




简介如果 男人喜欢男人是如此奇怪的话 为什么上帝 还要创造出这种情感呢










类别玄幻 恋爱 后宫






类别恋爱 霸总 后宫








类别恋爱 校园






内容简介:开局从倚天屠龙记开始。顺带一个系统和黑洞!穿越诸天万界。影视,动漫,小说……醒掌天下权,醉卧美人膝…顺带,收收几个弟子罢了!【冷血杀戮流,不喜欢的勿喷!】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《开 局就有系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-66668 >>


内容简介:【废土末世】【末日孤舰】【种族战争】人类急速衰老,余者被迫集体穿越!机械师王飞重生,作为开拓者再临废土,寻极品船员为伍,铸末日孤舰相伴!——————废土之上,人类难民如何艰难求存,是团 结协作,还是互相倾轧?神秘的虚空,最后的枢纽,到底谁才是盟友?科技侧世界,竟也有“召唤术”,能“随身”携带战舰?——————【作为资深垃圾佬,变强是为了什么?】当然是为了不被妨碍的捡垃圾~顺便拯救一下人类啥的……【拯救世界什么流程?】当然是捡垃圾、升飞船、打怪兽,然后去新地图捡更多的垃圾!那么多宝贝,埋在那里没人要怎么行,我挖出来就是我的了!捡都可以捡~——————黄沙下的锈蚀钢板、巨大骸骨;星空中的诡异船骸、星球碎片;光剑、源力、避难所、移动城市、浮空岛、成长型飞船……这是舰长阿飞的传奇:“哎,先别起飞,船上的马桶又堵了……”——————(元素:家园菲雅利帝国,星战,无尽空间,星际,质量效应,辐射……)1w0-73755 >>


内容简介:  肖恩:你好,我对你的仰望如滔滔江水,额,能握个手吗?  某天才疑惑地与肖恩握了握手。  肖恩转身,心中狂笑:嘿嘿,顶级骑士天赋到手。  骑士粉丝群835732045,有兴趣的可以加 加。1w0-3917 >>




内容简介:盘古开天地,身化万物不周山上,来了一个试图夺舍伏羲的穿越者被化形而出的女娲当场打死,而女娲也获得了该穿越者的记忆?什么,一穿越者在背后指着女娲怒骂生而不养?什么,人族被创造出来,只是成 为妖族的食粮而已。什么,未来鸿钧注定成圣,圣人不过是天道的傀儡,圣人的傀儡而已?看到这个穿越者记忆当中的女娲顿时凌1w0-58319 >>


内容简介:  高扬是一个军迷,一个很普通的军迷,爱刀,爱枪,爱冒险。  一次意外,高扬跑去了非洲,结果不幸遇到了空难,侥幸活命,却从此只能在枪口下混饭吃了,因为他成了一个雇佣兵。  一个军迷,能 在国际佣兵界达到什么样的高度?  请拭目以待吧。  1w0-405 >>


