




在打倒了魔王的勇者一行人当中,魔法使芙莉莲是精灵,她和其他三人有不一样的地方。 生活在“之后”的世界里,她感受到了什么—— 留下来的人们所编织的葬送与祈祷又意味着什么—— 故事从“冒险的结束”开始。 这是讲述英雄们的活法的,后日谈奇幻作品!






















类别热血 冒险 魔幻 日漫 魔法






内容简介:”天不生公子,千古如长夜。“——岳飞秦淮明月,公子风流,赵皓原本只想凭借功德系统逍遥一世,却一步步走向扭转乾坤之路,如同明月当空,照亮了大宋江山,也照亮了华夏历史的千古长河。1w0-3 2375 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《西游之开局收服孙悟空》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读庞基意外穿越到西游世界,获得收徒系统,得知自己在方寸山后,心里默念,对不起啦菩提祖师。孙悟空归我,毕竟你那么多徒弟,见过手持斧头 ,脚踏青莲的猴子吗?颤抖吧,灵山!在系统爸爸的加持下,孙悟空属性爆表,动不动就顿悟,时不时就升级。龙王说他为人和善,阎王说他天性凶残。等孙悟空再次站在天庭时,众神畏惧……1w0-74355 >>


内容简介:前世凄惨,重生自然要换个肆意活法,报仇虐渣调教军夫,制霸娱乐圈,顺带治治金手指那时不时装死的臭毛病。某军中一霸:宠小芒果,爱小芒果,吃定小芒果!小芒果是我媳妇儿!陆小芒:泥奏开!林某某 挑眉:走心还是走肾?——照旧一万点币打赏加一更,求推荐求扩散求收藏。(男女身心干净一对一,甜宠欢喜cp时不时发糖。)l0ns3v31w0-103568 >>


内容简介:  永乐十八年,大明朝迎来空前盛世。朱棣早已坐稳天下,仍在大肆开疆拓土;好圣孙朱瞻基已经初露锋芒,正准备大展宏图;于谦刚刚离开家乡,带着一腔抱负踏上赴京赶考之路;郑和的船队正在准备第六 次远航……这时候,一名叫林墨的读书人意外来到这个世界,只因救下一名神秘女子,陷入到永乐朝最大的风波当中,机缘巧合之下,从社会底层的一名小人物,一步一步迈进大明王朝的核心地位。古人云:拜相者必封公,故谓之曰相公!1w0-3001 >>


内容简介:    国际巅峰调酒大师、品酒大师,有酒神之称的李解冻,为了品尝出土的汉代美酒而醉死于而立之年。  当他一觉醒来时,却发现自己来到了一个名叫五行大陆的世界,变成了一个叫做姬动的小乞丐。 在这里,有一种极其特殊的职业,名叫阴阳魔师,奇异的十系魔技令人叹为观止。每一名阴阳魔师都有一顶属于自己的由本属性凝聚而成的阴阳冕。  一次偶然的机遇,让他认识了地底世界的火焰女王——烈焰,作为阴阳平衡体质的他,接受了阴阳极焰的传承,他的命运也从此走向了强者的道路。  他的未来,只有他一个人创造……1w0-721 >>


内容简介:“糟糕,我成替身了!”关左一睁开眼,发现换了人间,被掳来成了江湖上魔道巨擎后代的替身,危机四伏之下还要代替正主北上出关,俨然被当成了替死鬼。幸得脑中出现一件奇物,只要做出选择,便有数不 尽的神功绝艺、奇珍异宝。天魔大法,忘情天书,大金刚神力,浑天宝鉴,天妖屠神法,吞天灭地七大限,北冥重生法……大还丹,血菩提,无极仙丹,水火龙珠,玉玲珑,凤血龙元……数年之后。”大胆贼子,竟敢在江湖中冒充我们少门主1w0-29822 >>


内容简介:替死转生:卧槽!我怎么又死了?林小树刚穿越就被人随手弄死了!幸好觉醒系统,获得灵魂技能替死转生。直接变成了害自己死亡的仇人。从此,霸占仇人的一切,睡仇人××,打仇人的娃,做系统任务走向 1w0-69669 >>


内容简介:  仙路崎岖,百般磨练终成正果  一个没有灵根的少年,一个被认为是废物的家伙,在修真界不断地收购着各种废品……  无论是废丹还是下品材料,来者不拒,有多少要多少!1w0-529


内容简介:穿成路人O后,和反派HE了穿成路人O后,和反派HE了小说阅读其他小说类型小说穿成路人O后,和反派HE了由作家奶兔泡泡创作穿进睡前看的ABO文,为了回家,鹿翕扬起了阻止反派黑化大旗。截胡 女主的雨夜送温暖,早起送便当,胃疼送药……反派易感期更是贡献了自己!好不容易熬到故事尾声,准备回家的鹿翕,收到系统通知,反派黑化了!鹿翕:???感情她白忙活了!小兵提供穿成路人O后,和反派HE了最新章节穿成路人O后,和反派HE了最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-99682 >>




