
















新的学期,男子高中生阿比仓升到了高二。担任他们班主任的是有着“惹到就会被诅咒”这一传言,人称“可怕老师”的鶸村日和老师。 在某天放学后,阿比仓目击到了这位“可怕老师”不为人知的另一面……遇到了意想不到的反差! 会激起保护欲的弱弱恋爱喜剧!
















内容简介:白玖笔趣阁,白玖sodu,白玖小说,白玖顶点,白玖佚名,精选来自————虫星第一心理治疗师强强重生星际爽文【预收同系列《虫星第一司法审判官》】文案秦斯,编号008的失败实验体。他醒来的 第一天就被告知,拥有超强体力和变异能力,以及超高智商的他,是被制造出来的,整个虫星最完美的杀戮机器,然而因为基因链条的错乱,他注定无法理解正常虫的情感。上辈子因背叛而死去,再次醒来后却发现自己重生到了一个边陲小镇,还是个看上去柔柔弱弱手无缚鸡之力的沉默少年。然而……秦斯面无表情,徒手拧断第一百零八只杀手虫的脖子,拍了拍手:“不好意思,依旧很强。”不被杀,就只能先发制虫,步步为营。秦斯深谙此道。以身相许还了救命恩虫的恩情,他孤身一虫前往帝都,一边蛰伏一边顺手惩恶扬善,扫荡冤屈,谁知一不小心平步青云,一朝从第一通缉犯首位,坐上了首席司法审判席。秦斯:无情道真好,我爱无情道。等到大权独揽,坐拥江山,高处不胜寒的秦斯想起了前世最终将他推向绝境的宿敌,于是一挥手,想着怎么将他挫骨扬灰。但是……等等,这个被锁着的眼泪涟涟的美雌,怎么有点眼熟?[啊,发现同床共枕的恩虫是前世宿敌怎么办?在线等,不太急。]莫得感情超强虫形兵器冷酷审判官攻X大龄傻白甜流氓博士受本文文案古地球时期的金牌心理治疗师郁涉重生到了虫星,成了科研所培养出的一只身娇体弱的幼年雄虫,身边就是反社会型虫格大反派。为了净化反派,郁涉重操旧业,每天和统帅大人一起睡觉聊天讲故事,时不时的撒个娇,背地里替他铺路顺便考个医师证件步步高升。然而好巧不巧,二次分化后,他居然长出了一双翅膀?还因此成了全星际虫网公选的最美雄虫?郁涉:过誉,请问有什么办法可以把这玩意收回去吗?白玖严肃且害羞地瞄了一眼又一眼:“今天画完房树人,我想画阿涉的翅膀。”郁涉:“……”我拒绝。一次统帅在接受采访时无意中说漏了嘴,所有虫都沸腾了,【扒一扒那个统帅背后的雄主:那个让冷酷统帅每天乖乖巧巧画简笔画的虫,居然跟那只最美雄虫撞脸?他究竟是何方神圣?】【第一军校:郁涉我校特聘心理学博士,领域开拓第一虫。】【帝国皇室:郁涉遗失在外的十三皇子。】【兽族:郁涉用催眠打败我们的小克星?】【最高统帅:郁涉私属专虫,我的挚爱。】众虫:什么都没有,fine。日常嫉妒而已。我们一点也不酸。真的。柠檬本柠jpg沉稳小天使牌大佬攻X冷酷腹黑统帅受——我的灵魂穿越宇宙给你拥抱。——我对你的爱意在这具身体内生生不息。【食用指南】1互宠治愈系。2虫族设定以大流为准,偶见私设~3避雷:有蛋,正文大概完结在生子前,双C。4一般每晚九点更新,有事请假。1w0-79720 >>




内容简介:  问苍茫大地,何处容我人族!他从未想过自己来到洪荒神话世界,更不会想到人族面对太古百族如此苟且!直到他看到天空中的十个太阳,并且对着太阳射了一箭!那一年,他以为握住的只是一颗种子,谁 知道却是整个世界。ps:杨三阳穿越了,并且发现自己手中正持着一把弓,天空中悬浮着十个太阳……还有一个人持着大钟怒火冲霄的看着自己,各位瓜友:要不要射出去,在线急等……(这是一个人族在洪荒世界中苦苦求生的故事)1w0-177 >>


内容简介:灵气复苏,动物觉醒,从此世界不再平静。你养的竹鼠小白觉醒了噬金鼠血脉,你获得天赋【美食之舌】、【吞噬】、【次元胃袋】……你发现了一只正在被人追杀的玄水恶龟,你的宠物小白将玄水恶龟吞进了 肚子。你通晓了【夺天造化术】、【化龙诀】、【封灵秘术】……你在池子里养了一条金色锦鲤,没想到是东海龙女转世。你学会了【锦鲤幸运术】、【覆雨术】、【点石成金】……你遇到了一头从灵山跑出来的灵猴,你领悟【大圣呼吸法】、【金刚不坏身】、【斗字诀】……这是一个平凡之人得到系统,开始捕捉和养成神魔宠物,在灵气复苏的地球纵横无敌的故事。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《诸天神魔种》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68400 >>




