简介学霸栾羽因为和祁家的一纸婚约被送入了贵族学校宿舍,原以为要和未来的未婚夫共同生活,岂料自己的未婚夫原来不止一个?!而且,和自己一样的‘未婚妻’也有好几个! 每【周日】更新(*  ̄3)(ε ̄ *)
内容简介:沈宸穿到一本古耽权谋文里,成了霸气总攻自封皇帝大大,坐拥后宫三千佳丽。虽然是个炮灰,但好歹也位高权重,还有后宫三千佳丽,简直不要太爽。如果他没有刚穿越,就从疯批主角美人受的床上醒来的话 。原主是1w0-74022 >>
内容简介:预收《和离后嫁给前任他爹》求宠幸文案下拉暴君傅臻为人暴戾恣睢,杀人成魔,从西北疆场回来后更是日日吐血,眼看着就要死了。太医看到一本古书中说,要传说中的美人血投喂才可医治。阮阮就是被送入 宫的替死鬼。入宫那晚,傅臻幽幽醒转,发现身边蹲着个小姑娘,睁着幼鹿般的眼睛怯怯瞧他。他咳出两口血,脸色苍白,眸光似刀,“怕了?”小姑娘含着泪,主动将柔弱无骨的身子贴近他,软声道,“我……我不怕,你吃吧。”陪伴暴君日久,阮阮被他娇养得愈发大胆,提议道,“陛下,今天能不能换个地方吃?不要总是咬脖子。”傅臻眯起眼睛,语气不耐“再不过来,朕的病就要被你拖死了!”他这般说着,指尖却抚过红痕斑斑的雪颈,轻咬上她双唇。暴君宿疾痊愈之后,阮阮彻底换了侍奉他的方式,屡屡被他弄哭。那晚摇红烛火之下,他看着眼前满面红晕的小姑娘,眸底涌动着疯狂的占有欲。“朕许你一个心愿,珠宝金银,无上荣宠,朕都可以答应你。”小姑娘腰肢在他大手之下轻颤,红着脸憋了一句“那我可以要一座宅子,出宫去吗?”见男人脸色阴沉,她赶忙改口:“不要宅子……银两也行。”暴君良久没言声,半晌,扯出一个笑来:“你想都别想。”阮阮“……”好抠,亏他还是一国之君,说好的什么都答应呢?!谁料男人转头便示下“她说要当朕的皇后,你们都听到了?”底下人十脸震惊,面面相觑,“是,是!”阮阮???起初,小姑娘乖乖顺顺,什么都听他的。傅臻爱看她哭,就欺负她。他想着,就这么欺负一辈子也好。只是后来他发现,他竟看不得她哭了——那眼泪落于他胸口,便似滚烫的心头血,灼得他心尖发疼,教他不知所措。傅臻想,那便宠着吧。宠她一辈子,不再让她落一滴眼泪。【双c双洁】【封面已授权,画手微博容隐呀】预收《和离后嫁给前任他爹》求宠幸女f男c,男二非亲生明国公府幺女沈芙柔桡温顺,姝色无双,只可惜口不能言。一介哑女嫁给那位玉树临风的晋王世子谢斐为妻,人人都说是国公府赚了。谢斐也觉得,他配她,绰绰有余。成婚头一个月,谢斐还装得规规矩矩,可到了第二月就开始夜不归宿。谢斐出行,身后跟着一帮纨绔,“世子爷,不用陪你家那位小哑巴么?”谢斐豪爽地往游船上撒了一把金叶子,“要不怎么说她善解人意呢!”沈芙成婚三年,谢斐就在外面浪了三年。沈芙知道,他的确喜欢她,可他是个没有真心的人,他的喜欢,便同喜欢这世间花草无异。她不能言语,心中郁郁了整整三年。*后来,那镇守边关数年、晋王府真正的主人班师回朝,沈芙于厅堂俯身向公公敬茶。面前的男人容貌俊美,矜贵威严。沈芙暗自想,这份凛然如山的气势,恐怕世间男儿皆及不上其万一。而谢危楼接过茶的那一刻,无意间碰到她纤细莹腻的一双柔荑,喉咙微不可察地滚动了下 >>
内容简介:《夏小汐墨夜霆小说》简介:“好什么好,我怎么不觉得好?为了这个孩子,把你都绑在家里了!你说咱们俩都没有度过蜜月呢!”陆天野有些气急败坏(夏小汐墨夜霆小说)。他其实是有点儿羡慕自己的姐姐 和姐夫的(夏小汐墨夜霆小说)。“你也想出去度蜜月啊?”“你不想?”陆天野立即讨好似的凑到宫若熙面前,“把奶给他断了吧?也不小了,省的以后办事的时候,还得惦记着给他喂奶,那是我的地盘!”宫若熙一阵娇羞,“胡说什么呢?”陆念锡一个劲儿地吃奶,眨着眼睛听着自己的爸爸妈妈说话,好像他真的能听懂似的(夏小汐墨夜霆小说)。如果他知道自己的爸爸正打算着断了他的口粮,他一定会多吃几口的。他是怎么也想不到这竟然是自己最后一次吃奶(夏小汐墨夜霆小说)。。1w0-71881 >>
内容简介:简介楚玉,本是当朝三公主,却因为生母夺权而被狸猫换太子,成了临州楚家的嫡长女。重活一世,她对世家嫡子没了兴趣、对繁华京城没了兴趣,她只想活着。为了退掉御赐的婚姻,她耍手机、玩手段,不惜 赔上女儿家的娇羞,主要勾搭权贵子弟。只可惜……前世对她爱理不睬、甚至刻薄寡恩的顾长卿,这一世却死皮赖脸地住在她家不走了。她变着法儿的想着退婚,对方就各种拆台玩手段。眼看着到手的媳妇就要跟着别人跑了,立刻私密圣上提早完婚。楚玉“说好的退婚之后各走一边呢?”顾长卿“媳妇你在说什么,人家怎么听不懂?”楚玉“……”各位书友要是觉得《重生之妖孽王爷毒医妃》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-70052 >>
内容简介:穿书后参加选秀节目我火了简介:没穿书前的纪星泽:穷,面对天价违约金无能为力,被经纪人扼住喉咙……穿书后的纪星泽:有钱人家都小少爷,家里人花钱塞他进剧组追星,自由自在去参加选秀……纪星泽 :居然还有这等好事!纪星泽穿成一本小说里的炮灰,没有两三章戏份的那种。他幸福地转圈圈:没有经纪人逼着演戏,我的舞台,我来了!纪星泽穿成书里喜欢主角受的炮灰,没有三场戏份的那种。可惜纪星泽演技天赋没点满,打算好好演完这场戏就跑路,不在主线剧情里瞎掺和。他绕开剧情去参加选秀。在舞台上发光发热,c位出道。没想到,躲过1w0-67078 >>
内容简介: (大国记·秦时明月征文金奖作品) 这里有天下寥寥、苍生涂涂的纵横家! 这里有修身、齐家、治国、平天下的儒家! 这里有天下皆白、唯我独黑的墨家! 这里有地泽万物、神农不死的农 家! 这里有其疾如风、其徐如林的兵家! …… 当然,这里也有我们亘古不衰的小说家! 本书群号:122156987,喜欢的来唠唠嗑!1w0-2861 >>
内容简介:他养的一条狗,居然是一方妖尊,横扫妖界。他养的一池子鲤鱼,居然全部越过龙门,蜕变为九天苍龙?他捡来的一个小乞丐,随意点化,竟然成了一代人皇?叶青云表示很无语。困在深山中整整十年,终于踏 足山外,原来他竟是绝世高人?1w8276-25338 >>
内容简介:【飞卢中文网A级签约作品永生在无限世界】这是一个浩瀚的无限世界。传说,‘力’修炼极致,可上摘星河,可下通幽冥。大神通者摘星逐月,移山倒海,更有甚者一念天地灭,一念世界生!这是少年杨奇误 入‘圣王’,生存在无限世界的故事。本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。各位书友要是觉得《永生在无限世界》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73933 >>
Sajimiya Reiji and Mijou Yashiki are partners who use their 'Death Guns' to hunt a group of vampire-like beings known as 'Artemis', created due to a natural disaster that occurred a century prior to the events of the story. When a group of Artemis that calls itself 'Pleiades' begins to attack random humans and convert them, naive newcomer Takao Iota teams up with his two more experienced co-workers to try and hunt down the ones responsible.
