简介【每周五更新】随主出征,战死沙场,白英从一只战虎重生变为病秧子美人,还嫁给了主人,从此猛虎变萌虎。 “过来,你不是一天天往我身上爬吗?跑什么!”当着满堂朝臣的面,将军大人冲白英招招手。 “明明是你不让我往你身上爬的……”白英一边嘟囔,一边乖乖爬将军大腿上坐好。 满堂朝臣面面相觑,这是,被将军大人撒狗粮了。
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:王者:欢迎来到对抗路】ampltpampgt林昊激活边路战神系统,获得神级手速,神级意识,神级游戏理解。ampltpampgt从此,林昊逐渐在王者圈之内,展露 头角,最终成为所有对抗路的梦魇。ampltpampgt夫赖:“这个林昊的就强的离谱,我的老夫子就够猛了吧?他竟然把我按在地上锤……”ampltpampgt澈澈:“林昊的李信跟吃了德芙一样,居然比我的还要丝滑!”ampltpampgt德华:“求求系统别让我排到林昊了,遇到他是真的废手机……”ampltpampgt赛季末最后一天,当北慕带着三个队友偷偷去抓林昊的达摩时。ampltpampgt一手一闪双控双大,直接让四人炸裂。ampltpampgt当北慕四人看着漆黑的屏幕,耳边似乎响起了那句熟悉的话:ampltpampgt“欢迎来到对抗路!”ampltpampgt……ampltpampgt飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。ampltpampgt1w0-27110 >>
内容简介:人类最终还是灭亡了,为了挽回曾经的悲剧,继承了人类之王的鲁鲁修,带着所有逝去生灵的期待和渴望,回到了诞生之初,以王的身份,再次降临!这一次,他将挽回所有的悲剧,这一次,他将得到一切,抓 住一切,将所有的女孩,全部揽入怀中,手掌天下权!醉卧美人膝!“我是人类之王,这个世界,所有的一切,金钱,美女,权利,都是属于我的,违抗我的人,只有死!”1w0-26810 >>
内容简介:本书已完成,还有续集,为《不灭之旅2》支持的请到不灭2那,谢谢!【逐浪第3组签约作品】一个在商场多年的商人,因从小练有不同凡人的武学,后因机缘等使他踏入了修真,本是一个想畅游武林的武林 高手,谁知道老天居然会让他接触到一个比武林更玄幻的修真界,他在修行的路上会遇到什么呢?他真的会像其他修真者那样,心中的终极——仙界?又因为一次奇缘,使得他成了真正意义上的不灭之身,却因此带来更多的变数,他会怎样应付呢本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《不灭之旅》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-85594 >>
内容简介:官家小姐被贬为贱籍,入宫做了宫奴,不幸成为帝后博弈的牺牲品。花开两朵各表一枝,失忆前她是媚香酥骨的宫奴,失忆后她是一本正经的诰命夫人。陆晗蕊皇上自重!毕灵渊你是朕的!忘记了没关系,朕会 身体力行,帮你恢复记忆。一些七七八八的情况说明【】关于设定1、关于帝后的感情,之后会渐渐明了,两人一开始都不是因为感情在一起,迄今为止帝后两人都在演!戏!2、确实是11,男主和女主睡过后就没睡过其!他!人!了!好惨的皇帝……【】关于标准1、剧情章10一章,这是上限,不会加价。2、肉章根据字数在50100之间,100为上限,不会超出范围,请大家放心藏,大口吃肉。【关于投珠珠】请点击【我要评分】,就能投珠珠了哦,每天都有两颗的,比心————————————————————————新书《又当又立》1w0-81670 >>
内容简介:【正文完。接档文《美貌撩人的她》《痴恋成灾》求预收】【温暖治愈先婚后爱复仇虐渣世纪甜文双C双初恋】1隋念离婚那会儿,名媛圈里的那些塑料姐妹花们都在等着看她的笑话。只是令所有人跌破眼镜的 是,没多久,隋念再婚了。新郎正是那名满A市的顾氏集团少东家顾丛北。众人:……疼,这脸打得真特么疼。2隋念从小家里有矿,过惯了富家千金的奢靡人生。谁曾想,一朝巨变,家中负债累累。就在她忍痛决定与爱马仕、LV、香奈儿、Gucci等奢侈品诀别时,顾丛北适时出现,问话一针见血,“想继续你家里有矿的人生吗?”她下意识点头。几日后,隋念过上了私人飞机全国游,买下一个岛开party,各种奢侈品想要便能拥有,刷卡购物从不担心余额不足的巅峰人生,壕到极致。与此同时,她也多出了一个天价老公。隋念语录:“如果没有很多很多的爱,那我便要很多很多的钱。”3网上有关顾氏集团少东家顾丛北已婚的消息迅速登顶热搜第一,令所有人跌破眼镜的是女方居然还是个二婚。吃瓜群众一片哗然,所有人都认为女方配不上他,就连微博话题也被狂带节奏顾丛北今天离婚了吗。对此,顾丛北只是冷冷一笑。没有人知道,从春秋到寒暑,他整整爱了她8年。这一次哪怕不择手段,他也要将她留在他的身边,让她成为他的妻。简而言之,这是一场蓄谋已久的豪门婚宠,也是一篇非常打脸的爽文。占有欲极强天价霸总VS美貌撩人白月光★☆★☆★排雷:1女主与前夫是家族联姻,不存在任何实质性的感情,结婚没多久就离婚了,所以男女主双C。2前夫是个渣,对于渣,作者从不接受任何形式的洗白。顾丛北才是唯一的男主!!!3不喜欢一地鸡毛,离了婚还纠缠不清,女主很干脆果断,喜欢看那种二选一的纠葛苦情大戏,这里没有,只有超级宠妻的霸总顾丛北。2019年6月6日留,已截图,拿梗慎。【求作者专栏收,求接档文《美貌撩人的她》预收】【狗男人打脸记家里有矿美破天际双C双初恋又甜又撩】许南笙大学寝室四人,有三人全都栽在了同一个女生的身上。也是托室友嘴中频繁安利的福,大学四年,颜值爆表、不近女色的许南笙对“陆妖妖”这个名字可谓是印象深刻。他甚至一度怀疑,陆妖妖这种撩完就跑、不负责任的女人,爱上她的怕不是全都是智障。谁料,六年后,智商超两百的商界大佬许南笙很不幸地沦为了这众多“智障”中的一员。这该死的爱情可真香快看!她是个万人迷众人失恋买醉为一人心累,我的情敌遍布全球寝室四人爱上了同一个女孩肿么破这大概是一个女主做什么男主都觉她在勾引他嘴上说着不要不要身体却很实诚的真香爱情故事。日天日地小妖精vs口嫌体正高冷男女主不渣,自带万人迷属性,颜值美破天际,专一且超会撩。★☆★食用指南:①双C,HE,日更不 >>
内容简介: 药不成丹只是毒,人不成神终成灰。 ………… 天道有缺,人间不平,红尘世外,魍魉横行;哀尔良善,怒尔不争;规则之外,吾来执行。 布武天下,屠尽不平;手中有刀,心中有情;怀中美人 ,刀下奸雄;冷眼红尘,无憾今生。 …… 惊天智谋,踏破国仇家恨;铁骨柔肠,演绎爱恨情仇;绝世神功,屠尽人间不平;丹心碧血,谱写兄弟千秋!1w0-171 >>
From Manga-Sketchbook: 14 pages short story which originally appeared in AERA COMIC'S 'Nippon no Manga' anthology. To get anything other than the pretty pictures out of this short story, one should have read Natsume Souseki's Sanshiro.
The 00V features different variations of the Mobile Suit from the series, and provides the stories about them in every chapter ('volumes'). The earlier stories of the 00V were told from Robert Spacey's perspective based on his encounters with different mobile suits during the height of Celestial Being's armed operations. The perspective of the stories later shifts to different characters, providing their side of the story behind the development and the operation of some of the mobile suits given in 00V.
