简介神居动漫&微博动漫《甜宠机器人》中秋嗨更季开启!99月12号开始周一-周六连续日更更新18话哦~ 当人类女孩遇上没有感情波动的机器人,它究竟和过去的他有什么关系?接下来将上演怎样的爱情故事?! 轻松搞笑的甜蜜暖萌日常,爱而不得的无奈心伤,等待他们的,会是怎样的结局呢?
内容简介:她嫁他时,满心欢喜。离开他时,一心求死。本以为婚姻从离婚就是结束,却没想到是另一场噩梦的开始。她怀胎十月的孩子,每个都没保住。被害跳海,尸骨无存。五年后,当她再次归来,却被傅亦寒紧紧困 住,动弹不得。老婆,跑了五年,该回来了吧。顾雨凝挣脱想逃,却被三个小可爱抱住了大腿。妈咪,不要离开我们helli1w0-28922 >>
内容简介: 前世,她是地位尊崇的天命帝姬,却在大婚前夕,遭遇背叛,自焚而亡! 重生为破落世家的废柴弃女,受尽欺凌,而害她之人却已高高在上,享尽风光! 一朝重生,凤唳九天! 驭神兽,凝原力 ,通医毒之术,掌人神生死! 她发誓:要让背叛欺辱过她的那些人,受尽折磨,百倍还之! …… 他是孱弱温润的离王殿下,也是手握天下的暗夜君王,唯独为了一个人倾尽生生世世。 他承诺:要让他唯一爱过的那个人,平安喜乐,永世欢愉。 …… 她以为这一路必将充满血泪,却不知等待她的,是一世预谋已久的盛世豪宠! 小剧场: 1 开始,人人都劝:“离王殿下,楚家弃女配不上您!” 后来,个个都嘲:“孱弱世子,恁配不上天命帝姬!” 最后,众人喟叹:帝君,您这是何苦来哉? 他淡笑: 她在云端,本王便去云端,她在尘埃,本王便入尘埃。 为她,前生不苦,余生皆甜。 全文苏爽甜极,欢迎跳坑!1w0-747 >>
内容简介:【沙雕】开局遭遇要在众目睽睽之下表白的颜罗急中生智,公开对小少爷喊话:“苍术同学,智者不入爱河,建设美丽祖国,让我们共建和谐社会吧!”小少爷:……一开始的小少爷:你走开你离我远点我害怕 自我攻略的小少爷:卧槽她骂我,她不会喜欢我吧,卧槽她刚才又看了我一眼,她不会喜欢我吧后来真香的小少爷:她居然知道我的生日,还给了我一个蛋糕,她一定是喜欢我!ω\真的只是想吃蛋糕的1w92897-93216 >>
内容简介:一次意外让叶寒拥有了神奇的透视能力,从此他的人生变得丰富多彩,开拓最强商业帝国,称霸世界赌坛,一手医术妙手回春,成为医道圣手,坐拥亿万财富,萝莉,御姐,警花,女神纷纷朝他扑来,作为一个 男人,而且还是一个限量版男人,叶寒的压力很大,不得已和几个盗墓者去探探险,然而,一个从远古追寻至今的惊天秘密逐渐浮现在了他的眼前!1w0-3824 >>
内容简介:两个富二代,一个离家出走为了证明自己,一个离家出走为了成为大明星。偶然在一起的两人,为了不让对方知道自己家境富裕,想尽办法掩盖自己的真实身份,装穷,装傻,编故事,各自编造出一个把双方都 感动的稀里哗啦的奋斗者模样。然而,因为双方虚假身份的鼓舞,一个创建了娱乐帝国,一个成为了大明星。当两人身份暴露时,女人万分惊讶,她不禁感叹“你居然也是富二代!!!”路晨笑了笑回答“不,我只是一个站在大明星身后的男人。”1w0-32112 >>
内容简介:天下皆后宫作者未知小说第一卷虚实第一章书中相关数字单位个、十、数字后1个0百、数字后2个0千、数字后3个0万、数字后4个0亿、数字后8个0兆、数字后12个0京、数字后16个0垓、数字后 20个0秭、数字后24个0穰、数字后28个0沟、数字后32个0涧、数字后36个0正、数字后40个0载、数字后44个0极恒河沙、数字后48个0阿僧只、数字后52个0那由他、数字后56个0不可思议、数字后60个0无量、数字后64个0大数、数字后68个0。。。1w0-70061 >>
内容简介:才五岁的粉团子被村里人说成是丧门星,逼得她献祭河神才能保住全村的命。啥?敢动我妹妹!溺水没气儿的沈大哥顿时复活,手握七十二家商铺,“谁敢碰六六,我送他去和阎王叙旧!”人称傻子沈二哥,拿 着刚研究的最新植株,“全村都吃饱就不封建迷信了,六六不怕。”被乡亲误认为战死沙场的沈三哥戎装归来,“想要打六六的主意,先问问我背后大刀同不同意。”病秧子沈四哥,轻松拿下进士,“功名在身,六六便是官家的人,劝你1w0-63916 >>
内容简介: 苏宁开了个可以连通小说电影位面的淘宝店!可以在其他位面倒卖货物,更可以为其他位面的人解决烦恼! 于是乎,苏宁牛逼了! 接受托尼·斯塔克的求助帮他找回老相好美国队长。 在仙剑 位面收集五灵珠。 帮白素贞抢回老公! 苏宁淘宝店,一个可以接受来自于任何位面的订单,帮助任何位面的人解除烦恼的淘宝店! 在这里,不仅有你需要的东西,更有店主苏宁最贴心的呵护! 您的五星评价,是我最大的追求! by苏宁:我是要超越苏宁易购的男人!!! 本书Q群:593259989,有兴趣的可以来水水哦。 正版全订群548400907,要求全订进群截图粉丝值1w0-4059 >>
