战,点燃一腔热血。无限柔情,无限热血,尽在——《全能高手》编辑凉心辞推荐作品。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《全能高手》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-63341 >>


内容简介:毛缈缈自从开着穿梭艇撞进微型黑洞穿成一只缅因猫后,人生、不,猫生就开始劈了叉。当人的时候她为了生活兢兢业业工作,当猫后她在豪门里每天晒晒太阳、吃吃零食,接家里的小霸总小忧郁上下学。只是 她的交际圈,变成了隔壁邻居家肥到眼睛都看不见的大布偶猫,千里追寻着小主人进城寻亲的串串儿金毛,受主人责骂虐待得了抑郁症不停啄羽的秃毛鹦鹉,非法走私遗落到城市猫咖里的黏人大猫……还有她家可爱的小小1w0-89022 >>


内容简介:人生,不是在装逼,就是在被装逼。普通青年一次触电,重生回到了2012年。开启了无限装逼神豪系统的他。开始了一段,装逼和被装逼道路。别人三十年河东三十年河西。他也许今天河东,明天河西。所 以,莫和他装逼,否则或被反装逼。打游戏、玩直播甚至随便武术修仙、做美食都能反装逼。——无形装逼,最为致命。1w0-94782 >>




内容简介:微博小磨唧传闻国内顶尖战队的鬼才队长freedom对奶茶上瘾。他眉目寡淡,沉默少语,轻狂孤傲。后来才发现她比奶茶更甜。呵尝过她,便发现奶茶什么也不是。小剧场:freedom散漫的歪在电 竞椅里打游戏,淡道:“经理给我叫杯奶茶。”林苑眯眼,点着手表:“明天有比赛,你该睡觉了。”freedom薄唇紧抿,键盘按的啪啪作响。队员1:喂喂,队长生气了。队员2:生气又怎么,还不是乖乖听经理话。ti夺冠那天。西雅图钥匙球馆,上万中外观众面前,冠军队长消失了。解说席一脸懵逼,喂喂,你的冠军盾不要了?镜头一转。解说惊讶“找到了,freedom在他们战队经理这!”freedom意识到镜头,嘴角微扯,瞥了眼摄像机,一把捞过身边的林苑,低头吻了上去。林苑停顿了片刻,怔了怔,双眸闪过一丝柔意,纤细白嫩的手臂勾了上去。周围全是尖叫欢呼声。赛后采访林苑笑了笑:我只是想陪他一起拿到ti冠军。freedom面无表情:我拿到ti冠军不只是为了国家荣誉,也是为了她。阅读指南轻狂孤高dota大神x美貌战队女经理dota2电竞小甜文。没有过多的游戏内容,人物无原型。游戏赛事或许会与现实不同,勿细揪。各位书友要是觉得《她比奶茶甜》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27243 >>

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From Liquid Passion: When business leads Haruna to Nakagawa's family-owned brewery, it's love at first sight for Haruna. Too bad that Nakagawa and his crotchety grandpa can only say 'not interested' to his offers. Will Haruna ever secure the distribution rights to the best sake in town? And more importantly, will he manage to win over the cantankerous brewer's grandson?

Tsumi Koi

Compilation of short stories: - Tsumi Koi / Sinful Love “If you want me to stay quiet, then have an affair with me too” Yashiro witnessed her classmate Maki, who is extremely popular with the girls, with a girl who wasn’t his girlfriend. Tired of her uninspiring days Yashino suggested that she become Maki’s “lover”, but because of these circumstances she finds herself being charmed by him and she can’t stop herself from falling in love with him…!? - Until I Fall in Love About twin sisters, Tae is the older twin and Rie is the younger. One day, Rie begs Tae to switch places with her. Rie has a crush on a boy who sits next to Tae. Finally Tae agrees. In Rie's class, Tae is surprised to discover that Rie sits next to a cute guy, the one on the soccer team that she saw after school a few days ago. Then, Tae has a good time sitting with the boy. He's funny and nice. When he invites Tae to watch him play soccer, Tae agrees, but then she realizes that he invites her as Rie.. - Let's Meet in Dream! Fuzuki has been having some strange dreams recently. In them, she is at school, and she is talking to a cute young teacher. Fuzuki is in love with this teacher, and he knows it. They always hand out on the roof of the school, where he smokes a cigarette. Every night she has dreams about him, and they hold very real conversations. But the thing is, Fuzuki doesn’t know who this guy is! Why is Fuzuki dreaming about this guy? Does he dream about her? Will they ever be able to meet in person? - Tears of Goldfish It was a summer festival 5 years ago, and a young girl was kissed by a cute boy while fireworks exploded all around them. But one of their classmates saw them kissing and teased them. They were elementary school kids, so their accusations are rude and obnoxious. The girl, Iyo, was embarrassed and denied it before the boy, Tsujiai could say anything. Ever since that day, she and Tsujiai, haven’t spoken. Now they are once again placed in the same class after 5 years. Iyo feels awful and awkward. But it’s obvious he still hates her… - Love Spell Momoka and a friend are standing at their classroom window, checking out some cute senpai boys. Momoka prefers boys with shorter hair. Her friend says that Shibahara isn't Momoka's type. Shibahara is a boy in their class, and he has long hair that obscures his face. The next day, Momoka finds out that Shibahara arrives to class with a new, short, haircut! And wow, he is actually very cute! Momoka can’t believe this. Could he had overheard her conversation yesterday? Or is this a coincidence? Could he really have cut his hair for Momoka? Momoka suddenly finds herself very aware of Shibahara. Is she falling for him?

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Adeyaka Prince

A collection of short stories. Based on descriptions from Chibi Manga: 1. Adeyaka Prince Maki has just entered senior high school and all her friends are getting boyfriends. She longs to be loveydovey with a boy as well. One day she almost falls when walking on the street and is saved by a very handsome young man wearing a kimono... 2. Amai Akumu no Memai Her parents goes abroad and sends Saki to live in an old house that belongs to some of their friends. The handsome boy Yashiki already lives in the house; and he scares her with stories about ghosts living in the house. Saki loses weight and feels dizzy, is it because Yashiki is really a ghost that sucks her life force? 3. Omocha no Kuni ni Tsurete tte 4. Koi Majinai 5. Ai Koso Subete 6. Adeyaka Prince Bangaihen: Adeyaka Parfume

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My Fusion System: Fusing A Thousand Chickens At The Start summary: My Fusion System: Fusing A Thousand Chickens At The Start summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My Fusion System: Fusing A Thousand Chickens At The Start. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Dramatic Works of G. E. Lessing

The Dramatic Works of G. E. Lessing summary: The Dramatic Works of G. E. Lessing summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Dramatic Works of G. E. Lessing. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Busted Ex-Texan and Other Stories

The Busted Ex-Texan and Other Stories summary: The Busted Ex-Texan and Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Busted Ex-Texan and Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Comet and Other Verses

The Comet and Other Verses summary: The Comet and Other Verses summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Comet and Other Verses. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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