Weak, bullied, and pessimistic about life, that's Setsuna Kashiwagi. On the verge of jumping off a bridge, a mysterious man appears behind him and offers the contract '10 million yen in exchange for your life in a year.' Skeptical at first, he accepts. Waking up the next morning, thinking it was just a dream, he notices 2 beautiful women sitting beside him. They are Kanna and Rena, Oni princesses here to claim his heart in a year.
From MangaHelpers: After high-schooler Nanatsu Io is crushed by disappointment in love, she finds herself pulled into a strange cafe, 'Cafe Acheron,' by pretty male workers, Kiba and Resato. Io decides to change herself by getting a job there as a waitress. In order to do so, she makes a contract with the cafe owner, Kiba, who tells her she must keep her stuffed bear (now conscious and referring to itself as 'Father') with her. It's only after this contract is formed that Io begins to learn the truth! Cafe Acheron connects the demon world and the human world, and it's there that many deals between demons and humans are made. In fact, Kiba and Lesath are demons themselves, and Io is already bound to them by contract! Her strange new life is just beginning! [tethysdust]
Even Though I'm A Former Noble And A Single Mother, My Daughters Are Too Cute And Working As An Adventurer Isn't Too Much Of A Hassle summary: Into a n.o.ble cla.s.s that treats those born with white hair or heterochromia as treacherous snakes, Shirley was born into the family of the most powerful duke in the land adorned with stunning hair the colour of snow, and non-matching red and pale green eyes. Hated by her own family, and having the only man who ever loved s.n.a.t.c.hed away by a jealous younger sister on her wedding night, she is imprisoned on false charges. Enduring torture and humiliation, she vowed to take revenge against those who wronged her. But, even though she escaped, in her belly there was the child of her former fiancée. Even if the man himself is hateful, an unborn child is without sin. After giving birth to healthy twins, I thought to leave them at an orphanage for safekeeping, but&h.e.l.lip; “Ah, what to do, my daughters are just too cute.” Shirley was floored by the feelings she held for the two girls she had brought into the world. Choosing motherhood over revenge, she fled the Empire and settled in a remote town in a neighbouring Kingdom. In order to support her children, she found herself entering through the doors of the Adventurers Guild. It would be nice if we could live a nice quiet life out here, where the empire won’t think to look for us&h.e.l.lip; “Ms. Shirley! Calamity-cla.s.s monsters are appearing in the Kingdom! Can you help us!?” “I’m very sorry, but I have to decline. I’m helping my daughters with their homework today.” After ten years, she had somehow become known in the world as “The Demon Swordswoman”.
My First Years as a Frenchwoman, 1876-1879 summary: My First Years as a Frenchwoman, 1876-1879 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of My First Years as a Frenchwoman, 1876-1879. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Ideas Of Good And Evil summary: Ideas Of Good And Evil summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ideas Of Good And Evil. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Young Robin Hood summary: Young Robin Hood summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Young Robin Hood. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.