


类别恋爱 生活 古风 少女 其他



赐给夏天的星星Stars in summe

她们想要接近对方的心情 改变了在生活边缘游荡的女孩 等到她有勇气踏出灰暗角落的时刻 就是迎接漫天星辰的时分 而往后 她的生活也会如名字般 赐予像夏天一般的自由


简介只要拥有梦(shen)想(bi)!愿望就一定能成真!一个拥有神笔的少年和他的画作们轻松搞笑的日常!大家要相信,女主会很美的!要耐心呀~!每周双更,暂定周二和周六! 神笔马尚-读者群 573938426
























内容简介:《权臣闲妻》简介:本文又名《权臣升级指南》、《权臣调教手册》or《调教权臣手册》?谢安澜,国安特工代号青狐,腥风血雨没要了她的命,休个假一觉睡到了解放前。一梦醒来成为了东陵国泉州陆家的 四少夫人。房子票子美男子转眼成空,眼前只有手无缚鸡之力,刚被她一脚踹下床的庶子相公一名。万事不管,公公一名,外表贤良笑面虎,婆婆一名,各种心思妯娌兄弟若干。谢安澜万分郁悒:老娘真是哔了人类最亲密的好朋友了!本想拿捏着娇弱美少年相公作威作福,1w0-3078 >>


内容简介:西晋末年,八王之乱方息,五胡乱华将起,中华五千年历史上最黑暗的年代即将到来。一个年轻人穿越到了这个时代,他会展开怎样波澜壮阔的人生?去家日已远,安知存与亡?我欲竟此曲,此曲悲且长!读者 群:29828643276951219欢迎光临1w0-2191 >>


内容简介:简介:叙府保宁县里药材行的女大掌柜叶云锦十八年前生下一个遗腹女,寡妇当家,膝下无子,为免被人当成绝户觊觎家财,生性好强的叶云锦一咬牙,把闺女当成小子养。长到十几岁后,考虑西医有前途,还 让去了省城的医校念书。闺女大了,少女怀春,想和白脸的留洋男青年恋爱,闹着恢复女儿身。叶云锦不点头,闺女出了点意外。女主苏醒,发现自己成了民作者:蓬莱客所写的《逞骄》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-127093 >>




内容简介:恶魔真的是恶魔吗?为什么恶魔非要是邪恶的呢?“西木!”“嗯?有什么事情吗小玉?”“刀龙来十三区捣乱了!”“让成龙解决不就好了?”“可是龙叔不是对手,人家想要你来帮吗嘛。”“那你等着,我 这就来!”如果您喜欢成龙历险记中当恶魔,别忘记分享给朋友作者:暗影所写的《成龙历险记中当恶魔》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-81692 >>








内容简介:预收《咸鱼老祖回归了》,求收藏本文文案又名《大师兄他走美强惨人设》一朝穿书,陆星阑成了某本龙傲天小说里那个人前衣冠楚楚,人后嫉贤妒能的反派大师兄。大师兄作天作地,终于在小说终结章成功作 死,灰飞烟灭。为了过上随心所欲的修仙生活,不与主角结怨成了陆星阑的首要选择。好巧不巧,穿书的那一刻正是原身设计谋害主角的关键时刻,陆星阑灵机一动,来了一出“舍身救人”。事后,陆星阑表示后悔,非常后悔!经脉全断,灵气溃散,就算身体恢复了也无法达到从前的实力,这让他在这个以实力为尊的修仙界怎么混!好在穿越者福利送货上门,虽然身体依然病弱,但却有了实力保障。美中不足的是,这个金手指的副作用让陆星阑每次运用都要吐血三升!于是陆星阑美强惨的人设彻底立下了——宗门大比,陆星阑被下挑战书,对方气势汹汹地朝陆星阑走来,陆星阑原地嘴角流血,样状凄美无比。全宗弟子:大师兄这么虚弱你还向他挑战,不要face!挑战弟子:对不起我错了QAQ,大师兄你快回去休息吧!陆星阑(已经蓄势待发):……在外修行,陆星阑被强盗绑票,陆星阑止不住地咳,血染衣襟。撕票强盗:麻麻他看起来好娇弱,我不忍心下手,给他熬点鸡汤补补身子吧!陆星阑(灵气运转到巅峰):……?总之就是大师兄仗着金手指走扮猪吃老虎路线,在修仙世界悠哉生活的故事啦。ps:1偏剧情向的轻松文,陆星阑是万人迷大师兄,非系统文,he,攻是沈息舟3还有什么再补充预收《咸鱼老祖回归了》,预收文案如下天衍界有一让人津津乐道的传闻,传说万年前的莽荒期,曾有一人逆天改命,开宗立派,成为天衍界飞升第一人。从那之后,天衍界灵气复苏,开始繁荣兴盛。而那人,就是备受后人尊敬的千凛宗的开门老祖,白洛。万年后,千凛宗打算修整门面,移平后山时,意外发现一处暗室。打开后,却看到里面坐着一个翘着二郎腿嗑着瓜子的绝美少年。少年拍了拍衣服,在众目睽睽之下走了出来“终于出来了。话说你们是谁?”五分钟后,少年淡定说道“哦?原来已经过了一万年了。”所有人都以为这少年脑子有病,直到少年说出自己的名字。众人惊现老祖!!!妈妈骗人,不是说老祖是个庞眉鹤发的老人家吗?眼前这个美少年是怎么回事!!白洛在即将飞升的前一天莫名其妙地被关进小黑屋,闲来无事嗑瓜子,手里的话本还没读完,板凳还没坐热,一万年就过去了。原来只有五人的挂名宗门如今已成为拥有百万弟子的强盛门派,但这里的宗主长老他一个都不认识。当时一起奋斗的小伙伴们都飞升了。不过没关系,这不影响他继续咸鱼平躺。众人没想到你是这样的老祖!!如果您喜欢大师兄他身娇体弱,别忘记分享给朋友作者:柏长风所写的《大师兄他身娇体弱》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章 >>






