








简介【每周五更新 新作看起来】好不容易大学毕业,竟然穿越回高中!一朝回到解放前?!繁重的学业,不属于自己的爱人,蛋疼的青春期......喂喂,放开那个蓝孩,我才是他老婆!!!












类别恐怖 恋爱 言情












内容简介:一抹胭脂一韶光最新章节由网友提供《一抹胭脂一韶光》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的科幻灵异类型小说,一抹胭脂一韶光由作家蓝樱重霄创作,小兵免费提供一抹胭脂一韶光最新清爽干 净的文字章节在线阅读,主要讲述的是:蓝樱来自幽冥界,她是地狱中一朵神花!经过百年修炼,终于迎来飞升之日!可万万没有想到,她的元神被最爱的重霄凝聚掌心,花叶分离的痛令她动弹不得!直到这一刻她才明白,原来他之所以将她护在身后,并非真的在乎,而是为了拿她的元神去延续一个凡人女子的生命!1w0-103176 >>


内容简介:明朝末年,西班牙和日本逐渐限制白银流出,明朝自十六世纪初以来的资本流入已经逆转,明朝并存的商品经济与小农经济同时遭受到通货紧缩的冲击。叠加小冰河的影响,一个一个乱世的骨牌不断倒下。崇祯 六年十一月,流寇渑池南渡,势如疮疽溃裂而出,席卷中原大地。崇祯七年,肆虐北方十余年的后金军横扫宣大,如入无人之境。立国近三百年的大明王朝风雨飘摇。主人公于此时到来,成为南直隶桐城县一名小小皂隶,故事就从一只腾空而起的死老鼠开始。1w0-2207 >>


内容简介:红云获得鸿蒙紫气之后,觉醒了人生模拟器。[十年后,你随着镇元子回到五庄观。][三百年后,你离开五庄观,你被鲲鹏,帝俊,太一伏击,不敌自爆,真灵随着九九散魄红葫芦飞往血海,被冥河老祖泯灭 ,你死了。][八万年后,你还未能参悟鸿蒙紫气,女娲成圣。][十万年后,你还未能参悟鸿蒙紫气,这一天,五圣其出,你被偷袭,你死了。]你无数次模拟之后,一脚踩在鸿钧的脸上。“当初,就特么是你在算计我啊!”1w0-95830 >>


内容简介:带着升级系统和数百本小说穿越异界,成为罗家养马的废物少主。丹田破碎不能修炼?哥有升级系统,突破对我来说不过是杀杀怪,做做任务,偶尔杀杀人,太轻松了!没有功法?哥有数百本小说,只要升级就 能得到那些小说中主角的功法,哥烦恼的是选择《星辰功法》,《大地法则》,还是《幽影秘典》呢?好烦躁呀!…………狂,就要狂个极致出来,我罗天来了,你们就准备好跪下唱1w0-83533 >>


内容简介:  一朝降生,本是福禄双全旺全家的好命格,结果——  被扔进深山老林?  不怕,有大猫贴身保护!  被捡回家却没奶吃?  哎呀,有哺乳的野羊送上门!  被扣上灾星之名?  没事,爹娘出 马一个顶俩!  眼瞅着小小的婴孩一天天长大,被爹娘亲人视若掌中宝,成为整个青山村最幸福的崽儿,可是泡在蜜罐里的小姑娘也有自己的小苦恼:  大堂哥:“妹妹,走,大哥哥上山给你摘果果吃。”  三岁的秦笑笑可怜兮兮:“不,不要,我害怕!”  大堂哥了然,拍着小胸脯保证:“不怕,大哥哥保护你!”  结果——  “妹妹,救命!!!”  看看被一群大猫追到树上的大堂哥,再看看一步一步逼近的另一群大猫,秦笑笑抱紧瑟瑟发抖的自己,“哇”的一声吓哭,下一瞬就被扑上来的大猫们淹没了……  事后,大堂哥左手拎兔,右手牵妹,两眼发光,喜气洋洋——赚了,赚大发了!  顶着满身猫毛,生无可恋的秦笑笑默默发誓——再也不要上山了!  整个青山村谁不知道,秦家大房的小闺女怕猫啊!  直到有一天,村里来了一位漂亮的大哥哥,秦笑笑意外的发现,猫猫们不扑自己了!  殊不知,他才是最可怕的“猫猫”……  【食用提醒】  1、女主真·锦鲤,非穿越非重生  2、家长里短种田风,会换地图,不涉及朝堂宫斗  3、有狗血出没,如女主身世1w0-1625 >>






内容简介:上辈子她累死累活点满技能,就为了报仇雪恨。这辈子,有那个宠她爱她的元奕挡在身前,她只想做一个柔弱到不能自理的小娇妻。瞧着被自己宠的越来越娇柔的妻子,元奕就恨不得再宠上两分,让她离不开自 己。“总裁,夫人去外面投资了。”“把公司收购了,换批操盘手陪她玩儿。”转头苏末就接到电话,“总裁,您老公要收购我们公司!”“股份转给他,别暴露我身份!”躺在元奕的怀里,苏末笑得格外明媚,她家男人还真是个绝世小可爱呀~1w71304-96205 >>




