






类别都市 恋爱 霸总












简介每周日更新!粉丝群QQ:535431411 远古御念术是涉及风水武学,阴阳五行等元素的超自然秘术,使用此术之人被称之为御念师,然而在这个世道,御念师则是邪恶的象征,主角宗天一是一名隐山修行的少年御念师,他将展开一场改变御念师命运的大冒险。














内容简介:我和老公是初恋,虽然生活中小摩擦不断,感情却一直很好。可万没想到,一个偶然的机会,我在老公的微信上发现他不仅出轨还要杀了我……而且,给我下药,让我怀疑自己疯了。当我意识到这一切时,我已 经成了别人眼中的疯子。为了找到他害我的证据和目的,在那个马上要拆迁,不足七十坪的二居里,我们上演相爱相杀大戏。他装爱我,我装爱他。他让我疯,我装疯给他看……这期间,同病相怜,另一半同样出轨的高中老同学周朗给我各位书友要是觉得《深爱式谋杀赵乔刘安》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-105603 >>




内容简介:穿进年代文是後来者创作的经典的小说作品穿进年代文小兵提供穿进年代文最新章节全文免费阅读,穿进年代文下载,穿进年代文全文字更新,穿进年代文无弹窗!请关注穿进年代文吧,本站最新最快更新穿进 年代文的最新章节。1w0-96665 >>




内容简介:云海缥缈,苍穹无限。芸芸众生,谁不心向往之?天道虚幻,无人得窥。万丈红尘,何人不欲长生?三生七世的怨侣,正道与魔教数千年的恩怨情仇。一个人,一柄古剑,他将如何面对整个世界……1w145 4-26892 >>




内容简介:卓焜,一个地球上普普上班族,一朝突变,竟然化身为华夏图腾——五爪金龙。在都市底下的远古阵法里悄然觉醒,然而上天注定了他将不会平凡,一场围绕着他的旷世大局,就此展开。大家都说这世间并没有 龙的存在,就连没正正经经的接受马克斯主义教育的卓焜,也是这样认为的,但经历了一件事后,卓焜是彻底的相信了有龙存在。因为,他就变成了一条龙,一条满身金甲的五爪金龙!一条有关国运和成仙的龙!它的出现,使在现代隐身的那些世家大族,纷纷出现,用自己的玄学手法前来捕捉卓焜;而国家也派出大量的军队到处的寻找卓焜,希望卓焜能回归国脉,永葆国运昌盛。无奈,卓焜只得在现代都市中四处逃窜……但幸好有龙族的传承技能。有时是在地下水道,有时是在某个楼顶或民居,有时也会在深山大海。但无疑,有时卓焜这条龙会遇到人类。且看龙族的少龙卓焜,是如何在现代中玩转地球,一步步成长,开辟异界,创造属于自己的龙族时代!1w0-99582 >>


内容简介:【火爆爽文】“古武者?地狱归来?华夏第一人?我惹不起?不好意思,在我面前,都要跪下!”五年前,家族覆灭,废物叶辰犹如地上蠕虫般被人耻笑!但是五年后,他带着一身逆天术法强势回归!更可怕的 是,他背后还站着一百位曾屹立于世界之巅的上古大能!PS:此书精品保证!另有400万字畅销火书正在连载!1w1337-4609 >>


内容简介:简介:【纯爱双男主甜虐双强】作为一名从小与太子殿下一同长大的铁哥们儿,周星澜从未觉得总跟着对方有什么问题。直至上京城有关太子殿下的各类传言忽然肆虐,周星澜才终于开始反思是不是有哪里不太 对劲。他一边躲着风华无双的太子殿下,一边又矛盾地想让太子殿下重新注意到自己,可惜他不知道的是,这份被他小心翼翼不知如何安放的感情,早就被囊括在了某位太子殿下的规划之中,原来竹马太子比他想象之中的——更早以前就盯上了他1w0-125422 >>




内容简介:接档文:《你是红尘万丈光》期待一个收藏QVQ文案一:临城一中的学生都知道,池砚这人矜贵狂妄,打得一手好架,整得一手好套路。跟他玩儿得好的人也知道,这货好像惦记着一姑娘,还惦记了好多年。 可看池小爷永远一副清心寡欲的样子,大家都猜测是不是搞错了。直到有一天,班里转来一个女孩,穿着白裙子,笑得恬淡,看着乖死了都。而一向不撩骚的池小爷盯着人妹子看了许久,随后阴恻恻地笑了笑,“姑娘,我怎么瞧着你有点眼熟啊!”乖乖巧巧的时姑娘:“……你谁?”。文案二:说真的,时柒觉得池砚这人真特么记仇!说真的,池砚觉得时柒这小妖精扮乖的样子真特么让人想乖乖文案三:“你说咱俩能永远在一起吗?”时柒看着正蹲着给她系鞋带的池砚,百无聊赖地问了个傻缺问题。池砚系好鞋带后站起把她捞进怀里,嗤笑:“落我手里了你还想赖账,窗户都没有,老子都想好以后咱俩埋哪儿了。”时柒:……池砚确实惦记着一姑娘,从刚开始单纯记得到后来的食髓知味。本文又名:转学后同桌是我小学同学我当年拐了他一套漫画扒一扒我的小学同学兼现任同桌一般不正经池小爷和一本正经时美人1w0-77015 >>


