内容简介:为什么别人穿越之后都是牛逼哄哄,不是天赋出众就是外挂一堆,偏偏萧白怜穿越了,却杯具的发现自己虽然是特殊体质,却是号称史上第一蛋疼犹如废柴一般的零魂体质?美女倒是不少,但是为什么都是自己 的召唤兽?零魂体质效果:不分实力和品级,下至战斗力只有5的渣,上至开天辟地神魔全部都能召唤成功!而且没有数量限制!PS:被零魂体质的召唤师召唤的任何生物,都会因为零魂体质影响,战斗力被严重缩水!萧白怜各位书友要是觉得《零魂师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-97492 >>
内容简介:一代剑神逆天重生,竟穿越到了一块土著大陆!与人争,与妖斗,还要与万魔共舞!与诸天神佛抗衡!主角洛辰,原本是修真世界的当代最强剑神,绝巅修为,无人能敌!神剑一出,威凌九天!可惜为了阻挡灭 世龙劫,悍然与上古纪元‘祖龙’同归于尽,死后,他穿越到天元大陆,重生在了一名少年身上。却发现,自己不但觉醒了前世记忆,还拥有了上古祖龙的全部精华——各种战斗技巧与修炼经验!不仅如此,他还得到了上古第一炼体神功,龙皇霸体诀!为了快速成长起来,他踏上了炼体流的道路,行走天元大陆,纵横魔兽山脉,镇压诸天万界,踩着群魔枯骨,成为了一代龙傲剑神!=============已有完本书:《都市最强崛起》《万界天帝》《剑神归来在校园》《国服最强王者》(可在黑岩搜索阅读)【官方粉丝群:剑神盟711485139里面有帅哥美女哦,期待您的加入!】【加更规则:玉佩加一更皇冠加十更谢谢】1w0-2375 >>
内容简介:【异世界模拟器鬼灭穿越者诸天单女主无惨必死he】纵然我身俱灭,定将恶鬼斩灭!昏暗的天空下,有乌鸦在盘旋飞翔,黑色的火焰燃烧,血与肉在灵魂中绽放,这就是鬼杀队的极致!二次元忠实粉钟相望, 在看完鬼灭之刃全篇之后,因结局过于be郁郁而终,穿越到了鬼灭世界,成为一位光荣的黑户。无惨:小子,就是你想把我拉到太阳下暴晒吗?!蝴蝶忍:那是我仰慕的大人!祢豆子:哥哥最好了~宇智波佐助:你就是那个传说中的男人吗!黑崎一护:要成为能够相互守护的伙伴吗?琦玉:不错,你居然能挡下我的认真一拳,我认可你了。世界盛大,等你来闯!各位书友要是觉得《诸天:我拥有异世界模拟器》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81426 >>
内容简介:胡娇彪悍,许清嘉文雅。他们的婚后生活是这样的:胡娇:“相公你说什么?”许清嘉:“……身为妇人就应恪守妇德……”胡娇:“相公我耳背,你近前来说……”缓缓举起手中刀……许清嘉……许清嘉强挤 出一抹笑来,“娘子……娘子言之有理!”原本是驯妇记,最后变成了驯夫记。胡娇:“……”我啥都没干!许清嘉:……娘子言之有理!”内心默默流泪:谁能告诉我,当大官还要附赠个怕老婆的属性?这不是真的!1w0-4035 >>
内容简介:八百年前,明帝之子张若尘,被他的未婚妻池瑶公主杀死,一代天骄,就此陨落。八百年后,张若尘重新活了过来,却发现曾经杀死他的未婚妻,已经统一昆仑界,开辟出第一中央帝国,号称“池瑶女皇”。池 瑶女皇——统御天下,威临八方;青春永驻,不死不灭。张若尘站在诸皇祠堂外,望着池瑶女皇的神像,心中燃烧起熊熊的仇恨烈焰,“待我重修十三年,敢叫女皇下黄泉”。1w61-26776 >>
内容简介:明澜火中重生,再回顾家,及笄之年,至亲尚在。这一世,她再不会给她人做嫁衣,令亲者痛仇者快!————这是一个重生姑凉努力做好绊脚石的故事。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《以嫡为贵》还不错的话 请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-63727 >>
内容简介:星星闪耀时笔趣阁,星星闪耀时sodu,星星闪耀时小说,星星闪耀时顶点,星星闪耀时十月当归,文案一:霍豫第一次见到卫嘉璇时,看到她的眼睛就想到了天上的星星。从此以后,他叫她“星星妹妹”。 文案二:卫嘉璇爸爸生她时三十有三,于是她刚大学毕业就被今年快九十的奶奶开始安排各种相亲。忍无可忍的卫嘉璇找到了霍豫诉苦。一向年少老成、持重寡言的年轻男人在她抱怨完后,神色淡淡地提议道:“要想不被催婚,只有结婚一个办法。”卫嘉璇眉头紧皱,委屈巴巴地看向霍豫,突然眼睛一亮,计上心头,真要比年轻有为,她奶奶给她介绍的相亲对象没人能和眼前这位相比啊。“哥,我们假结婚吧?”文案三:一场国内金融界大佬聚集的慈善晚宴上,不到三十的霍氏掌门人霍豫因其帅气逼人、高冷禁欲的外形意外走红。之后霍豫的微博粉丝数不断猛增,但他的微博如同他的人一样,低调而刻板,难以从中窥探出他的私生活。某天夜里,不知多久没有更新过微博的霍豫突然有了动静。霍豫:已婚,勿扰。配图是他怀里抱着一个年轻姑娘,小姑娘肤色白皙、五官精致,已经在他怀里睡着。众人纷纷猜测霍豫怀里的人是谁。不久后霍豫点赞了他微博下说他怀里人酷似卫嘉璇的评论。霍豫发微博的前一天晚上卫嘉璇与一当红男星的绯闻被传得沸沸扬扬。吃瓜群众等了一天,没想到最先等来了家属澄清。先婚后爱,六岁年龄差。你我本无缘,全靠我套路说好的假结婚呢1w0-117324 >>
内容简介:天啊,被车一撞醒来后居然变成了那些熊孩子的妈,而且还个个都不省心,害得自己轻则伤筋动骨,重则丢了半条命。身旁一只还有个时时监督着自己,什么忙也帮不上的系统不说,身后还有一个阴魂不散的男 人,还每遇到一次就是不同的身份,真是要命了她想说后悔了还来得及嘛?男人挑了挑眉:你说呢,媳妇推荐新文《跟“光环”女主做朋友(穿书)》只是因为对闺蜜男友起了小心思,还没来的及实施计划,结果被不知名的东西给扔到了一本本书里当起了女配,名其曰:改!过!自!新!没办法,为了活命,顾欣妍抱紧女主大腿说什么都不放,哭喊:女主大大,缺腿部挂件不?能挡枪能挡剑能吞弹壳的那种……………可是………………怎么穿到哪本书都有一个男配阴魂不散的跟着她?喂喂,那个男的,找女主请往隔壁挪步,慢走不送哈!男配:不,我想找的人就是你……………【精分女二vs痴情男配,甜宠文,欢迎入坑哈…………】1w0-74879 >>
