
































内容简介:大乾十年,天下靖平,诗书盛行,通商发达。虽然外表看似光鲜亮丽,但却难掩其腐朽的内在。帝王世家,皇权争斗,阳谋阴谋,杀机四起!官府荒淫,蒙混倾轧,迂腐暴敛,昏天黑地!名门望族,淫邪荒诞, 绣榻野史,丑陋不堪!敌国虎视,烽烟欲起,群雄逐鹿,波云诡谲!而在此时,风云变幻的温陵城中,一个卖包子的街边小贩,阴差阳错入赘商贾之家,开始偷偷过着他那与娇妻斗嘴、潇洒风流、悠闲自在的逍遥人生……书友群:814590240【注:架空幻想,悦己悦人,混口饭吃,切勿较真。】梦未眠鼎力大作,必看历史小说。1w0-109516 >>


内容简介:曾经,他是人人都能踩一脚的狗屎。现在,他是阎王爷的最强女婿。以后,他要换一个活法。阎王爷说:“记住,你是老子的女婿,以后尽可无限嚣张!”本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我!阎王爷的最强女婿 》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-57974 >>


内容简介:1v1刻板加正气凛然的男主vs又飒又作的流心鸭蛋型女主末世降临,白清韵为救崽崽被感染,就在她以为自己要死的时候,重生回末世前了!重生归来,她只想好好养两只崽。别人在末世光顾着逃生,她握 成长空间,一边砍丧尸一边锻炼崽崽,激发异能。渐渐地……越来越多男人争着要当她两个崽崽的爹!崽崽亲爹看不下去了,火速出来认亲。然而两个崽崽嫌弃地看着他,妈咪说了,爹爹只会影响她拔刀的速度~等更新时小可爱们可以去看看妖妖完结小说《穿成农家锦绣福女》1w0-77005 >>


内容简介:  来到斗罗世界,附身马红俊。从此不再懒惰,誓要成为史莱克七怪的真怪物,真大腿。“我马红俊,注定是要成为火神的男人。”1w0-3059


内容简介:手机阅读《我真没想和天后结婚》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读宋子墨是个过气导演,他想通过拍电影还债,但苦于没钱。沈清雪是个过气天后,她想制造一波舆论,炒一次热度,试图翻红!于是乎。两个走背字 的人,共同策划了一起假结婚。宋子墨要钱,沈清雪要名!后来。依靠份子钱的宋子墨,呕心沥血的把前世经典之作搬运了过来后,他火的发紫!至于沈清雪,依旧不温不火。再后来。一年之约已到。宋子墨履行条约,准备离婚时。沈清雪一脸平静的道:“老公,什么条约?你是不是工作太累,糊涂了啊?”宋子墨:“??????”【本书又名】【最开始我只是想骗点礼金,用来拍戏!】【好家伙,我被天后赖上了!】【不是说好假结婚吗?你拉我进房间干什么?】【什么假结婚?老公,你累糊涂了!】【我沈清雪看中的男人,谁也别想抢走!】1w0-95114 >>




内容简介:九千岁独孤鹜因疾被迫娶退婚女凤白泠,满朝轰动。皇子们纷纷前来“恭贺”:凤白泠虽貌丑无能又家道中落,可她不惧你克妻不举之名,还顺带让你当了便宜爹,可喜可贺。独孤鹜想想无才无貌无德的某女, 冷冷一句:一年之后,必休妻。一年后,独孤鹜包下天下最大的酒楼,呼朋唤友,准备和离。哪知酒楼老板直接免费三天,说是要欢庆离婚,正和各路豪强称兄道弟的第一美女打了个酒嗝:“你们以为我图他的身子,我是馋他的帝王气运。”九千岁被休后,第一月,满城疫病横行,医佛现世,竟是凤白泠。第二月,全国饥荒遍地,首富赈灾,又是凤白泠。第三月,九朝联军围城,万兽御敌,还是凤白泠。第某个月,九千岁追妻踏遍九州八荒:祖宗,求入赘。两小萌神齐声:父王,你得排号!1w3313-96208 >>


内容简介:彼世之地,虚无荒凉。宗谷芳明误入其中,侥幸逃出生天,而那些非人之物总想抓他回去。人世流浪,被女高中生收留,被巫女盯上,被实际年龄为四位数的青梅贴身监视……他只想离那个普通人看不见的世界 远一点,再远一点。然而……【“反抗命运,亦为命运一环。”】总是事与愿违。【“宗谷,过来让我摸摸。”】【“律己乃是正身之道。”】【“……”】想抓住他的,还有她们呢。1w0-66490 >>


内容简介:一个如梦如幻的帝国,一场热血淋漓的穿越,一段亦真亦假的历史。宋辽夏三足鼎立、女真、蒙古,北方的蛮族仍旧此起彼伏。历史的大潮蠢蠢欲动,仁人志士前赴后继,流不尽的英雄血,老大帝国的命运,是 被征服?......还是被征服?感谢各位读者的伴随,本书将于近期更新完结——鼓元吉于2020年5月。1w0-1680 >>