内容简介:然后,我想你然后,我想你小说阅读其它类型小说然后,我想你由作家应橙创作每天上午十点更新,微博应橙橙下一本开《咬丝绒》,戳作者专栏求个收藏。1谈烟和江骋一直处于隐婚的状态,她认为两人更像 合约夫妻,一直都是她主动,江骋维持一贯的冷淡。后来好友圈爆出两人不合,原来一直是谈烟倒贴他。谈烟听后也不辩驳,眸色动人,笑道“是啊,不会看向他了”谁知身后的男人将她死死按在怀里,眼睛紧锁着她“你想看谁,嗯?”至此,公司的人天天看自家老板认命地跟在一个女人身后,拿出全部身家,成天玩命地哄,重新追人家。2京南风投神话江骋,不仅多金单身,皮相又好,五官分明,身材比例标准,是全市女人的心中幻想情人。结果在一次采访中,忽然被记者眼尖发现他锁骨处的草莓印。记者拿着笔的手都在抖“有……有女朋友了?”此消息一出,多少女人的心碎成一地,纷纷要找出这个女人是谁。江骋淡然否认“不是,是结婚了。”同时还大方地艾特了网友天天骂妖女,演技为零,背后到底是谁在帮她撤热搜的谈烟。“——老婆,我这个背后的人你还满意吗?”前期女追男,后期追妻火葬场冷艳骄衿女明星X隐忍占有欲强总裁破镜重圆婚恋——————————————————————《咬丝绒》预收文案梁亦北受朋友之托,答应照顾一个小姑娘三个月。覃甜时常惹祸,梁大少认命地跟在她后面收拾烂摊子,把她宠得无法无天。后来小姑娘跟他告白,梁亦北随便敷衍了句胸太小给拒绝了。再相逢,梁亦北隔着一阵距离,看着自己曾带大过的小姑娘,在同一个男人相谈甚欢。长大后的覃甜,明艳又风情,身材还勾人。梁亦北看她明晃晃的笑容气得胸闷,当着众人的面走过去,抽走她手里的酒杯,面无表情地说“作业做完了吗?”“谁让你早恋的?”“……”大哥,我早成年了好吗当初你嫌我胸小,现在是我嫌你年纪大了小兵提供然后,我想你最新章节然后,我想你最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-81836 >>


内容简介:月满阁在修仙界地位特殊,月满阁圣女更是身份尊贵,但俞子宁对于自己圣女的身份相当不满意。俞子宁:你家圣女是别人的灵宠?为摆脱灵宠的身份,她来到御灵宗,只见传说中绝世好命的少年一副凄惨模样 。俞子宁:看吧,封建迷信不可信。灵宠契约没能解除,她还因为一句毫无依据的预言而一直被人刺杀。俞子宁:这圣女她不当了,行吗?身世成谜的孤儿秦云泽将月满阁圣女收做灵宠,成为御灵宗大长老的亲传弟子。世人皆道他1w0-89585 >>


内容简介:【提示:有的小伙伴表示看不懂这本书的年代,单独看吃穿用等等就代入成民国风格,但不是民国背景。】【背景简述:这是一个作者私设的世界观,承接上一本书《神来过人间》,是那本一千多年以后的故事 ,这个世界是作者心中的理想国世界,写的比较细,政治经济文化等等都跟现在我们认识到的世界不一样,却又有相似处。既然是自己创造了一个完整的世界,作者就想延续这个世界观,用故事将它填充得更完整,希望未来能坚持写得更1w0-92067 >>


内容简介:新书《万古神话》已经上传,大家多多支持! ~~~~~~~~ 微信号:anyeyoushang17K 名字:暗夜幽殇 大家可以关注一下 书友群:暗夜3群3705553 (满) 暗夜四群:219242890(新建) VIP读者群::210342236(暗夜山庄!)进群的成员需要订阅截图认证1w0-1214 >>


内容简介:一切的改变源自一颗神秘的珠子,从此,籍籍无名的穷酸锉,变成了人尽皆知的高富帅,从此,校花绕膝,美女随身,枭雄俯首。杨枫在脂粉堆中跌滚爬打,在风尘道上财源广进、一呼百诺,笑看风云。1w0 -97610 >>