内容简介:《鬼尸婆婆》出自天涯论坛的莲蓬鬼话专栏,原名《爷爷经历的荒诞离奇鬼怪童年》。这是一篇集童话、志怪、灵异以及各种荒诞离奇的民间故事为一体的原创奇幻小说,作者以其天马行空般的想象力创作出一 个个奇幻怪异的故事,使得小说博得众多网友的追捧。现已出小说更名为《童年诡事》。1w0-109504 >>


内容简介:  来到陌生的轮回世界,面对谋财害命的典当行,洛风怒发冲冠,我是堂堂穿越者!怎么能让你们几个旧时代的渣渣欺负!什么,可能有枪?! 溜了,溜了。等我吐纳术十二层,后天大圆满,金刚不坏再来 复仇!什么?这个世界有异人,会先天异能,还能学习后天技能,太可怕了!溜了,溜了,等我吐纳术一百层再出世吧,打不过你,我还耗不过你?!什么?1937年,鬼子进了中原……溜……,溜个屁!老子的法相金身呢!五雷镇煞砖呢!如意金刚棍呢!统统老子拉上来!一人,魔童,狐妖,仙逆,遮天,帝霸,西游,诡秘,希灵,女娲……穿越诸天万界,无尽虚海,终成一代苟仙!【PS:沧海书轩:702199047。欢迎大家进来水群!】1w0-40 >>




内容简介:随身空间我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场笔趣阁,随身空间我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场sodu,随身空间我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场小说,随身空间我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场顶点,随身空间我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场钱柏 琴,精选来自————我的拖拉机通仙界垃圾场时代奇缘随身空间种田文爽文刚采了十万年份天灵芝的太上老君指挥着炼药小童:“把这些千年灵药炼制而成的次品给我扔垃圾场去。”“本仙女才不会去种地呢。”九天玄女蹙着眉将上古谷神的传承随手一抛。玉简穿过了殿门,又经过了天河,碰到了电母……最后落在了仙界的垃圾场。打赌赢了火神的灶神兴冲冲的揣着天火闪进了宫殿,“终于可以把豆芽菜真火扔垃圾场去了。”下界钱柏琴掏着拖拉机车斗,心里想着这次会是什么宝贝呢?仙界第二天仙界垃圾管理员挠着脑袋:“垃圾怎么越来越少了?”小剧场:某天仙界垃圾管理员终于发现垃圾失窃了,这一消息瞬间传遍了仙界,而那个小偷是下界的一个凡人。“听说了吗,垃圾场被偷了,还是个凡人。”“仙界没人不知道了吧,那个凡人把垃圾当宝贝,真是太太太穷了,真可怜!”“看,她乐的跟个哮天犬啃到了肉骨头一样。”“她还找不到地方藏,居然放到了……”钱柏琴:我是人生赢家╯--╯╧╧11w0-110789 >>


内容简介:上一世,末世十年,人类在经历了地震、干旱、瘟疫、冰雹、严寒等天灾后,世界人口十不存一。生死存亡之际,穆清有幸得到了一个空间,但是最后也死于这空间且看这一世,她怎么在这末世不断的天灾中带 着家人活下去,低调发财,在家中享受土豪般的生活;穆清:前一世,穆清不明白为什么有人能够天天吃肉,这一世,啃着鸡腿儿,她就是看喜欢仇人看着自己吃美食恨得牙痒,但是又干不掉自己的样子呢……本文属于爽文,苦谁不能苦女主1w0-117944 >>


内容简介: 血与火的战场,风声鹤唳的山林,神奇的猛兽和古武少年,这是一支有着铮铮铁骨的特种部队,这是一群浴血疆场、有血有泪的特种军人。枪声与热血共存,猛兽与英雄相伴,这是一本描写铁骨军人的 书! 书友群号:336093992 竹香书屋VIP读者群:群号4686940311w0-1133 >>


内容简介:我爱保姆之爆乳母女花是作者辣文所写的其他小说类小说本站提供我爱保姆之爆乳母女花全文阅读致力于打造最好的我爱保姆之爆乳母女花无弹窗小说吧如果您发现我爱保姆之爆乳母女花更新慢了请第一时间联 系小兵。1w0-79619 >>

Sukusuku Otokonoko

From Intercross: Natsuyaki Hatsu is a first year student in high school. He's short, but he's in his growing period right now! As soon as he entered high school, he starts to get curious about a boy who's even more adorable than a girl, Fuyuno Aki. It turns out that Aki likes him and wants to have a relationship with him. Hatsu vows that he will reply to Aki as soon as he has become taller than Aki. And then there appears a tall and cool guy, Akimoto Kaname, who wants to make both Hatsu and Aki his. Aki doesn't like Kaname, but what about Hatsu...?!