内容简介:【下本《七零文工团小娇花》求收藏】【预收文《在七零后妈文里当对照组》求收藏】柚柚五岁那年,后妈“穿”过来了。从那之后,小团子开始做预知未来的梦。梦中,她被拐卖、她哥摔成残疾、她姐嫁给鳏 夫、她弟还成了大反派!后妈不单偷亲妈的钱、抢亲妈的男人、还欺负亲妈的崽!柚柚气鼓鼓,连夜离家出走,披荆斩棘找回亲妈。母女俩杀回凤林村,势要讨回公道!柚柚的后妈重生而来,梦想踏上致富路。然而——后妈把一分钱掰成两半花时,柚柚和她亲妈吃红烧肉、喝麦乳精了。后妈汗流浃背赚公分时,柚柚和她亲妈进国营工厂了。后妈高考落榜时,柚柚和她亲妈买房子了。后妈离婚时,柚柚和她亲妈去京市当大老板了。甚至那几个被她特意养歪的继子继女,都一个赛一个有出息,把柚柚惯成了小团宠。说好的重生是财富密码呢?柚柚:我靠预知梦发家致富啦!-V下一本《在七零后妈文里当对照组》求收藏文案:上辈子的温宁在二十五岁那年瘫痪卧床,从此成了丈夫子女幸福新生活中的对照组。丈夫和城里来的知青坠入爱河。大儿子崇拜知青能干体面。二儿子感谢知青对自己的照顾与付出。就连小女儿都被她哄得服服帖帖,俩人手挽手上供销社扯布料。最后,知青带着这三个孩子来到她的病床前下跪,求她同意孩子们改口。只除了那个与她没有血缘关系的小儿子。小奶包卑微地缩在角落,小心翼翼地摇摇头:“尔尔不改口,知青阿姨不是妈妈。”温宁怒火攻心,气死了。死后,她发现自己活在一本七零后妈文中,是个炮灰女配。炮灰女配走后,三个孩子把后妈当作亲妈,孝顺了一辈子。那个和她没有血缘关系的小男孩因过于思念她而被冷落,长大后成了反派。故事的结尾,男女主幸福快乐地生活在一起,再也没人记得她的付出与存在。一朝醒来,她重生了。这一世,温宁不愿再被气死,果断拉着丈夫打证明办离婚。自己生的三个娃是白眼狼,后妈要就给后妈留着吧。未来的反派崽崽要带在身边,让他走上正道。至于前夫和女知青——都不用她破坏,知青返城的通知一下来,女知青就脚底抹油溜走了。后来,前夫带着三个娃跪在她面前痛哭流涕,可她连看都没有看一眼。温宁带着小团子坐火车上首都,当女厂长去啦!1w0-39814 >>
内容简介:叶蓁蓁十岁的时候随母改嫁同村的穷酸秀才。随着她年岁渐长,村子里的男人看她的目光都变了。她惶恐不安的很,躲在对她一向很好的继兄许攸宁的身后。没想到有一天许攸宁看她的目光也变了……1w0- 4582 >>
Volume 1: 1-2) Aniki Juntou Ryuusei has always admired his capable, sexy eldest brother Ichirou. After witnessing Ichirou and his elder brother Gou in an incestuous embrace, Ryuusei questions his own desire to monopolize Ichirou's affections. 3) Christmas GO! Yaizu brothers spend their Christmas. 4) Gentle Green The rebellious Haruki latest debacle with his cousin causes him to be send to his distant relative's place. There he meets Cecil, a British apprentice of the old man he is to live with. While he discovers a new love for landscaping, he slowly builds his new life with the old man, Cecil and Bunta, the lazy dog. Volume 2: 1) Aniki Joutou Ichirou collapses after overworking himself. 2) Adult Horror Yaizu brothers take part in a courage test at the graveyard. 3) Aniki Joutou Ryuusei suspects Ichirou of having an affair with the famous actor Takita (include part one, two and third of act 4). 4) Gou's Painful Memory Gou finds some memorabilia of his childhood and recounts his childhood for Ryuusei. 5) Yaizu Brothers Catalogue Characters profile. 6) Sweet Home Yaizu family's interview.
From Digital-Wing.com: In the December 1998 issue of manga magazine Young You, Naoko returned from her yearlong break from work with a new series: Princess Takeuchi Naoko's Return-to-Society Punch!!. This 'private essay comic' is a silly narrative in manga form about the events in her life.' After her post-fame with Sailormoon...this is Naoko's return.
