简介改编自网易文学作者 汤圆儿 作品《诱妻入怀:前夫,请温柔》 夜———— 男人裸露上身步步逼近,粗暴的撤掉浴巾,狠狠的将她刺破! “女人,当初你费劲心机爬上我的床,为的不就是今天?” 她冷笑:“你以为,我和她们一样肤浅?” 他薄唇沿着她的锁骨绕圈。“不,你和她们当然不一样,她们要的是我的钱,而你.........要的是我的命。” 没错,她要的就是他的命。
内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:向往的生活之大天王】杨华,一个意外穿越到平行世界的主持人,再一次偶然情况下主持《我是歌手》,歌手没火,他这个主持人火了。受邀参加《真正男子汉》的录制,展现完美 身材,硬汉帅男一下子吸粉无数。参加《向往的生活》《极限挑战》《奔跑吧》杨华用一身功夫和完美的肌肉释放男人荷尔蒙,成为真正的功夫天王,演唱天王、演戏天王,导演之王……更是军中之王!他是神级天王!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-86616 >>
内容简介:因为一条微博,温繁星带着备受瞩目的目光进了盛产明星与演员的尤大表演系。本想低调地完成学业,可表演系的欲望与权利的交织缠绕着她成长。女人堆的日常充斥着人类的变相七宗罪…无力之时意外收获一 枚顶流学长林奕的青睐,出道多年顶流与后起之秀小白会擦出什么样的火花?1w0-92529 >>
内容简介:那一年,全球总决赛确定在鸟巢举办。那一年,LCK如日中天。卫冕冠军SKT重新出发,志在完成三连冠王朝。银河战舰KT来势汹汹,誓要掀翻SKT的王位。不显山不露水的SSG开始散发出夺目的光 芒。新星战队LZ暗处潜伏,一旦给他们机会,必定会肆虐整个1w0-82419 >>
内容简介:他是整个帝国最阴郁暴戾的男人,不近女色,却因一场意外与她联姻。白天暴躁冷冰冰,夜晚却把她抱在怀里,逼进角落,霸道不失温柔的求爱,一遍遍吻着她的唇,想要把她揉进骨髓里。“瓷瓷,说你爱我。 ”“这辈子只做我的女人可好?”曾经目空一切的男人,从此后眼里心里满世界里只有她一人。1w66361-77307 >>
内容简介:云沐在云家十几年,才知道自己是云家领养来的。便宜父母收养她,只是为了给云家真千金找移动血源。如今真千金病愈,她没有存在的意义,被赶出云家。听说她亲生父母是贫困县的教书匠,穷得连飞机也坐 不起,云沐做好了回家受苦的准备。谁知,她那儒雅又贫穷的教书父亲手握各大名家真迹,有价无市!她那美丽又朴素的音乐老师母亲钢琴价格高达千万,全球仅此一架!她那憨厚老实的大伯给出的见面礼是豪华游艇;帅气的堂哥出手便是额度千万的黑卡;她那乡村裁缝姐姐给她制作的衣服,国际名模都眼馋……而她头发花白的亲生爷爷笑得一脸慈祥,拉来长相俊美的年轻男人:“沐沐,爷爷也没什么好送你的,看这个男人还是否合眼?不合眼咱再换!”1w0-60632 >>
内容简介:某写手很烂俗的重生了,但他没有重生在过去或是平行世界,而是重生在了自己撰写的小说世界里!最让他蓝瘦香菇的是,重生的角色竟然是小说里被虐得死去活来的反派公子哥!为了能多活几章,史上最妖孽 的反派,不得不在史上最坑爹的系统指引下,一步步完成史上最伟大的逆袭之路!“…………”【PS1:本书又名:反派的自我修养】【PS2:老猫我回来了!】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生小说反派公子哥》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-4918 >>
内容简介:高亮女主就是很迟钝的普通女孩啊SOS,不深入探究ABO世界观也不是大女主,大家受到信息素的控制彼此吸引,就是一个文笔很糟无脑苏的乙女轻小说而已。文案一被军校的Alpha捡回去是种什么样 的体验?对陌生世界一无所知的时雨瑟瑟发抖。突然穿越、又突然出现在封闭训练场地的她打上“可疑”二字押在了队伍里,却发现这群暴躁奇怪的军装少年并没有对她实行任何粗暴的逼供行为。虽然被人一勺勺喂东西吃很羞耻,赶路时候被人扛着很不舒服,就连睡觉都感觉有视线黏在脸上很难受啦——但她想,接触使友谊进步,这样说不定就慢慢变成好朋友了——然后脱离信任危机,走向自由生活的未来就近在眼前!所以不在意不在意!!直到训练的最终环,面对着整片山林的兽潮,其实不怎么害怕的时雨突然一阵眩晕,口干舌燥,自己也不知道究竟为什么的瘫软在了地上。正在大开杀戒的好朋友们双眼发红,齐齐转头瞪视她,比兽潮还要凶猛的气势扑面而来。时雨……?丝毫不知道带着养了这么多天的小宠物是个ega,更不知道为什么她会此刻散发出Oga强烈信息素的Alpha们……………!!!文案二Alpha与Oga彼此天生吸引是理所应该的事情。群狼环伺的地方如同战场,迷茫的蝴蝶跌跌撞撞地落入他的怀抱。——他抓住了蝴蝶。食用事项轻松向苏文,女主万人迷,全员单箭头,看第一章排雷哦啵啵男女主双箭头,结局1v1。放一放我的其他文《Alpha恐惧症ABO》连载中,全员单箭头,是冷淡Beta大姐姐和年下狗勾们的故事,军校这本完结后就跑去码这本啦!《人外男友图鉴》算是预收但是它有一章!是黑心贵族淑女欺骗各种毛茸茸感情的乙女向轻小说《万人嫌对他们感到抱歉》预收,一个自我认知在火星的万人迷女主对大家为了自己而打起来这件事感到十分抱歉。各位书友要是觉得《军校的OmegaABO》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-105538 >>
内容简介:(轻松不恐怖,为治痘而捉鬼)粉丝对娱乐圈新晋小花唐菲的印象——超美,胆小,超怂,杜绝晚九点之后拍夜戏。某顶尖影视公司的总裁秦黎发微博吐槽:“呵,业内某些女演员,不拍夜戏当什么演员?我司 杜绝用这类演员,欢迎监督,若有违背,我管她叫爸爸。)”众网友:“秦总有脾气!杜绝垃圾女演员!唐菲垃圾!”没过几天,秦黎家别墅变成鬼宅,唐菲手提诛邪剑,穿着超短裙踹开了他家大门,冷酷地往他额头贴了各位书友要是觉得《超怂影后是天师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65623 >>
内容简介: 穿越西游,成为了金蝉子,但是还没等他开始浪起来,就被送去了轮回,待到唐三藏这一世,他才觉醒了记忆,恰巧此时唐三藏前九世的记忆也被激活了,融合了前九世记忆之后的玄奘在记忆中看到了这九 世的遭遇。 这一世,我玄奘必将踏碎凌霄,覆灭佛教,魔临天下!1w0-3446 >>
内容简介:虞凡从一所三流大学毕业,正准备去外面闯荡,却被父亲安排在乡政府做一名临时工,在一次防汛抗洪的过程中,却是意外救得镇委书记。自己在洪水中被救以后,却拥有了看破人心的本事。大难不死,让他心 生感叹:在学校里未完成的事业,看来自己要在官场上来完成了。。。。。。。推荐作品:《天怒》《老子是狂人》《弑天》《回到隋唐当皇帝》《第十七街区》《医道无双》《焚天药圣》《王爷啊纳妾吧》《听说蝴蝶来过这地方》有票的还望不吝多砸,你的心意就的小草的动力!各位书友要是觉得《官场新贵》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-105759 >>
In the eight volumes of the series, the mangaka choses some of the most famous operas of all times to tell their stories. The first two volumes deal withe the operas in Wagner's Ring Cycle, the third contains La Traviata, Rigoletto, Aida and so on, each o the volumes containing various operas, their actions being divided in acts following the staging tradition.