内容简介:曾经佣兵世界的王者,一手握生死,一掌定乾坤; 被逼回国与美女总裁相亲,醉卧美人群。 超级兵王低调归来,却无意招惹到火辣迷人的女警花,清纯美丽的女教师,还有那刁蛮任性的小萝莉…… 他拳打 富二代、脚踩古武世家,凭借自身能力为美女排忧解难。1w0-3844 >>

Zombie Romanticism

A collection of stories about relationships between men and women either of whom just happens to be a zombie.

Top Wo Narae 2!

Adaptation of Top Wo Narae 2!/GunBuster 2 From here 'Top wo Nerae 2! Diebuster follows the story of Nono, a country girl who dreams of becoming a space pilot (or to be more precise, 'like Nonoriri,' the meaning of which is revealed as the series progresses) who, due to a chance encounter with an actual space pilot finds herself becoming part of the elite Fraternity. Made up of teenage pilots called Topless, and armed with quasi-humanoid weapons called Buster Machines, the Fraternity's mission is to protect the people of the Solar System from attack by swarms of uchuu kaijuu (literally, space monsters). The series revolves around Nono's quest to become like Nonoriri, her relationship with Lal'C Melk Mark, the first Topless she meets whom she immediately idolizes (to the point of 'ironically' calling her onee-sama, or big sister), and the hard work she believes she has to do to be 'worthy' of Lal'C's attention. It also explores her interactions with the rest of the Idols, her efforts to fit in and, ultimately, the truth to her forgotten past.' The manga covers about half of the OVA story. The 'extra story' chapters in Dragon Age are more comedic than the Dragon Age Pure chapters.

Suspicious Scandal

From Shojo Manhwa Scans Eunca is a third year(high school) drama scenario wannabe. Because she takes more time going to movies, its no wonder she cuts school. When she accepts a part time job in Taeruk entertainment (with her friends support), she thought her life would be perfect. Instead, her first day on the job makes her life crazy! She never thought of having a part time job in Min JiEun's as a fiance...it just can't be happening! With only her strong personality, would she survive...and maybe fall in love?.

Renai Virgin

Collection of short love stories for mature audiences, containts explict content! Virgin in love [A] One day, while washing her clothes, Mori comes across an old high school boyfriend of hers, Mutsuki. He was the one who deflowered her, and they broke up when he cheated on her. He invites her to his apartment to talk, but... Virgin in love [B] Mori feels like she is Mutsuki's toy, and she doesn't want that anymore. Shew wants a normal relationship with a normal guy. But when she tries to cut away from Mutsuki, he betrays her trust by practically raping her. Can he patch things up between them? And will Mori be able to have a normal relationship with Honda-san? Smiling at each other Tamako quit her job and went back home when her boyfriend dumped her so that he could marry a different woman. Her brother introduces her to his friend Fukada. As time goes by, they get closer and closer, both trying to fill the gaps left by being dumped by their lovers. Will they become more than friends?

Round the World

Round the World summary: Round the World summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Round the World. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Imperial Princess Accidentally Seduced Her Husband

The Imperial Princess Accidentally Seduced Her Husband summary: Ah&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;..she was married to a Marquis, yet he only had intent to treat her as a concubine not as his first wife, a princess (princess refers to a person’s first wife, it is a position of power among the wives and in the household). Now she overheard that he only married her for appearances sake?
It was just great! Not only was she forced to marry, she also lost her freedom. Since her husband was also unwilling to marry, they might as well not bother with each other&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;.
His newly wedded wife was so very strange!
A night before the wedding he caught her peeking shamelessly. She also demanded that the favor he owed her for having saved his life, two years prior in the desert was to not touch her?
Usually a wife would be sharing a husband with three or four other women. Thus they would be full of worry and trepidation, serving their husband to the best of their ability attempting to become the favourite and obtain the valued Princess position. Yet she actually tried to distance herself from him as much as possible. How was this a relationship?
Though it did not matter to him, for he long had the intention to separate himself from her, he was only marrying her because of the Imperial Edict after all. If he didn’t seize this golden opportunity then he was too dumb to deserve it.
Let her regret it!
She was very proficient in the art of Qi Huang. Even though this princess’ beauty wasn’t too outstanding, it wasn’t bad and her temperament was unquestionable. This Prime Minister’s Daughter even had a touch of feminine charisma. Her varying facial features made him forget about the other beautiful concubine completely and made him want to&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;..only care for her!?
Although he swore to the moon that he would not touch her, however tonight the night sky was cloudy&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;

Some Poems by Sir Walter Scott

Some Poems by Sir Walter Scott summary: Some Poems by Sir Walter Scott summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Some Poems by Sir Walter Scott. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Hannibal summary: Hannibal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hannibal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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