
































内容简介:决定结婚前,林洛桑只见过裴寒舟两面。第一面是豪华游轮酒醉胡来后,她头痛欲裂,次日清晨携衣潜逃。第二面,他将她抵在医院墙边:“怀孕怎么不告诉我?”“告诉你就能解决了?”“确实有个还不错的 办法,”男人垂眼,“结婚吧。”最终闪婚。业内笃信二人为形婚,并在某次商业活动嘲讽林洛桑不受宠,只能同小艺人尴尬撞衫。不过几小时裴寒舟抵达,带来的裙子拍卖七位数,由私人飞机从伦敦加急运来。随即,男人揽着她渐行渐远:“你昨天说的离婚我考虑过了,我不同意。”已放出林洛桑倒贴新闻的媒体:……??离婚合同爆出时,流言揣测裴寒舟另有新欢1w6898-69076 >>




内容简介:《龙婿叶凡》是叶凡唐若雪精心创作的都市小说,小兵实时更新龙婿叶凡最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的龙婿叶凡评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持龙婿叶凡读者的观点。1w1340-6934 8 >>


内容简介:无限分身系统,无限分身!疯狂分身!你天生神力?我有蚂蚁分身,我的力量是自重一千倍,一根手指就能压死你!你有神功护体?也渣!我有超级壁虎分身,能变色,断肢都能重生!你过目不忘,千里风,顺 风耳?还是渣!我有16核手机分身,我眼睛是摄像头,嗓子是扬声器,信号连天地!千里算什么?万里之外都能找到你!你武功盖世,天下第一?我复制你成为分身,先打得过你自己再说是天下第一。蚂蚁分身;壁虎分身;蜘蛛分身;手机分身……神兽分身……只有你想不到的分身,没有我复制不了的分身!1w0-107325 >>


内容简介:作为自由搏击赛场黑马的路星辰,平生最讨厌麻烦。然而一朝穿书成为炮灰女配,麻烦不断不死不休怎么破?路星辰:鲁迅说过,如果不能解决麻烦,那就解决制造麻烦的人。鲁迅:胡说,我没说过!与此同时 吴家老宅,新晋家主吴枫杨人在家中坐,锅从天上降落。吴恒:听说您突然当爹了?路星辰:小爹,救我狗命!吴枫杨:不是,胡说,本家主才17岁,哪里来一个比我还大的女儿?后来……吴恒:失敬失敬,作为既是家主,又是自己大侄女婿的史上第一人,吴总有何感悟?吴枫杨:感谢大家出席我跟大侄女的婚礼,我想说的只有两个字,真香!1w0-95115 >>


内容简介:预收文:《过气女主不干了【快穿】》,文案最下面本文文案:面对灵气大爆炸,世界做出了自救,把灵气压缩在一个个游戏中,而游戏中的灵气则随着游戏胜利一步步被释放到现实……陆宜蓁同学是一个对未 来有明确规划,热爱学习的学生,然而,高考前的一系列事情打破了她平静的生活。重新分班,换老师,发全息游戏仓……进游戏前:陆宜蓁发誓,她绝对不玩,她就是去走个过场,她要好好学习。进游戏后:陆宜蓁发誓,从今以后,游戏就是她的第二个家,谁也别想阻止她玩。这么逼真的环境,已经变异的动植物,她要留在这里好好研究一下。陆宜蓁玩游戏前,其他人:越级打怪?怎么可能,快跑啊。陆宜蓁玩游戏后,其他人:快快,前面就是小怪的老巢,里面肯定有宝贝,冲啊预收文文案:快穿局的实习生陆影,以第一名的成绩转正后,接了上百个前辈都罢工的岗位,过气女主,穿到书中去拯救一个个即将崩塌的小世界:1过气女主寄人篱下小堂妹Vs女配重生堂姐2过气女主委屈求全假千金Vs女配重生真千金3过气女主糖罐子里的村姑Vs女配穿书女知青4过气女主任劳任怨糟糠妻Vs女配穿书美娇娘5过气女主娱乐圈的恋爱脑Vs女配穿书真爱6………1w0-49691 >>


内容简介:前世,她舍弃外表粗犷只会打猎的钱大虎,嫁给长相清秀、斯文俊郎的秀才谢祖荣;婚后六年才发现丈夫是个弯的,被婆婆小姑拿捏,最后更是被婆婆折婆至死。重生而来,她果断与断袖夫君和离,却被家族逼 迫,是他犹如天降,宠她信她!赶赴战场,九死一生,为她挣得一品诰命……分享书籍《再嫁农夫》作者:晴天昭昭br各位书友要是觉得《再嫁农夫》还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!再嫁农夫最新章节再嫁农夫无弹窗再嫁农夫全文阅读1w0-28952 >>




内容简介:我怕是个假的穿越者:穿越过来的日子实在太难了,对后世的想念,陌生的语言,糟糕的卫生环境,古人的仇视,世人看疯子一样的眼光,又完全记不得历史,关键还没有系统,简直是地狱难度,我觉得我快要 待不下去了。这是一个对历史一知半解,诗文记不全又不会各位书友要是觉得《我生活在唐朝》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83470 >>




内容简介:《暗杀部队首领做梦指南》为作者荼玖创作,作品暗杀部队首领做梦指南章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供荼玖精心编写原创暗杀部队首领做梦指南及无弹窗暗杀部队首领做梦指南最新章节,暗杀部队首领做梦 指南全文免费阅读。1w0-78217 >>


内容简介:古怪少年与乖巧少女互相取暖的成长史前期多校园与青春感情发展线长剧情缓慢后期才上肉不喜勿入聂祯:一场意外父母双亡,怼天怼地的聂家小子变成阴郁少年。贺一容:传言中的贺家私生女,被同龄哥哥扔 给隔壁邻居聂家哥哥看顾,自此成了跟屁虫。后来贺家三哥指着聂祯:“你监守自盗。”聂祯笑:“花蝴蝶似的,多少人惦记她你不知道吗?”贺一容捡起几上的橘子砸向他:“谁是花蝴蝶!”首发:danmeiwenpo1⒏υip1w0-77109 >>

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Ore No Tenshi Wa Mayonaka Akuma

1-5) Ore no Tenshi wa Mayonaka Akuma This is about a teacher, Fujiki Tomo, whose class has a new student who is as cute as an angel: Shiina Kazunari. But whenever Fujiki sees something unbelievably cute, he can't help but have an incredibly fierce and scary expression on his face due to nervousness. This scared Shiina a lot... and just when Fujiki is trying hard to fix his problem, a second 'Shiina Kazunari' appeared in front of him at night. He stole a kiss from Fujiki, and said, 'I fell in love with sensei today, and couldn't help but come and see you.' The smiling person in front of him, wasn't the angelic Shiina, but a seductive young demon! 6) My Angel is a Demon 7) Please Lock the Door 8) Homura When his mother dies Tatsuru moves in with his father and half brother Kotetsu. Tatsuru is faced with Kotetsu's constant abuse, but can't stop himself from being drawn in by Kotetsu's fiery eyes.

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Tsumi Koi

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Life Magic Users Dungeon Dive

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Have We No Rights?

Have We No Rights? summary: Have We No Rights? summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Have We No Rights?. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Reno - a Book of Short Stories and Information

Reno - a Book of Short Stories and Information summary: Reno - a Book of Short Stories and Information summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Reno - a Book of Short Stories and Information. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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