After dying from a strange terminal illness, Ling Lan was reborn into a world 10000 years into the future. Although she dearly wished she could just live a peaceful and uneventful life in her new healthy body, fate had other plans Forced to disguise herself as a boy just so she could inherit her deceased father's premium military benefits, Ling Lan's journey to adulthood was full of challenges. After much difficulty, she finally turned sixteen when she could drop the charade. But before she could grasp her newfound freedom to get married and start her own family, a twist of fate results in her being thrown into the Federation's top military boys' school.With these twists of fate, Ling Lan had little choice but to walk further and further down a path of no return, one of cold and aloof dominance
China 2A.D.: the corrupting Han Dynasty has thrown the entire country into chaos. Peasants revolt against the government. Into such an age, the ruthless and infamous hero, Cao Cao Mengde is born. Destroying old customs and values, he tries to unite China, with a band of promising and intellectual followers, handpicked for their individual talents and potential. Generally thought a villain, Cao Cao Mengde is portrayed as a hero in this story, which focuses on what kind of person he actually was. There are two other protagonists: Liu Bei Xuande and Sun Quan Zhongmou. Liu is a man of high morals and infinite potential. His servant, Zhuge Kongming is a mysterious man, who helps Liu to become a king who is loved by millions. Sun is the third descendant of the Sun family. A young and immature king also comes into the picture, creating more chaos. This is a Tale of the Three Kingdoms ('Sanguozhi') in which these three men rage war throughout China.
Silent manga. Available free on author's website: http://www.hasimotosuzu.org/manga/
Demon Hunter (Teramachi Akeho) summary:
Riku Barusak is a hard-working child. Despite possessing an innate superior physical strength and having withstood harsh training she fails to unlock her talent as a spiritualist. The failure results in her being thrown away by her family.
Abandoned, the only ones that extended a hand to her were the demons, the greatest enemies of the human race. Serving under them as a soldier she becomes a weapon of human slaughter, a fiend that should never have existed.
Fancy Pants summary: Fancy Pants summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fancy Pants. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
It's A Sweet Life summary: It's A Sweet Life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of It's A Sweet Life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
Maou-sama no Machizukuri! ~Saikyou no Danjon wa Kindai Toshi~ summary:
The one who creates and controls devils and demons, the one who builds and reigns over a dungeon of malice, an existence that was chosen to have an overwhelming unique skill— that is a Demon King.
The Demon King invites people into the dungeon that it created and, uses the despair it receives as nourishment.
But, Demon King of Creation Procell chose to use hope instead of despair as his nourishment, not a dungeon of malice but a dungeon of happiness, a town was built and lots of humans gathered.
However, the town he made is too attractive, and it will be marked down by other Demon Kings and also humans.
Without any other choice, he decided to use his unique skill and knowledge to form the strongest ultra-powerful demon corps, make an underground dungeon and set dangerous traps, and on top of that, make a wealthy city. Demon King Procell reigned showing kindness to those who supports him while being ruthless to whoever opposes him.
This story is about the two-faced eccentric Demon King.