The land in ELNA SAGA is called Gimrey, and supposedly in the far past, before magic became a part of every person, a great monster had swooped down from the north and ravaged the world. Fanning great gusts of destructive magical wind, it reduced nearly everything to empty wasteland before a knight appeared to challenge it. Bearing a sacred sword and shield which repulsed magic, this knight finally struck the monster down after a tremendous battle. But this creature would not die, and as it lay immobile, the wind poured forth from its wounds unrelentingly. With the last of his strength, the knight planted his sword high atop the mountain where the battle had been fought, so that it would shield a part of the land from the wind. This was the beginning of Gimrey, and the reason why everyone is born with innate magic. As time passed, people began to fight over fertile ground. ELNA SAGA begins right before the outbreak of yet another war, and tells of a princess named Elna. Born without any magic whatsoever and as such being the only person who can actually touch the sacred sword guarding Gimrey, she becomes a pawn used by her kingdom to threaten other countries with destruction. A rival kingdom's assassination attempt turns rescue, however, when the ones behind this plot reveal that they have no qualms about killing Elna as long as they can maintain a facade using a lookalike. With the help of her would-be assassin, who is drawn to her innocence and compassion, Elna journeys to define herself and stop a terrible war that her country has started. The first thing one notices is the richness of the world in which this series has been set. The ideas behind ELNA SAGA are drawn loosely from Nordic culture and mythology and the story, people, and names all bear a medieval Northern European flavor. There are no gods or non-human races, but Valkyries, Berserks, and the world tree Yggdrasil make their appearance in one form or another, and the castles and towns evoke nostalgic memories of old storybooks.
From Evil Flowers: Once upon a time … A pretty princess has just been born in the kingdom of Party Land. The three fairies are invited to her baptism. When they are filling her benefits, the malicious witch excluded from the festival launches a curse against the poor child… The day of her fifteenth birthday, the princess Rubis crunches on a poisoned apple and is captured in a quite particular jewel: the Sweety Gem. In 1998, Yan, a young mannequin, finds the jewel and embraces it by accident … The princess is released from her long sleep…
From ADV: Vampire vs. vampire, with humanity in the balance! The destinies of two people, along with the fate of the world and its inhabitants, are about to become intertwined when, on a rainy night in California, Osamu encounters a capsule that holds a mysterious green-haired being. He soon finds himself in the middle of a power struggle, as warring factions of vampire aliens descend to Earth. On one side are those who seek to use the recovered alien-Kimera-to repopulate their dying race. On the other side is Kimera's former mate, who wishes to kill him. Will humanity face total destruction, or will Kimera be killed, ultimately saving the world?
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Four Phases of Love summary: Four Phases of Love summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Four Phases of Love. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
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Bears I Have Met--and Others summary: Bears I Have Met--and Others summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Bears I Have Met--and Others. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.