内容简介:睡棺材是种什么样的的体验?棺材,也称寿棺,或者叫做寿枋,有的地方叫做四块半,专门用来承载人的遗体。材质多种多样,有松、楠木、桐木、柏木。在我这里,你总能找到适合自己的棺材。1w0-73 025 >>


内容简介:遇到禾生之前,沈灏从未觉得儿女情长有何乐趣,女人对于他而言,是一碰就晕的存在。遇到禾生之后,沈灏发现,他这二十八年简直白活,搂着抱着做尽欢爱之事,竟比权利更让他着迷。“我嫁过人,丈夫刚 拜完堂就死了,你不怕被我克死么?”“不怕各位书友要是觉得《独宠》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97786 >>


内容简介:瓢泼大雨,梧桐小巷。顾三爷懒懒靠着椅背,车外她抱胸而行,柔美脆弱似朵白嫩丁香。黑色别克缓缓停过来,清溪扭头,车窗里露出一张冷峻淡漠的脸。她咬咬唇,乖乖坐了进去。1:架空民国,甜文。2: 酒楼娇花女掌柜X汽车大亨顾三爷。1w0-2296 >>

Okurete Kita Renjou

Tomoki is a playboy who thinks only about sex. But Kazuyuki, who's supposed to be his sex partner, confesses his love to Tomoki. Even though he thinks of this as a bother, it starts to develop into a love game! It's a bittersweet love story.

Koisuru Piano

Nakaba used to play piano with her friend Haru, and they both enjoyed playing a song composed by Chopin, which then became their little secret piece. When Haru transferred to another city, Nakaba decided to give up on piano because she thought that the notes were just some mere dots on the paper, and her teacher didn't allow her to freely express her feelings through her playing. Six years later, her childhood friend Haru comes back and moved to her school just to see her again. Despite knowing that Nakaba had stopped playing piano for years, he still wants to play their secret piece and practice in a duet wtih her. Unfortunately, as Nakaba realizes, it is not going to be like old times because Haru has changed and he doesn't seem so gentle like before. What will Nakaba do? Serialized in Ribon from 11/2004 to 1/2005, published into tankoubon by the same title with 3 other one-shots.

Super Robot Taisen Og - The Inspector - Record Of Atx

It's been 6 months since the L5 Campaign, the conflict that pitted humanity vs aliens with the whole earth sphere at stake; even thought at that time humanity joined forces as a whole and fought valiantly for it's survival, now that the true threat is gone the remains from old conflicts that have kept discord among people from even before the aliens arrived have started to resurface and thus the fight is far from over.... The ATX Team, one of teams that probed pivotal in the L5 Campaign have been 'living their usual' being at the mercy of the chain of command and taking part in cleaning up the remainders from the DC war---- but little do they know that again some extraordinary events are brewing up; with the arrival of a strange lady named Lamia Loveless, who seeks help from the team and seems to know more about them than what she should, the path has been set, headed towards a chain of events that might bring forth an even greater conflict that the one from 6 months ago.... Can Kyosuke Nanbu and his team break through all of the opposing forces, yet again?

Sabakareshi Mono

Two abandoned boys, Kyou and Toudou, were raised at an appalling orphanage where physical violence was a part of the day to day life. One day Kyou’s real mother came searching for him and took him away from this dreadful existence. The byproduct of a man and his mistress, Kyou’s mother was forced to give him away. Many years passed and Kyou Sugiura is now a successful prosecutor and pursing an investigation of government corruption involving a young parliamentarian named Tatsuki Toudou – the same Toudou that he grew up with in the orphanage. How the times have changed! Both men growing up in the present of uncertainty; to become, in the future, the height of success, and to stand on the opposite sides of the law. Kyou had never really forgotten Toudou, and Toudou had never really forgiven Kyou. The meeting between the two ambitious young men results in an unintended consequence that neither had been prepared for. In this stand off between the enforcer and the law maker, there is a past that binds them together. And it is the strength or weakness of this past that will determine the outcome of their duel. ***This volume contains the complete works of “The Judged” and “Spring Haze,” a short story involving Toudou’s assistant and ex-lover, Hachiko.***

Country Neighbors

Country Neighbors summary: Country Neighbors summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Country Neighbors. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Journal of a Disappointed Man

The Journal of a Disappointed Man summary: The Journal of a Disappointed Man summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Journal of a Disappointed Man. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Master of the Shell

The Master of the Shell summary: The Master of the Shell summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Master of the Shell. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fragrance Beauty

Fragrance Beauty summary: Fragrance Beauty summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fragrance Beauty. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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