内容简介:  小道士青阳从小被江湖奇人松鹤老道收养,跟着师父浪迹江湖,后师徒二人被仙师逼迫进入密地探宝,无意中激发师门宝物醉仙葫,师父冒死为徒儿盗取开脉丹与长生诀,青阳从此踏上修仙道路!  凡人 流小说,希望大家多多支持!1w0-1432 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:大唐的皇室遗孤】来自后世的少年,穿越到了贞观元年时期,成为了李世民流落在民间的长子。携带着超级文明的基因系统,且看皇室的遗孤如何靠着基因系统,飞卢大唐!“恭喜 主人提取蚂蚁基因,获得无上神力!”“恭喜主人提取蜥蜴基因,获得超级恢复!”“恭喜主人提取”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-95057 >>

Heavenly Executioner Chiwoo

Rebellious and outcast boy, Chiwoo, has been searching for his identity and purpose all his life. But when he finally finds out about his father being a Mangnani, a mysterious executioner who carries out God's judgment, he is confronted by an Emperor and his army who are determined to obliterate all Mangnanies. A Mangnani's dance prior to beheading a sinner determines the fate of one's afterlife - the forgiveness from God, or eternal damnation. Can you forgive someone by killing him? Can you love someone by cutting his head off? That's what a Mangnani does, and that's what Chiwoo has to find out.

Tales Of Destiny: Director's Cut

From Wings of an Angel: Focusing on the (most prominent) anti-hero of the original storyline, this manga is an incarnation of the recent game 'Tales of Destiny: Director's Cut', which came with the ability to play as Leon Magnus. Now we will follow his story and find out what drove him to do what he did and the reason why. The story of love, pain and betrayal unravels and the wheel of destiny turns once more...

Sensei, Ore Ni Kamawazu Itte Kudasai!!

Ashida Mamoru is a god-tier manga assistant but his habit of turning authors lazy has left him without a job. Luckily, one of his classmates from university happens to have a little sister who is a serialised manga author in need of an assistant. This author, however, needs some… ***handy stimulation*** to work. Will Mamoru be able to keep it civil and professional? Is such a notion even possible in the first place under those conditions? --- Author's Twitter: (https://twitter.com/gotokuayashi) author fanbox:

Inu Catalog

The school public-health doctor, Ren, is often called a 'small pet' by the students. Then one day he was shocked dead when he bumped into two students who were about to do some kind of 'impure' association in the school's backyard! Not to mention, one of those two was the charismatic model Midori whom Ren had always been longing for. Ren was even more shocked when Midori made him grab his 'certain something' then came right in Ren's hands. After that, when Midori confessed that he liked him, Ren felt so pissed-off thinking that Midori took the word 'like' too lightly, he punched Midori with his own fits. Midori was so moved by that hit that the following day he began to seduce Ren happily and relentlessly... Sweet lovemelody between the indulged beautiful model and the tough public-health doctor.

The Confectioner's Tale

The Confectioner's Tale summary: The Confectioner's Tale summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Confectioner's Tale. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Beautiful Girls In The Underground Prison

Beautiful Girls In The Underground Prison summary: Beautiful Girls In The Underground Prison summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Beautiful Girls In The Underground Prison. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Enchantress Amongst Alchemists Ghost King Is Wife

Enchantress Amongst Alchemists Ghost King Is Wife summary: Description
Mu Ru Yue, was a successor to her medicinal aristocratic family in Hua Xia. After being murdered by her enemy, she reincarnated in the body of a recently deceased good-for-nothing Miss in the Mu Family of the Martial G.o.d Continent, who had been beaten to death. In the throne room, she smilingly received a marriage notice to have a change in marriage to wed the infamous Ghost King from the Kingdom of Zi Yue. It was well-known that the Ghost King was stupid and foolish, with a ghost-like appearance. But who knew that he was actually the most two-faced person? Everyone laughed, thinking that a good-for-nothing was well-matched to a fool, but not in their wildest dreams did they even consider that she was actually a peerless genius in the making. When Mu Ru Yue looked at the man, who had a handsome G.o.d-like look, she said, gnashing her teeth, “Ye Wu Chen, you lied to me. How are you a fool at all?” The Ghost King chuckled as he affectionately embraced her. “By your side, I 'm willing to be a fool that you can freely order around.”

Miki 's summary

The previous owner of Mu Ru Yue 's body had been poisoned. Because of this, her meridians were blocked, hindering her cultivation, which eventually led to her being known as trash. After being beaten to death, Mu Ru Yue, who had originally been a successor to a medicinal aristocratic family in Hua Xia, reincarnated into her new body. They want to seal my path? I will train to reach the peak of the realms! They give me a foolish prince as my husband? I can make do with him. It would be easier for me to deal with him, rather than with other candidates who would be thrown at me in the future. I shall strive to become powerful enough that n.o.body will be able to mock or kill me.

a.s.sociated Names
Beautiful Alchemist: Ghost King 's Bewitching Wife
Enchantress Amongst Alchemists: Ghost King 's Wife
Juésè dān yàoshī: Guǐwáng yāo fēi

Ruth Fielding at Lighthouse Point

Ruth Fielding at Lighthouse Point summary: Ruth Fielding at Lighthouse Point summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ruth Fielding at Lighthouse Point. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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