Furueru Yoru No Himitsugoto

1) Secrecy of the shivering night From Attractive Fascinante: After getting into high school, Furuya became roommate with the cute Himi. Himi keeps to himself and sleeps real early. A petite boy with a loud voice, Himi is terrified of darkness because of a tremor he suffered when he was a kid. On the other hand, Furuya is afraid of bright lights and gets real nervous when he��™s feeling uneasy. How would they help each other to overcome the fears? 2) Only waiting for you 3) La-la. Bye bye 4) The innocence of a young bird 5) After that... Extra from 'Secrecy of the shivering night' 6) Afterword 7) Extra

My Love Story

Two years ago, Jessica Claire saved a mysterious man when travel abroad. Meanwhile her best friend Rosa Dale was taken away by a gang. Have suffering great guity, Jessica chose to stay abroad and looked for her friend. Finally she met a familiar figure at Hilton Hotel and he turns out to be.mangabuddy is a website dedicated to fans of anime, , , , video games, and cosplay. Where you may find all of your anime-related memes, recommendations, reviews, manga recommendations, character fanfiction, favorite quotations, and simply those ordinary anime things that you enjoy, particularly memes.You can , online for free at mangabuddy. Chapters are updated hourly with high-quality graphics and a full English translation. Find free translations of your favorite , and . The latest updated content on mangabuddy is now available.

Battle Royale

Read Battle Royale Manga Battle Royale Manga has been accommodated into a manga that was serialized, composed by Koushun Takami and Masayuki Taguchi, was released in Japan by Akita Publishing. Tokyopop consists of 15 volumes and distributes in English the manga. There's a manga sequel called Battle Royale II: Blitz Royale. At October 2007, a fresh special version of the manga will probably be published.   The manga follows the storyline of the novel fairly carefully, but additionally enlarges on the back story of all the pupils. Additionally it is much more sexually graphic as opposed to movie and novel versions, and can also be noted for the extreme violence.   In addition, the English version of manga alters the time the story is occur by nearly 10 years, utilizing the phrase 'in the close future', but on Shogo Kawada's account, it references the software 2005 period; he claims his last application was a year-ago, resulting in the supposition the manga establishes the story in 2006. In quantity among the English language variation, the information channel reporter as well as Shinji Mimura mentions the 2007 report of seven hours, three times and twenty two minutes. To the 2009 period, which will be the 2009 one Kamon refers in quantity 14. Not one of the dates are mentioned in the first Japanese version. Seemingly they were formulated by Keith Giffen through the variation (see below) along with a number of other particulars nonexistent in the authentic.   The manga revolves around seven main figures, for instance, righteous Shuya Nanahara, the tender and affectionate Noriko Nakagawa, the case-hardened expert Shogo Kawada, the pro Shinji Mimura, the kindhearted kungfu expert Hiroki Sugimura, the distressed Mitsuko Souma, as well as the cool, merciless Kazuo Kiriyama. As of January 2006, all 1-5 volumes are released in Japan. In Great Britain and the United States all 1-5 of the volumes are released as of April 2006.     Primary Character in Battle Royal manga Shuya Nanahara is among the three primary protagonists plus a fictional Japanese pupil. Shuya, who's nicknamed 'Shu', lives in the fictional city Shiroiwa in Kagawa Prefecture.     Noriko Nakagawa is the primary female protagonist of the show. She's among the class of third year pupils in Shuya's college. Noriko has a crush on Shuya, whom she admired for his songs and songwriting. Battle Royale Manga's Characters Shogo Kawada is the victor of an earlier Program as well as a transfer pupil. In the start he joins up with all the both of these and satisfies Shuya and Noriko. Kazuo Kiriyama is the main opponent, who attempts to win the Program (utilizing a coin toss to determine whether or not he performs), killing the most quantity of pupils in the class making him the biggest risk. It's afterwards mentioned he'd experienced an automobile crash in a youthful age (where he watched his mother's passing), causing brain injury and resulting in too little emotions and sorrow. Mitsuko Souma is the secondary antagonist, regarded among the very beautiful women in the system, she's also the female together with the most kills, along with the most deranged, in using her womanly wiles and power to feign feelings to falsify afterward kill her school mates triumphing. It's later shown that these emotional issues come from the following sexual abuse she received from her step-father in addition to physical abuse from her very own mom, as well as her dad after her parents divorced, leaving.

By Rock and Pool on an Austral Shore, and Other Stories

By Rock and Pool on an Austral Shore, and Other Stories summary: By Rock and Pool on an Austral Shore, and Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of By Rock and Pool on an Austral Shore, and Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Doll's House

A Doll's House summary: A Doll's House summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Doll's House. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Paranoia : Split Self

Paranoia : Split Self summary: A boy who is afraid, of what? of everything but what he afraid the most is being betrayed, disappointed, disappointing, then since he is exposed to the part of the internet, full of wonderful stories yet full of betrayal, deceit, lies, which makes his fear became stronger and so he began to hear a voice asking and answering his question when he didn 't ask, when he didn 't think of it, the voice spoke...

A Williams Anthology

A Williams Anthology summary: A Williams Anthology summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Williams Anthology. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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