This volume contains 4 separate but delightful short stories: 1) Bónd(z) - It isn’t unheard of to sleep with your friends after having too much to drink. However, when that friend happens to be a guy as well and you both happen to have girlfriends, things can get a little complicated. From the author of Our Everlasting, Loveholic and In the Walnut, comes a compilation of passion, obsession and love. 2) Situation - Yuu and Akira, two childhood best friends who deeply love one another and want to get married when they grow up. However, their teacher told them it was impossible and wrong for them to be together. Despite that, Akira grows up to accept his sexuality. You-chan, however, cannot stop hearing his teacher's words each time he thinks about Akira. Will they get their happy ending? 3) Kitan Garden (Fairy Garden) - Prince Fiona of the Roses Kingdom awakens each year at the season in which the Maiden Blush roses blossom. And his main motivation for waking up each year is to look at the smiling face of Daichi, a human whose garden Prince Fiona lives in. However, the prince's disappointment lies in the fact that he can never meet him face to face. But, with the help of a witch who wants to grant Fiona one request as his birthday present, he is finally able to stand next to Daichi till the end of the rose blooming season. 4) Sakura - Ayatsuji Yuichi, a poor salaryman, was ordered by the chairman of the company to live together with his grandchild for 1 month in order to let him experience the poor way of life. As unusual as the command was, Ayatsuji accepted and Asahina Ren, the future heir of the company, moved in with him. Ren, a 17 year old from a very rich family, has never done any house chores! So, Ayatsuji sets out to teach Ren how to cook, and clean and buy a train ticket (!!!) and in the process, the two fall in love with each other. However, as an heir to a prestigious family, Ren fears that he will be forced to stay away from Ayatsuji. (from Kawaisa)

Captain Tsubasa Golden-23

The continuation of Captain Tsubasa after 'Road to 2002'. Are they now aiming for the World Cup, Tsubasa's dream? No, Misaki has also a dream: win the golden medal in the olympics, and Tsubasa promised to help him.

Suna No Shita No Suimyaku

A collection of oneshots falling on the darker, more depressing side of yaoi/BL. WARNING: Some stories contain incest. Includes: 1) 0.02 2)Biter 3)Trillium - WARNING: contains incest Ryouji is a college professor who is having an affair with Yuzuru, one of his students. One day he asks Yuzuru to live with him, but the next time they meet, Yuzuru coldly breaks up with him. Yuzuru then proceeds to treat Ryouji in ways Ryouji never imagined he would -- as if Yuzuru has become a whole different person. - From Trine 4)Frosty 5)Shunshou Ataisenkin 6)Suna no Shita no Suimyaku


From Fushichou: When Masachika Ebisu arrives to stay for the first time in a dorm at a remote boarding school in the mountains, his attendant Shibazaki calls on the roommate Wataru Tamon to take care of master Masachika-sama. It's a burden Tamon did not want, but one that he reluctantly embraces even as he realizes he is not acting like himself by doing so. Ebisu is a spoiled cheeky brat, totally inept and a liar, all of which angers and frustrates Tamon to no end. But, there is also a naïve vulnerability to the boy whose only friend up to now has been his servant, Shibazaki. From his fear of thunder that has him crawling into Tamon's bed to his never-ending mentioning of Shibazaki's name, Tamon grows angrier and colder towards the source of his frustration. But, Ebisu wants Tamon to pay attention to him; he wants to get along with his roommate and become best friends. It's so easy for Ebisu to express his feelings freely, unlike Tamon who keeps his growing infatuation for his roommate a secret. But keeping his emotions to himself leads to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. Can the two of them find the courage to tell each other their true feelings before it's too late?

The Adventures of Herr Baby

The Adventures of Herr Baby summary: The Adventures of Herr Baby summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of Herr Baby. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Love Sick

Love Sick summary: The music club president is in deep when he finds out that his clubs budget was cut by 20000 bucks, forcing him to march into the student council room to find some help. Luckily, he finds his (not so close) friend, the student council secretary, and says he will do anything for his help. Well, get ready lad, your in for a LOOOOOOONG ride.

Trying To Tame An Evil Overlord

Trying To Tame An Evil Overlord summary: Yuan Xuelan was a plague upon all three Realms, a tyrant to the core. Humans, he subjugated and turned into his slaves while named himself their Emperor. Demons he slaughtered till they could only cower and worship him like a G.o.d. Cultivators, he destroyed and crippled until only his own sect remained standing. And the Heavens could only look down in horror because even their divine power...

The Tavern Knight

The Tavern Knight summary: The Tavern Knight summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Tavern Knight. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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