内容简介:  天洋只是想去斯台普斯看场球,但没想到结局那么有意思。1w0-4086

Battle Royale

Read Battle Royale Manga Battle Royale Manga has been accommodated into a manga that was serialized, composed by Koushun Takami and Masayuki Taguchi, was released in Japan by Akita Publishing. Tokyopop consists of 15 volumes and distributes in English the manga. There's a manga sequel called Battle Royale II: Blitz Royale. At October 2007, a fresh special version of the manga will probably be published.   The manga follows the storyline of the novel fairly carefully, but additionally enlarges on the back story of all the pupils. Additionally it is much more sexually graphic as opposed to movie and novel versions, and can also be noted for the extreme violence.   In addition, the English version of manga alters the time the story is occur by nearly 10 years, utilizing the phrase 'in the close future', but on Shogo Kawada's account, it references the software 2005 period; he claims his last application was a year-ago, resulting in the supposition the manga establishes the story in 2006. In quantity among the English language variation, the information channel reporter as well as Shinji Mimura mentions the 2007 report of seven hours, three times and twenty two minutes. To the 2009 period, which will be the 2009 one Kamon refers in quantity 14. Not one of the dates are mentioned in the first Japanese version. Seemingly they were formulated by Keith Giffen through the variation (see below) along with a number of other particulars nonexistent in the authentic.   The manga revolves around seven main figures, for instance, righteous Shuya Nanahara, the tender and affectionate Noriko Nakagawa, the case-hardened expert Shogo Kawada, the pro Shinji Mimura, the kindhearted kungfu expert Hiroki Sugimura, the distressed Mitsuko Souma, as well as the cool, merciless Kazuo Kiriyama. As of January 2006, all 1-5 volumes are released in Japan. In Great Britain and the United States all 1-5 of the volumes are released as of April 2006.     Primary Character in Battle Royal manga Shuya Nanahara is among the three primary protagonists plus a fictional Japanese pupil. Shuya, who's nicknamed 'Shu', lives in the fictional city Shiroiwa in Kagawa Prefecture.     Noriko Nakagawa is the primary female protagonist of the show. She's among the class of third year pupils in Shuya's college. Noriko has a crush on Shuya, whom she admired for his songs and songwriting. Battle Royale Manga's Characters Shogo Kawada is the victor of an earlier Program as well as a transfer pupil. In the start he joins up with all the both of these and satisfies Shuya and Noriko. Kazuo Kiriyama is the main opponent, who attempts to win the Program (utilizing a coin toss to determine whether or not he performs), killing the most quantity of pupils in the class making him the biggest risk. It's afterwards mentioned he'd experienced an automobile crash in a youthful age (where he watched his mother's passing), causing brain injury and resulting in too little emotions and sorrow. Mitsuko Souma is the secondary antagonist, regarded among the very beautiful women in the system, she's also the female together with the most kills, along with the most deranged, in using her womanly wiles and power to feign feelings to falsify afterward kill her school mates triumphing. It's later shown that these emotional issues come from the following sexual abuse she received from her step-father in addition to physical abuse from her very own mom, as well as her dad after her parents divorced, leaving.


Collection of One Shots: Chapter 1 ~ Tarantula The story of the man Tara and Dietrich during the Holy Crusades of Europe, when greed and lust overcame men. Tara captures Dietrich and seduces him into his bed. What follows is the history behind Tara's current predicament, his purpose, and the journey back. It must be said that there is something ominous about Tara's name - Tarantula. Chapter 2 ~ Paradise of Fools There is a fine line between love and hate. Beautiful Koujirou, with his pale white body and amber eyes the color of red tea, share a violent history with Musashi - one of enemies on the battlefield. Musashi, who has only seen Koujirou for his sword capabilties, starts to think differently as Koujirou follows him, especially when Koujirou let's his body be exploited without fighting back. Musashi is tempted again and again. Chapter 3 ~ A Pair of Swords Chapter 4 ~ The Afternoon of Pan

Macmillian Koukou Joshi Koushiki Yakyuubu

A laid-back 4-koma manga about a feminine baseball coach and the wacky girl's team he manages as they aim to win the Nationals... maybe.

Strange Orange

From Osuwari Team: “I want to get a boyfriend in high school.” Born on the same day, at the same hospital, Asuka and Tomaru were always together. Though they seem more like twins than real twins, Asuka’s desire for independence means separation… a complicated situation?!

The Book of Anecdotes and Budget of Fun

The Book of Anecdotes and Budget of Fun summary: The Book of Anecdotes and Budget of Fun summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Book of Anecdotes and Budget of Fun. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Outcast of Redwall

The Outcast of Redwall summary: The Outcast of Redwall summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Outcast of Redwall. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Foundation And Empire

Foundation And Empire summary: Foundation And Empire summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Foundation And Empire. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Ancestors summary: Ancestors summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ancestors. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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