The adventures of three agents from outer space who are sent to Earth to determine whether the planet, a potential threat to the universe, should be destroyed. The instrument of destruction is a device resembling a large black ball with two antennae that is variously called an anti-proton bomb, a solar bomb, and a neutron bomb. Although the three agents (Captain Bokko, Nokko, and Pukko) are originally humanoid in appearance, upon arrival on Earth they take on the appearances of a rabbit (Bokko), a horse (Nokko), and a duck (Pukko) that they had captured as examples of Earth life forms. While on Earth they travel in a tire-shaped vehicle capable of enormous speeds called the Big Wheel, which can travel on both land and water (and, with modifications, through the air). The series tackles a number of issues which were surprisingly progressive for a manga of that period; particularly ecological concerns and poverty.
A self-proclaimed angel decides to intervene with a boy's love life, starting with a timer on a boy's arm, which will count down every time the boy's heart beats from interacting with his crush starting from 10. At 0, the boy will confess everything he is thinking at that moment. But it only starts there! The 'angel' has powers based on the number 10, and grant the boy the ability to stop time, make someone fall in love with him, learn who others like, and more. With comedy, romance, and drama, this is not a typical shounen series and should not be passed up.
The Wives of Henry the Eighth and the Parts They Played in History summary: The Wives of Henry the Eighth and the Parts They Played in History summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Wives of Henry the Eighth and the Parts They Played in History. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Vampire Babylon - Break Of Dawn summary: Vampire Babylon - Break Of Dawn summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Vampire Babylon - Break Of Dawn. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
The Imaginary Invalid summary: The Imaginary Invalid summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Imaginary Invalid. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Just Mine summary: A feisty lady, lost in her past, fighting for a better future.....guided by an angel. Sky is just a normal girl searching for love, money and security. She had a rough start which made her gave up on love. Will Sky ever believe in love again?Sky 's life changed drastically after she met her angel. Will she lose herself along the way?, or will she become a better person?Are you happy about your...