内容简介:宋湛和好多人做过,高的,矮的,丰腴的,纤细的,没有一个人比得上Claire。她是奔放热烈的,也是克制冷漠的,一会儿高高在上,仿佛她只是她微不足道的一个裙下之臣,一会儿逆来顺受,仿佛她是 她的所有物。Claire激发了她的渴望,即使得到她无数次,宋湛因Claire而燃烧的情欲之火也永不熄灭。1w0-119414 >>
内容简介:女主是个小撩精,又娇又软,能甜能飒。顾若娇死后绑定了一个系统,需要帮助各个世界的炮灰女配们完成心愿。本以为是个简单的任务,没想到却惹上了各个世界的大佬们!替嫁,冲喜,锦鲤,真假千金,仙 侠,末日,兽世,星际,摄政王,小阁老,影帝,校园,阴阳眼,魔君,替身,白月光,读心术,不分先后,随心写。1w0-89049 >>
Borrowing Yoshiaki's words, 'pretentious hippy' describes Kasumi. Inseparable since their school days, Kasumi is an independent and super sexy freeloader that comes and goes from Yoshiaki's room...and his bed..Not only that, there's more to Kasumi than meets the eye... [Taken from Nakama]
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In the distant future, mankind has advanced into an age of technological supremacy, where magic is a lost art only mentioned in fairy tales and nursery rhymes. Living in such a world is Light Inverse, a youth who dreams of sorcery…. but suddenly, his home is attacked by demons! With modern weaponry proven to be ineffective against the monsters, all hope seems to be lost…. Until Lina Inverse and Gourry Gabriev are suddenly transported to the future from a mysterious shrine in their time. Can Lina bring magic back to this land…!? *Previously named as Slayers Future.
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How Britannia Came to Rule the Waves summary: How Britannia Came to Rule the Waves summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of How Britannia Came to Rule the Waves. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Reincarnated In The My Hero Academia World As Todoroki summary: Haru Ishigaki, a mangaka who lives with his younger sister, lives his life to the fullest. He makes manga along with his sister. He was living nicely but one day, his sister gets kidnapped for a ransom. He rushes over to save his sister. He succeeded in saving his sister, but he couldn 't save his own life. When he dies, he is given a chance by the “G.o.d of Afterlife” to reincarnate...
The Sand-Hills of Jutland summary: The Sand-Hills of Jutland summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Sand-Hills of Jutland. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Rampolli summary: Rampolli summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rampolli. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.