

























类别悬疑 恐怖 惊悚






内容简介:小说中总会有一个女配,她妖艳美丽,家世优渥,一颗心扑在男主身上。但是男主的真爱永远不会是她,她反而是男主和女主之间爱情的绊脚石。孟萌一觉醒来,便穿越成了这样一个女配。看着眼前已经成为影 帝男主,她转身就跑。一不小心却扑到了男主叔叔的怀里。·原小说男主庄越某一天回家,叔叔庄珏微微一笑:“来,见见你小婶婶。”看着庄珏身边笑靥如花的孟萌,庄越:“……”这不是他前未婚妻吗?记者采访孟萌:“请问你成为影后的秘诀是什么?背后有大佬吗?”孟萌:“难道我自己不是大佬吗?”1w0-36966 >>


内容简介:体内被注入病毒,为了活命必须靠近女人?痛失修为的特种兵痞重返都市,身在盛产美女的“剩女之都”,万花丛中过,红颜祸水,人生艰险,恩怨情仇……且看他重返巅峰,王者归来,一指划过,如何演绎绚 烂江湖。1w0-2330 >>




内容简介:嬴高重生大秦,开局就在巨鹿之战,此时项羽八战八捷,千古人雄的名声,就差最后一胜!开启召唤系统,千古人雄赵云杀来,救王离、收章邯、退项羽、诛赵高、三世而立!破釜沉舟不再是美谈!当李广带着 三十万并州狼骑封狼居胥;赵云率领白马义从马踏罗马,威震欧洲;甘宁在美洲插上了大秦的龙旗!除了世界毁灭,没有人能够阻止大秦帝国的扩张!1w21613-27797 >>


内容简介:嬴政之母的赵姬、掌握玉钩的钩弋夫人。能作掌上舞的飞燕,宫女为妃的万贞儿。芙蓉花神的花蕊夫人,发长七尺的张丽华。玉缇横陈的冯小怜、手提金绣鞋的小周后。她们或是红颜薄命,却又荣宠万千,她们 绽尽自己的毕生芳华,在青史上留下了浓墨重彩的奇艳一笔。如果你是她们,会如何改写她们的人生呢。注:不敢说百分百还原绝对无偏颇,但在不影响剧情的情况下,作者已经尽可能最大程度还原历史记载轨迹,如有遗漏错误之处,还请各位多多指教~———————————————预收文《秦桑低绿枝》求收藏:徐国倾灭,朝代更替,不过四1w0-76514 >>


内容简介: 一针千金,一方难求,移星换斗,妙手逆乾坤,金针断生死。 小郎中林源靠着精湛的医术演绎都市传奇,悬壶济世演绎生命奇迹。 妙手回春,悬壶济世,医者为王。 建了个书友群,喜欢 本书的朋友欢迎加入,千金随时冒泡和大家聊天打屁!群号: 4807159851w0-3675 >>




内容简介:神奇的雅拉世界里,有一群神奇的职业者,他们为了知识、财富、刺激和荣誉而出入各种危险的场所,探寻隐藏在时光深处的秘密。这群与危险为伴的人们有一个贴切的名字——冒险者。冒险者的数量很多,这 么多的人里总会有几个奇葩的出现,比如说曾经嗜酒好色现在整天以作死为乐的剑士、把金币视为终极追求的骑士、精神分裂错乱又好奇心爆棚的牧师、随时会陷入出神状态生活无法自理的魔法天才,这样一群古怪的人凑在一起,又会引发什么样的奇怪故事呢?好吧,以上都是废话,其实这只是一个不正常的无良大叔和几个不正常的问题少女自我治疗,不对,是寻求救赎的小故事。本书正常情况下每天两更,早九点半和晚十九点半各更新一次,如遇特殊情况,更新时间向下延后两小时。本书有完善详细的大纲,请放心入坑,保证完本……吧。本人郑重提醒:本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同,那一定是你也应该去自我治疗了。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《雅拉冒险笔记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-86020 >>


内容简介:张一鸣的人生,终结在了男人四十一枝花的年龄。再睁眼竟回到三十年前。那是最坏的时代,也是最好的时代。张一鸣将重来的人生过成了诗和远方,财富和梦想,亲情和爱情,他都要。gtpltp1w0- 32324 >>


内容简介:一场流星雨,少年聂辰获得神秘戒指。六年苦修,聂辰飞刀入门,开启纵横都市笑傲苍穹的强者之路!神秘戒指从何而来,鸿蒙大世界发生了什么,美人之恩如何消受,书中一一道来。新站,老作者,六本老书 全部完本,超过两千六百万字,大家可以放心阅读!群号:186761134大家可以加群交流闲扯哦微信号:zltyff加的朋友注明是读者。js3301w59002-61014 >>


