简介【每周三&每周五】更新! 这位温润出尘的绝色美男,不仅治好了我的怪病,还要收我为徒?一日为师,终生为夫,小女子无以为报,唯有调戏扑倒!“师父,要抱抱~!”哎,你别跑呀! 官方QQ群:662055933,586311476
内容简介:【网游武侠:开局获得北冥神功】陈凡发现自己重生回到了十年前,《大武侠》发布的前三天!这款以人类进化为最终目的的游戏,陈凡再度踏上征程!跟上辈子不同!有着前世的记忆,陈凡开局就拥有了游戏 之中仅有的神功级别内功之一:【北冥神功!】【化天下武功内力为己用!永久抽取敌人内力上限为自身!】从北冥神功开始,陈凡踏上了一条从游戏,到现实的无敌之路!本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-71686 >>
内容简介:冲击境界失败的苏方,全身经脉扭曲变形,沦为废人,永远无法再修行,却意外得到一面神奇的古镜,而在古镜的深处,他遇到一个来自神秘世界的强大存在,开始走上逆天双修之路。 修肉身,逆天改命! 摸天门,誓为修士! 看少年万里寻父,一步步在万千天才之中脱颖而出,斗苍穹、逆星辰成为盖世巨神!1w0-4316 >>
内容简介:【新书启航,更新保障!】【全站唯一!轻松求生游戏文!】飞来的横祸降临,叶枫失去了他宝贵的生命。卡车司机表示,没想到吧,我又回来了!不出意料,叶枫在另一片大陆重新睁开了双眼。眼前的是一个 看上去只有十三四岁的小妹妹,正趴在自己的胸膛之上痛哭流涕。而周围的环境更是让叶枫十分的熟悉,竟然是运输船!【叮!CF商城系统绑定成功!】一声脆响,叶枫获得了穿越人士的标配,金手指!从此以后叶枫便走上1w0-92565 >>
内容简介:重生大唐,成了李世民做不受宠的疯儿子李宽,觉醒装疯卖傻系统。既然要疯,那就一疯到底。都是疯子了,宣政殿前索要太子之位,不过分吧?当街强抢民女也不过分吧?把其他皇子按在地上摩擦,也不过分 吧。至于单挑李靖,拆几座庙堂,毁几尊道观,也都不过分吧。疯都疯了,不疯彻底,怎么对得起疯王李宽之名。1w0-29504 >>
内容简介:暴发户的原配重生了暴发户的原配重生了小说阅读都市言情类型小说暴发户的原配重生了由作家浣若君创作陈美兰重生了,重生在她被暴发户前夫抛弃,与女儿相依为命的1988年前夫留给她一个城郊的大四 合院,和存折上的四个0上辈子的陈美兰心高气傲,把这俩样东西都错失了,后来追悔莫及阎肇才从自卫战场上下来,浴火戎功,一身勋章,恰赶上大裁军,于是主动响应,转业归乡,却才进门就收到妻子的离婚协议阎肇才到公安局报道完,带着孩子,急于给自己找个落脚点陈美兰是农村户口,前夫给的四合院落不到她的名下,也是热锅上的蚂蚁这时小兵提供暴发户的原配重生了最新章节暴发户的原配重生了最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w23649-66003 >>
内容简介:内容简介:订婚宴上,未婚夫偷吃被抓,她却转身被他扣入怀中世人眼中的秦三爷,冷酷,狠绝,不近女色传闻他身有隐疾,也有人说他曾经被情所伤她却知道,这个道貌岸然的男人哪是什么不近女色,而是实 打实的衣冠禽兽。1w0-75301 >>
内容简介:五年前,盛卿卿刚怀孕就被恶毒继妹诬陷杀人,婚姻破碎,惨遭车祸……五年后,她变身多马甲大佬,带着三个天才萌宝,一路来袭。虐渣男渣女,打脸各路妖魔诡怪,步步惊艳世人,毫不手软。霸道前夫讨好 求复合,昔日好感却早就被败光。“陆言喻,早就说过你会后悔。现在想复合,晚了!”陆家大少从此追妻火葬场……作者:大甜甜所写的《深情可曾动卿心》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-77454 >>
From Selene Scans: The story centers on Arisu, who just started high school. Her first day of school, which also happened to fall on her 16th birthday, was rather catastrophic. Arisu was absolutely devastated, and when she came home, she overheard her parents arguing. She discovered her parents are actually a devil and an angel! Her mother, the angel, explained that she and her father, the devil, fell in love and got married. Arisu is actually half demon and half angel. She cannot control her powers because of this and needs to find her true love. According to her mother, she can track him down by following the red threads tying them together--but Arisu discovers her threads have been cut, and she must find him using the old fashioned way!
Released in volume 3 of the Finder series, One Wing in the Viewfinder. Overenthusiastic salesman Fujiya is determined to win over businessman Mikami. But what exactly is Fujiya aiming for? And how does he know about Mikami's secret love of sweets?
Jenna, a policewoman, has lost her memory and cannot remember how she got her ring. A man, Ben, is an investigator of a case that seems to be committed by a werewolf. Although Jenna thinks werewolves do not exist, but Ben thinks otherwise...
a young man who has a very profound spirit that has not been seen since the days of Jesus Christ.
A Classe Única summary:
Estranhos fenômenos começaram a acontecer por todo mundo, luzes misteriosas e desaparecimento em ma.s.sa de pessoas, (os selecionados) a.s.sim era chamados, os que foram parar em outro mundo, muitos ganharam habilidades e cla.s.ses, fui para outro mundo, porém não tive a mesma sorte.
Meu nome é Noah Oliver e sou um selecionado inútil, a.s.sim sou zombado por todos, depois que meu status foi apresentado para todo o reino de Igregor, como ato de humilhação e desprezo, o destino de um selecionado inútil é ser escravo, mas algo aconteceu, recebi um presente do céu e agora eu posso dá a volta por cima.
She Will Be Mine summary: Saya turn to the young boy next to her and with a big smile she told him, “Haru your really beautiful you know. If you were a girl and I was a boy I would totally make you my wife.” Haru closed his eyes, his temple twitching in irritation. 'This girl has some screws loose. ' He decided to save himself the headache and ignored her teasing. He couldn 't wait till he was all grown up so he could take this...
Last Days On Earth summary: When G.o.d left and refused to intervene with human affairs, he left a prophecy of the ends of the world. “When the time of magic draws to a close, the world will collapse and everything will fall into chaos.” Man created a civilization so advanced because of their wisdom but they were doomed to be cursed. After all, intelligence is gift and a curse. Then a virus came like a thief in the night and brought an outbreak, an apocalypse. This advent brought an era of lawlessness, decay of morality, and a world struck by a pandemic. When everyone is left to fend for themselves, be prepared to die.
Reposted To Fan-fiction Section summary: What happens when an unsuspecting average guy gets unwillingly reincarnated into an unknown world he did not wish for? The average guy decides not to be so average anymore. [First time writer.] [Writing for fun.] [English is not my first language.] [Expect 2 - 3 chapters per week.] [3K - 4K words per chapter] [Please vote, rate & review.] [Constructive criticism is appreciated.] [This is...