内容简介:这个世界没有灵异,但梦里有。鬼,妖,恶魔,凶兽,邪神,罪恶之人……梦里都有。从第一个能够杀人的梦境灾厄出现,世界就变得诡异了起来。在这般危险的世界里。得到一个叫做“相亲相爱一家人”的面 板,突然拥有一个幸福美满家庭的杜方,感觉自己的画风不太对。1w0-71980 >>


内容简介:  南宝衣自幼锦衣玉食娇养长大,没想到所嫁非人,落了个家破人亡的凄惨下场。  重活一世,她咬着小手帕,暗搓搓盯上了府里那位卑贱落魄的养子。  只有她知道,看似落魄的少年,终将前程锦绣, 权倾天下。  她一改娇蛮跋扈,对未来的权臣温顺谦卑百般奉承,可惜他如高岭之花,始终对她爱答不理。  她终于心灰意冷打算另抱大腿,那凶名赫赫的权臣,突然雷厉风行地废了她选中的夫君,还倚在绣榻上,慵懒地朝她伸出腿,“娇娇过来,二哥给你抱……”  【1v1,双洁,甜宠】1w0-755 >>


The main characters are the sexy and voluptuous Atsuko and Kohei a young policeman who just made Detective. Atsuko is Kohei's boss and would do anything to get the bad guys. She even uses her body from time to time to catch or distract a criminal.

Hoshigari Na Kimi To Futsutsuka Na Boku

Consists of a collection of oneshots: 1) Covetous You and Insensible Me (Hoshigariana Kimi to Futsutsukana Boku) Never one to get close to strangers, Kai finds himself helpess in the enchanting gaze of a foreigner... 2) Lost in the Darkness Before Dawn (Gyou An ni Mayou) Tatsumi Hiroaki is a swordsman for hire during the Edo Period. Recently, a rise in bandit activity has given him a steady flow of work in protecting small shops in town. The bandits recognize his skill and offer to hire him, where he finds a familiar face from the past. 3) Confession (Kokuhaku) Unable to forget the random act of kindness by the wealthy, but lonely business man, Matsumi offers to sell his body. Is it really just for money, or is there a greater need at stake? 4) The night he escaped death (Shi ni Zokonai no Yoru) Prequel of Lost in the Darkness Before Dawn. 5) Sleepless Night The Night He Escaped Death bonus. 6) Service Confession bonus. 7) Bonds of Blood Covetous You and Insensible Me bonus.

Tetsudou In, Love Letter

Poppoya: Satou Otomatsu is a lonely station master of a small station in Hokkaido, situated at the end of the line in a small village with an aging population. The station is due to close in the coming spring, and he will retire with it. One night in his last winter manning the station, an encounter with a young girl marks the beginning of the events that will see him reflect on his working life - performing his duty as a railroad man, whilst enduring the pain of its cost to his personal life. Love Letter: Goro just got out from jail, but a police officer wants to talk to him right away. He announces to him that Goro's wife is dead and that he has to go to Chiba and take her body. Goro has no recollection of having a wife, but then he remembers he married a Chinese woman a long time ago. He married her for her money, and had she married him because she needed a Japanese visa to work. In fact, she's a prostitute who came to Japan hoping to find better life. At first, Goro can't be bothered by this situation, but he goes to Chiba just because he can earn a lot of money. Later on, during his trip, Goro finds a letter she wrote him and through it he discovers the pure person that lies beneath this common prostitute. She is a woman of such kindness and love that Goro is moved to learn something about the woman he married. With those few words of love and tenderness, he understands her fears, her goals, and her hopes for the future -- a future that he knows will never come.

Shinbashi No Miko

Sadao, a graduate of a low class college, finds himself surprised that he was moved to a different department in a high level office building, located on level B2 (basement level), of the building. Upon entering his new office, he encounters a miko, and is told by his superior to follow her. He follows her and finds a man about to rape a woman, but the miko, named Ichiko, enters the scene and purges the man. A spirit exits the man, and things are back to normal. According to Ichiko, the number of sexual harassment and rape cases have multiplied by 20 times over the past 3 years! In order to do so, Ichiko is to reduce the number of such cases and prevent chaos from occurring by purging these souls that affect the minds of humans. Sadao was believed to have potential to fight against these souls, which is why he was moved to that department. So what's the secret to her powers? Read and find out!

The Grim Smile of the Five Towns

The Grim Smile of the Five Towns summary: The Grim Smile of the Five Towns summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Grim Smile of the Five Towns. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Samuel Richardson's Introduction to Pamela

Samuel Richardson's Introduction to Pamela summary: Samuel Richardson's Introduction to Pamela summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Samuel Richardson's Introduction to Pamela. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Pennyroyal Green: The Legend Of Lyon Redmond

Pennyroyal Green: The Legend Of Lyon Redmond summary: Pennyroyal Green: The Legend Of Lyon Redmond summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pennyroyal Green: The Legend Of Lyon Redmond. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

On A Donkey's Hurricane Deck

On A Donkey's Hurricane Deck summary: On A Donkey's Hurricane Deck summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of On A Donkey's Hurricane Deck. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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