内容简介:你以为直播是这样的:谢谢大哥的打赏!ON!直播是这样的:大师,我等你三个小时了,就想问你一个问题!大师,我从昨天就开始等你了,请求的大师帮我算一卦!大师,我已经等你半个月了,跪求大师赠 言!大师,我是老马,请求大师指点迷津!李元见到屏幕上不停滚动的文字,怒喝。“刷火箭的,踢出去!”“我的规矩,不算命者,但凡打赏,一律进入黑名单。”一众大佬盯着屏幕,疯狂弹幕:大师真酷!1w0-80911 >>


内容简介:  文艺版:不朽已提前进场,带着宁静的馥郁与芬芳。  除了破裂黑暗的聚光灯、不可恕的原罪、荆棘王冠。  我出场的时候还需要令群星颤抖的BGM、让白夜褪尽的微风以及鲜血凝结的威严之花。   通俗版:绝症少年成默,获得父亲的神秘遗物,一路求生,一路成长,从高二病到大魔王,被温暖,被融化,并逐渐接近了关于这个世界真相.。(VIP群:564919797)  1w0-604 >>

Senaka Kara Daite

From Attractive Fascinante: 1-2) Holding You/Whispering from Behind- Maki was shocked when he bumped into Nagayoshi sensei wearing just a white robe with the instructor. When they met again after some time, will Nagayoshi be honest with his feelings now? 3)Vertigo- Makoto is a rookie police officer when his grandmother dies and he's left all alone with no one left in the world. Mystery man Serizawa appears, determined to pay back a debt he owed to Makoto's late grandfather by helping the younger man. Makoto finds himself relying more and more on his new friend, but how much does he really know about him? 4)Water Bed- Salarymen Hiraoka and Teramoto meet suddenly after many years. Former college classmates and swimmers, Hiraoka was always entranced by Teramoto, but unable to meet his eyes until one day when Teramoto stole a passionate kiss... 5)Poker- Undercover police officer Kiriyama finds himself at the mercy of ruthless gangster Kamou. 6)Cage- The Takasugi and Miyoshi family have been at odds for decades, and the current generation is no better. But when a terminally ill Takasugi is cast out by his family, Miyoshi takes in his rival. Trapped in a luxurious mansion and waited on hand and foot, what are Miyoshi's plans for the helpless invalid? 7)The Imprisoned Sun- Kajiwara Tsukiya's vacation in India gets off to a rough start when his passport and belongings are stolen. Taken in by the wealthy and powerful Suria, their short time together becomes precious. However, enchanted by Tsukiya, Suria has no intention of letting him go... 8)Everything's For Your Sake- Company President Fukaya Seiji spends a drunken night with his secretary, Houshou. Now he can't stop thinking about the cool beauty, but Houshou acts like nothing happened! 9) The Sweet Poetry- Prince Chris doesn't want the arranged marriage his father set up, he's in love with his tutor, Sakura. But even though they're lovers Sakura refuses to admit his feelings.

Hanasaku Iroha

Matsumae Ohana was a fairly ordinary high school girl who is suddenly sent to live with her grandmother when her mother and mother’s boyfriend decide they want to be alone for a while. This catches her completely off guard, but she goes to the Onsen her grandmother own only to discover that she’s expected to work there as well. At first she rejects the idea, but then decides to turn herself into that perfect Onsen hostess. But it’s not quite going exactly as planned…

Aruji No Oose No Mama Ni

Collection of oneshots, the majority of which are extra of the author's other works. 1) Your Word Is my Command (Aruji no Oose no Mama ni) Nanjou Hiroaki always finds himself unconsciously taking care of others. But soon, he becomes conflicted and guilty when he realizes that he has grown to rely on his underclassman Asouzu... 2) Seppun Kindan Shoujouchuu 3) Fujino-kun's Revolt [Electric Hands Extra] 4) Ootsuka Family's Weekend [sequel to Brothers Battle, third story of Electric Hands] 5) Higan Tassei hi [Damarashite Katarazu Hitomi de Otose Extra] 6) Jinsei Kouro [Renai Yuugi Extra] 7) Zipped Open [Koi wa Ina Mono Myouna Mono extra] 8) Koi wa Ina Mono Myouna Mono [extra of the release of the same name] 9) F no Higeki (Tragedy of F) 10) I got some business [Your Word Is my Command (Aruji no Oose no Mama ni) extra] 11) I'm not letting you go [Seppun Kindan Shoujouchuu extra] 12) Birthday Present [Koi wa Ina Mono Myouna Mono extra]

Kill No More

An assassin who swore never to kill again - Liola, was being chased by an assassination organization when he accidentally dropped into a parallel universe. In this chaotic, unorganized world, Liola continues to honor his promise. He tries his best to live the life of an ordinary person, but after a series of events occured... He suddenly realized that actually, being an ordinary person is harder than being an assassin!

Nancy Stair

Nancy Stair summary: Nancy Stair summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Nancy Stair. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Amy Foster

Amy Foster summary: Amy Foster summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Amy Foster. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Valeria, the Martyr of the Catacombs

Valeria, the Martyr of the Catacombs summary: Valeria, the Martyr of the Catacombs summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Valeria, the Martyr of the Catacombs. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Victorian Literature

Victorian Literature summary: Victorian Literature summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Victorian Literature. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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